Read Valor on the Move Online

Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #gay, #mm, #romance

Valor on the Move (31 page)

BOOK: Valor on the Move
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Panting, Rafa was on fire. “Well, when you put it like that.”

Shane laughed, a throaty,
sound. But then his smile faded. “But I don’t want to go too fast for you. Tell me if I am, okay?” He leaned in and kissed Rafa softly, running his hands down Rafa’s back. “Because I’d be happy just holding you. You feel so good. Could do this all day.”

Leaning into his touch, Rafa shuddered with pleasure, stroking Shane’s broad back. “I know. But it’s not too fast. I want it. Want you.” Rafa kissed him again, and Shane’s tongue met his, teasing and tasting. Rafa’s head spun, and he was surprised he was still able to stand. But he remembered he had something important to say, so he broke away.

“I brought condoms and lube, but I really want… I don’t know if you’ve been tested lately? I’ve only ever done things with you. I got tested just in case, and everything’s negative.”

“You didn’t hook up with anyone at school after you came out?” Shane sounded pleasantly surprised.

“Uh-uh. I’ve only been with you.” He laughed awkwardly. “I know—it’s lame.”

Shane shook his head, his gaze intense as he took Rafa’s head in his hands and kissed him hard. “Not lame,” he mumbled against Rafa’s mouth.

Rafa found himself rambling as Shane’s hands roamed his body. “I went out to some bars and parties and stuff. I was, like, the celebrity gay of Charlottesville. Guys hit on me, but it was just…none of them were you. I wanted you. But I’m sure you’ve been with plenty of guys since then, right? Which is fine. Of course it’s fine. And if you aren’t sure, then we’ll totally use condoms. Safety first and all that stuff. Important stuff.”

Shane circled his fingers lightly on Rafa’s hips. “But if I’ve got a clean bill of health, you want me to fuck you raw?”

His breath catching, Rafa jerked his head in a nod, his cock swelling even more to hear it.

“I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

Rafa’s heart skipped. “You haven’t? Why not?”

Shane pressed against him, his hard cock nudging Rafa’s. “Because they weren’t you.” He leaned in, his breath hot on Rafa’s ear. “Because I wanted to make sure it would be safe. Because I want to come inside you.”

A shiver raced down Rafa’s spine, and his balls tingled. “Oh God.”

“You still want that?” Shane slipped his soapy fingers into the crease of Rafa’s ass. “You want me to fill up your tight hole with my cum?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Rafa panted. “Now. Please. Do it, Shane.”

Shane circled a finger around Rafa’s hole. “Not yet. First I want to suck you.” Trailing his lips down Rafa’s chest and belly, he sank to his knees and nuzzled Rafa’s cock.

Seeing his straining dick slap against Shane’s cheek was almost enough to send him over. Shane teased Rafa’s ass with his fingers, and took Rafa’s cock with his free hand, rubbing his thumb over the tip and pulling down the foreskin. Looking up at him, Shane licked the shaft, his tongue teasing the ridge along the bottom.

When he took Rafa into his mouth, swallowing the whole head, Rafa’s thighs trembled. “Fuck, Shane. I can’t…”

With a wet
, Shane let him go. “It’s okay. Don’t hold back. I want you to come for me.” Then he swallowed Rafa almost to the root, his cheeks hollowing and his hand sliding down to play with Rafa’s balls.

The hot suction was even better than Rafa had imagined a blowjob would be. So wet and tight and
, and he ran a hand over Shane’s head, needing to touch him as he came, spurting into his mouth with bursts of pleasure so intense he smacked his head on the tile wall as he cried out.

Shane’s mouth was gentle on him as he milked out another few drops, and Rafa’s legs shook. “Oh, fuck me.”

Pushing to his feet, Shane grinned. “That’s the plan, Raf.”

They dried off quickly, both breathing hard and stealing kisses as they went, making their way into the bedroom. Big windows faced the water, and the sheets were warm beneath Rafa as he stretched out. Shane tossed the duvet on the floor and stood at the foot of the bed watching him. His cock was red and straining, and he stroked it once, twice.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful. And before you say something self-deprecating, just listen to me. You’re beautiful and I love you. I want you.” He stroked his cock again. “See how hard you make me?”

Lips parted, Rafa nodded. He pushed himself up and turned over onto his hands and knees. Lowering his head, he turned his face on the mattress and reached back for his ass cheeks. His pulse thundered as he waited.

Shane took an audible breath. “Look how pretty you are. Spreading yourself open for me like I said I wanted. You want me to lick you?” The mattress dipped with his weight. “You want my mouth? My tongue?” He ran his fingers up and down Rafa’s spine.

“Yes.” Rafa’s voice was hoarse. He looked out to the distant waves beyond the windows, his cheek pressed against the warm sheets and his ass up in the air. He dug his fingers into his flesh as he spread himself open, and he’d never felt so exposed. Twisting his neck to look back, he could see Shane kneeling behind him, and he wished Shane would say something else as the seconds ticked by. Maybe he didn’t want to? Was this the wrong thing to do?

“I can hear you thinking again,” Shane said. His breath ghosted over Rafa’s hole, and he covered Rafa’s hands with his own, easing them down to the mattress. “I’ve got you.”

Then Shane spread Rafa again, and when he licked Rafa’s crease from his sac to the dimples in his ass, Rafa made a noise that was part shout, scream, and moan. Shane’s scruff rasped against Rafa’s inner thighs and his ass, and the contrast between the wet of Shane’s tongue and the dry of his stubble sent sparks shooting through Rafa to the tips of his toes. He grasped at the sheets as Shane licked around his hole.

With Rafa whimpering and shaking, Shane leaned back and spit on his hole. For some reason spitting seemed so
, and Rafa’s dick twitched as Shane did it again and he felt the splat of saliva and heard the sound. Then Shane licked into him, burying his face in Rafa’s ass, spreading him with strong hands. Rafa’s mouth was open as he groaned, rubbing his cheek against the sheets and closing his eyes.

When Shane backed off, Rafa couldn’t hold in a whine. Shane chuckled softly. “Don’t worry. There’s more. You want more?”

“Yes. Everything. All of it. All of you. Now.”

“Patience, Grasshopper.”

With gentle hands, Shane urged him over onto his back, sliding a pillow beneath Rafa’s hips and spreading his legs wide, his hands on Rafa’s knees. Splayed out like that, maybe Rafa should have felt silly, but as he watched Shane’s hungry gaze travel over him, he felt
. Powerful. Wanted. And not just for sex. Wanted for so much more. Shane had planned to move to the other side of the world for the
to be with him.

“You really want me.” It wasn’t a question this time.

Shane’s gaze snapped up to meet Rafa’s, and he stroked his palms over Rafa’s parted thighs. “More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.” He reached over to the bedside table and fished out a bottle of lube from the drawer. He squeezed a dollop onto his fingers and pushed the tip of one into Rafa’s ass. “Want to see your face while I stretch you.” He pushed more. “Want to see you open for me.” He thrust with that finger, and Rafa gasped. “How does it feel?”

“Hot. Like…burning. Hurts a little. But don’t stop.”

“It’ll get better.” Shane caressed Rafa’s hair with his free hand. “I’ll make it good for you, baby. Just relax for me, okay?” He worked in a second finger and groaned. “You’re so tight.”

“Is it going to fit?” The question slipped out before Rafa could stop it, and his cheeks burned.

But Shane only smiled tenderly, his fingers still exploring Rafa’s ass. “It’ll fit. And when you’re used to it, I’m going to pound your ass so hard. Going to make you feel it for days. You want that?”

“Yes. God, yes.” Rafa’s mouth was so dry, and he swallowed convulsively. “Want that now.” He squeezed around Shane’s fingers, and Shane groaned.

“You have no idea what you do to me.” He leaned over, his fingers still in Rafa’s ass, and kissed him messily.

Rafa could taste a musky bit of himself lingering on Shane’s tongue, and it made his balls prickle. “Please, Shane. I’m ready.”

Shane nuzzled his cheek. “Don’t want to hurt you.” He edged in a third finger, and Rafa tensed. Even though he’d done it to himself, it wasn’t the same as having someone else do it. Shane was going deeper, and the burn merged with pain. “Breathe,” Shane urged. “I’ve got you. Won’t give you more than you can take.”

Inhaling through his nose, Rafa exhaled, concentrating on relaxing his bunched muscles. “Want your cock, Shane. I’ve waited so long.”

“Oh, don’t worry.” Smiling, Shane kissed his lips lightly. “You’re going to get it.” He slid his fingers out, and squeezed more lube into his hand.

Rafa could barely blink, his eyes glued to Shane’s cock as Shane slicked it up, sitting back on his heels between Rafa’s spread legs.

It was actually happening.

Nervous anticipation ricocheted through Rafa. He’d wanted this for years—since he was old enough to know it was possible. That it would be with a man he loved so damn much made it more perfect than he’d dared imagine. His breath caught, and his eyes burned.

Wiping his hand on one of the white towels they’d brought from the bathroom, Shane froze and peered at him closely. Leaning over him, he brushed his knuckles over Rafa’s cheek. “What is it?”

“I’m happy. Sorry. Apparently I get choked up when I’m really, really happy.”

Shane’s cheeks creased as he smiled. “Don’t ever be sorry for that.” He kissed Rafa’s nose, and then pushed Rafa’s knees up and back, hooking his legs over his shoulders. “Breathe for me.”

As the blunt head of Shane’s slick cock breached him, the burn was intense—way more than he’d ever felt from fingers. Rafa bit his lip, trying to breathe through the sensation of being torn in half. He clutched Shane’s arms, the muscles flexing under his fingers. He squeezed his eyes shut.

“Look at me.”

Rafa did as he was told, and met Shane’s steady gaze.

Shane pushed in, sweat gathering on his brow. “That’s it, baby. Breathe. Relax.”

Maybe he shouldn’t have, but Rafa loved it when Shane called him that. He felt warm and safe and cared for
He took a gulping gasp of air, and as he blew it out, Shane slid farther into him.

Inch by inch, it got easier, and Rafa’s softening cock started to fill again. Looking down, he realized Shane was all the way inside him, his hips against Rafa’s ass. Shane’s cock was like an iron brand searing him, and Rafa tipped his head back on the pillow, his mouth open.

Shane pulled up Rafa’s head, fingers tight in his hair. As he kissed him, he began rocking back and forth with little pushes of his hips. “So tight, Raf. You feel so good.”

“Do I?” Rafa asked before he could stop himself.

Shane’s thrusts slowed and he caressed Rafa’s cheek. “Amazing. Even better than I imagined. You doing okay?”

Rafa nodded vigorously. “Don’t stop.”

“Oh, I won’t. Gonna fill you until it’s dripping out.” Shane thrust a little harder, groaning. “Gonna make you mine.”

“No one else’s. Not ever.” Rafa grabbed Shane’s head and kissed him hard, their teeth clashing. “Fill me up.” It still hurt, and he knew Shane was holding back, but as Shane wrapped a hand around Rafa’s cock, it all became pure pleasure, white hot as Shane jerked him and fucked his ass.

Rafa’s feet were in the air over Shane’s broad shoulders, and he loved the feeling of Shane on top of him, bending him in half until he could hardly breathe, their damp skin sticking and rubbing together.
him, but giving so much at the same time.

Shane thrust against a spot that had to be Rafa’s swollen prostate, and Rafa cried out as his cock jerked. “There,” he moaned. “Please.”

Shane brushed against it again, stroking Rafa’s shaft faster. “That’s it. Wanna see you come with my cock raw inside you. Never fucked anyone like this before. Only you.”

His balls tightened, and the orgasm rushed through Rafa, breaking over him like a wave on a reef. He cried out and sprayed his chest, Shane milking him. Shane panted, grunting as he planted his hands on the mattress beside Rafa’s head, his hips slapping against Rafa’s ass as he fucked him.

“Come on,” Rafa muttered, running his hands up to Shane’s shoulders and over his back. “Need it. Need it all. I love you so much.”

Lips parted, Shane came, jerking and shuddering and spilling deep inside Rafa, wet and hot. Rafa managed to get his rubbery legs down around Shane’s back, and he held him there as Shane relaxed on top of him, his mouth open on Rafa’s collarbone, breath puffing in short blasts as his cock softened.

“Fuck,” Shane mumbled. “Rafa.” He pressed kisses to Rafa’s skin. “You’re amazing.”

His face heated with a fresh blush. “You did all the work.”

Lifting his head, Shane smiled so tenderly as he brushed back Rafa’s curls. “What am I going to have to do to get you to take a compliment?”

“I don’t know. I guess you could fuck me again and see what happens.”

Groaning, Shane pushed himself up, gently easing his cock out of Rafa and reaching for the towel. “I’m an old man, remember? Forty now. Gotta give me a few minutes here at least.”

Laughing, Rafa lifted his leg and let Shane clean him. It was strange how
embarrassed he felt as Shane caressed his hole with his fingers after wiping down his chest, inner thighs, and ass.

“Doesn’t hurt too much?”

He shook his head. “I can feel it, but…I like it. Always wondered what it would feel like to be really fucked.”

“And?” Shane raised an eyebrow, rubbing his palm over Rafa’s ass.

Rafa grinned. “Feels spectacular.”

Shane stretched out beside him. The sun beamed through the windows, and Rafa sighed contentedly as Shane propped his head on his hand and traced his fingers over Rafa’s belly. To just be together without having to look over their shoulders was wonderful. Rafa leaned up and kissed him lightly just because he could.

A smile played on Shane’s lips. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”

BOOK: Valor on the Move
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