Valley of the Dudes (5 page)

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Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Valley of the Dudes
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higher and said, “To Cody and Joey, may all their future endeavors be prosperous.” Cody’s eyes widened. He looked at Roy and said, “You knew about the producers


and you never said anything.” Then he said to Lance, “And this is why you kept insisting


I do the show tonight.”


Roy smiled. “I didn’t want to freak you out. Lance and I both decided it was


better to let you and Joey perform naturally, without knowing how much was involved in


that one performance.”


Lance said to Cody, “I wanted you to have fun, without being stressed. And it’s


not every day that two clients of mine have this kind of an opportunity on the same




Cody tilted his head and said, “This is all for real. You’re not joking about it.


There really were record producers there tonight and they really liked us.”


Lance nodded; his expression hardened. “It’s for real. I’m an agent. It’s my job.


I’d never joke about something like this.”


Cody raised his eyebrows and gave Joey a look. He smiled and exposed his upper


gums. He jumped up from his seat and shouted, “They liked us, Joey. They really liked


us!” Then he threw his arms around Roy, kissed him, and said, “I wonder what Radcliff


Benson will have to say when he hears about this. I got a record deal on the same day he


had me fired from a Broadway show for being better than he was.”


“Don’t even mention Radcliff’s name,” Roy said, hugging his lover. “He’s


insignificant now. The best thing that ever happened to you was getting fired from that




“I’ll say,” Cody shouted, taking a long, hard swallow of vodka. “I’ll pay that old


queen back some day. I swear I will.” Anderson, Joey’s porn-star-material boyfriend, lifted his glass and said, “Joey,


this is wonderful. We’re going to Hollywood.” Then he put his arms around Joey’s wide


shoulders and kissed him on the mouth. When he spoke, his soft, breathy voice trailed off


at the end of sentences as if he were in the middle of a sex scene.


Joey rubbed his eyes and laughed. “I’m in shock. All these years, working so hard,


and it happens this fast. Wait until I tell my sister, Harriet. She should have come out


with us.” Unlike Cody, Joey didn’t jump up and shout. He seemed reserved, shying away


from attention. “What kind of TV show do they want me to do?” he asked Lance.


“I’ll explain the details later,” Lance said. “But trust me. You’re perfect for this.


It’s all about the music.”


Rush smiled and lifted his glass, “Congratulations, guys. This is wonderful news.


I hope I get a chance to work with both of you as clients in the future.”


Lance sat down in his seat and put his arm across the back of Rush’s chair, as if


he were claiming his territory. He looked into Rush’s eyes and said, “You’ll definitely be


working with them. I have a feeling you’re going to be around for a long time.”


* * * *


When it was time to leave, Joey and Anderson shared a taxi with Cody and Roy.


They sat three in the back, and Anderson put his arm around Joey’s shoulders and sat


down on his lap. They were slightly drunk, still in shock about the news, and talking


about the future with stars in their eyes. Joey had his hand on Anderson’s ass and


Anderson was smiling. When Cody asked if Rush wanted them to make room for him,


Lance stepped forward and said, “We’ll take another taxi. I’ll make sure Rush gets home


safely.” Cody smiled at Rush and said, “I see.” He seemed to know that Lance wanted to


be alone with Rush, and he was teasing Rush about it.


Rush straightened his back and said, “Maybe I should just go with them.


Tomorrow is a working day and I have to get up early.” It was almost one o’clock in the


morning and he had to be up by seven.


Lance didn’t respond. He said goodnight to Cody and the others, shut the taxi


door, and said, “You’re not working a regular nine-to-five job anymore. Tonight was


business. The rules are different now. Welcome to show business.”


Rush smiled and gave him a coy look. “But I didn’t know it was business. I


thought I was just going out with a friend to see a nightclub act and have fun.”


The taxi pulled away from the curb and Lance put his palm on Rush’s back.


“That’s just a silly technicality,” he said. “I should know. I’m your boss. I promise you


won’t get into trouble if you’re a few minutes late in the morning.”


The weather was warmer than usual for that time of year, so Lance suggested they


walk through SoHo for a while. Rush agreed; he wanted to get to know Lance better.


Though they’d only just met, he felt as if he’d met him before.


They walked slowly, lingering in front of expensive shops and tony boutiques.


When they passed a men’s clothing store with a trendy name, Rush looked into the front


window and stared at a mannequin wearing tight leather pants with a two-inch zipper. He


smiled and said, “Now that I’m in New York, I’m thinking about changing my image a


little. I’m always so conservative. I’d like to have a few pairs of pants like that. I dress


like I’m still in small New England town.” Lance lifted his eyebrows and said, “Absolutely not. Don’t change a thing about


yourself. Your simple, easy look is what’s most appealing about you. You don’t need


outrageous, trendy clothes. Things like that are for average men who can’t get attention


any other way. All you need is a white T-shirt and a pair of old jeans to look wonderful.”


Rush stared into the window and smiled. No one had ever paid him a nicer


compliment, and no one had ever spoken to him with a silkier voice. He could see


Lance’s reflection in the glass. Lance was staring at the back of his neck, biting his


bottom lip. Rush wanted to lean back and rest against his strong chest. He assumed there


must have been a ten-year age difference between them. But he didn’t want to ask,


because age didn’t really matter to him.


On the next block, they passed a small bookstore and Rush smiled at the window.


There was a book on display all by itself, with two attractive young men wearing white


suits on the cover. The men were standing before an altar, staring into each other’s eyes,


exchanging wedding vows. There were two intertwined gold wedding bands at the top of


the book cover. The title of the book was
The Glass Ceiling.
Rush sighed and said, “I’m


not very political and I’ve never been an activist about anything, but it’s nice to see books


like that in the front windows of bookshops, on display for the entire world to see. I think


I’m going to come back and buy that book this week.”


Lance placed his palm on Rush’s back and said, “I’m not political either, but it is


nice to see. Guys like us have come a long way.”


“Have you ever thought about getting married?” Rush asked. His voice was soft


and light. He wasn’t probing for information. It was just a general question. “I’m afraid not,” Lance said. “I’m like being single. I’m very happy with my life,


and I know what I want. I don’t see myself ever settling down with one man like those


guys on the cover of that book.”


Rush smiled. “You’re lucky. I wish I could be as certain about my life as you are


about yours. I don’t have the slightest clue what I want or where I want to be.”


Lance lowered his hand and rested it on Rush’s hip. He pulled Rush into his side


and asked, “Is there someone else back in New England?”


Rush smiled and stepped away from the window. He started walking again.


“There was someone up until recently. But for some reason I can’t begin to explain, it


just didn’t feel right. It should have. But it didn’t.”


Lance walked up to his side and said, “I know we’ve only just met. But I can’t say


I’m disappointed to hear that.”


When they reached the next block, Lance pointed to a renovated warehouse.


“There’s where I live,” he said. “I have this huge loft with an oversized fireplace in the


master bedroom.”


Rush laughed and said, “You’re a sneak. You’ve been leading us toward your


place since we left the bar. I thought you were walking me


Lance smiled. “I was, to
home.” Then he put his arm around Rush and


whispered, “Come on, let’s go inside. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel the way


you do. And I swear that’s not just a lame line. I know it sounds like one, but it’s not,


seriously. If you knew me, you’d know I’d never take a new employee home with me this


way, especially the first night I met him. But you’re different. I knew that the moment I


saw you sitting at the table in the nightclub. I have a good eye—it’s part of my job.” Normally, Rush would never go home with a man he’d just met. It wasn’t in his


character. He preferred getting to know someone first; romance and compatibility were


the most important things to him in any relationship, and sex came second. And it didn’t


have to be romance with shooting stars and explosive fireworks. He didn’t need


expensive jewelry or designer clothes. It only had to be something simple, like checking


the tires on his car, or knowing what his favorite color was, or remembering the foods he


liked to eat.


But Rush couldn’t deny there was something different about Lance. So when


Lance started walking toward the warehouse where he lived, Rush allowed him to lead


the way. They crossed the street in silence; Lance’s arm was around his waist the entire


time. Rush focused on remaining calm, but he could feel his heart thumping in his ears.


By the time they reached the old-fashioned freight elevator inside the warehouse, Rush’s


full erection was bursting in his pants.


Lance pushed a button to get to the top floor. Rush glanced between Lance’s legs


to see if he was just as excited. When Lance lifted his arm and his jacket rode up, Rush


saw that the front of his pants was extended and the head of his erection was pointing up


toward the waistband.


Rush took a bold step forward and reached down between Lance’s legs. He’d


never in his life done anything with this much audacity to a virtual stranger. He pressed


his palm into Lance’s crotch and said, “It looks like you’ve just pitched a tent in your


pants.” After he said that, he was sorry. It was just as lame as what Lance had said to him.


But Lance didn’t seem to notice. While Rush fondled his erection and the elevator


jerked upward, Lance turned toward Rush and looked into his eyes. He stared for a moment without speaking, then reached for the control panel on the elevator and pressed


the stop button. The elevator came to a sudden halt between the second and third floors. It


jerked up and down fast and Rush fell into Lance’s arms. While his cheek was pressed to


Lance’s chest, Rush said, “Someone might catch us. This could be dangerous.”


“I don’t care,” Lance whispered, running his hands down the back of Rush’s pants.


He was breathing so fast he had difficulty speaking. “I want you now. Right here. I don’t


want to wait.” Then he reached down with both hands, unfastened Rush’s pants, and


pulled them down to his knees. When his hands went up again and he grabbed Rush’s ass,


he moaned and said, “You’re body is so hard and yet your skin is so soft.”


They could have fooled around just like that for a few minutes, with Rush’s pants


down around his knees and Lance grabbing his ass. But Rush had moved to New York so


he could experience new things, and he wanted this to be something neither one of them


would ever forget. Rush had never had sex in an elevator, especially not a freight elevator


with a metal gate and a see-through grated floor. So he took a few steps back and pulled


off his shoes and socks. Then he slipped out of his pants and removed his jacket and shirt.


The grated floor was cold against his bare feet. Lance unzipped his own pants and pulled


out his erection, staring at Rush’s naked body, wetting his lips with the tip of his tongue.


When Rush smiled, Lance lunged forward and held Rush in his arms. It happened


so fast Lance’s erection poked Rush in the groin. But Rush didn’t complain and he didn’t


step back. Lance was breathing too heavily and he was holding him too tightly. Lance


grabbed Rush’s ass and bit his neck at the same time. Rush spread his legs wider while


Lance’s hot tongue went up his neck, across the side of his face, and landed inside his mouth. Rush closed his eyes and leaned back. He clutched Lance’s shoulders for support,


with Lance’s lips pressed to his lips and Lance’s tongue deep inside his mouth.


A few seconds later, Lance stopped kissing him and whispered, “I have a condom


in my pocket. It’s pre-lubed.” His chest was heaving, his fingers were probing Rush’s

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