Until I Met You (36 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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I nod
ded my head towards her and smiled my acceptance.  She had been through a lot these past few days—we all had.

“I can see that you love my son very much—and because of that—I want to be given the chance to confess something to you.  Something that will change both your circumstances.”

I looked over at Seth, confusion mirroring my own.  I couldn’t possible fathom what it was she was about to say.

“You see, I knew about you
r father, Seth.  I knew he was having an affair with Rachel.  It cut me up pretty bad when I found out.  I was so upset, I went to see someone who I thought could help me through the pain—offer some sort of solution.  The problem being was—in our grief—we took things further than we should have. I didn’t know then, but I definitely know now. 

Seth, Thomas is not your father.  I know this because of what blood group you are.  You can’t possibly be Thomas’s son.”

Seth shot up out of his seat and ran his fingers through the little bit of hair that he had
now grown.  “I don’t understand this,” he said pacing the floor.  “If I’m not Thomas’s son, then whose son am I?”

Melissa took another de
ep breath and looked at me.  “Clive’s.”

Now it was my turn to stand to attention.  I couldn’t believe my ears.  “Clive... you mean, my father
, Clive?” I asked in shock.

“Yes, you are the daughter of Thomas
, and Seth is the son of Clive.”

Seth’s pacing became more pronounced.  “I can’t deal with this,” he said with gritted teeth. 
“I have to get out of here.  I need some space to think.”

Seth rushed off at t
his point, leaving Melissa and me together alone.  I was still in shock.  I still couldn’t quite believe my ears.  They were all best friends and all screwing each other.  It was sick beyond belief.  How could they have done this to one another?

“I can imagine what you
must think of me,” she said sheepishly.  “It only really dawned on me at the hospital that Seth was definitely Clive’s son.  Both you and Thomas are AB negative, and Seth is O positive.  It’s impossible for Seth to be O positive with a father who is AB negative. 

I really didn’t want to believe it at first.  It was only that one time, and Thomas and I were still... well, you know.”

I looked away, only noticing then that I had my hand over my mouth.  Shock can do that to you. 

Melissa and my dad.  It was only then that I realised the reason why my dad was more than keen to get me and my mum talking.  He was just as guilty as the rest of them.

“I don’t hate you, you know,
” Melissa whispered.

I swun
g my head back round to meet her.  I really didn’t know whether I wanted to hear this.

“I was jealous.  Seth was always
such a happy-go-lucky child.  He was full of beans when he was little.  He always had a smile for his mum and dad—always had a way of making us melt, even when he was being naughty.  But then that terrible night happened and I not only lost my daughter to a terrible nightmare that will haunt her for the rest of her life—I had also lost a son.  He has never been the same again since that night—that is of course—until he met you.  I could see a spark in his eyes I thought was lost forever.  I was jealous of the fact that we had been trying for years to get him to find that spark again.  You come along and within days—weeks—he’s Seth, my happy, jumping little boy.  I resented you for it.  I admit that now—but I can’t hate you.  In fact, I want to thank you.”

My eyes bulge
d slightly as she took my hand.  I was finding the whole thing completely overwhelming.  I didn’t say anything.  I think my mouth was wired shut through the shock still.

“I realise now that I let my own selfish jealousy get in the way of Seth finally finding the happiness he deserves.  I know that’s with y
ou, and I know how much you love him, too.

I knew I had to tell you both.  I knew I had to confess.  Seth was back to where he used to be all those years when he witnessed something no little boy should ever witness.  I couldn’t do that to him.  I couldn’t do it to both of you.  I owe you that much.”

It took a while, but after a few seconds her words started to sink in.  Seth was not my brother.  He never had been.  There was no blood linking us now.  We could be together.  No one could stop us now.

“I want to thank you for coming,” I said rising in a panic.  “But I really must ask if you wouldn’t mind leaving now.  I have somewhere I need to be.”

She smiled at me
, knowing exactly what I meant, and she turned towards the lift to leave.  I grabbed my coat and phone and headed that way also.  We rode down the lift together, my heart racing like a drum.

“I know I don’t have to ask this of you, Angelina—but please take care of him.” 

She placed her hand on my arm, and looked so sincere that I couldn’t help but smile.  Placing my hand on Melissa’s, I patted her tenderly.  “Don’t worry, Melissa, I fully intend to.”  I gave her a big beaming smile, which she matched quite nicely.

Once the lift was on the ground floor, I nodded to Melissa and she nodded back.  I was on a mission and couldn’t wait another second. 

As soon as I was out the doors, I was calling him.  I was desperate.  I needed to be with him, and didn’t want to wait another second. 

After only one ring, he answered.
  “Seth!” I shouted in his ear.  “Where are you?”  I could hear heavy breathing like he’d been running.

“I’m at the top of King’s Road.  I have to see you, Angel.  I have to be with you now.”  The exciteme
nt in his voice was unmistakable.

“I know, I know!
” I shouted.  “I’m outside your apartment block.  I’m running to you now.”

“Angel, please.  No running.  You’re supposed to be resting.”

“Oh, you just try and stop me!”  I ended the call and belted like a mad woman towards the end of the King’s Road.  I had to see him—had to be near him, touch him, caress him.  There was no one stopping me this time—and I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me.

I ran and ran like a woman possessed
.  If anyone from that horrible day from before could see me now, they would think I was a complete nut job.  “Oh look, there goes the mad running woman of the King’s Road.”  I wouldn’t blame them, but I just didn’t care.  This time I wasn’t crying.  This time I was smiling.  I had the biggest goddamned smile ever, and it was all because of Seth.

I was out of breath, but I didn’t care.  I was a little more tired than normal, but I put that down to the trauma I had been through.  I was running more on adrenaline then anything.  Seth was mine, and I was never letting him go

Through the maze of people, I suddenly spotted him.  He was running just as crazy as I was—a smile to match just how silly mine was.  Once he saw me though, the smile disappeared.  I knew he wasn’t happy about me running, but the less time we were apart, the better.  I wanted to close as much of the distance between us as possible.  I couldn’t wait to be in his arms—and for real this time.

“Angel, stop running!” he shouted, breathlessly.

” I shouted back, grinning.

, we were there and the first thing Seth did was pick me up and spin me around until we were both dizzy.  We kissed over and over and over again, crying and laughing all at the same time.  I was safe in his arms and life was beautiful again.

“Angel, we can be together.”

“I know,” I said kissing him all over.  “I love you, Seth.”

“I love you
, too, baby.  Can I take you home now?”

“Yes please,” I said
, laughing.

“Hold up.  There’s something I have to do first.  Where’s your ring?”

I smiled and pulled a chain from around my neck.  Although I had to take it off after what we found out, I always wanted it close to me.  I unhooked the chain and handed Seth the sparkling diamond ring. 

He got down on one knee making me blush a scarlet red. 
“Angel, my little cookie monster.  I want to ask you again.  Will you marry me?”

I shook my head laughing. 
“Of course I will, you big Jessie,” I said, pulling him up.

“What, not
‘I don’t have to answer that’ this time?”  His crooked grin was back again and it warmed my heart to see.

“I’m not wasting anytime with funny answers, Seth.  I’m too bloody happy at this point in time—and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

He placed the ring back on my finger and kissed me longer this time.  Our breaths calmer after the run we both just endured.

“I can’t wait to be your husband my beautiful angel—but I must say one thing.”

“Okay, what’s that?” I asked linking my arm in his.

“You will have to start learning to obey
me from now on.  We are—after all—getting married.  When I tell you not to run, you shouldn’t run.  You’re a very naughty girl.”

I nudged my arm into his and ga
ve him a ‘Don’t you dare’ look.  He started laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh back. 

We were back together—and it
just felt better than ever.



































It was six months later
, and although we were blissfully happy, things had been tough.  After the euphoria of realising that Seth and I could be together, we were left with the heartache from the loss our baby.  Anger quickly formed with Seth.  He blamed our parents for a while, for putting us under so much stress that it could have been a contributing factor in the loss.  To say that didn’t cross my mind would be a lie, but no one could ever really know for sure.  For some reason, it wasn’t meant to be.  I had to hold onto that as any other thought would have sent me spiralling. 

Aside from any blame and what could have caused the miscarriage, I still grieved like any other normal person would.  It made me think finally about what it would be like to have children of our own.  Seth and I discussed it
, and I couldn’t believe that I admitted the fact that having children could be an option for us, but not right now.  I needed us to be married for a while and needed us to be in a better place.

I couldn’t believe we did
this, but we ran away and got married.  A few days after we were back together, we took a plane to Anguilla and got married on the beach.  It was just the two of us and a British couple who were holidaying there as witnesses.  It was the most magnificent day of my life.  We stayed in luxury the whole time, soaking each other up—no distractions, no one getting in our way.  It was heaven.

When we got back though, it wasn’t pretty.  Once we told our parents, they were upset that they were never told
, or invited.  Once we explained that we just wanted to be together and that a wedding back at home was also on the table, they calmed down.  It was going to be a while for us all to be in a better place.  And a while before we can have both sets of parents—in the same venue—on what’s supposed to be the happiest day of our lives.  I just didn’t want that kind of stress.

Building a relat
ionship back up with our parents was going to be hard.  The fallout from this extra bit of news about Melissa and my dad was going to take some time to adjust to.  They were all hurt with one another and my mum didn’t talk to my dad for a number of days.  Once she calmed down and thought about it, she realised that she didn’t want to let it get in their way of a happy marriage they had built for so many years.  They were all to blame for what happened.  Saying that I did this because you did that was fruitless.  They all had choices to make, and unfortunately they all chose badly.  There could have been other avenues to take instead of the ones they picked, but saying that would have meant Seth and I would never have existed.  At least one great thing happened out of all this mess.  We found each other. 

I finally spoke to my mum about two days after returning from Anguilla.  I said I wanted us to talk, but I still wasn’t quite ready to see her and be one big happy family again.  Of course I wanted this more than anything, but you don’t get over something as huge as this quickly.

Julia and Jack called regularly.  They even came to stay with us for a few days in the penthouse, which was nice.  Of course, I did suspect that they had a hidden agenda for the visit, but I didn’t mind too much.  I was just happy to see them both. 

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