Until I Met You (29 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“When can you take me back so you can show me more of your massaging techniques?  I have this sudden urge to have you all to myself right now.” 

Seth gently bit the bottom of my lip.  “You know, I was just thinking the same thing.”

“Can I interrupt you two lovebirds for a moment,” Thomas asked.

We both turned around and I instantly blushed.  Melissa was standing there with her arm through Thomas—and she still looked like she was chewing a wasp.

“You two look positively giddy with each other.  It’s nice,” Thomas said, smiling.  “Now, I know you probably want to get going soon.  I remember what it was like when I first met your mother.  We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”

Thomas laughed, Melissa cooed in his direction, and Seth looked away in mild disgust.

“Dad, that’s not something I want to picture right now, so moving on please.”

“Okay, very well,” he said, chuckling.  “I just thought it would be nice to go inside for a little while and have a little chat here with Angelina.  She’s important to you, so I would like to get to know her a little bit more.  It’s too noisy out here and I’m sure our guests could spare us for a few minutes.”

I was nervous as I didn’t know what to expect.  I was wrong to feel that way as Thomas just wanted to know a little more about me.  I told him about living in Cornwall and being offered this job in London.  I told him about how persistent Seth was when we first met, and that he wore me down with his charm.

“Good job, son.  I’m proud of you, buddy.”  He looked over at Seth, smiling.  We were both sat together on one sofa whilst Thomas and Melissa sat on the other.  Luckily for me, Thomas asked all the questions, Melissa just sat there, smiling falsely.

“Thanks, Dad.  She was worth it.”

The rest of the conversation was about the Jacobs’ and how they found their fortune.  It would seem they weren’t from entirely poor families, but Thomas made a huge amount on the stock market.  Due to some very wise choice investments and great timing, he made an absolute killing.  It would seem that the Jacobs’ had a winning streak, considering Seth seemed to have carried the luck with him also.

I got the feeling though that Melissa wasn’t entirely comfortable with Thomas sharing his story of wealth with me.  I never once felt it was because he was bragging in anyway.  It just seemed like a nice success story.  Melissa, on the other hand, didn’t want me to know a thing—for obvious reasons.  Little did she know I just didn’t care whether he had money or not.  If only she knew just how much he really meant to me.

We all shared a bottle of the finest scotch after that, and things were very pleasant and relaxing.  I could tell Melissa wanted to throw me some more daggers, but she was being very cautious with when and how she did it.  She wasn’t giving into me anytime soon—that was for sure.

We left a little after that, and it was already starting to get really dark.  It took a while to get going considering the amount of people we had to say goodbye to.

Once in the car, I took a great big sigh and closed my eyes a little.  I didn’t realise just how exhausted I was until now.  Did meeting parents always feel this draining?

“Are you okay?” Seth asked.  “I’m sorry I put you straight into the lion’s den like that.  I hope it wasn’t too much for you?”

“No, of course not,” I said, shaking my head.  “They’re all lovely, Seth.  Very welcoming and kind.  Thank you for bringing me.”

“You’re welcome.  As you can tell, you have been mentioned more than once or twice in that house.”

“Yes, about that.  How come they knew all about me even before we got together?”

He shook his head smiling.  “Paul.  He told them all about you and the way I was with you.  At first, I must admit, I just thought you were different to all the other girls only because you said no.  I very quickly realised that wasn’t the case after not being able to get you out of my head.  You were like a drug to me.  You still are.”

“Well,” I said, hitching up my skirt a little for him.  “I’m the kind of drug that’s very good for you.  You can take me as often as you want and I promise I won’t make you sick.” 

He briefly looked from the road towards my bare legs.  “Woman, the sooner I get you home the better.” 

We both started laughing, but I had to admit, I couldn’t have agreed with him more.
















Chapter 16



Another four months had gone by and we were getting to the end of the summer.  I had moved in with Seth pretty much straight away.  I was practically living round there as it was, so it just made sense.  It helped knowing that the flat above the shop would always be there if I needed it, so I would always have a place to stay.

Jerry moved in with me of course.  I think he was quite happy with his new surroundings.  There was so much space for him to explore, but it miffed me a little how much he seemed to favour Seth over me somewhat.  I had nursed him since he was a baby.  Sounds about typical really. 

Seth felt a little sorry for him here on his own during the day, so he brought back a little lady cockatiel we called Lucy.  Luckily, they hit it off, and Jerry was singing to her more than he ever sang to me.  It was quite adorable to watch.  We bought a much bigger cage for them to get away from each other when needed, so life for the two lovebirds was great.  What wasn’t so great was the first day Seth and Jerry properly met.  Jerry called him STD, so I had to explain the reason why he was saying it.  It was funny at the time, but now highly embarrassing.  I must have been calling him that around the flat more often than I thought.

Seth thought it was funny, but he said I deserved a tickling session, which resulted in me running around like a mad person trying to get away from him again.  Not that I ever did.  I wanted him to catch me more than anything.  I just liked it when he chased me.  I guess some things never change.

It was coming to the end of August, and Seth and I were getting ready to take a trip up to my mum and dad’s house for a long weekend.  I was looking forward to it as we hadn’t seen them in a while.  Seth was all smiles and I kept asking him why he was so happy.  He told me that he was just pleased to be seeing my parents.  I didn’t buy that somehow.  Something fishy was going on.

We took my car again—as again—we couldn’t fit all the luggage in the boot of the Jag.  The drive was nice as I was with Seth.  He always made the journeys entertaining.  Especially when he drove and I could sit back and ogle at him as much as I could.  He was wearing that baseball cap again.  Damn him.  I think a nice walk and a romp in the field maybe in order later.

We parked outside the house to an over-excited mum and dad flying down the stairs to meet us.  They just about squeezed Seth and I to death before they let us in.

“We’re having a barbecue out back later.  The weather today’s a scorcher.  Don’t get many of those these days.  Julia and Jack are coming over later, and so is David.”  My dad looked over at Seth and winked at him.  I couldn’t help feeling something was going on that I wasn’t aware of.

Seth and I got settled in my room.  I kind of thought there was no denying the fact that we were a couple now, so it seemed pointless having him next door.  I had gotten so used to having him near to me every night now.  I would sometimes wake up slightly in the middle of the night and my body would instantly seek him out.  I would never be able to go back to sleep until I knew he was still there.  It was a comfort to always feel him close by.

When I walked downstairs, I could hear voices coming from out back.  I was shocked beyond belief when I walked outside into the garden.  My parents had obviously gone to town a little decorating the outside.  There was a long, elegant table with eight chairs lined up.  Plates and glasses spread neatly along the way.  My dad was busying himself getting the barbecue cleaned up and ready for later, and my mum was folding intricate napkins, and placing them by the plates.  There were ribbons and flowers tied around the three seater swing seat and a small beautiful gazebo—that certainly wasn’t there when we last visited.

“Mum, when did you get that?” I asked, pointing towards it.

“Oh, that,” she said, blushing.  “We bought it last week.  It looks beautiful, doesn’t it?  It’s nice to sit in when the weather gets a bit too hot.”

I walked closer, so I could inspect it a little bit more.  It had a bench wrapped around the whole of the inside.  It was white, but had black wrought iron on the outside, with what looked like branches and leaves.  It was really rather stunning.

I was so engrossed at looking at it that I didn’t even realise Seth was behind me until he wrapped his arms around me from the back.  I leaned my head back towards him and closed my eyes.

“You smell good enough to eat,” he whispered in my ear.  “It’s been a long time since I had my breakfast off you.”

My heart immediately began racing, remembering that time in the kitchen.  That was one breakfast I will never forget.

“Don’t you be getting me all hot and heavy when my parents are just behind us.  It’s not fair.”

“So I get you hot and heavy then, do I?”

“Hmm, standing in this Gazebo, you can do just about anything to me.  It’s stunning.”

“It is,” he whispered in my ear.  “But not as stunning as you.”

Turning around, I gave Seth a long lingering kiss.  I will never tire of his kisses.  They still amaze me, even to this day.  He always knows exactly what to do with those lips that make me go cuckoo.  And not to mention his tongue.  Oh God, don’t think about his tongue… not now!

I reluctantly pulled away only to find my mother staring at us from the corner of my eye.  I turned to look at her and she had this gooey smile on her face.

“Can I help you, Mum?” I asked.  “There must be something I could do—help with the food or drinks perhaps?”

“Actually, yes.  Do you think you could pop over to the store and get some fizzy drinks and some juices?  I thought we had plenty, but it seems we don’t.  With Julia pregnant she can’t be drinking any alcohol, so it’s best we stock up for her.”  She smiled across at Seth and he winked back at her.

There’s definitely something weird happening here.  “What’s going on?  Are you two conspiring something against me, or what?”

“Nothing dear,” my mum said, sounding offended.  “You don’t have to get the drinks, I’m sure your father won’t mind going.”

I shook my head in frustration.  “Of course not, I’ll go.  I just think there’s something dodgy going on around here.”  I stormed off toward the front of the house with Seth following behind me. 

Grabbing my bag, I got into the driver’s seat of my car.  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked Seth as he climbed into the passenger seat.

“Cookie, I think you’re getting a little too worked up over nothing.  Relax.  No one’s out to get you.  Everyone’s perfectly normal.”

My eyes widened in disbelief.  “God, you sounded weird when you said that.  Have I visited the Stepford family this weekend?  Who are you, and what have you done with my Seth?”

He patted my knee.  “Your Seth is right here with you, Angel,” he said, laughing.  “Come on; let’s go get these drinks, shall we?”

I started the car and went a little bit down the road, when Seth leisurely trailed his fingers along the bottom of my skirt, and pulled up.  His touch made me shiver a little.  “Seth, you can’t do this, I’ll have an accident.”

“Sorry, baby, I just can’t help myself at times.”  He pulled that devilish grin on me, but he stopped and did as he was told.

It was later in the supermarket when I noticed Seth playing about with his phone.  It looked like he was texting someone, concentration etched into his beautiful features.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Oh yes,” he said, smiling brightly.  “Everything’s just peachy.”


We were on our way back from the store when he did it again, but this time he went higher until he reached my clit.  Luckily we were on a very quiet road as I suddenly had to break really hard, causing us both to fly forward.

“Fuck, Seth, are you trying to get us killed?”

His breathing was harsh.  “I want you.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” I said with a sarcastic laugh.  “Could you at least wait until I’ve stopped first before you grope me again?”

“Oh, say that again.  It was sexy.”

I frowned.  “What, no shit, Sherlock?”

“No, the other thing, about me groping you.  Can I grope you now, Miss Bradshaw?”

“No you bloody well can’t you sex maniac.  I’m driving.”

We said nothing more the rest of the way, until I pulled up outside the house and Seth grabbed me.  “What are you doing, Seth?”

“Taking you for a walk.  I need to be with you for a while.”  He bent down, pulled me over his shoulder and then stood up.  I squealed as he led the way towards the country roads.

“You’re coming with me, wench.  Back to my cave where you’ll cook me dinner, and have lots of my babies.”

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