Until I Met You (28 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“Hold on a sec, didn’t you say at the viewing that you had a boyfriend?”  My eyes bulged as she carried on.  “Yes, that’s right.  What was his name?  Jacob, wasn’t it?”

I started laughing nervously and looked at Seth.  “Jacob?” he asked, with one eyebrow raised.

I was feeling a little hot all of a sudden as the nerves kicked in.  I knew I had to be honest about it.  There was just no escape.  “Belinda put me on the spot you see.  Of course I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time and I couldn’t think of a name.  I was due to have a viewing with you later and your surname popped into my head.  It was just the first name I came up with.” 

I played with my fingers a little as Belinda and Seth started laughing.

“Isn’t that strange?” Belinda asked.  “Who would have known that you were closer to the mark then you thought.  Don’t worry, darling, I’m not going to pounce on you anymore now you have Jacob as your boyfriend.”

Seth gripped my hand and smiled.  Leaning forward, he breathed in my ear.  “You look so sexy when you’re nervous, Angel.”

“That’s not helping, Seth,” I said, gritting my teeth.

“Sorry, babes,” he whispered.  “I just can’t help myself around you.”


A little while later, we were in the middle of discussing Seth’s car when I noticed Melissa walk across the lawn towards a very handsome man.  He looked to be in his late forties, early fifties, with black swept back hair and nice, clean-shaven skin.  He was very tall, just like Seth, and looked like he kept in great shape.  I saw Melissa lean in and kiss him softly.  It was the only tenderness I saw from her—other than with Seth of course.

I saw her walk towards our table and my stomach immediately began to churn.  I could just about handle Melissa not liking me for whatever reason, but I’m not sure how I would take it if Seth’s dad didn’t like me either.

All that seemed to fade though when he came towards me.  I stood up, as it was the polite thing to do, and he gave me a fantastic, beaming smile.

“You must be, Angelina.  It’s so nice to meet you finally.”

I offered my hand and he took it, kissing me lightly.  I stared into his eyes and immediately felt a familiarity about him.  It was almost like being at home.  His smile made me calm as he pried his eyes away from me to look at Seth.

“Son, you told me this lady was beautiful, but you never said how stunningly so.”

I blushed a little and Melissa drew daggers into me.  I was starting to really dislike her, myself.

“Dad, don’t.  You’re embarrassing the poor girl!”

The voice from behind Seth’s dad made me jump.  I looked over his shoulder and saw a very young looking version of Seth.

“How ya doing, buddy?” he asked Seth, as he pulled him in for a hug.

After their pleasantries, Seth turned back to me apologising.  “Angelina,” he began.  “This is my father, Thomas, and this here is my brother, Joey.”

“Nice to meet you,” I smiled, holding out my hand.  He surprised me by coming in for a big bear hug.  This boy only looked to be about eighteen, nineteen, but he was surprisingly big and strong.  My eyes bulged for the millionth time today as I sought Seth for refuge.

“Joey, cut it out, you’re crushing her with your big self,” Seth said laughing.  “Sorry, Angel.  He can get a bit carried away at times.”

“That’s okay.  I want to thank you all for inviting me.  It’s really nice to meet you all.”

“You’re more than welcome,” Thomas said, squeezing my hand.  “It’s nice to meet the girl that’s finally stolen my boy’s heart—and the way I see you look at Seth—it would seem the feeling is mutual.”

I smiled over at Seth, but I could still feel the daggers from Melissa’s stare.  Seth smiled back, lovingly, and right then I just didn’t care.  She could throw them at me if she wants to.  It was me and him.  No one else—just us.

“Come, come!” Thomas shouted.  “Let’s all eat.”

Looking at the end of the marquee, I could see a huge row of tables.  The tables were already filled with food, and were quickly being added to by what looked like staff.  My goodness, they hired their own staff to do a barbecue!

Seth took my hand and led the way.  I welcomed it as I thought I would get lost otherwise.  Having Seth near had a calming influence over me, so the more he held my hand, the better.

The food was just endless.  There was barbecue chicken and ribs.  There were burgers and hot dogs—salads and pastas.  The list just went on.  I could see why Carla said that people never leave hungry after one of their feasts—and boy it was just that.


After an immense amount of food, and a couple of glasses of champagne later, I desperately needed the loo.  I asked Seth, and he wanted to come with me, but I told him I could find my way.  He gave me directions and I gladly took off to find my relief.  I needed it, the more I thought about it now.

I went through the kitchen and into the hallway as Seth directed, and noticed a big wooden door to my left under the stairs.  I pulled it nervously, wondering if I got the directions right and to my delight, it was.

Once I was finished, I felt instantly relieved and happy to be making my way back to Seth.  I closed the bathroom door behind me and was turning to make my way back out, when I noticed Melissa standing there.  To my horror it looked as though she had purposely followed me and waited outside until I had finished.

“Oh, my apologies.  I didn’t see you standing there.”  I tried to move a little, but she wasn’t budging.  She had me right where she wanted.

“You’re not getting his money you know, so you can get that out of your pretty little head.  You may have fooled Seth, and even my entire family, but you’re not fooling me.”

My instincts were obviously bang on with her, and I knew I couldn’t let her get away with it.  “Excuse me?”

She folded her arms.  “You heard me.  How much?”

“What?”  I was anxious for her to get to the point already.

“How much will it take to get rid of you?  Walk out of my son’s life before it’s too late.  I’m not having you hurt my boy.  Girls like you are a dime a dozen.  I’m sure you have a price.  Name it.”

I was livid.  I couldn’t believe the gall of this woman.  “How dare you accuse me of only going after your son for money.”  She flicked her hair in disgust, like she didn’t believe me.  I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince her otherwise, but I’d be damned if I was going to just stand there and take abuse from her.

“I don’t want anything from your son other than the love he gives me.  He’s the most kindest, caring, loving man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and I love him more than words can say—no matter what you think.  I don’t know why you have this inept notion that I’m only after him for his money, but I really don’t give two hoots.  He loves me and I love him.  Deal with it.”

For good measure I pointed my finger in her direction, and then walked away.  I wasn’t going to stand her much longer.  If she opened her mouth I think I would be afraid of what came out next.  Always best to walk away from a situation you think might escalate.

I walked back through the kitchen and jumped at what I found in the corner of my eye.  It was Joey, hiding behind the door.  Now I just felt ten times worse.  How much of that had he heard?

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” he said, looking sympathetic.

It would seem he heard everything.

“Please don’t tell Seth about this, Joey.  I don’t want to upset him with any of this.” 

His face was a picture of confusion.  “Why not?  He deserves to know that our mum venomously spat at you like that.  I knew she could be cruel at times, but that was harsh.  I just want you to know that none of the others feel that way about you.  Seth made his choice and he made it for a reason.  Everyone needs to trust that reason and let him be happy.  Lord knows he deserves that.”

Placing my hand on Joey’s shoulder, I looked up into his big brown eyes.  “I know he does, Joey.  That’s why I don’t want to tell him.  It would upset him and that would upset me.  Hopefully your mum will come to like me soon and all will be forgotten, but for now, let’s just say that conversation never took place. 
.”  I looked into his eyes, searching for some hint of surrender.  He smiled and placed his bear arms around me, squashing me again.

“You know, I think I’m gonna really like you,” he said, squeezing that little bit more.

I started gasping for air.  “You know, I don’t think there’s going to be anything left to like, if you squeeze me any harder,” I whispered.

“Oh sorry,” he said, letting go.  “I guess I do get carried away.”

We both laughed and I suddenly felt a little calmer.  The anger was still simmering on the surface, but being around the nicer side of the Jacobs’ helped to ease it somewhat.

With a link in his arm, we both walked out toward the marquee.  I took an instant liking to Joey for some reason.  It was like having my little brother beside me. 

Once we walked back in, Seth immediately spotted Joey and me.  “There you are.  I was about to send out a search party.  Did my brother try to kidnap you?”  He looked toward Joey and raised an amused eyebrow at him.

“She’s a good girl you got here, Seth.  You look after her,” he said handing me back to Seth.

Seth looked a little taken aback, and so was I somewhat.  “Don’t worry, my dear little brother, I fully intend to.”  He turned away from Joey and looked in my direction.  His eyes glistened, given me that come-to-bed look that always had me weak at the knees.  I had gone from angry to serene, to fully turned on in the matter of minutes.  My hormones were playing the dirtiest tricks on me, and it so wasn’t fair.

“You don’t know how much I want you right now,” he said, whispering in my ear.

I shuddered, tugging at his shirt.  “Funnily enough, I was just thinking the same thing…
.”  I made sure I said his name as seductively as possible.  It wasn’t fair that I was the only one suffering here, and I knew just how much it turned him on.

“If there weren’t so many people here, I would find a quiet spot, put you over my knee and spank you, Little Miss Naughty.  I think I may have died a little inside.”

He nibbled my earlobe a little and it made me shiver all over.  I was very close to telling him to quit this assemblage and get going.  I wanted him now more than ever.

“Get a room will ya.  Can’t stand the sight of yers putting the feelers on each other.  You wouldn’t Adam and Eve it if I hadn’t seen it with my own Mince Pies.”

“Don’t you just love my auntie, Belinda?” Seth sighed.

I thought it was funny and made it obviously so.  “I think she does well,” I said, sticking up for Belinda.  “She certainly had me fooled.”  I laughed in Belinda’s direction and she winked at me.

“It gets me through the day,” she said.  “Some estate agents are so boring.  Present company excluded of course.”

“No, no, I agree.  Sometimes they can be a little stuck up.  In fact, I can think of two people right now who are very much up their own…”  I very nearly said it, until I realised where I was.

“Arses, dear girl.  Don’t be afraid to spit it out.  It might seem like your surrounded by royalty here, but our family is far from it.”

“I know, I just don’t like to be rude.  Especially when I know Seth’s mum and dad are so close.”

“Hmmm,” she said looking over in Melissa’s direction.  “The wicked witch of the west is far from regal in any sense of the word.”

“Belinda!” Seth shouted.  “That’s my mum you’re talking about.”

I looked at Belinda and smiled.  It was a knowing smile.  She caught on pretty quick.  It would seem everyone knew what she was like apart from Seth.

Belinda rolled her eyes at him and leaned into me.  “If that old battle-axe gives you anymore trouble, you just let me know.”  She squeezed my arm and nodded.  I nodded back and smiled.  It would seem Belinda and Melissa—although were sisters—were worlds apart.  There also seemed to be quite a bit of an age gap between them.  Once Belinda was gone I raised that with Seth.

“Your auntie seems a lot younger than your mum.  What gives?  Everyone’s younger than everyone else who they shouldn’t be younger than.”

“Okay,” he said, looking at me completely confused.  “That made a lot of sense, but here goes.  They share the same dad.  My grandparents split up when my mum was about sixteen, seventeen.  My granddad found someone twenty years younger than him, and the rest is history.”

I shook my head.  “Your family are completely confusing.  I can’t possibly keep up.”

“Well, I think you know by now that my family gets around a lot.  Despite what I was like when you met me, it was never something I was happy with.  I suppose, I just wasn’t happy.  Period.”

I looked at his solemn features and my heart reached out to him.  I caressed his face and smiled, turning our bodies to face each other.  “You know how much I love you right?  I want nothing more than to make you happy.  You mean the world to me.  You’ve taught me just how good love could be.” 

He took my hand and kissed me gently on the lips.  “I only wanted to be happy.  My dear Cookie, you’ve made me delirious.”  He smiled showing that sexy dimple of his.

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