
Read Query Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic, #Romance, #Science, #Fiction, #Space, #Opera

BOOK: Query
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Seeing the future of others is odd but manageable. When her own love life makes an appearance, she has to deal with the hero who wants into her bed.



Freddy goes to the Volunteer Centre with the blessing of her family and finds out that an alien bloodline runs in her veins. Somewhere in space, there is a world waiting for a new Oracle to take the position of the original Delphics.

Knowing that having a job waiting is a better plan than going out blind; she ends up at a Guardian base with a heavily tattooed Admaryn watching her intently.

The moment she touches him, she sees them tangled together far into the future, and the answering knowledge is in his eyes. He wants her and intends to have her, no questions asked.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Copyright © 2016 Viola Grace

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0663-9

Cover art by Martine Jardin


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Terran Times Second Wave






Viola Grace


Chapter One



Frieda Wilkensen waited in the lobby of the recruiting centre.

“Ms. Wilkensen, please, come this way.”

She got to her feet and walked into the rear of the offices, following the man who looked nearly human. She didn’t know what instinct it was that told her he wasn’t human, but there was just something in the way he moved, like there was an extra bone in his spine.

She jolted to a halt right after he did, and she avoided a collision by inches.

He opened the door to a small conference room for her and waved her in. “The recruiter will be with you shortly.”

She smiled and entered the room, taking a seat with her hands folded on the table.

Freddy waited, motionless, until the door opened and the man who had shown her in entered with a tea tray with small cups.

A creature of obvious alien origin walked in behind him and dismissed him.

Freddy looked at the silver creature with huge black eyes, and she smiled. “Hello.”

“Good afternoon, Ms. Wilkensen.”

“Please. Call me Freddy.”

“Freddy, I am Recruiter Norz.”

She knew that was wrong, but she couldn’t say anything.

“My arms are a little short. Would you pour?”

“Oh. Of course.” She poured two cups of tea and handed the first to the recruiter.

Freddy smiled. “I hadn’t expected you to like tea.”

“Pouring hot water on leaves is a fairly universal practice. This tea is a specialty. I haven’t been able to use it on anyone, but you seem to have traits in common with a well-known but rare species.”

Freddy sipped at the tea. It tasted like mint, tannic acid and blueberries. She giggled and inhaled the fragrance again before sipping. Now, the flavour was redolent with watermelon.

Each sip was a different flavour until she got to the bottom of the cup.

Freddy smiled and sat back, looking at the alien a few feet away. Suddenly, a human face was overlaid on top of Norz’s, and she laughed.

“Something is funny?”

“You are a human.” She could feel a relaxed smile on her lips. “It is very funny.”

“Delphic. You are a Delphic. Well, one of your ancestors was. This must have been a world where a cache of them hid from those pursuing them as tools.”


“Certainly. The Oracles were accurate and highly prized.”

Freddy blinked. “Were?”

“Yes, there have not been any seen in centuries. If your DNA had not flared with recognizable traces of alien genes, we would never have known. Now, what do you see when you look at me.”

“You did a DNA test?”

“Of course. It was in your application.”

“Well, when I look at you, I see a woman with short blonde hair, dark eyes and a distracted smile as if you are in thousands of places at the same time.”

Norz inclined his physical head. “Hundreds but thank you. You have confirmed the seer portion of your species markers.”

Freddy smiled weakly, and she suddenly lunged forward, grabbing one of Norz’s hands.


“You are not long for this body. You will seek your own freedom after years of service. You will be taken by light and darkness, embracing both.”


Freddy’s head throbbed, and her throat was sore. “What just happened?”

Norz blinked slowly and chuckled weakly. “I think the tea just kicked in.”


Waving at her family, she said a final farewell at the launch site. They got smaller as the transport to the shuttle took her away from the main building.

Freddy clutched her bag of belongings. Her photos and videos had been transferred to a data crystal so she was able to bring along her favourite ballet slippers and stuffed dragon. Sneed had been with her for years, and she was glad to take him along.

The transport was going to be a little more complicated for her. She was going to be put into cold sleep at the lunar base and then mailed onward to her posting. There weren’t a lot of options. She had to be on a highly secured world where she could develop her talent naturally with the help of the tea that would be transported with her.

It was a little daunting, but she kept her hands tight on her bag until she was inside the shuttle. A long bed with a glass cover was waiting for her, and she handed her pack to the attendant before snatching it back. She pulled Sneed out and took him into the tube with her. When she was settled, she cuddled him against her and squeezed tight when the intravenous line was started in her arm.

She felt sleepy, but the familiar feel of his fuzzy self kept her from panicking as the dome closed over her.

She was ready for shipping.

Freddy felt the shuttle rumbling underneath her as they lifted off. She drifted off as she was taken into space with her stuffed dragon at her side.


She felt cold and sluggish. Freddy opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. It was etched metal panels that were gracefully elaborate. She liked them very much.

“Oracle, please sit up if you can.”

A woman with hair in shades of deep red came toward her and smiled, showing fangs in her pale-blue face.

Freddy concentrated and pushed herself upright. “How is that?”

“Excellent. You are prone to shipping shock. Something you need to be aware of in the future if you travel.”

“Not to be rude, but who are you?”

The woman smiled. “I am Ember, Guardian of Reekor. Well, one of them.”

“I am in the Nyal Imperium?” Her preparation to travel had included a basic understanding of the two main governments she could be dealing with.

“You are. We are at the Guardian base in Heraken City.”

“Oh. Why do I feel so heavy?” A moment later, she looked around and said, “Where is Sneed?”

Ember chuckled. “I imagine you are referring to the object you were holding?”


“It is being decontaminated. You had a bit of cellular rupture in transport. He got bloody.”

Freddy looked down, and she was only wearing the sheet. “My clothes, too?”

“You will be provided with clothing appropriate to your station.”

Freddy held the sheet to her breasts. “Great. When?”

Ember laughed, her hair swirled around her and she turned toward the door. “Rescue is on his way with the gowns. We were not sure of your exact arrival time, and then, it was all hands to keep you alive.”

“So, I was sick?”

Ember rocked her head a little. “Sick, dead. Either one could apply.”

“Who is Rescue?”

“He is one of the Guardians posted here. His skill is resuscitation.”

“Oh. How many others are there?”

“At the base or in the city?”


“Six Guardians are posted at this base. You will reside with us when you are not taking petitions at the temple.”

She looked around. “Please tell me that this isn’t my room.”

Ember laughed. “No, Oracle. This is our medical chamber. It is easier to clean than the other rooms.”

“Why are you calling me Oracle?”

“Because your true name is yours to share at your discretion. Oracle is what you will be called when you are working, so I am getting you used to it.”

A male came through the door holding an armload of rainbow fabrics.

Ember hissed and took the dresses from him. “Rescue, these are fine silk. Wrinkles are not the best way to start Oracle’s day.”

He smiled. “I think wrinkles are the least of her problems.”

Ember sorted through the fabrics and picked one that she liked. “Here you go. Would you like help getting dressed?”

“I will call for help if I need it.”

Rescue was standing and smiling at her. He appeared to be the same species as Ember, but his hair was darker, and his body was the ideal superhero shape. Wide shoulders, a narrow waist and thickly muscled thighs and arms showed her a man that could be counted on to live up to his name.

She scowled. “You can leave or turn around now.”

He grinned and turned his back.

Ember let out a blast of air. “Oh no. You are getting out of here.”

She walked up to his turned back and shoved him forward. She was either stronger than she looked, or Rescue gave in, but he moved forward with long steps, and the door closed behind him.

Ember dusted her hands off and smiled. She turned her back. “Sing out if you need help.”

Freddy grabbed the dress and yanked it on over her head, looked down and spun it around so that her breasts weren’t completely on display.

She dangled her legs over the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. The hem brushed her toes. “Okay, what are the ropes for?”

Ember turned, smiled and came forward. “They go from the back attachment, over your shoulders, cross between your breast, wrap around your back and then tie in front.”

“Could you help?” Freddy was hopeful.

Ember quickly executed the exact manoeuvre and tied the rope in a loose knot under her breasts. “There. Just like the ancients.”

“Great. I always wanted to dress like a dead person.”

Ember snorted a laugh and a small flare of fire jumped out. “Oh, please, excuse me.”

“So... fire?”

“Yes. Sorry. It rarely gets out.”

Freddy smiled. “It is fine. Are there shoes to go with this?”

“No, you won’t need them. The mythos is that the Oracles step on the grounds touched by the gods and the tea allows them to channel the energy left behind by the deities.”

“Well, I was able to read the recruiter at home and no gods have ever walked that land, also I was wearing shoes.”

“We will make arrangements for you to have something to put on your feet when you are not on duty, but today isn’t that day.” Ember smiled, gathered the other dresses and beckoned to her. “Come on, I will show you your quarters.”

As they walked out of the medical chamber, Oracle asked, “How do I understand what you are saying?”

Ember grinned. “We pried your lids open before you woke up and gave you a language flash. I am surprised you picked it up, but I suppose your species is what that method was designed for. It is efficient, I will give it that.”

They walked halls, and Freddy felt warmth under her feet. “Is there a volcano under us?”

“No, we have heated flooring. It has been here for centuries and no one is complaining.” She laughed.

Freddy could see a light ahead, a pool of daylight coming through an open archway. She ran ahead of Ember and looked out the opening. “Oh. Wow.”


Chapter Two



The city that sprawled in front of her had insane architecture that defied gravity. Spires, twists, domes and homes shaped like tiny castles were everywhere. There was no way this was Earth.

The huge birds soaring overhead with their size reminiscent of elephants were proof that she wasn’t home any longer. Even the air held spices and scents that her mind couldn’t make sense of. Everything was truly alien.

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