Read Unspeakable Proposal Online
Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee
The concierge arranged for a helicopter to transport them to their private island retreat.
The rental of the private mansion with its own secluded beach, boat dock, tennis court and swimming pool was an absolutely insane amount of money, but Hope didn’t care. The three of them needed to be completely alone away from anyone who could discover what they were up to and this estate afforded them the perfect opportunity.
Hope did not have to tell Quanique why they were there. The moment the servants left the island,
and they were totally alone, she went to work.
“I think I’ll take a swim in the pool before dinner. Is anyone game for a swim?”
John’s face instantly brightened. Hope was silent, and his bright smile quickly faded. He knew if Hope wasn’t interested he dared spend a second alone with the beautiful half naked Quanique. Honestly he truly just wanted to take a refreshing dip in the pool. Unfortunately, he realized his wife’s ego was too fragile to even endure that, so he pretended to fiddle with his phone.
“I’m in. Come on John lets go for a swim.” Hope said as she stood from her lounge chair and reached for her husband’s hand.
Quanique eyed Hope to see who was going to get it started. Hope discreetly nodded to let Quanique know she would take the lead. Stripping off her top and then the bottom half of her bikini, Hope ran and jumped into the pool, butt ass naked.
John’s jaw dropped to the concrete patio floor and shattered like delicat
e china. “Hope! What are you doing?”
A devilish grin transformed Quanique’s lovely face as she shrugged her shoulders. “When in Rome, do as the Romans.” Quickly peeling off the few straps of fabric she called a bathing suit, she followed Hope’s lead and jumped in the pool ass out naked,
as well.
Naturally, at this point, John’s dick was rapidly growing as hard as granite encased in a slab of marble and frozen in an Alaskan iceberg.
Grabbing a magazine, he quickly tried to cover his menacing erection as the two women swam carefree in the clear blue pool. He tried not to watch, he genuinely did. He even shaded his eyes with his hands and turned his chair away from the pool, but he just couldn’t help sneaking a peak.
“What is she up to?” He hissed beneath his breath. “I’m just a damn man!
What man wouldn’t be aroused under these circumstances? Chill out John, this is just a test of your fidelity. Do not make the mistake of failing! Keep your eyes away from that pool and on your phone. You can do this. Just stay focused. Hope knows she is as wrong as two left nuts for doing this to me!” He griped. “Just wait until I get her ass in bed. I’m going to try to break my dick off in her ass!”
“John! I thought we were going to take a swim… What’s the problem?” Hope called from the pool. Quanique snickered and swam to the opposite end of the large tropical oasis, custom designed pool.
“Ummm, not right now sweetie. I’m trying to let my food digest. Maybe later.” He replied never once turning to look in her general direction.
Hope snickered. “What? You haven’t had a thing to eat since lunch,
and that was well over three hours ago. Stop being silly and join us in the pool.”
“Okay! Maybe after I come back from the bathroom.” John grabbed the magazine, camouflaged his massive erection and bolted for the house. Hope looked at Quanique,
and they both burst into laughter.
Quanique slowly swam up to Hope. “Well, I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force him to drink. Although your husband is as thirsty as hell!” Quanique joked before pulling herself from the pool. Wrapping an oversized towel around her sexy frame she relaxed back in her lounge chair.
Hope followed close behind. “Yeah! I guess you’re right. So much for plan A.”
“Oh my God! Girl did you see how fast he ran away from here! I thought we were in Jamaica and
Husane Bolt had just run through here.” Quanique laughed.
“Leave my baby alone. He’s a little shy and confused. I’ll give him some alone time and then I’ll go talk to him.” Hope responded as she wrapped herself in a towel
as well.
“Yeah, I think you’d better. According that fertility monitor Dr.
Sloan gave me we have just shy of seventy two hours to make this happen.”
“Yeah I know. Don’t worry… I’m on it. Give us fifteen minutes. If the bedroom door is open come in and join us.”
“What if it’s not?”
“Then pray!”
“Refresh my memory. Do I still get paid if this doesn’t happen?”
“Check your bank account. I had the remainder of your initial installment wired to you last night. It should be posted in your account.” Hope nonchalantly replied as she walked away.
“Sweet! Thanks Hope.” Quanique responded as she quickly grabbed her phone to check her online bank statement. “Good luck!”
Hope found John cooling down in an ice cold shower. “Are you okay?”
Allowing the water to cascade over his head and down his magnificent nude frame, John chose to ignore her. He didn’t know what kind of game Hope was playing
but he was officially pissed.
“John… Answer me! Are you alright!”
“No Hope, I’m not alright! That shit you just pulled wasn’t funny and it damn sure wasn’t cute! I’m a man damn it! If you don’t trust me then just say so! But don’t put me in a situation like that so I can prove to you I’m not interested in other women. I’m not interested in anyone else, but damn it, I’m a man with a dick! A dick which gets hard when I see a naked woman… Any naked woman. That shit was just wrong! I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, but stop!”
“Come out. I need to talk to you.”
“Leave me alone Hope.” He casually replied as he cut off the water and grabbed his towel and headed back into the bedroom.
Hope followed on his heels. Sitting on the bed she watched as he toweled off and put on a fresh pair of swim shorts. “I want to have a three way.”
“A three way what? I hope you’re talking about a damn light bulb!”
“You know what I’m talking about!”
“Why? I see how you look at her
and I see how she looks at you!”
“I’m married! What the hell doe
s that have to do with any damn thing? I see how she looks at you too! So fucking what? We are married.”
“I know but… It’s my fantasy.”
“You actually want to have sex with this woman? What? Are you curious about sex with a woman? Cause once you cross this bridge there’s no turning back Hope.”
“No! Of course I don’t want to have sex with Quanique… Don’t be absurd. I want to watch you have sex with her.”
“What? Hell no! So, what the hell makes you think I want to have sex with her?”
“John, your dick gets hard every time you see her. Look, it’s just another role playing game… Nothing more and nothing less.”
“No! Hope this is not just another sex game. This is a very risky game you want to play! Hasn’t anyone ever warned you about allowing another woman in your house, let alone in your bed? Apparently not! But if you had any girlfriends they’d tell you this is a really bad idea which could lead to some very serious issues down the road. Honestly, we don’t really even know this woman. For all we know she could be some crazy stalker bitch.”
“I know… I know… But she’s not. She’s just a horny college student who’s trying to fuck her way through a bad breakup. Thanks to us she hasn’t hooked up with anybody since she arrived. She proposed it to me a few days ago as a joke
and I just haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. I want to do it, she wants to do it and all you have to do is agree.”
John chuckled. “This is crazy!
No Hope! No!”
“Please… I don’t ask you for much.”
“And I never turn you down.” He countered.
“John… It’s just sex. Quanique will be leaving the Virgin Islands the day after tomorrow
and we’ll never see her again. We have this beautiful private villa on our own private island. No one in the world will ever know what happens between the three of us here. Nor will they really care. I need this, you want this, so let’s just do this. That way we all get it out of our system and can move on with our lives.”
John studied Hope. He knew she was an undercover freak
but this was way past her freak level and his comfort zone. Sure, he’d love a free pass to fuck the beautiful Quanique silly, but he didn’t want Hope to watch. He knew she would never let him live it down and she would hold it over his head to have her way for as long as they lived. Besides this could be a setup to see if he was faithful to Hope. Yes, the pussy looked delicious but John had to concede he really wasn’t that damn hungry!
‘So what do you think?”
John hesitated as he carefully weighed his options. “Okay, I’ll do it on one condition and one condition only.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“If I have to fuck her so do you!”
“What? Hell no! I’m not gay!”
“The terminology is lesbian or bisexual.” John corrected her. “And if you really want to have a ménage à trois in this marriage you will be, at least for one night. If I have to fuck her, so do you!”
“John’s right! It’s not
really fair to ask him to allow you to just watch him commit adultery for your entertainment. If you don’t actively participate then you’ll never forgive him for doing it. He’s right Hope… It takes three for a three way.” Quanique interrupted.
Hope’s eyes narrowed as she turned towards the young woman standing in the door of their bedroom suite. “Stay out of this Quanique. This is something John and I need to decide together.”
“No! Quanique’s is just as much a part of this decision as you or me. She’s right. Eventually you will resent me for sleeping with her. Frankly, I’m not willing to let it destroy our marriage. If you’re serious about living out this fantasy then you’ll have to be an active participant.”
“Don’t worry Hope. I’ll do everything. You won’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“I don’t want to do ANY of it, Quanique! I mean I like you, but I don’t like you, like you! I want to do this for my husband. He’s infatuated with you. It’s his birthday and I want to please him with this one fantasy.”
“So, now it’s a fantasy for me?”
John asked curious.
“Yes! This is for you.” Hope lied.
“Good! So if it’s my fantasy then I want to see her do you and I’ll just jump in where ever I fit in. That’s my fantasy, not you watching me cheat on you.”
“Sorry Hope, but he’s right. I’d feel more comfortable if we all just did whoever.
If not I’ll feel like I betrayed your trust by sleeping with your husband.” Quanique cosigned.
Hope was livid. She knew Quanique just wanted to fuck her for spite.
Unfortunately the only way her plan would work is if she conceded to allowing Quanique to touch her. Frankly, Hope would have rather been force fed dead crabs on a hot summer day than to lick Quanique’s pussy. Hell, she took offense at even giving her a hand job, but she had little choice in the matter. She wanted a baby and this was her only shot and the price she’d have to pay.
“Okay! I’m going to need alcohol… Lots and lots of alcohol. Pour me a drink, John. You know what… You’d better make that a double! No check that… Make it a triple!”
John was shocked. “Are you serious? We’re actually going to do this?”
“Alcohol John! Alcohol! I need alcohol!
And to answer your question… Yes, we’re going to do this. We are on a private island somewhere in the Virgin Islands and we’re on vacation. What happens in the Virgin Islands, stays in the Virgin Islands. What happens on vacation, stays on vacation. So yeah… We’re about to get into some serious grown folks’ fun and games, but first I’m going to need some alcohol.”
“Okay! Okay! I’m on it!” Nervous as a timid virgin on prom night, John scurried to the bar in the great room to get alcohol. He couldn’t believe what they were about to do and frankly he could use a double
as well. Grabbing a bottle of Hennessey, he took a giant swig right from the bottle. “Oh my damn!” He breathed before taking another swig.
A sly smirk slipped across Quanique’s face as she made eye contact with Hope. Hope eyed her and mouthed, “You’re going to pay for this.”
Quanique grinned as she let her towel drop to the floor, revealing her sexy nude frame. “No! You are!” She whispered. “I’ll have one of those too, John.” She yelled.
After a much needed round or two of alcohol, Quanique took the anxious John by the hand and led him to the bed. Hope watched with mixed emotions as Quanique slowly peeled her husband’s shorts down. John’s dick had been on red alert since Hope revealed the concept of having a threesome with Quanique. His dick was hard and veiny and in desperate need of sexual release.
Quanique grabbed it firmly in her soft hand as she sampled his soft lips. They were red and moist from the alcohol
but she didn’t seem to mind. Sucking them in her mouth, she slowly jerked him off as her free hand slipped between her thick thighs and played with her clit. John immediately looked towards Hope who lingered in the doorway watching the two of them.
His eyes met hers and begged for confirmation that this was truly what she wanted to do. Hope slowly nodded yes as she walked towards them. John was still standing
and Quanique had now dropped to her knees before him, poised and ready to suck his dick. Methodically kneading his dick, she watched as lust took over his senses and his resolve finally relinquished control to it.
Grabbing a fist full of her long dark brown hair he pulled her face towards his dick. “Open your mouth and swallow!” He mumbled.
Quanique didn’t need to be told twice. She immediately sucked the bulbous swollen tip of John’s dick in her mouth. Inch by inch she slurped it further into the depths of her moist mouth. Then she begin to swallow it down her throat in half inch increments. After more and more of John’s dick disappeared in the sexy co-eds mouth without so much as a cough, John realized Quanique was indeed a rare find. She was a woman without a gag reflex.
“Oh fucking hell yeah! Swallow that damn cock!” He hissed as he yanked her closer by her hair.
Quanique liked an aggressive man so she didn’t mind the unnecessary roughness. She knew John’s sex drive was revved up with alcohol and desire. A devious grin spread over her face as she released his dick from her mouth with a loud pop. “You like that shit don’t you?” She taunted as she quickly sucked it back down her throat as far as it would go.
“Shit! Oh hell yeah!” John hissed.
“No! He loves it!” Hope corrected her as she joined her husband at his side and engaged him in a passion driven, five alarm, whorehouse kiss. Releasing Quanique’s head, he grabbed his wife by the face. “I fucking love you so damn much woman!” He confessed as Quanique continued to literally suck the damn skin off his throbbing, big dick.
“Oh yeah?” Hope teased. “Show me.” She said as she pushed him back on the large, oversized king size bed and climbed on his face. His mouth eagerly sought her clit as Quanique continued her efforts to drive him insane with passion. Climbing on the bed with them, she straddled his leg
s and started nibbling on his balls as she slow stroked him.
“Are you going to play with his dick all night or are you going to fuck my husband?” The now drunk Hope challenged as she looked on.
John’s face was buried deep beneath Hope’s brown thighs so he couldn’t see the smirk that quickly spread across Quanique’s face. “Just getting it nice and wet.”
“You first!” John interjected. “Quanique I want you to lick my wife’s pussy until she passes out
, while I fuck you from behind and watch.”
“John, you have no idea how much I would love to. Come
here Hope. Let me taste that sweet little pussy of yours.”
“Oh God this feels so damn good!’ Hope exclaimed, trying to sidetrack them. “Baby, chew on my clit! I’m so close to coming! Don’t stop, now! Don’t stop!”
John knew what Hope was trying to do and he’d be damned if he’d let her. He knew she didn’t want no part of Quanique’s body to touch her. Pushing Quanique to the side he grabbed Hope by the waist and flipped her onto the bed on her back. His mouth continued to suck her clit as his fingers dipped in and out of her wet pussy. Quanique stroked John’s dick and licked his balls as she watched him eat Hope’s pussy like it was a hot cherry pie. Hope’s eyes rolled back and her head started to swirl around and around from passion as lust consumed her. She watched as Quanique sucked her husband’s balls. Moments later her release pressed hard against her causing her pussy to violently thump with desire.
“You ready for this?” John asked Quanique as his free hand slipped between her thighs and vigorously rubbed her swollen clit.
“Yes! You know I am.” Quanique groaned as she firmly stroked his throbbing manhood.
“Good! Now, eat my wife’s pussy and make her come. I want to see her cream in your mouth.” John snarled as he pushed her face into Hope’s pussy and pulled her ass towards him in one fluid motion.
Before John’s words registered in Hope’s brain, Quanique had sucked her clit deep in her mouth. “Oh my damn!” Hope screamed out as she tried to back pedal away from Quanique’s greedy mouth. But Quanique held her firmly in place preventing her from escaping from her grasp. She finally had Hope right where she wanted her and she was not about to let her get away.
John’s dick jerked and pulsated violently as he watched Quanique suck and lick his wife’s wet pussy. Hope kicked and bucked and thrashed to get away to no avail. Satisfied Hope was getting a proper lick, suck and finger fuck, John thrust his ten inch
, thick and meaty dick, balls to ass deep into Quanique’s tight pussy in one fluid stroke and then went to work.
“F-U-C-K!” She yelled. “Fuck that feels so damn good!” She grunted before returning to Hope’s pussy. “Fuck that pussy! Oh yes, that’s it! Give me every inch of that big, thick dick!” She screamed as she briefly surfaced for air.
Hope could hear her husband’s balls as they slapped repeatedly against Quanique’s ass. She smiled as she realized her mission had been accomplished. But her victory was short lived. Quanique immediately begin to suck and lick her pussy like a hungry cat lapping sweet cream from a saucer. Now, Hope was as straight as a stripper pole. The last thing she ever thought she’d do is have sex with a woman, but there she was… Less than a shaved cunt hair from squirting in a girl’s mouth. She fought it as hard as she could. She didn’t want to give in to the immense pleasure Quanique’s mouth was giving her but she couldn’t help it. Her body quickly turned on her and she found herself coming faster than a raging bull.
“Ah F-U-C-K! No! No! I’m coming! I’m coming!” She screamed as her erotic core unexpectedly exploded
and her body blew apart in a billion pieces all over Quanique’s face.
“That’s it! That’s it baby! Come all over her pretty mouth! Squirt your cream all over her!” John grunted and snorted as he continued to slam his dick into Quanique like an out of control jackhammer.
“Is it good baby? Is that pussy good to you?” Yeah! I can tell it is! Fuck that pussy baby! Fuck that damn tight, young pussy!” Hope heard herself scream.
“Fucking Hell Yeah! Ah fuck! This shit feels so fucking incredible! Thank you baby! Thank you!” He screamed.
Now at this point, Quanique was on her job and she was working overtime! She had both of the Sabins fucking her and coming simultaneously. “That’s it John! Fuck my tight pussy! Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it! Damn this dick is huge!” She screamed as she vigorously rubbed Hope’s clit. “You like this shit don’t you Hope? Admit it! You know you like it! Say it! Say I like it! I want to hear you say you like it!”
“Ah fuck! I can’t take it! Stop Quanique! Stop!” Hope begged.
“Quanique, don’t you fucking dare stop! Eat that fucking pussy until she creams again and again!” John ordered as he quickly lost his battle with his category seven orgasm.
“Fuck me, John! Fuck me hard! Rub my pussy! I want to come with you!” Quanique screamed the moment she realized that both John and Hope were climaxing.
John quickly ran the heel of his strong right hand back and forth rapidly over Quanique’s swollen clit as he milked her heavy round breasts with the other. Fucking her harder and deeper he waged war against her needy pussy as he continued to screw her from behind, while Hope watched. “Come for me! Come all over my damn juicy, big cock! You can do it, Quanique! Come with us!” He snorted in her ear as his dick hammered her G-spot.
Quanique was less than a hillbilly clit lick away from a nuclear meltdown when she felt John shoot his hot sticky load into her pussy, filling it
completely. “Ah fucking hell yeah! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She screamed loudly as she realized she had just completed her mission and possibly earned two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in less than ten damn minutes. Suddenly, her brain became cloudy and her vision blurred as her release stormed in and slapped her in her face with a frozen bag of quarters, repeatedly. “That’s it! That’s it! Fuck me, John! Fuck me! Oh shit! I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m coming hard.”
Sucking Hope’s entire pussy in her mouth and finger fucking her viciously, Quanique made damn sure Hope joined her and John in their climb to ecstasy. A split second later the three of them burst into flames and simultaneously combusted together. Screaming, grinding, licking, pumping and fucking uncontrollably the trio succumbed to their burning passion.
Throughout the evening and the remainder of the night the three lovers made love without shame or inhibition. The following morning they returned to St. Croix and went their separate ways. Quanique took an evening flight back to Charlotte and John and Hope continued their romantic vacation in St. Croix for another five days. They returned home happier and more in love than ever. John had his wife back, free of infertility, adoption and surrogate worries. Well at least two out of three wasn’t so bad.