Unspeakable Proposal (5 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Unspeakable Proposal
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The slowly seductive rhythm of Quanique’s bare ass mesmerized John as he watched her walk way. Hope smirked as she cleared her throat and coughed loudly to break his trance. John recovered quickly.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… Sure… I’m fine!”

“Really, because it looked as though you had slipped into an ass overdose coma or had a bad case of ass-cid
reflux, or needed an ass-prin!”

John looked at his beautiful wife. He had been caught red handed. “Baby, I’m sorry! I know I was as wrong as tits on a bull…
But that’s one pretty girl.”

“Oh yeah? So what am I?” Hope teased.

“You, my Lady, are an extraordinarily, breathtakingly beautiful woman.” He flirted as he sampled her lips. And I am a world class ass with a healthy sexual appetite and a jerk for a dick!” Hope rolled her eyes and pulled away from his embrace. “Oh come on baby! I’m a man! Name one straight man on the damn planet who wouldn’t have looked. DAMN! Did you see that bikini?”

“Shut Up!”

“Okay, you’re right! Your Honor, I plead guilty as charged and I throw myself on the mercy of the court. Please Your Honor, do not sentence me to death for this misdemeanor. Please charge it to my dick and not my heart!” He pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

“Just stop! Boy, I’m not tripping over
you looking at that little girl.”

“She does look a little young to be married. How old is she anyway?”

“I don’t know. She’s older than she looks… I guess, probably somewhere around twenty-two to twenty-four.”

“I guess that’s not too young to get married. Speaking of which… Why did you elbow me when I invited her and her husband out for a drink? What was that all about?”

Hope shook her head. “I tried to stop you because the poor little thing was stood up on her wedding day. She didn’t get married. She came on her honeymoon alone so she didn’t have to forfeit the expense of the trip.”

“No! Ah shit! I didn’t know!”

“How could you. Hell, I did the same damn thing!”

“She got jilted at the altar,
and my dumbass had to mention her husband. Damn. How does my damn foot keep finding its way into my fat ass mouth today?”

“I don’t have a clue. But you have no idea how
big your mouth is… She was marrying a woman and not a man, so…”

“No fucking way! She’s a lesbian?”

“No! See that’s the problem. She’s bisexual.”

“How can she be bisexual and get married to a woman? Wouldn’t that, by default, make her a lesbian, since she
would no longer be available to sleep with men? I don’t get it. How does that work?” John asked utterly confused at this point.

“I don’t really know for sure… But she said that was the source of their problem. Apparently Quanique loves the dick
a hell of a lot more than she loves the pussy. And her fiancé wasn’t about to share her.”

“I can’t say I blame her.” John chimed in without thinking.

Hope rolled her eyes. “Keep it up!”

“Sorry… Just stating the obvious!” He chuckled. “So… Don’t they have
strap on dildoes for that very reason? I know it’s a stupid question, but I don’t know the answer, so I got to ask.”

“Like I’m the damn expert on bisexual and lesbian life?” Hope laughed. “All I know is she wanted the right to get some real life dick in her once or twice a month.”

“No! Are you serious? See that’s just not going to work. That is just not conducive to a marriage between two women.” John responded as he bought into the gossip fest.

“Exactly! So she told her fiancé, Jewels, that she had to have her dick along with her clit and Jewels just wasn’t having any of that bullshit! Apparently Jewels was a lesbian. She refused to enter into an open marriage,
and she called the whole thing off the day of the wedding.”

“Oh hell no! Now that’s what lawyers refer to as irreconcilable differences.”

“Hey tell me about it!” Hope laughed. “I’m laughing, but it actually isn’t funny. She seems like a nice girl. She’s pretty torn up about the whole thing.”

“So what… I don’t understand… She doesn’t love this woman, Jewels, enough to pledge her fidelity?”

“According to her, she loves her immensely, but a life without a lick of a warm dick was a deal breaker.”

“That’s pretty fucked up! She’s young. She’ll recover. So what’s she going to do?”

“Besides find some man and overdose on his dick?” Hope giggled.

“You need to stop.” John chuckled. “I mean it’s funny,
but she seems broken up about it and she obviously felt comfortable bearing her soul to you. Is she going to go back to Jewels and at least try to make it work?”

Hope snickered. “That was probably another poor decision, telling me all of her business because you know I’m a drama feign! I have been suppressing the urge to laugh since the second she confided in me. My jaw hurts… It’s been unhinged from the second she started talking. Oh My God! This shit reads like a sleazy erotic romance novel. According to her, fuck Jewels! She emphatically said she was getting some dick from somebody on her would be honeymoon. I think it’s just an attempt to stick it to Jewels.” 

“Wow… This is some seriously fucked up Jerry Springer shit. I’d wish her luck, but I’m not sure she’s going to need. Well at least not with the dick part. I think you’re right, her heart’s broken. She’s just venting. Hopefully it doesn’t get her into trouble.”

“I think she’s going to be okay. I feel sorry for the poor bastard she hooks up with. She hasn’t had a real life, throbbing and pulsating dick in over two years. Somebody is about to get straight up Ninja Fucked!”

“Yeah! Imagine how that lucky… I mean poor bastard is going to feel.” John laughed. “Now those are the kind of problems a man dreams about.”

Hope eyed him. “Anyway… I’ll feel better if we keep an eye on her. She’s vulnerable on a strange island with no one she can trust, but us. Somebody has to look out for her before she ends up on a damn milk carton.”

“So she’s from Concord? That’s like less than thirty minutes from Charlotte.”

“Yeah. She’s enrolled in a master’s program at UNCC.”

“No problem. We’ll take her out to dinner a few times and let her tag along with us on our day trips. How long is she here?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll ask her when I call her later.”

“Yeah find out. Look, back to grown folks problems. All this sleazy sex talk has stimulated my libido. So, how about we take a little nap before dinner?”

An easy smile slid across Hope’s devious little, pretty face. “I knew it would be just a matter of
time before my baby needed a nap.” She giggled. “Let’s go. I’m kind of sleepy myself.”


Over the next three days the couple and Quanique became essentially adjourned at the hips. Quanique spent most of the day sightseeing with them and half the night bar hopping. She was spontaneous and fun,
and they enjoyed her company. Although Hope knew what Quanique’s primary objective and motivation was, she still found herself being a tad bit possessive of her husband. After all, John was her man and baby or no baby she wasn’t happy about the beautiful Quanique slinging her bubble ass in his face every chance she got.

Now, Hope considered saying something about it, but she knew Quanique
would quickly remind her it was strictly business. At any rate, it all played along their theme this was just a chance meeting between three people on vacation. John saw the green eyed demon surface in Hope, and he did everything he could do to let her know she was the love of his life.

Even still, John was one hundred percent man and just like any other man, he struggled to control the desires of his dick. One afternoon, while applying sunscreen to Quanique’s back, John became hard as a
rock. It was so innocent and natural he didn’t even notice it, but Hope and Quanique picked up on it instantly. Hope knew he was finally ready to consider the concept of a threesome.

Now, the fertility specialist had given Quanique a detailed graphic representation of her fertility cycle for the next six months. According the graph, they had
roughly a four day window to get John and Quanique together if they planned to conceive. If not, they’d have to wait another cycle to try again. Hope knew John would never ever consider this under normal circumstances, so it was now or never.

So she decided to make
special arrangements to rent a private villa on a private island for the next three nights. The resort's concierge quickly made all of the arrangements. Within twenty four hours Hope would share her handsome husband with another woman. A woman whom she had to admit was sexier, prettier and younger than she. She could not help but think what if the unthinkable happened and Quanique stole her man.

“What the fuck am I doing?”
She asked herself as she authorized the adoption attorney to transfer forty five thousand dollars to Quanique’s bank account.

Focusing on the objective and the goal, Hope had to shake off her doubt and insecurities and remind herself this was strictly business. Their fate was set on the wings of time,
and there was no turning back. She wanted a family, and this was simply a means to an end. John loved her. They were soul mates, and she knew it. Quanique was just pussy, and a womb to carry their child she reassured herself as she made the phone call.

“Hi, Andrew Ritter,
please. This is Hope Sabin calling.” Andrew was on the phone in a matter of seconds.

“Yes Hope… How can I help you?”

“Hi Andrew. I’m just calling to authorize the forty five thousand dollar installment payment to my surrogat, Quanique Robinson.”

“Sure! When would you like me to transfer the funds?”

“Um… Transfer them right away. There’s no reason to delay. You should have all of her account information.”

“I do… I’ll authorize the bank to transfer the funds to her account just as soon as I get off the phone.” He assured her.

“Thanks. I appreciate that.”

“Is everything okay? You sound a little stressed.”

Hope hesitated. “I’m fine… Just tired. We’re on vacation in St. Croix. These early mornings and late nights are beginning to take their toll.”

“Okay… Well, have fun, but be sure to get some rest. You know some people actually just take it easy and relax on vacation.” He chuckled. “Look, enjoy
yourself. I’ll transfer the funds immediately. They should be in her account and available for withdrawal tomorrow morning. Would you like me to notify her?”

“No! I’ve already notified her. In fact, I spoke to her today.”

“Okay, well give me a call when you get back to the states.”

“Will do!”

“Take care!”

“Thanks! You too!”

Hope got off the phone to find John standing over her. “I didn’t hear you come in the room. You scared me.”

“Sorry, who was that on the phone?” He asked puzzled.

Hope sighed. She could have flat out lied, but the truth worked in this situation. “Andrew Ritter.”

The attorney?”

“Yeah… He’s handling the adoption search for me. I called to see if he had any leads.”

“Okay… So what’s the verdict? Any good news?”

“Yeah, sort of… He thinks he has a good lead on a young mother considering adoption. He’s going to tell me more when we come back to the city.”

“Wow! That’s good news, did he say how soon we might be able to get the baby. Is it a boy or girl? What?”

“Sweetie, it’s all speculative and too early to tell right now. Besides, we’d have to meet with the expecting mother… It’s just a whole lot of hoops, so we’ll find out more after we get home from vacation. I know about as much about it as you do.”

“Sorry! I just got a little excited. Is everything okay? You’ve been a little…”

“I’m just tired.” She quickly interrupted. “Where’s Quanique?”

“She went to her room I think. At least that’s where she said she was headed. Why?”

“Just asking?” Hope nonchalantly answered as she grabbed a pillow and curled up into the fetal position on the bed.

“Hope what’s wrong? And please don’t say nothing?”

“So… What? Do you want me to lie to you then?”

John climbed on the bed and wrapped his body around hers from the back. Holding her tight he whispered in her ear. “I know you don’t realize exactly how much, but I love you. You are my entire world. There’s nothing or no one that could ever make me stop loving you. You know that right?”

Hope didn’t even realize she was crying until the tears started to roll down her cheek at an alarming pace and soak the pillow. Bursting into a full on sob she clenched her husband’s arms tight and just balled like a baby. Now, John had a strong feeling what was wrong. Hope was a woman. She was jealous and insecure about her husband paying a little too much attention to another woman.

“Let’s order room service and have a romantic dinner for two. It’s been a while since I’ve had you all to myself. Quanique will understand. I think we can finally trust her not to choke herself to death on a random dick. If not, she deserved to die for being greedy.” He joked.

Hope looked at him for a long breath and then laughed. “You are such an idiot! Only you would say something like that. Sure! I think you’re right. I’d love to share a meal with my husband alone.”

“Great, I’ll call her and tell her we’re staying in tonight.”

“Okay. Tell her to pack her overnight bag. I have a surprise day trip planned for tomorrow.”

“What is it?”

“Uh… It’s called a surprise.”

“Look Hope… I need to say something. I’ve noticed you’ve been a little envious of Quanique lately. But nothing’s going on between us. Okay? I might can’t control who gets my dick hard, but I can control who owns my heart, and that will forever belong exclusively to you. You don’t have to worry about me, I’m yours. Okay?”

Overwhelmed, the beautiful
Hope jumped in her husband’s arms, and smothered his mouth with a breath snatching, searing hot kiss. John grabbed her long hair and kissed her hard with the passion of a warrior returning from a losing battle. Kissing her harder and harder until she was breathless, he ripped off her bikini bottom and licked her shaved pussy until she screamed for mercy. Spreading her legs wide, he pulled down his shorts and slammed his hard dick into her repeatedly until his body seized from a tantric orgasm of epic proportions.

Winded and struggling for breath as he squirted the last of his load into her, he breathed in her ear, “You are my life. I love! I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. Tell me you know that!”

“I do!” Hope conceded as she softly kissed his lips and searched his crystal blue eyes. “And I love you! I only hope one day you will truly know exactly how much.” After wiping the remnants of tears from her eyes, she retrieved her phone and dialed Quanique’s room.

Quanique answered right away. “Hey what’s up? What time is dinner?”

“Hi, we’re staying in tonight. Call room service and order whatever you like. Tell them to charge it to our room. Oh yeah… Pack an overnight bag. We’re going on a surprise overnight trip. We leave in the morning. Talk to you then.”

Hope hung up before Quanique could say a single word. Puzzled and somewhat troubled by her earlier statement John elected not to say a word either.

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