Unspeakable Proposal

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

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Unspeakable Proposal

By Brenda Stokes Lee

Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

Charlotte, NC 28269

Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2009, 2012

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Publisher’s Note

This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction.  Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them. Daddy’s Girl Publishing House


’s big brown eyes darkened with desire as she kicked off her red stiletto heels, and seductively slid her bare foot along the leg of the gorgeous man who sat across the table from her. A sinister smile crept swiftly across his face as her nimble foot moved slowly along his thigh to his groin. Quickly scanning the crowded restaurant he made sure no one was watching. Hope’s eyes never once left him. She didn’t give a damn who saw them or what they thought about what she was doing to him. She had to have this man. Her body craved this man and she didn’t care who knew it.

Pressing her foot firmly at the base of his crotch she began
methodically to massage his dick through his custom, tailored slacks. His left eyebrow arched as he considered the blatant sexual advances of his stunning lunch date. His head and judgment quickly became clouded with lust as her foot stroked his large dick to a rigidity he had not experienced since he was a teenager. God how he wanted to pull his hard dick out, bend this magnificently sexy woman over the table and fuck her in front of everyone.

“Waiter! Check please!” He yelled as he placed his credit card on the table. “Woman I’m going to take you to my condo, rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can’t walk!”

“I’d like that... I’d like that a lot.” Hope mumbled as she lost herself in his clear blue eyes.

“You’d like what?”
John Sabin asked. Hope didn’t respond. Caught up in her fantasy she never heard him. “Ms. Moran are you okay? You look a little flushed. Let me get you some water. Waiter! Can we have a fresh glass of ice water, please?”

Quickly snapping back to reality
, Hope struggled to recover from her inappropriate, erotic daydream. “I’m fine! I’m sorry... I must have spaced out for a moment. I’m okay.” She tried to convince him, as she took the glass of water from the waiter and gulped it down to cool off.

“Alright if you say so... I can’t let anything happen to the firm’s best client on my watch.” He chuckled
as he suspiciously eyed her to make sure she was actually alright.

Tax Attorney John
Sabin took a final look at the completed tax return in his hand before stealing a forbidden glance at the striking woman before him. She was breathtaking and the words that he truly wanted to say got caught up with the words he was trying to say and he suddenly found himself tongue tied. Coughing to clear his head and the awkward silence he immediately diverted his attention from the extraordinarily rich and beautiful Hope Moran.

Please excuse me. I know that probably sounded so rude, but something got caught in my throat.” He was right, it was his heart.

“Is everything okay?” She asked, concerned.

“Yes, everything is perfect. Okay... Well your personal taxes are complete and ready for your review and signature.”

“Great I’ll take a quick look at them on the ride back to your office. I
honestly I need to get home. By the way... Thank you for inviting me out to lunch. I know your schedule was probably hectic today. I genuinely appreciate the extra attention you give to my account.”

“It’s my pleasure.
I wish I could take you out for dinner sometime. I actually enjoy your company.”

“Now you are just being kind or sucking up. I’
m not quite sure which one. At any rate, lunch was delicious and I’m ready to go whenever you are.”

“Sure. Let me just take care of the check. Could you excuse me for just one second?
I promise we’ll leave the moment I return.”

“No problem.”
Hope smiled.

John quickly located his waitress and gave her his American Express card to settle the bill. Flustered and disoriented he head
ed for the men’s room. “What the fuck is wrong with you man? Get your shit together!” He vented as he grabbed his hard dick and readjusted it in his slacks. “Hope Moran is worth over two hundred million dollars and you have the audacity to entertain fucking her. No! Fucking with that woman is suicide. You might as well stick a nine millimeter in your mouth and pull the damn trigger! Okay... Okay... We are going back out there, and you’d better keep your head down and shut the fuck up!” John snorted as he vigorously jerked his now semi hard manhood three times, never once noticing the man at the urinal. “I don’t want to have this conversation with you again! Dumbass!”

“Are you okay?” The
elderly man cautiously asked.

John washed his hands and splashed water on his face. “Yes, I’m
fine. Sorry for the outburst, but this IDIOT right here just needed a stern lecture.” He responded as he grabbed his now limp and ashamed dick one final time. “Enjoy your day sir. Oh, by the way, you have marinara sauce on your tie.” John casually remarked as he adjusted his own tie and took a final look at the reflection of his fineness in the mirror.


On the ride back to his office, Hope scanned the mound of papers that comprised her personal tax return, as John effortlessly maneuvered his late model Lexus through the busy Charlotte traffic. She trusted John; and she knew her return was in order. He had been her personal tax attorney since she inherited her grandfather’s vast estate almost three years ago.

“Everything looks good. I’ll sign the return as soon as we get back to your office.” She smiled as she closed the file.

“Great because we’re here now. I’ll file them today.” He beamed as he caught a glimpse of Hope’s long, toned legs. “Don’t even think about it.” He breathed to himself.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Did you say something to me?”
Hope asked puzzled.

“No... I was just talking to myself.” He replied
, a little embarrassed she almost heard him.

John parked the car in a
sheltered, remote parking spot on the roof of the enormous parking garage attached to his high-rise office building. “Hope, I am so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I should have let you out in front of the building. This is my favorite space. I’m sorry, I can drive you back down stairs, or we can just walk across the bridge and take the elevator down to my office from here. On second thought… Let me just drive you to the front of my building.”

“Nonsense, I’m
okay. It’ll give us a few more moments to be alone.”

I guess I was on auto pilot. This is my normal parking space. I like to park up here because people rarely venture to the roof to park. They are usually too lazy or in too big of a hurry to park up here. Besides there’s always plenty of parking on the lower level. Actually, I like it here because it assures me that no one is going to park next to me and scratch up my car. The bonus is the view from here is spectacular and I get a good, painless, quick workout by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.”

surveyed the deserted rooftop parking lot. She instantly fell in love with John’s parking space. It afforded her the perfect opportunity to do something she’d wanted to do since the very first day she met John and that was to sample his soft lips. Throughout the entire lunch date, she could think of nothing else. Now, she found herself alone in a secluded location with her secret obsession. She knew she had to make her move. It was now or never.

“Actually, I think it’s kind of romantic.” She flirted as her hand casually found a resting place on his knee.

John chuckled. “Really, you don’t think it’s too desperate or predictable, to say the least? I mean the whole story sounds a little too cheesy. It’s like the guy who conveniently runs out of gas on a quite country road while taking his girl home from a late night date.”

giggled. “Maybe… But I doubt if that was your intention John Sabin. Actually, I don’t think it’s cheesy at all. Surely, it’s no more desperate than me allowing my hand to carelessly fall on your knee.”

Leaning towards him
slowly Hope stopped just short of touching his lips. Her eyes met and engaged his. She wanted to kiss him; and she wanted to make damn sure he knew it. Without hesitation or reservation, John leaned closer to her and sampled her lips. Sucking ever so gently on her bottom lip he assured her he was all in. Hope was ecstatic he was as attracted to her as she was to him. She wasted no time, running her fingers through his hair as she seductively slid her tongue along the opening between his lips.

Seconds later they were locked in a heated lovers embrace. John sucked
Hope’s tongue deep into his mouth, quickly wrestling it into submission as his hand squeezed her firm heavy breast through her blouse. Hope was literally on fire with need and consumed by the flames of desire. Her fingers trembled as she began to undo the buttons of her blouse.

Hope, I know this is so unprofessional, but woman you are so amazingly stunning. My body loses control every time I see you. I’ve battled with my feelings for far longer than I care to admit. If it costs me my job, I will have you today.” John’s sultry voice fervently declared as he nibbled on Hope’s ear lobe.

was so excited she couldn’t even respond to him. Her body literally ached for John to touch her. Pulling her top off, John resumed kissing and fondling her breasts. Without a second thought, Hope hiked up her red pencil skirt, climbed over the console and straddled him. John immediately pushed his seat back as far as it would go and tilted it in the full recline position. He couldn’t believe what was about to happen, but he’d be damned if he tried to stop it.

’s dick instantly grew harder than an uncut Siberian diamond every single time Hope Moran’s name was even mentioned around the firm. He had been attracted to her from the moment they met, but he knew she was off limits. It would have been career suicide to reveal his feelings to Hope or anyone else for that matter. Hope’s account was the largest account the firm had ever acquired. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who screwed that account up would be terminated instantly.

John loved his job, so he put his
libido and his desire for Hope on ice and left it there. After all, what would a woman whose net worth was almost a quarter of a million dollars want or need with a man like him? He had nothing tangible to offer her except an exceptionally hard, big dick. If John sold his house, his car and everything else he owned, and died he would still have a net worth of less than two million dollars. It was absurd to even entertain the fantasy of dating Hope Moran, so he promptly dismissed the notion of loving her until this very moment.

Now, Hope
had always been the aggressor when it came to sex. She knew exactly what she wanted and exactly how she wanted it. Towards that end, she didn’t hesitate to unbuckle John’s pants to show him just how much she wanted him. Freeing his rapidly expanding manhood from its fabric prison, Hope took matters in her own hands. Stunned, John gasped and then groaned loudly as she stroked him and sucked on his tongue. Without a moment's delay, he loosened his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and laid back so Hope could have her way with him.

Hope marveled at the girth of his manhood
as it jerked and throbbed violently in her hand. “Oh my, my, my... He is a very impressive specimen. Ahhh, look at him… He’s so agitated, so menacing. Don’t worry big guy… I’ll soon fix that.” She purred.

With that said, she immediately went to work
soothing John’s throbbing hard dick and submitting it to her control. Holding it with a firm but gentle grip she slid her hands up and down its length. Back and forth and back and forth her hand glided until both Big John and Little John were mesmerized by the steady, precise rhythm of her hand. Hope had magic hands, and John enjoyed every second of her intimate massage.

“Oh my damn, that feels incredible.” John unconsciously breathed as his eyes rolled to the back of his head like a pair of
crystal blue marbles.

“I assume you like the way my hand makes you feel.”
She teased.

“Woman, if
that’s what you assume you have come to the wrong damn conclusion because my body loves the way your hand makes it feel.” He groaned as his eyes glazed over with lust and then slowly closed.

A devilish grin kissed
Hope’s face. She knew she finally had John exactly where she wanted him, and he was officially hers for the taking. She could tell he wanted her as bad as she wanted him. His dick was growing and growing so rapidly she thought it would never stop. John was significantly well endowed for a man. Some would even venture to say he would even be considered blessed if he was a Clydesdale horse. Naturally, Hope was one of those people. John was thoroughly enjoying her hand, but she just had to have a taste of his horse meat.

Lowering her head she gave
John’s dick a big hard lick. She groaned loudly, and her eyes rolled around in her head as she quickly sucked it into her warm mouth. John’s head tossed to and fro on the headrest as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked his hard member to the back of her throat. Swallowing, she took a few more gulps of it before popping it out and starting all over again. John’s eyes immediately popped open as he watched Hope handle his dick. He smiled and nodded, affirming to himself she was unquestionably Wifey material.

Slipping his
free hand between her thighs he located her wet spot. Hope’s pussy was shaved as smooth as a baby’s ass, just the way he liked it. Introducing one of his long thick fingers into it, he found it also to be tight and wet the way he loved it. Adding yet another finger to the mix he mimicked the rhythm of her mouth’s up and down descent on his rigid dick with his in and out finger thrusts. The sensation was delicious, and it prompted Hope to wiggle uncontrollably on his now wet hand.

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