Unsocial (46 page)

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Authors: Nicole Dykes

BOOK: Unsocial
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I remember Alex telling me how I’ve allowed men to make me change
for them, but I know if taking this chance were with anyone but Dylan I
wouldn’t do it.  I would walk away.  Dylan makes it worth breaking all the
rules, risking everything, potentially facing the consequences if it all goes
wrong. I love my career that I’m so new at getting started, but I love the idea
of Dylan and me
even more. I may be blinded by lust or maybe
even the possibility of love, but I don’t care.  I need to be full in on this
decision because I can’t leave it just on his shoulders to navigate the
dangerous waters of this relationship alone. I realize he’s risking as much if
not more than I am. I’m risking my job, even though it’s one that I’ve busted
my ass for, I know that there are other career paths I could follow, but Dylan
is putting his family on the line to be with me, and you only have one family. 
I have to go in this as brave and sure as he seems to be doing.  We’ll need to
be strong enough to lean on each other.

His hands are still grasping my face, and he pulls me in for
another kiss that I don't want to end. He pulls away this time, but still cups
my face, "I'm not saying it will be easy. It won't be. It will be hard as hell,
and I hate fucking lying and sneaking around, but for you, I don't think there
is anything I won't do. I will make this work, somehow, just trust me and we
will work it out together. Fuck, I swear to Christ you won’t regret this, that
won’t regret this."

I can't help but grin because he's so adamant.
He is one hundred percent serious about this. If he's in, then
I'm sure as hell am. "I would text you my answer, but my phone is dead,
and I would have to wait to get home to charge it, so just let me say it, yes.”

He smiles down at me, "Thank fuck. One thing, though, no
running out on me. We talk about any worries. I don’t think I could take it if
you walked away because you get scared. We have to work it out together.”

I nod, he knows me well. "Deal. No running. But what about
other people?"

He looks confused, "You mean dating other people?"

I nod because I know how important communication is, and with us
having to be so secretive, I want total openness. "Yes, does this mean we
are exclusive?"

"You’re goddamn right. The thought of another man with his
hands on you makes me fucking homicidal. Just you and me."

I smile. "That was the answer I was hoping for."

I initiate another kiss and, this time, neither of us pulls away
for a long time.  I slide his coat off his broad shoulders and immediately
snake them underneath his t-shirt to the muscles of his back.  His skin is warm
under my palms as they explore the dips and valleys.

Dylan pulls back just enough to ask, “There aren’t any cameras in
here are there?”

I giggle, "No, just on the entrance.”

“Good, because I need to dirty you up just a little.  A little
taste to get me through until tomorrow night.” Ah, there’s my sexy Dylan. He reinitiates
the kiss. It doesn’t take long for us to lose ourselves in exploring each

We reacquaint ourselves to all the things that we had a taste of
on New Year’s, but this time, it seems like so much more. It’s not any less
urgent, but it’s not as frantic as before. We hold and touch and kiss each
other with the promise of more rather than the thought of ‘this is it.’ It’s
more free and easy as much as it is confining and difficult in the need to keep
our secret.

He kisses down my neck softly, and I close my eyes. I know this is
unbelievably risky to be doing this at my place of work, but his touch loosens
me up enough to let the wild child in me come out. Our hands slip beneath or
clothes to seal the deal of all the promises we made just moments before. We
fill the quiet of the room with words of want and need and all the dirty things
we want to do to each other. I wish we were anywhere, but here right now so we
could make good on them. Moans follow intimate touches to the sensitive parts
of our bodies that scream for attention.  His cock is straining and hard
against my stomach, and he brushes it against me time and time again, I’m sure
to relieve some of the ache he must feel. Each time causes my clit to pulse and
my pussy to weep in anticipation of more.

Before all control is lost Dylan stops and touches his forehead to
mine.  “We have to stop. I promised to protect us both, so we aren’t doing this

All I can do is nod weakly. I don’t think I’m capable of speaking
after everything that happened tonight. I know I need time to process as well
as savor the idea of being Dylan’s girlfriend. Dylan and girlfriend are two
words I didn’t think I would ever consider in the same sentence, but the fact
that I’m now said girlfriend is like some teenage dream come true. And I feel
just as giddy as a school girl.

“You ready for this ride, babe.”

“Yeah, you just have to promise more of those kisses.”

“I have no problem with that. There’ll be lots more, beginning
tomorrow night. The reservation is still on.”

I smile as he breaks away and helps me fix my clothes back before
straightening his own. After our clothes are back in place, he pulls me back to
him. "I know this is going to be really scary for you, but all you have to
do is call me.  I’m scared too that I’m going to do something to fuck this up
because I don’t know how to do this whole boyfriend thing. But I’m going to
make you happy. We just have to stick to our open book policy. No secrets,

I stand on tiptoes to kiss the corner of his mouth and tell him
playfully, “You’re off to a really good start at making me happy, and for a
beginner boyfriend you’re not doing so badly.” My tone becomes serious, “You’re
right, we’re going to have some rough times, but we can get through them with
honesty.  I’m not so worried about keeping it from people at my job, but I
don’t know how we’re going to keep us from Jax, Alex, and the kids.”

He kisses my lips. “It’ll be hard as hell, but we’ll figure it
out, but I’m not going to let it limit us being together. This will probably
take a lot of sneaking around, but think of all the secret little touches and
kisses when no one’s looking before we finally get to be alone.”

I smile at the thought, and a delicious shiver runs through me.

When he puts it like that excitement overtakes any doubts.

Chapter 27


I pull back again from Brooke’s lips. Our breathing is heavy, and
it’s hard to stop kissing her. For a man who’s gone years avoiding the act, my
lips seem to be homing pigeons to hers.  But I know we need to stop. Besides we
have Friday night, and I can’t fucking wait, but after this make-out session
the waiting is going to make our time together so damn sweet.

“Are you about done here?” I don’t like that she’s here by herself
so late, and I don’t want to leave her alone. Hell, I just don’t want to leave
her period.

“Almost, I think.  I need to finish this report and put all these
papers in their files, won’t take long.  Why don’t you go on home, I know you
have to work and have to get the kids ready for school?”

“Not a chance. You don’t need to be here by yourself.  Besides,
everyone is probably on their way to bed.  My stepmom was good at is training
her kids to stay on a schedule. She also taught them preplanning, like having
your clothes ready for the next day.” I smile at the memories of Sylvia coming in
every night to make sure all my clothes would match before ‘tucking’ me in at

“I think I would have liked to have known her. The kids are great
and considering what they’ve all been through I’m amazed that there hasn’t been
more trouble.  You’ve done so well with them.” She gives me a sheepish smile,
“I’m in awe of you, Dylan.  You moved your entire life up here with no
hesitation to take care of them.”

Brooke’s praise makes me feel proud, but I know there’s no way I
could have made this journey, that isn’t even over, without her. “Brooke,
there’s no way I could have done it without you. As much as I hated your
intrusion into our life, in the beginning, I have to give credit where credit
is due.  Actually, I think we make a fantastic team because it’s been a team

She’s been
good for all of us. The
accomplishments with Gabby alone are amazing, and I don’t know if I would have
been able to do it alone. My family needs her in our lives as much as I do. 
She fits us. I mentally shake my head wondering when and how in the world Dylan
Monroe turned into such a romantic
sap.  And I know that Sylvia would be
proud of me and amazed that someone like Brooke would take a chance on someone
like me.

Brooke goes back to finishing up the court report she’s working on
and then does some filing as she works I catch up on some emails for work on my

Watching all of the work she does, I understand now why she’s
seemed so tired.  After she had told me, this isn’t even half of her workload
it was my turn to be in awe. And having been on the receiving end of her social
work, I know that each and every one of these people are lucky to have her
fighting for them.

“Alright, Dylan.  I’m finally finished. Thank you for keeping me
company.”  We load up the file box with all her folders and take it back to her
cubicle. I help her gather up her purse and coat so she can finally go home.


After she locks up the doors to the front entrance, I walk her to
her car and open the door for her.  I wish so badly that I could kiss her right
now, but since we’re in full sight of the front of the building where the
security camera is located I don’t give in to temptation.  Once she’s in the
driver’s seat and settled I lean in a little, “I’ll see you Friday evening. Try
to be there at 6?”

“Shouldn’t be a problem.  Once court is over, then I’m through for
the day.” Her smile is full of anticipation, and once again I have to hold
myself back from one more kiss.  I just have to keep in mind that tomorrow
night there won’t be anything to stopping us.

“Drive careful,” I tell her before closing her door.  I watch her
car leave the lot before I head to my truck.

The 20-minute drive to my house is full of thoughts of Brooke.  I
expected to have to beg and plead her to give us a chance.  After I had made my
decision to pursue this committed relationship with her that she would need
convincing this is what I want and also that I would keep our secret safe to
protect her job and my case, but she barely hesitated to jump in the deep end
with me.
Thank Christ.

I pull my car into my garage and consider our decision to be an
actual couple, secret couple, but nonetheless I am now someone’s boyfriend.
a laugh.
I have no idea how to be a boyfriend, but I'm damn sure going to
figure it out or at least try. I'll put everything I have for this because she
isn't just a hookup or some random chick. No matter how much I thought I wanted
her to be, Brooke is so much more than that, and I still can't believe she's
going to be mine, and that she trusts me not to fuck this up. She has more
faith in me than I do.

Now I’m counting down the hours until I see her again, and I have
a feeling I’m going to be counting a lot of hours in the next months between
times we get together.  I’m going to get creative finding ways to see her as
much as I can.

When I walked her out to her car and said goodbye tonight, it was
so different than in the past. Tonight, there was a promise that we would see
each other again soon, that I will get to kiss her and touch her, explore every
inch of her body without having to rush and damn that feels good.

I walk into the kitchen to see Luke sitting at the island inhaling
a very impressive sandwich, and by impressive I mean fucking huge.  I swear
this kid can out eat me and Jackson combined. I toss my keys on the counter,
"Hey, bro. What are you doing up so late?” I greet him.

He chews a massive bite and answers me with his mouth full,
"I was hungry. Where were you, getting lucky?"

The deception begins.
I can be
honest here without giving too much away. “Yep,” I answer with a grin. See,
honesty. I am one lucky son of a bitch.

He raises an eyebrow. “Nice. At least, you don’t smell like
cheap-ass perfume like Friday. Guess tonight’s bitch was better quality.”

“Watch it, Luke,” I warn him. “You need to step back and have a
little more respect for women.”

He chuckles at me. “Yeah, because you do? Come on, Dylan, I know
how you are. Don’t lecture me on how to treat women.”

“Let’s just say I’ve turned over a new leaf and leave it at that,
okay.”  I need to steer the conversation away from women and save it for
another time. I’m a certifiable master at putting off conversations when I
start getting uncomfortable, but I need to change that if I’m going to go along
with mine and Brooke’s open-book policy.

I grab a bottle of water and take a seat across from him. Things
between us have gotten a little better, except for my royal fuck up Friday
night. We can usually hold a conversation nowadays for longer than five minutes
without him being too pissy. "Ready for school to start back up

He nods as he finishes off his sandwich, "I guess. Doesn’t
make any big difference to me.”

this kid is so much like
I used to be. Not a care in the world and treats school like he fucking owns
it. "Maybe you can work on your grades a little more."

He laughs, "You're lecturing me on grades?"

Granted I wasn’t the best student, but that’s only socially.
Academically I did well.  It’s all the fighting and fucking that got me in deep
shit. "I'm your guardian, so it's my job."

"My grades are fine."

"C average is not going to cut it if you want to go to a good
school." Shit, I fucking hate when I sound like my father. I decide not to
press the issue. I’ve been here too many times before, except I was the one
sitting in Luke’s seat. Any more pushing and I’m sure it’ll turn into a
shouting match. It’s late, and he’s too much like me for me to sit here and
lecture him about grades and college.

"I haven’t decided yet if I want to go to college, but if I do,
I can always take up the football scholarships already being pushed on me. 
I’ve got all of next year to decide. Right now I wouldn’t mind working more
hours with you and Jax.”

My chest swells with pride. "Really?"

"Yeah, I like it there.  I like the whole process of
restoring the cars.  I know I still have a lot to learn, but I can see it being
something I want to do.”

“You did a kick-ass job on the graphics for that TA that came in.
The guys are still talking about that.  Like what you decided for your SUV. In
fact, I may have you come up with something for tricking out my truck.  I
hadn’t had it very long before moving here, so other than the lift kit I
haven’t done anything to it.”

“That’s cool. I especially like kitting out the cars and want to
try it on some of the bikes.  I’d love to get my hands on the Indian that just
came in.”

I can’t ignore the excitement in his voice, but it’s getting late,
and he’s got school. "Alright, go to bed. I’ll talk to Jax about getting
more hours at the shop for you so you can get some experience under your belt. 
What about baseball?”

He gets up and puts his plate in the sink. “Honestly, I haven’t
decided if I’m gonna play this year. It’s not my favorite, but Dad always liked
me to play.  If I can get more time at the shop, I think I would much rather do
that.” He stretches and yawns. “See ya in the morning.”

Oh yeah,
this kid is way too much
like me, but there is no way I'm going to treat him like my father treated me.
I throw my water bottle away and head to my room. I strip and climb in between
the sheets.  Images of Brooke and me wrapped up in each other are the last
thoughts before I drift off to sleep. For once I don’t mind that she’s all I
can think about because now I know I can have her.


Friday evening I leave the suite I booked for Brooke and meet her
at the entry. I got here about 5:30 to make sure the dinner reservations I got
for us in the hotel restaurant were just like I asked for, private.  I don’t
want to share her with anyone tonight, but I do want to have a nice dinner with
her.  It’s our first official date, and though we started this relationship
based on sex, I want to show her that it’s not all about sex. Even though God knows,
that’s one of the best parts. When her car finally pulls up, I step forward
just as the valet does and open her door. “I’ve got this, man.” I slip him a
50, grab my girl and her bag, and then head straight for the room. I do take
the time to greet her with a kiss in the elevator, but other than that no words
need to be said.

Once inside the room, I drop her bag by the door and waste no time
in giving her a real kiss, and a preview of what’s going to happen after
dinner.  It’s getting harder and harder to wait anymore.  I want inside her
tight little body now, hell yesterday, no fuck that last week.  Her tight hold
on me and her responsive mouth let me know that she’s on the same page. Finally,
I pull back. “I’m so fucking glad you’re here.”

“Me too.  I couldn’t sleep last night or concentrate in court all
day thinking about you,” she says breathlessly.  I swear she’s going to kill
me. She takes my hand and leads me further into the room. “You got us a suite?”

“You like? I wanted tonight to be special. It’s our beginning,

She looks around the room taking everything in. “It’s beautiful,
Dylan.  Thank you.” She slips her arms around my neck and pulls my head down to
her for an appreciative kiss.  I don’t know shit about impressing a girl except
with my skills in bed, but Brooke’s positive response eases my worry.
for me. Now I just have to keep the ball rolling.

“Did you pack something for dinner tonight,” I ask.

“Yeah. It’s in my suitcase.”

I take her luggage to the bedroom of the suite. “You get dressed.
I’m going to call home real quick and make sure everything’s okay for tonight.
Then we’ll go down.”

I make my call to make sure everyone is home and staying there,
and thankfully Brooke makes quick work of getting changed. She looks so damn
sexy that I’m thinking of giving another big tip to our waiter tonight to get
us served and fed quickly.  Maybe we can have another night of leisurely dining
because right now I need her too much.

Dinner with Brooke minus four kids vying for her attention is
something that I’m going to enjoy more in the future. I love that she’s a woman
who enjoys food. I like to eat, and thankfully so does she, which I already
knew. But she really likes trying new food as well. All her selections tonight are
made after telling me she’s never tried this or that before, so she just orders
Who does that?
I love her bravery, and God knows she's brave to be
with me. I don’t want to admit it, but I think Jax is right, and I’m falling
head over ass for this girl, a little more every time I’m with her. I should be
scared. I should fight this.  I should want to run. Instead, I feel content,
and when we can finally drop the secrecy, I know things will only get better.
All the lying and hiding we’re going to have to do isn’t going to be easy for
either of us.

Our dinner conversation soon turns to flirtatious stares and
touches. Dessert gets passed up because we can’t wait anymore.  I quickly pay
the bill and escort her back to the elevators. We are joined on the ride up by
an elderly couple, so I settle with a light hold on her back, but I can feel the
tremble in her body. I know it’s not nerves because the look she has on her
face when she looks up at me is all arousal. It’s so raw and primal that my own
need ramps up, and if we make it out of our clothes after the door closes
behind us, it’ll be a fucking miracle. I’m fine either way. As long as I can
get in her I’m good.  The next half dozen or more times I’ll slow things down
and treat her better.  Something tells me she won’t give a shit any more than I
do if we’re naked or not. There is no doubt that our sexual attraction rivals
the other.  As much as I crave her, she craves me right back.
And that’ll
make a man fall in love.

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