Graham's Resolution Trilogy Bundle: Books 1-3

BOOK: Graham's Resolution Trilogy Bundle: Books 1-3
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Graham’s Resolution


Book 1, 2 & 3

The China Pandemic

The Cascade Preppers


The Last Infidels



By A. R. Shaw

Liberty Lake, Washington




Copyright © 2015 by A. R. Shaw.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator.


Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


Cover Designs by Keri Knutson of



Dedicated to my friends and family


The China Pandemic


1 A Fate Worse than Death

2 Digging Graves

3 The Dark before Dawn

4 The Lucky Ones

5 Heading Out

6 Bang

7 Marcy, Macy, and Sheriff

8 The Madman

9 The Confrontation

10 Through the Darkness

11 Regrettable Decisions

12 A New Candidate

13 In Search of One

14 If It Weren’t for Guardians

15 The Owls at Night

16 The Guardians

17 A New Pack

18 Troubling Introductions

19 A Night in the Woods

20 Once Lost, Then Found

21 Torment

22 Contrition

23 Scouting Around

24 On the Road

25 The Journey to the Cabin

26 New Introductions

27 Getting Things Straight

28 A Surprise Bounty

29 The Scavenger Hunt

30 New Plans

31 An Extra Setting

32 The Preppers

33 A Surprise Encounter

34 An Observation

35 On Watch

36 A Decision

37 Trick or Treat

38 The Debriefing

39 A Sigh of Relief

40 Containment

41 New Signs

42 An Urgent Call

43 Cabin Fever

44 A Walk in the Snow

45 A Plan

46 A Violation

47 The Chase

48 The Accident

49 Bad News

50 Reunited

51 The Cost

The Cascade Preppers

1 The Trail between the Trees

2 Daily Routines

3 His Best Girl

4 Addy at Heart

5 Skinning Wolves

6 Going on the Hunt

7 A Call In

8 Hunting

9 Whiteout

10 Precautions

11 A Sleep Over

12 Mark Takes a Walk

13 Frayed Ends

14 Tended

15 Not This Time

16 Decided Chance

17 A Quick Trip

18 The Carnation Boy

19 Manning Media

20 Marcy Moves

21 McCann

22 Good and Bad

23 The Caretaker

24 Story Time

25 Night Drive

26 Fire

27 The Return

28 Alarms

29 Missing

30 Found

31 Unforsaken

32 Tracker

33 Intervention

34 Coming to Terms

35 The Return of Sam

36 Repairs

37 The Fall

38 A Chance

39 Hope

40 Aid

41 Like a Promise

42 Dawn

43 The Last Candidate

44 The Birth of Spring

The Last Infidels

Chapter 1 Dutch’s Caravan

Chapter 2 Required Reading

Chapter 3 To Fix Them

Chapter 4 Triple-Loaded

Chapter 5 Shots Fired

Chapter 6 Speak Easy

Chapter 7 By the Campfire

Chapter 8 A Story of Fire

Chapter 9 The Injustice

Chapter 10 A Greeting

Chapter 11 The Stalker

Chapter 12 Fleeing Dreams

Chapter 13 The Messenger

Chapter 14 The Girl

Chapter 15 Private Time

Chapter 16 An Old Enemy

Chapter 17 Caught and Lost

Chapter 18 The Nightmare

Chapter 19 Sheriff’s Vacation

Chapter 20 The Invitation

Chapter 21 Saying Good-Bye

Chapter 22 The Debriefing

Chapter 23 The Trip

Chapter 24 In the Garden

Chapter 25 Anticipation

Chapter 26 The Attack

Chapter 27 Pressure

Chapter 28 The Burial

Chapter 29 Regret

Chapter 30 Fixing Dalton

Chapter 31 Riding High

Chapter 32 A Predicament

Chapter 33 Shooting the Breeze

Chapter 34 Young Love

Chapter 35 Come to Me

Chapter 36 Tent City

Chapter 37 Man Traps

Chapter 38 A Trick

Chapter 39 The Meeting

Chapter 40 A Dinner Mood

Chapter 41 Malefic Nation

Chapter 42 Eyes Aglow

Chapter 43 Let’s Roll

Chapter 44 The Escape

Chapter 45 Americans

Chapter 46 The Cache

Chapter 47 Going Back

Chapter 48 Waiting

Chapter 49 All Is Lost

Chapter 50 Graham’s Resolution

Chapter 51 The Immigrants

Chapter 52 Reunion

About the Author



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The China Pandemic

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Some said that China’s intent to develop the H5N1 virus merely came about as an attempt to culture a vaccine, knowing the nation’s dense population would be at catastrophic risk if attacked by such a virus. Others said that China’s motives had always been sinister, and that they had developed a weaponized form of the virus. In the end it didn’t matter what the intentions had been; having tinkered with Pandora’s box, and without safeguards in place, they had unleashed it. And not only on their own people; it spread like wildfire across the globe, exterminating more than six billion souls. The million or so who were still alive were somehow immune, but they were carriers. As for the virus itself, it became known simply as the China Pandemic.

1 A Fate Worse than Death


Shivering in the pounding Pacific Northwest rain, Hyun-Ok needed to see for herself what threat the grim man in the distance posed. She’d heard him yelling before, followed by a gunshot blast and then a terrible scream. Having already counted him an unsuitable candidate to offer her the aid she needed, she had to be certain he wasn’t an immediate threat to her and her son.

With a death grip on the bed of the parked black pickup truck behind which she had taken refuge, Hyun-Ok gasped in horror as the crazed man powered up a small, worn backhoe. He scooped his victim up with the bucket, then spilled him, still alive and screaming, into a massive fire he had kept burning all day in a Dumpster.

She slinked away, her broken sobs bringing on a coughing fit from her own infected lungs. The agonized screams finally stopped, and Hyun-Ok grieved in silence for the unlucky man’s soul as sparks flew skyward. She must escape this part of town! The grim man, Campos, had posted
no trespassing
signs, and his actions told her he meant it.

She was her son’s only hope, and there was little time left to ensure his future. The disease weakened Hyun-Ok more each day, and she knew she would soon die. She could not leave her five-year-old to fend for himself with the likes of Campos around. Her days of scouting had told her there was only one person left to consider; the search had already taken up too much valuable time and energy, and Bang had to be in caring hands soon.

The one she was thinking of had one more to bury anyway. She might as well spend what little time she had left with her son.

Hyun-Ok recovered from her coughing fit as best she could and continued her journey home. She would need to make the trip in silence through the forested night, hidden from the few remaining people. Since coming to the realization that Bang showed no signs of the virus she had been venturing out like this, into the dark, every night.

One by one those around her had died off as she cared for them, Bang always at her side. Her elderly mother had been the first to go, followed closely by her father. Shortly after that, her husband, though he desperately clung to life, not willing to abandon his wife and son.

Covered in the sweat of fever, and her words rasping, Hyun-Ok had assured him his son would be fine and urged him into a peaceful beyond. “I will be with you soon, my love,” she’d told him with tears streaming down her face. As weak as she was at the time, the tears had surprised her.

The endearment, and the true meaning of her words, had sparked something in her dying husband. His eyes darted from Hyun-Ok to Bang, who was standing at the bedside. In brutal agony he drew himself up to gaze at his son’s face. “He must not be left alone and defenseless in this world gone mad!”

Hyun-Ok tried to comfort her husband with words, pushing him gently back toward the mattress, and she revealed her plan to safeguard their son. Her husband held them both close, praying aloud to an unhearing god that he could draw them with him as he slipped away.

That was just a week ago, and that night, after Bang drifted off to sleep, Hyun-Ok had gone out canvassing for the few remaining survivors in the neighborhood. Cloaked in black and defying the many dangers, she spied on the others and assessed them based on instinct alone. She estimated six hundred had originally occupied this immediate area in the Seattle suburb of Issaquah, and with only a 2 percent survival rate there should be twelve survivors—now known to be carriers. Of those she had only found seven.

Tonight she immediately discounted the first person she came across, two streets over, as being too elderly to be the guardian of a child of five. This lady only had a year left in her, if that. Hyun-Ok’s boy needed someone younger to carry him through life, at least into his teens.

The man she found next made her uncomfortable. She observed him decidedly grieving for his lost family, sitting out in a lawn chair in the night, yelling obscenities. He taunted and waited for the starving dogs, now gone wild, to smell him out. He shot at them, but it seemed to her that he was only trying to provoke an attack. She could sense his massive sorrow and knew his intentions were suicide by mauling if he could manage it. If not, he would likely soon take his own life. Sadly, she suspected that happened a lot with survivors.

Hyun-Ok crossed the highway unseen and found a scantily clad woman picking apples from a tree in a vacant lot. She knew the woman would attract the wrong kind of attention and wouldn’t be a good choice for her son’s welfare.

The man she had finally chosen seemed the only one capable of being her son’s guardian. Not only that, but something about him—either the way he carried his tall frame or the thoughtful dignity with which he buried his loved ones—assured Hyun-Ok that the neighbor named Graham would prove himself the best guardian. She knew that she could trust him with her boy. Knowing that as soon as Graham’s father passed away he’d have no more to bury, she could take her boy to him going on her own journey into death.
One more day
, she thought.
But before then, I need to write to him about Bang.

With a sad smile, she stepped through the maze of parked vehicles, listening attentively to all sounds and alert for any dangers. She glanced back at the glow in the distance one last time. The last remaining obstacle would be to make Graham understand that he needed the boy as much as the boy needed him. She knew that would be the greatest challenge. She had to convince him of that or her son would be doomed.

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