Unsocial (49 page)

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Authors: Nicole Dykes

BOOK: Unsocial
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Cassie smiles big and hugs him tight. She looks over at me, “Will
you help us plan everything. I don’t think Dylan would be any good at planning
a birthday party?”

“Hey, wait a minute. I plan some damn good parties.” He teases

“Uh, I’m sure if we were having a frat party with kegs and half
naked girls it would be a blast.” She shoots back at him. Then she turns to me.
"You should invite Alex." Then she looks back at Dylan, "And Jax
has to be there." Then back to me. “Please say you’ll help us with it. We
need you.” Then she turns back to Dylan.
It’s like watching her play tennis
with herself.
“Dylan, tell her she has to help.”

“Okay, okay. Of course, I’m in. Tell me what we need to do.”

“My job is easy; I’m calling BB’s and reserving the room. Done.”

I glare over at him, “That’s not all you’re doing, bud.”

“If I can’t order kegs and invite half naked women then what else is
there for me to do?”

“Ha, ha,” Cassie and I both fire back.

“It’s not fair if you two gang up on me.”

“Cassie and I will talk to the other three, make some plans, and
then I’ll delegate.”

“Yes. I can’t wait to tell them,” Cassie says excitedly before running
to the bedrooms.

I turn my attention back to dinner. “You don’t think this is too soon
in our relationship to be around Jax and Alex at the same time?

“I think we’ll be okay, Brooke. We can’t be unsocial with our
friends. If we avoid each other too much, then that will also throw suspicion
our way. We’ll be fine.”

“You’re right, and besides, it’ll mean a lot to the kids.” I think
for a moment. “I'm not sure if I want to invite Alex though, but if I don’t,
and she talks to Jax and finds out I didn’t invite her when Cassie told me to
then she’ll be mad.  And, oh shit, I’m right back in high school.”

He looks over at me like I’m crazy. “You need to calm down. Just
relax. It’s a party, and we’re going to have a good time.  Let’s finish dinner
right now so the kids can eat, and you can get home to bed. I hate you having
to drive all the way to Lawrence, especially with tomorrow’s forecast.”

We have dinner with the kids and everyone shares input on party
plans. I take notes so I can make sure everyone has a part of the planning. I
want each of them to feel like they had a part in doing this for their mom. No
matter how outlandish the plans that Gabby’s 6-year-old comes up with, both
Dylan and I promise, we’ll try our best to grant each one. Of course, she has
so many that the ones we do get to do will be enough that she won’t remember
requesting the others,
Each of them gets to invite a friend
or two, so we know there will be enough young people there to keep them from
getting too bored at a grown-up birthday party. Dylan plans on inviting some of
their parent’s closest friends. It’s not going to be a small guests list. It
sounds like their mom and dad were well loved and respected in the community.

After dinner and clean up I promise Cassie to go through the list,
hand out job assignments, including some for Luke. When I finish, I’ll get in
touch with her and Dylan. It’s close to 8 when he finally walks me to the door.
Everyone has gone to their rooms, so we have a private moment before I leave.
After helping me with my coat, he pulls me close and brushes his lips across
mine. “Call me when you get home so I know you’re there safe.”


“And call or text me tomorrow, so I know you made it back to town

“Yes, daddy.” I tease.

“Don’t laugh, Brooke. I’m not your daddy, I’m your boyfriend, and
I’ll worry until I know for sure you made it back safe.”

His protectiveness takes my breath away because no guy has ever
been like this with me. What can I do but indulge him, because wouldn’t I want
him to do the same, “I promise as soon as I get back.”

He opens the door. “Good, that’s settled. Now get your ass home
and get some rest. And don’t forget to let me know you got there.”

I drive home overall satisfied with our first time not being
around people in our secret relationship. He’s right, Saturday will just be
more practice for us until we can share our feelings with everyone that we care
for. After crawling beneath my covers, I shoot a quick text.

Me: Safe and sound in my bed.

Dylan: Wish it was my bed. Night.


The next day I return from Lawrence around midday and once again
shoot Dylan a promised text. He returns immediately with a promise to call to
talk about the party. I know I need to look over the plans so that I can
discuss the plans with Cassie. I also shoot Luke a text giving him the specific
task of picking out his mom’s favorite music so it can be playing while the
party is going on. I know from Cassie and Dylan both that she loved dancing,
and I want to make sure everyone that comes knows there will be dancing. I’m
totally surprised when he returns my text thanking me. I will win this boy over
and get him over this anger by any means necessary.

That evening I talk to Cassie about decorations, which she’s going
to have Dylan take her to get. He’s already booked the room, and I suggest they
also send out invitations to their parent’s friends. She, of course, is excited
and on board with all of my suggestions. I told her to delegate the task of
what to have the restaurant prepare for food to Michael and Gabby. Dylan shoots
back a text saying he thinks there should be a bar. I let him know I’ll have to
think about it since there will be kids there. He doesn’t care, because he
wants a beer. I decide to let him make the plans for that one.

I’m cleaning up our kitchen when my phone buzzes again. Alex picks
it up before I can dry my hands. “It’s Dylan. Is that who has been texting you
all night? You’ve barely paid any attention to me at all.”

“Stop whining,” I tell her grabbing my phone. “I’m helping Cassie
and Dylan plan a birthday party for their mom, and we’re just batting things
back and forth.” I read the text. Now they want to know about how to tell
people to dress before they send out invitations.
This has gotten out of
I need to think about this. Maybe invitations are a little much,
and Dylan should just make some calls. Would it even be too late to send
invitations? Yeah, no invitations. I’m so lost in thought that I nearly drop my
phone when it rings.

“I was just fixing to text you back,” I answer.

“So what about the dress code? I’m thinking since its BB’s it
should be pretty casual, especially with the kids running around and the
weather. What about you?”

“You’re right, and I don’t think the invitations are doable. If we
had had another week, it would have been okay.  I say you and Cassie divide the
list of friends and call with open invitations.”

“You’re right. So, about after the party. I’m expecting a knock on
my window.”

“Uh, okay. That’s definitely a plan.” I shoot a look at Alex
making sure she didn’t catch the hitch in my voice.

“Good. And remember the rule, Brooke. If you break it, I’m going
to spank your ass.”

“Oh, yeah?” My voice raises an octave at his sexy threat.

“Brooke, come on, SOA is fixing to start.” Alex interrupts my
inappropriate thoughts.

“Okay, I’ll definitely do that.” I straighten my spine and my

He laughs carries across the phone line. “You’ll definitely
remember my rule or you’ll definitely break it?”

“Yes,” I say shortly.

“Hurry, Brooke,” Alex urges.

Again, he laughs at the predicament I’m in. “Okay, I’ll do it,
just plan on it.”
I have no clue what I’m even saying anymore. Did I just
agree to a spanking? No…wait, oh, whatever.
“I’ll call you tomorrow with
the answer to that one, okay? Bye, Dylan, and thanks for calling.” I hear his
amused chuckle as I hang up.

“What was that all about? And why are you even helping with this

“Because Cassie thinks if Dylan does it that it’ll turn into a keg
party with half-naked women, so she enlisted me. And Dylan said Cassie wants me
to invite you. So, can you be at BB’s Saturday night at 7?”
Damn, this is
getting complicated.

“Really? Ahh, of course, I’ll come. I love hanging with Cassie. I
suppose Jax will be there too.”

“I’m sure.  He’s Dylan’s best friend, plus he’s like part of the

“Well, I think it’s sweet what they’re doing.”

“Yeah, and that’s why I’m helping.”

we settle down for our
favorite MC show before heading off to bed.


The rest of the week is full of back and forth texting with the
Monroes. I’m honored
that they wanted me to
be a part of this. Cassie and Dylan both informed me since I did so much of the
planning, really the delegating, that I’m an official co-host. This makes me
swell up with pride. It also makes me wonder how many times in the future I’ll
get to play co-host to events with Dylan. It’s a seductive dream all in itself,
because I know for a fact that I want many, many years of being by his side,
and I hope he wants the same.

Saturday arrives in no time, and at 5:30 I head to BB’s to meet with
Dylan to make sure everything is in order and ready for guests. I’ve only been
to the barbecue restaurant once before. I know in the main restaurant they have
live jazz, but from what Dylan told me, in the event room that he booked, we
can play any music we want through a private sound system. After I park, I make
my way in to find Dylan.  He’s talking to one of the caterers about the food
and tables I’m guessing because it looks like he’s pointing to where he wants
them moved.  Other employees enter the big room and after receiving orders
begin rearranging chairs and tables to make for what looks like a bigger dance
floor.  I hang back and just take in the commanding appearance of my
sexy-as-hell boyfriend dressed in dark jeans and fitted gray button down
shirt.  The sleeves are rolled up to just beneath his elbows showing off his
strong forearms. I would love to drag him somewhere private for just five
minutes of alone time.

When he finally notices me, he crosses the space quickly, and once
again greets me with a kiss, and I love it. I hate like hell we have to sneak
these moments in, but I love the fact that his first instinct is to connect
with a kiss. He pulls back and looks at my short but tasteful red dress like
he’s trying to guess something, and I know what that is. But he isn’t finding
out until much, much later. Then I think, maybe I should let him know now.
I’ll let him wonder. Much more fun that way.

I remove his slow wandering hands from around my waist and twirl
away, my skirt lifting just slightly, and go around the room making sure
everything is just perfect. And I don’t miss the fact that Dylan keeps his eyes
on me a lot. Oh, I love teasing that man.

Luke and Jax finally arrive with the rest of the kids and their
friends, and after that other guests begin filtering in.  Pretty soon the large
room begins to shrink in size with the number of bodies filling it. But I am
glad to see everyone that shows up immediately greets the kids happily and goes
into straight to having a good time.  I worried about some of the adults
turning this into a sad moment, but it looks like everyone showed up to party. 
I make my way leisurely through the crowd with Dylan for a while who introduces
me as a friend of the family and tells them proudly that I helped Cassie plan
it all, to which they all congratulate me.

Cassie begins pulling me
behind her and Danielle, the friend she invited for the evening. She’s not a
cheerleader, shocker, but I do become a little suspicious when I find out she’s
the sister of the new boy, Austin, that Cassie is now into. That’s an interesting
twist, but time for that conversation later.

Somehow I’ve managed to avoid conversation with Jax, thank God,
because I haven’t missed the curious looks he’s been sending my way as time
passes.  As soon as he arrived Dylan put him to work helping load up some
barrels full of beer and wine coolers then another full of soft drinks. Not
long after that task he caught the attention of a cute little member of the
wait staff.

Luke seems in a much better mood tonight and even brings himself
to give me a sideways hug before introducing me to his girlfriend, Melissa. And
of course, she is a stunner. A little aloof, but she does all the right things
by hanging all over Luke. After the brief introduction, she drags him off for
more privacy, and Michael informs me dryly, and I quote, “Won’t last longer
than a week.” Of course Luke and his date are out of earshot, thank God.

The food is steadily disappearing, and I know why because it’s the
best there is when it comes to KC barbecue. And if you aren’t a believer then
check out my favorite show,
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.
The classic
rock songs from the 70s and 80s have been coming through the speakers, and
people take advantage of the music to dance. I even notice during one song that
my gorgeous boyfriend is dancing with a beautiful woman, thankfully at a
respectable distance. Otherwise, I would probably ruin everything by pulling
her away by her long hair. I watch for a moment, and Dylan catches my eye over
her shoulder. He shoots me a wink and shakes his head slightly. I know he’s
conveying the message, I have nothing to worry about. I smile to myself and
continue mingling.

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