Unleashed (9 page)

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Authors: Brittney N.

BOOK: Unleashed
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Chapter Eighteen

As Emma began looking around the three tiers of the yacht, she couldn’t help but admire the elegance of the ship. The way that each tier had its own style and design, intrigued her. The captain’s quarter was a beautiful mahogany with the seats a plush cream. There was a half circle couch that sat behind the two seats for the captain’s so any passenger could sit in there as well. The rest of the middle of the ship consisted of a bar, a TV area, a formal dining room and a couple of on deck bedrooms that seemed like the size of her room at home. The on deck bathroom consisted of a stand up five head shower and a jet Jacuzzi bath tub.

Emma took her time walking up the steps to the top of the ship admiring the view of the sun setting on the ocean. The evening looked beautiful on this side of the ocean. The top of the ship was half closed and half open. There, resided the Jacuzzi tub and the beach lounge chairs to sit. There was also a table that sat underneath the ships cover to eat and look out at the view. The color scheme of blues and whites on this area made the colors of the ocean become more pronounced.

Guiding Emma down the steps, Zack smiled at the pure awe in Emma’s face as she looked around at the ship. Smiling at the workers aboard the ship, her friendly persona had everyone happy to assist her. At the bottom of the ship resided the Master Stateroom and Guest Stateroom as well as a master bathroom and guest bathroom. There was a large TV room that separated the rooms. Emma looked at the bed in the Master Stateroom and already had ideas popping up in the back of her mind of things that could be done in there.

Zack had to stall Emma for a little bit before they went back to the top of the ship. Walking back to the main deck, he offered her a drink of Cabernet and a seat at the bar. “I need a little break before we walk back up the steps. I had a long day. So let’s sit down here for a little. I want to know what you like about the island so far.”

“What’s not to love?” she started to say. They sat at the bar for a half hour discussing the beautiful features of the island. She also talked about the things that she loved the most so far the most on this trip. After their discussion Zack offered Emma his hand and they walked back to the top of the boat.

Walking back up the steps to the top of the ship, there was a smell that wafted over through her nose. “It smells magnificent. Is someone cooking? I didn’t see a kitchen.”

“Yes, actually someone is.”

Turning the corner of the steps, there was a table set up with wine glasses and a waiter and waitress that stood ready holding a bottle of champagne. On the table were two China dinner covers. Emma gasped at the beautiful site before her. “This is amazing Zack. How did you do this?” Emma walked over to the chairs to take her seat and before she pulled her chair out Zack ran behind her and pulled it out for her.

“Please, let me.” Zack motioned for her to sit in the pulled out seat.

“A gentleman too? Zack, you keep racking up these points.”

Zack laughed at her comment and sat in his seat. “Oh do I? So what do these points earn me?”

One of the waiters politely excused themselves, “Pardon me, would either of you care for some champagne?”

“Oh yes, I would love some” Emma smiled back at the waiter.

“Yes, thank you.” Zack looked over at Emma as the waiter poured the champagne. He admired her effortless beauty. She looked exquisite in her outfit she wore tonight. The color made her skin glow, and her make-up was just enough to show the beautiful high cheekbones she had. Her eyes were shaped like almonds, slightly curving upwards towards the end of her eyes. Her eye liner gave her a mischievous look, almost cat like. It fit her magnificently. Her lips were perfectly shaped, in his opinion, for any lipstick commercial. Her mouth was full and luscious. Just like the rest of her body. She was slender, but she also had meat in all the right places that were meant to fit in a man’s hands. Particularly, his hands.

Emma looked up at him and squinted, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you are trying to read me.”

“I’m not. I’m actually just admiring your beauty.”

Emma’s cheeks began to change a slight color.

“Are you blushing Madam Emma?”

Emma cleared her throat and took a long sip of her champagne.

“No, no I am not. I just didn’t expect that compliment. Thank you though. I appreciate it. You look rather nice yourself. I don’t want to gas you up too much.”

Zack chuckled at Emma’s choice of words. “Don’t worry, I won’t get gassed or bigheaded. It means a lot coming from such a pretty lady as you.”

Emma scoffed. “What’d I say about being yourself? I don’t want the pick-up lines.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. No really, thank you. I appreciate that compliment as well.”

“You are quite welcome. Now, what’s under these dinner covers?”

The other waitress uncovered the Cobbette Salad. All of the colors on her plate made her mouth water and reminded her that she hadn’t had a large meal all day.

“This looks so good!” Emma picked up her salad fork and began to try the salad. “Mmm, this is delicious.”

Zack smiled at Emma. He was glad to see she was willing to try new things and eat in front of him. She didn’t seem like a woman who was trying to maintain a diet and for that he was grateful. He picked up his fork and tried the salad as well. “Yes, it is good.”

“Nope, you first tell me why we are on a yacht and not sailing anywhere.”

Zack smiled at Emma’s observations.

“Well, I wasn’t sure how comfortable you would be sailing with someone you just met. So I wanted you to feel at ease knowing that you can leave the ship whenever you’d like.”

“Wow, I’m elated that you would think like that. It means a lot. And I am very comfortable with you Zack. So far, so good.”

“Perfect. I’m glad the feeling is mutual. Now, let’s talk about those points you were referring to. What do they get me?”

Emma finished chewing her food and had a sip of her champagne. “They get you that kiss you should be looking forward to.” Emma giggled and winked at Zack.

“Cheers to that” Zack raised his glass and clinked it together with Emma’s.

They both laughed.

Chapter Nineteen

“Samantha! You got my order wrong! Go back and tell them that they gave me the wrong bread. I asked for rye! Not wheat!” Hank all but growled into the phone and hung up.

Samantha inhaled and exhaled slowly as she put her head on the steering wheel as she drove up to Kevin’s driveway and parked next to his Benz. She remembered how Hank had treated her earlier at work. She didn’t understand why she was being treated like a slave. What could she have done that made her a target for all of his anger? It wasn’t fair. She got out of the car and unlocked the front door of the condo.

Closing the door behind her, Samantha removed her shoes and blazer. She placed her blazer and went to go look for something in the kitchen to eat. When she saw the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the counter she took a cup out of the cupboard and poured out a good amount to help calm her nerves. Taking a huge couple of gulps, she allowed the warm liquid to numb her feelings a little bit as she winced at the intensity of the taste.

She put the cup in the dishwasher and checked to see if there was anything in the refrigerator to eat. There was the leftover penne al vodka she had bought a couple of nights ago. She shrugged as her stomach growled. For some reason, she had no desire to eat despite the feelings of hunger that resided in her stomach. She placed the container into the microwave and poured herself a glass of wine.

With the way this job was going, she just might become an alcoholic by the time Emma got back from her vacation. How is it that she took Emma’s man yet she was more miserable than Emma was right now? How the hell does that happen? Samantha shook her head and took a sip of the dry wine. Setting the table for herself, she waited until the food was done warming up and took it out of the microwave.

Samantha sat down and began to eat. The food tasted good, but she felt nauseous. Something about this whole situation felt so wrong. At one point she truly did believe that it would be good to get payback on Emma. But something just wasn’t right. Samantha had always been ruthless but this was one thing she struggled with and that bothered her the most. Was she ever going to tell Emma the truth about who she really is?

Samantha picked at her food but swallowed the pieces she put in her mouth. At a point she truly did believe she did love Kevin. She had once believed that it was more than revenge, but now she realized it made her feel worse. She didn’t love Kevin, because if she did she wouldn’t feel as crappy as she felt now. Eventually the truth would come out about where she knew Emma from and why she took the job with her as an assistant even though she was much more qualified to do many other prestigious jobs.

How was she going to tell Emma? Could she ever tell Emma? Would she ever tell Emma? Hell no. That wasn’t an option at the moment. She had to suck it up and start being as callous as she was before this feeling of pity came about. Even after everything that had happened to Emma, she still had a smile on her face. How was that possible? Emma hadn’t changed, but she’d vowed that she would ruin Emma’s life just like Emma ruined hers years ago.

As Samantha’s thoughts began to wander Kevin walked into the kitchen with his shirt off and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Hey you, I didn’t hear you come in.”

Samantha smiled vaguely, “Yeah, I just got in like ten minutes ago. I wasn’t here long.”

“Oh ok.” Kevin grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down in front of Samantha. Taking a look at her face he saw the lethargy etched in Samantha’s features. “Wow, you look exhausted. How was work?”

“It was just how it looks. Exhausting.”

“Why all of a sudden is it so exhausting? Is Emma taking out her frustrations on you? I could send in a letter of complaint if you need me to. I can’t have her treating my love bug like that. Or did she find out about us?” he asked hesitantly.

Samantha cringed at the nickname
love bug.
She loathed it. It sounded like she belonged in a Bug’s Life. She smiled kindly at his quick defense but also wondered what would happen if Emma ever knew that she was indeed the woman who took Emma’s man away from her.

“No, she didn’t find out about us. And no, Emma isn’t taking her frustrations out on me. For some reason she was so calm and happy when she left a couple of days ago.”

“Emma left?” Kevin asked warily. “She quit?”

“Nope, she went on a week-long vacation somewhere in the Pacific.”

“She went on vacation? And she seemed happy? Are you sure we’re talking about the same Emma here? The one I just dumped and the one who found out I was leaving her for someone else?”

Kevin’s bewildered expression ticked Samantha off even more.

“Yes, that bitch. Why are you so concerned? You’re with me now. It shouldn’t matter how she’s handling the break up.”

“It doesn’t, I’m just confused as to how this all happened in a matter of days. You seem upset and she seems happy. It’s just a little weird. That’s all.”

“Is that all it is? You’re with me now so get that through your head. If you care so much about her than go back with her. I’m not dealing with your wishy washy feelings so you can just go to hell if you think I’m going to stick around with that” Samantha warned viciously.

Samantha got up with her container and threw the rest of the food into the garbage with force. Today was not her day. Why was Kevin so concerned? Why did Emma always get what she wanted? It made no sense to her. It wasn’t freaking fair! Samantha put her cup in the sink and stormed out of the kitchen to the bathroom while Kevin called out for her from the table.

She slammed the door shut and rested her head on the wall. How the hell was this happening? Shouldn’t she be boasting and gloating right about now? She had Kevin. She had him all to herself. But why wasn’t it fulfilling her? The tears in her eyes blurred her vision as she went to look at herself in the mirror.

Kevin knocked at the door and took a deep breath. “Samantha, come on. You know I didn’t mean it like that. You’re my woman now and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t in a bad environment. I’m sorry that you had a bad day but I hope it gets better.” When Samantha didn’t respond he inhaled again. “I’m going to give you some time alone, I think you need it. I’m sorry again. Please don’t think I want Emma back, I don’t. I only want you now.”

Samantha rolled her eyes, it was bullshit and she knew it. As good as it sounded, “once a cheater always a cheater” popped into her head. She turned on the sink and washed the tears that were about to fall down her face.

Chapter Twenty

After Emma and Zack finished their meals, Emma continued to laugh at the sad attempts that Zack made at telling jokes while the waiters cleaned up their empty plates.

“That was honestly terrible” she continued to laugh hysterically. “I think the fact that you truly thought it was going to be a good joke makes it even funnier.”

Zack jokingly glared at Emma for making fun of him and then joined in with her laughter. “Oh that’s funny to you?”

Emma shook her head and started to gasp to speak. “No…no it’s not. I’m laughing at the…umm…the joke.” She tried to stop laughing but the giggles ensued soon after.

Zack got up from around the table and poked Emma’s side.

Emma yelped as he began to poke her and find her ticklish spots.

“You’re ticklish? Perfect. ” he asked with a mischievous grin on his face.

Emma started to squirm as he began as Zack continued to tickle her. Tears started to stream down her face as the tickles became unbearable. “This is a form of torture! Oh my god, stop, stop, I’m sorry.  I’m- I’m so sorry. I won’t laugh at you anymore.”

“I can’t hear you. You’re what?”

“I’m sorry. Damn you! Stop tickling me. I’m going to die of laughter! I don’t want to die like this. I’m sorry!”

“That’s not good enough; I want to hear it sound more convincing.” Zack began to tickle her slightly below her ear and on her abdomen. Both hands were finding their own spots on Emma.

“I’m sorry! I won’t-I won’t make fun of you anymore. I’ll be such a good guest if you stop tickling me!”

“Deal!” Zack stopped tickling Emma and stood back. He threw his head back and laughed at the weariness that appeared all over Emma’s face and body. She was taking in deep breaths and holding onto her stomach trying to catch her breath.

Emma wiped the left over tears and stared over at Zack, who was laughing hysterically at the effect his tickle torture had caused her.

Emma got up and walked over to Zack slowly. “I am so going to get you back for that.”

Zack stood up straight and still chuckled at Emma’s attempt to seem threatening.

“You are? And how are you going to do that?”

“Like this.” Emma walked right over to Zack and pulled the back of his head towards her. She took Zack’s mouth towards hers.

Taking his lips against hers Emma kissed Zack with all the chemistry and sexual tension she felt built up towards the night. The kiss was only supposed to be a peck. A slight kiss that would have Zack yearning for more, but for some reason it was her that was yearning for more of Zack.

She could smell him. He smelled of the ocean, the scent of manliness, and exotic cologne. She could feel him underneath her hands as they wandered. She could feel the hardness of his body that was veiled underneath the white linen short sleeve shirt that he wore. She leaned her body onto him.


Zack groaned at the feel of Emma’s soft body leaning into him. Her succulent breasts were peeking through the v of the form fitting dress that she wore. Her body was concealed yet revealed in the bandage dress she wore. The way that it hugged all of the curves on her body yet left some to the imagination made Zack want to undress her from the moment he saw her come off of the elevators. The way that her lips looked had enticed him the whole night.

Now that her lips were finally where they should’ve been, Zack couldn’t get enough of tasting her. He brought his right hand up the back of her neck to pull her deeper into the kiss. He then placed his left hand above her butt. He knew that if he felt what her body felt like in his hands he wouldn’t be able to stop what was happening. He would take her right here, right now on the top of the yacht; with or without the workers there. Not wanting to lose too much control he nipped at her lips.

The smell of her drew him in. She smelled like champagne and a hint of fruit. A combination of their meal they had tonight. She tasted like the expensive wine with a hint of herbs of the dinner they just had.  Zack never knew a woman that was so delicate yet so passionate through a kiss. No woman had he ever met that was able to lose yet maintain control with a kiss. Her kisses made him crave so much more. He wanted to know what it was like to know this woman that he had in his grasp at this very moment.


Emma opened her mouth wider to deepen the kiss. Moaning deep in her throat as Zack took that opportunity to suck on her tongue. The feeling of Zack taking her tongue like that made Emma’s breath catch. She’d never experienced anyone sucking her tongue before, and it turned her on. Kissing Zack back felt so right.  It felt like his lips belonged on hers. She’d never kissed someone with so much passion before that she barely knew. Emma couldn’t understand what was happening between them, and she didn’t want to. She just knew that she wanted to enjoy this pleasure that an act as simple as kissing was bestowing upon her. It made her feel alive. Zack’s kisses gave Emma’s body life.

Emma’s lower body began to warm and she felt the heat between her legs rise. She didn’t know how much more she could take. Emma broke the kiss that she initiated. She placed her head on Zack’s chest. She had to know if the kiss affected him as much as it affected her. Hearing how fast that Zack’s heart was pounding against his chest and feeling the bulge coming from his pants leg, Emma knew the feeling was reciprocal.

Emma smirked at the realization. Trying to appear nonchalant about what just transpired between them, she looked up at Zack.

“That’s how I’ll get you back.”

Zack’s eyebrows rose in shock, “It’s like that?”

“Oh trust me; you don’t even know the half. Stick around for a little bit, I can show you thing or two.” Emma backed away from Zack and winked as she walked back over to the table and drank the glass of water that was next to the wine on the table.

“You don’t have to tell me twice Emma. But let me warn you, don’t start something you can’t finish.”

Zack walked over to Emma with every intention of showing this woman what it was like for her body to be worshipped by his.

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