Unleashed (5 page)

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Authors: Brittney N.

BOOK: Unleashed
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Chapter Nine

Emma knew it was time to find an eligible candidate. She took a quick shower and rinsed up to make sure she freshened up. She shaved every part that could be touched on the human anatomy and knew that she was ready for the night that was ahead. Looking in her wardrobe, she found the little black Nicole Miller dress that she had brought for any special occasions that may arise. She had a couple more choices she looked through, but this dress was perfect for tonight in a club setting. It was tight in all the right places yet left some of her body to the imagination. She planned on making any man she desired drool tonight. As she applied her makeup she couldn’t help but realize how sad her eyes looked. Emma knew it was because of her recent break up but “it’s time to move on” she thought. As she finished getting ready Emma called for a car to pick her up at the hotel and take her to the upscale hotspot of this town. The concierge suggested a place named “Passions”. The name was all she needed to know that she wanted to take a visit there but just to make sure, she did a quick Google search to confirm her thoughts. With her approval she was picked up in 15 minutes in the lobby by a driver and he drove her to Passions.

As Emma arrived to Passions she stepped out with the help of her driver. He gave her a direct number to call when she was ready to go. But Emma doubted she’d need it. She had a feeling she’d be going home with someone instead tonight. When she got to the doors the bouncer was already flirting with her and let her in for free despite the long line. Winking at him and entering the club she couldn’t help but start to dance to the beat. She allowed her body to flow with the beat and she walked over to the bar to get herself a drink. As she sat down on a bar stool and ordered a dirty martini, she looked around and watched the crowd that was already dancing. It had just turned midnight less than fifteen minutes ago and already there was a large amount of people dancing and flirting. Many of them clearly had money, looking at their name branded logos on their clothes this crowd was not afraid to spend some money to look good. And Emma had no problem with that, as long as she didn’t have to spend too much money. She still had a life to go back to after this vacation was over but that wasn’t her main concern. Her main concern was getting laid tonight. For whatever the reason, Emma was ready to lose this classiness and get downright bad.

She felt his eyes from across the room and couldn’t help but look for the piercing gaze that she felt on her skin. She looked around and then found his eyes. Even in the crowded room Emma could feel his presence. His beauty was indeed magnificent. His dark complexion and smooth skin seemed to be even more pronounced in the clubs lighting. But the next thing she knew he was being pulled to the dance floor by a gorgeous female who was not afraid to show her curves to the world. Emma was petite and knew there was no way she could compare to the curvaceous body of the gorgeous woman, but she decided now was not the time to criticize herself. Instead, she looked for another eligible candidate. A man suddenly appeared through the doors that emulated power and wealth. He was just the kind of guy she needed, a challenge. She had no intentions of keeping him, just catching him and then throwing him back in the ocean with the other fish in the sea.

Emma made herself quickly visible by paying for her drink and walking near this man. He was actually beautiful, but something about him let her know that he wasn’t Emma’s type. She needed someone who was more willing to give her a challenge, but for now this would do. Tonight was the night that she would show someone powerful that she could have more power over them. Tonight was the night that Emma would take control rather than be controlled. She decided that in order to catch Mr. Powerful, she would just play it cool. Picking up her drink and brushing past him while flirting with the men that surrounded him, rather than him she walked past. She felt his eyes staring at her as she walked away and she smirked. Tonight would definitely be a night to remember, she chuckled, shook her head and added a little more sway to her hips as she walked away.


Zack couldn’t take his eyes off of the lady in the black dress. Even though he came here with Jessica, there was something about that woman that caught his eyes. He saw the disappointment in her eyes as Jessica had pulled him to the dance floor making it look like they were a couple. Jessica was actually just another one of his sex buddies that he had no problem taking in public. Her curvaceous body makes men stare whenever she walks away and being the confident man that he was, Zack loved making other guys think that Jessica was his. Zack was a little bit worried that Jessica was getting a little too comfortable in the role of pretending they were dating in public. She even started questioning his whereabouts at times and he knew that he had to get that under control before she even thought about the L word.

Jessica was dancing erotically to the fast song that played on the speakers and Zack couldn’t help but allow his eyes to wander and look for that woman in the black dress. He knew he probably shouldn’t be because he was in the presence of company, but he couldn’t help it. Jessica seemed to feel his wandering eyes and gently pulled his face neared as she softly placed a kiss on his lips. Zack couldn’t help but be aroused by her because she was always attune to his needs. He kissed her back but stopped realizing that this was a public place. Once again Jessica was becoming too comfortable in the “pretend dating” role and was even beginning to start this public display of affection, which she knew was unacceptable. PDA wasn’t accepted in his books and every woman that he was sleeping with knew and accepted this. Apparently Jessica had forgotten this little role and he slowly whispered in her ears, “No PDA, remember my bad girl?” Zack reminded her seductively. He looked down in her eyes and saw something that surpassed surprise and looked more similar to hurt. Zack was shocked by this reaction but played it off as if he didn’t realize it. After tonight, Zack was going to have to let go of Jessica because she was clearly catching feelings that were not mutual and he would never want to hurt her nor any other woman for that matter. So for now, Zack would play along with Jessica, but after tonight he needed to cut her off.


Emma saw the beautiful young woman kiss that mystery man that she had an instant connection with. She held back her disappointment and continued on with enticing Mr. Powerful. She decided it was time to take things to the next level. The night was still young but she needed time to complete her task before sunrise. As the DJ played a song that allowed her to roll her hips she grabbed her drink, brushed off other guys that were trying to impress her with their money and walked to the dance floor alone with her drink in her hand. As soon as she got to the dance floor and began to move, she knew she had him in the palm of her hands. She winded her hips and allowed her eyes to drift over to his vicinity. As soon as their eyes met she smirked and kept moving while retaining focus elsewhere. Before she knew it she felt someone’s breath on her neck, but she knew it was no ordinary man from this club, it was “Mr. Powerful.” As she spun around slowly, she inhaled a sharp breath because he was even more beautiful up close. Muscular build, not as built as she was used to, but she knew he used to do a sport but definitely still worked out. She smiled at him and said, “ Well, it’s nice to finally see you up close.” He laughed and said in her ear, “The pleasure is all mine.”  His voice was so smooth and sexy she thought to herself. It was two in the morning and she was tired of the games. It was time to get to it. She had a plan and it was now time to enforce it. Once again she got on her tippy toes, even in her heels and whispered, “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go.” Looking surprised, he nodded his head, took her hand and walked out with Emma on his arm.

Chapter Ten

As Emma walked out of the club she felt the stare of her mystery man. Glancing around while holding the hand of Mr. Powerful she found his eyes as he looked at her over the head of the gorgeous companion he was with. She winked at him, giggled to herself and kept walking. As she got to the outside of the club Mr. Powerful turned her towards him and gently pulled her face closer to him. “My name is Kevin, and I would love to know your name.” She smiled, “Kevin? I like your name. And for tonight, my name is Anonymous.” “Oh it’s like that tonight huh?” he chuckled.

“Yes it is.”

“Hmm, straight forward, I like that.”

“I bet you do. Now, how are we getting home?”

“Wait one moment.”

Kevin then called someone on his phone and within a couple of minutes a car was sent around to the front of the club where they stood. Not just any car, a Bentley limousine.
“What exactly is it that you do?” Emma asked out of curiosity.

“Ahh, I thought it was a mysterious night. Kevin is all you need to know about me if I can’t even know your real name.”
Emma laughed, “Fair enough.”

As the driver came around to open the door for them Emma sat down and looked at this man that sat beside her. He was actually delicious to look at. There was something that happened between her legs when she thought of what could be underneath his Versace suit.

“To my place?” he asked seductively.

“No. Not yet, tell your driver to drive around the nice part of the city. The moon on the city at this time is beautiful.”

“Great idea, Bobby, you heard the lady. Please feel free to take us through any nice views of this city.”

“Oh you like to listen to me do you?” Emma winked at him.

“Maybe I do. What does that mean?”

“Come here.” Emma did a come hither motion with her finger and Kevin obeyed. Tonight she would take control.

When Kevin got close enough, Emma pulled him lightly by his shirt collar until his lips almost touched his. With her other hand she put up the privacy window in the limo as Bobby slightly smirked. She then kissed Kevin softly. She wanted him to be teased. Emma wanted to be in control, so he had no idea what was coming next. She allowed her tongue to find his as she deepened the kiss. He moaned deep in his throat. He tasted like wine and peppermint. Not a bad mixture after all because to her he tasted so damn good.

Easing her hand behind his head to pull him closer, Kevin’s hand touched her face softly and she pushed his hands away. “No touching until I say so. Understood?” Emma whispered. Kevin hesitated and then nodded. She allowed her kiss to deepen again as she bit his tongue seductively. Licking his bottom lip she slowly undid the buttons of his shirt. She wanted to feel the skin that was on this beautiful specimen of a man. Feeling the smooth skin of a bare chest her panties began to get wet. They were just a string so soon enough she would have a wet spot on this seat if she didn’t get down to business. Pushing him against the seat she got on top of Kevin and straddled him. Emma began licking his neck and trailing kisses to his collar bone. When he shivered she smirked at his reaction. She loved having this type of control over a man.

“Undo your belt and pull down your pants but don’t take them off.” Emma ordered Kevin seductively as she nibbled on his ear lobe. Kevin immediately did as he was asked and placed his hands on Emma’s hips. “No, no, no, you know better. No touching. Do you have protection?” Kevin nodded and took it out of a compartment in the limousine. “I won’t even ask” Emma said. After removing the condom wrapper and placing the condom on the head of his hard manhood, Emma slowly eased it down the rest of his shaft. She turned up the music in the back of the vehicle so they wouldn’t disturb the driver or make him feel too uncomfortable. Not that she cared that much.

“Feel how wet I am” Emma taunted Kevin as she bit his bottom lip. Kevin slowly placed his hands on the underwear of Emma and began to run on her clit through her Barely There panties. “Pinch my clit” she demanded. As Kevin did as he was told his eyes squinted seductively at the slight gasp that came from Emma’s lips. He began to rub on her clit harder as her walls began to contract. Throwing her head back and riding his hand, Kevin slipped his middle finger into her core and then slid in his index finger. Stretching her to prepare her for his entrance he began thrusting his fingers into her harder as his thumb rubbed her clit. At this speed she was going to lose control too soon. She needed to regain her power.

“Enough. Get inside of me” she demanded through a breathless whisper.

“Yes ma’am.” Kevin slid Emma’s panties to the side as he slowly entered her body’s deepest cove. Holding onto his shoulders, Emma bit her lip and put her head on his shoulder. He reached his peak in her body and he began to move. “I didn’t say move” Emma reminded him. Instead she rocked her hips from side to side, left to right, up and down. She kept a rhythm that her body heard within itself. Gripping the shoulder of the seats she rode him harder, hearing his deep breaths and curses under his breath made her go crazy until her body was going to explode.

“Give me everything. NOW!” she urged as she stopped moving, she needed his powerful thrusts to bring them both over the edge. He didn’t need to be told a second time because Kevin began pounding deep into her core, holding back nothing. Emma threw her head back as her hands gripped his shoulders and her nails sunk into his skin. She couldn’t help the amazing feeling she had as her legs began to shake. She knew Kevin’s control was slipping as he began saying things in another language. Allowing her walls to grip him more, she could feel her orgasm coming. Emma was tried not to scream as he moved her to another angle and began hitting her g spot while using his other hand to rub on her clit. Emma bit into Kevin’s shoulder just as he hit that exact spot and she came so hard that she saw stars behind her eyes. It was as if time had stood still and her body became immobile for a few seconds. As his body continued to drive into hers he came with a moan that let her know that his orgasm was just as good as hers.

Regaining her composure, Emma eased off of Kevin and fixed her underwear back into place. Looking through her bag, “Oh shit. I left my phone at the club. Can we go back and get it?” Out of breath, Kevin just nodded and rolled the privacy window back down. Emma asked Bobby, “Bobby, we have to head back to the club. I left my phone.” Bobby nodded and replied, “No problem.” She then put the window back up and placed her legs comfortably on the seat in front of her allowing her dress to ride up and her long legs to show off in her sexy heels.  Kevin shook his head in awe at the amount of stamina Emma had and her powerful demeanor. As a CEO of a prominent company, Kevin was used to always being in control. This woman was different and he loved it.

After driving in silence for a few minutes while still catching their breath, they arrived back at the club.

“This is my stop, it was nice meeting you Kevin”, Emma said to Kevin as she got out of the car.

“Wait, what do you mean? That’s it? You’re not coming home with me?”

“No, I can’t. We had our fun. We both got what we wanted. I don’t usually do this and I don’t want to have to sneak out of your home in the middle of the night, so I wanted to say goodnight from now”, Emma replied.

“Wow, you really are different.” Kevin shook his head in disbelief.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Emma responded back. She eased back into the car and kissed his lips.

“Can I have your number then?” he asked.

“I don’t think that’d be the best idea.” Emma shook her head as she answered.

“Will I ever see you again then? I mean I usually don’t act like this, but no woman has ever wanted JUST sex from me.”

Emma giggled, “Trust me that’s all I wanted at least. Don’t get me wrong, you’re definitely sexy, but I needed to let go of some of my inhibitions tonight. You were the lucky pick. But if it’s meant to be it’ll be.” Easing out of the car, Emma closed the limo door and made her way back to the waiting area of the club as she called her car to come get her.

“You stranded out here?” a voice said from behind her.

Turning around quickly, she realized it was the sexy mystery man. Without thinking she shook her head and walked away, unsure of why she had such an instant connection with a complete stranger.

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