Unleashed (4 page)

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Authors: Brittney N.

BOOK: Unleashed
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Chapter Seven

As Emma finished up with her mediations a couple of hours later, she began to get her things ready to go so she could enjoy her vacation. Hank stopped by her office before she left the building. He closed the door behind him as he walked over to her.

“How are you feeling hun?” he coaxed gently.

Emma couldn’t really feel the pain anymore, ever since she had that little epiphany earlier. For some reason she tried to just repress the pain of her past and think of what good could come from her naughty and enticing future.

“I’m actually doing ok for right now. I know the pain will come crashing back soon enough but I definitely just need to get out of this building. Plus, there’s someone here that I cannot stand to see at this moment.”

“What? Who are you talking about?” Hank questioned.

“I don’t even think I want to talk about it right now. But I just know that a little later, I think you’ll know what I’m talking about. I refuse to be the reason someone loses their job because I could fire her right now. But karma’s a bitch.”

“Are you referring to Samantha? What’d she do? Do you want me to fire her now?”

“I’m not ready to talk about it, but I will most definitely call you after I’m more relaxed on this vacation.”

“That’s fine with me. Have fun. Let your hair down and forget about this douche. He’ll get what’s coming to him. You never know what you have until it’s gone.”

“I sure hope he realizes. But even if he doesn’t, I need a break anyways.” Emma gave Hank a hug and thanked him again for this break he was giving her. As she walked out of the doors and past Samantha she decided not to look at her and just put in her IPod’s headphones to pretend she was listening to music. She walked fast past everyone with her briefcase and exhaled once she got in the elevator.


After twenty minutes of driving, Emma finally got home and took off her shoes. She checked her voicemail and had no new messages. What was needed right now was a great bath. She also needed to figure out just where she was going for this wonderful, relaxing, luxurious vacation. As she went to get her water running, she picked up some of her lavender candles. The smell always eased her stress while making her smell magnificent. As the water ran lightly she went to her laptop and started to search for getaways just for singles. She needed to find a place where she could just relax and not have to worry about seeing other couples. Singles resorts it was. But then again, she didn’t want to look lonely. “Maybe I’ll just look for a spa resort. Hmm, yes that will do” she thought. Emma chose The Grand Hyatt in Kauai, Hawaii. Despite the high price, she immediately booked a week vacation in a deluxe ocean suite. Though she was going alone, she decided that the “Romance Package” would do just fine. She’d wine and dine herself. The villa looked gorgeous and she couldn’t wait until flew down. She booked her flight and looked at the price and shrugged her shoulders. There was nothing that would stop her from taking this well-earned vacation. She received bonuses all the time and always saved it for her wedding day, or to buy something nice for her and her significant other. “What other?” she thought. There is none. There’s no one else in her life romantically right now. It was time for her to be free.


Zack got his bags and started to head back to his hotel room in the Four Seasons from out of the town car. He couldn’t think straight with all these conferences. After creating his own car shop he realized that he had a lot of competitors and always needed to socialize in order to build up his popularity. He just hated not being able to just relax and work on the cars in his shop. Though he owned one of the stores in the family franchise, if it was up to him, he wouldn’t let it be known to the general public that he was one of the owners. Most people assumed that since he had money he didn’t do any of the work. They thought that he just sat behind the desk and looked pretty. That was false. If it was up to him he’d be working on cars all day and drinking a nice glass of Merlot while doing it. It didn’t matter that he was a man. “Men like wine also”, he chuckled to himself. Right now he just needed a break from all of this publicity. Some people knew his face but he needed to be better known if he wanted to be able to become one of the best car shops on the East Coast.

When he got into the elevator he passed a few ladies who were pretty but he could tell they would be nothing more than a good lay in the sheets. Nowadays he needed more. He wasn’t old, but he wasn’t too young either. At the age of twenty eight he realized that he wanted more than just a female to call on when he wanted to release his sexual frustration. Plus, the fact that he was making more money made more groupies and gold diggers come along rather than the real ladies that he was now becoming more attracted to. As he opened his door to his room he threw his bags on the floor and switched on the television. He couldn’t help but think that he needed someone waiting in his bed rather than a note from the concierge of the hotel welcoming him to his suite.

He started to get undressed and checked to see if the hotels phone had any messages for him. He wasn’t sure why but he just wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone tonight. He needed to think of where his life was going and the best way to do that was in the shower. He threw off the rest of his clothes and turned on shower. As usual, he made it as hot as he could withstand. Zack took a deep breath and just sat on the shower seat and scrubbed away his stress. He closed his eyes and had a flash back of when his father told him that he wasn’t going to be anything.

You’re just going to keep failing. You’re disappointing this family. I’m not even sure I want to hand the keys of this new building over to you. You’re just concerned about sleeping around and wreaking havoc on this family. I’m tired of this shit Zack. This is the last time, and if you mess up? Your ass is cut off from this family franchise. There’s only so much I can do for you.”

The words of Zack’s father, Gregory More, still stayed in his mind to this day. Five years ago he was reprimanded for his reckless behaviors and he realized he had to change. Even though he still whored around occasionally, he never made a spectacle of it and was sure that the women he slept with understood their place in his life. Zack took a deep breath and imagined what it would be like to have just one lady to come home to. The thought alone made him a bit queasy. He shook his head and laughed. “I’m a mess” he thought to himself. He switched back his train of thought to stay peaceful and relaxed and began to think of the new cars that would be coming to his shop. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the 1970’s Chevy coming in soon. The owner had kept it in impeccable condition and was actually trusting Zack to tune it up and customize the Chevy the way that Zack felt fit. His mind drifted to the new ideas and possible options he could give the car. So he allowed his eyes to close and let the water roll down his body while his mind drifted away to the place where no one could interrupt him. Not even his worse fears. Failure.

Chapter Eight

Emma got her bags from off of the plane and looked around. Even the airport was beautiful. This island was amazing. She walked to retrieve her bags from the luggage carousel and couldn’t wait to walk outside the doors. As soon as she got her bags, she walked quickly over to the exit and opened the doors slowly. Taking her sunglasses off her eyes and inhaling deeply, she couldn’t help but feel free. Relaxed. Just being here made her feel that way. It was time for her to start this healing process. It was time to release the beast. She looked around and saw that a driver was holding up her name, “Miss Sanget”, and as she walked over to him he smiled. “Miss Sanget?” he asked sweetly in a native accent. “Yes darling. That’s me. Emma Sanget.” She put out her hand so he could shake it and he did, although he looked very surprised. “Let me get your bags ma’am.” He took her bags from out of her hands and placed it in the trunk. As he walked away she put her sunglasses back down on her face and hid her roaming eyes. Eyes that were roaming all over this gentleman’s body. Especially his butt. “Yum” she thought as she opened the car door herself and sat in the backseat.

On her way to the hotel she stared at the beautiful scenery. It was magnificent. The palm trees stood up high, and some even on angles, as if they were reaching for the sea. And the ocean water? It was gorgeous. It seemed like the color was a crystal clear blue. The Pacific Ocean stood still, reflecting the sunlight and smiling back at her. She sighed and couldn’t wait to get to the hotel. She rested her head on the back of the seat and drifted off into a quick sleep due to her jet lag.

The car stopped and Emma woke up. She looked around and saw the hotel to her right. It was huge! The structure was elegant yet it was still architecturally designed enough to seem like it was fun. She didn’t want to come to a place where a whole bunch of stuck up, snobby, rich people came to relax and not enjoy themselves but rather isolate themselves. She needed a great massage and some fun. A whole lot of it. It was time for her to let loose. Grabbing her bags and handing her driver a nice tip, she walked through the doors. Immediately the bellhops grabbed her bags and led her to the front desk. There she gave her name and confirmed her reservation. The bellhops took up her suitcases before she got there.

As she went up the elevators she realized she was right under the penthouse suite. Being on the twenty fifth floor was high enough for her. Plus, all she needed was one large room, with a king sized bed, a great kitchen and an amazing view of this island. When she opened the door to her suite she gasped. “Gorgeous” she said in awe. Why hadn’t she thought of taking a trip like this sooner? She loved how the room was so open, yet the bedroom veered off into a large section of the room with large doors. As she opened the grand entrance to the room she saw the beautiful white linen on the bed and the tulip petals on the bed that spelled “Welcome”.

She couldn’t wait to just enjoy her stay. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she had to enjoy every second of being here. That included taking a nice long walk on the beach before it got dark. She decided that an hour nap would help her out a little bit; because she felt a power nap of fifteen minutes wouldn’t help her at this point. Removing her shorts and her shirt she ran to the bed and jumped. Laying in just her panties and her bra, Emma drifted to sleep. She couldn’t help but realize being half naked is just how she enjoyed her sleep.


A couple of hours later Emma woke up with a yawn. “That felt so good” she thought to herself. With her mind in a relaxed zone she turned on the television. She flipped through the channels trying to find something interesting. She came upon a movie with her favorite actor on the screen. His beautiful eyes were planted on the screen while a passionate love scene occurred in the movie. She couldn’t help but be aroused by his face. “Mmm” she moaned to herself. Her eyes drifted shut as she let fantasies consume her.

She lifted the sheets from off of her body and began to rub her breasts. Her nipples tingled under her bra’s sensitive material and she couldn’t help but shudder at the sensation. Biting her lip she grabbed her breast and arched her back. Hearing his voice in the background she moaned slightly and slowly allowed her fingers to drift down her stomach. Her panties were blocking where she wanted the sensations the most but she didn’t want to rush this feeling. Slowly her finger got to her clitoris. Pressing the pulsing bud she groaned in her throat. Emma couldn’t control what she felt at that moment. It’s been so long since she touched herself. Since she’s been with Dan she promised herself she wouldn’t touch herself so that she could miss his body even more. But she missed her fantasies. She missed being able to be a freak. With Dan she had to remain a lady in the bed, but she had needed more but she didn’t care. Making love to him was fulfilling enough, so she thought. Moving her clit around in a circle her wetness began to seep through her panties. Moving her underwear aside she rubbed her entrance. So slick and so wet, she missed the feeling of a man entering her. She needed to handle this stress that created all of this tension in her body. As she inserted her middle finger into her pussy she moaned. Yet, it wasn’t enough. As her index finger went inside her as well, she arched her back and used her other hand to pinch her nipple.

A knock on the door took her out of her mood. She jumped up and shook her head in aggravation. “Miss Sanget?” she heard a voice call from the door. She quickly put her underwear back in place, sucked her juices off of her fingers and then grabbed the complimentary robe from the bedroom door as she walked to the front door of her hotel room. She opened the door and smiled at the maid who was on the other side. “Hello, I am Miss Sanget, how may I help you?” she asked calmly. “Hi Miss Sanget, I am Angela, I will be your personal maid today in this hotel. If you need anything please call the front desk and ask them for me. I will attend to this floor so if you see me feel free to inform me of anything you need. It was nice meeting you.” Angela gave a nod of her head and walked away gracefully. “Pretty girl” Emma thought. “Thanks Angela” she called out as Angela walked away. Maybe Angela may have another maid outfit. Emma’s mind began to wander with the possible ideas of role play. “Yea, I need to get laid.” Emma called her friends to let them know she got to her destination safely, and they all told her to have fun and enjoy herself. That was exactly what she planned to do. As a matter of fact, tonight she would start that fun. Now, she just needed a willing volunteer who would be ready for what she had to offer them. She was ready to share her fantasies. It was time to release this beast that she’s had in for so long. This relationship with Dan had drained her of her sexual inhibitions. It was time to share with a stranger these fantasies and mutual pleasure; one that neither of them would ever forget. That was a promise she knew she could keep.


Zack stretched as he woke up. He realized there was a female lying next to him and realized it was time to slip out of her apartment. Ashley. He knew that bed of hair anywhere. He couldn’t help but laugh because she was down for just about anything in the bedroom. She was reliable when he was looking for a quick tumble in the sheets. She didn’t ask questions, she just accepted their relationship which was purely sexual. He gently removed the sheets and found his clothing as he snuck out of her bedroom. As he got into the elevator, some part of him was getting a little tired of sneaking in and out of females bedrooms. He seriously needed a vacation.

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