Read Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

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Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (22 page)

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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Walking back into the waiting room, Lark and Azurdee looked up. Azurdee’s eyes went right to Tristan holding my hand. She smiled and looked into my eyes. Turning, she bumped Lark’s shoulder and tipped her head toward Tristan and me.

Lark smiled and nodded his head. Tristan let go of my hand to get his mother’s coffee and handed it to her. Her eyes were so red and swollen from crying. I sat next to her and took her hand. Smiling, she leaned over and kissed my cheek. Then she whispered, “I knew he would come around. He loves you very much.”

My face blushed and I stole a peek at Tristan. He was gazing at me with such a loving expression. My heart soared and I returned the look. I never dreamed I’d be standing here with Tristan gazing upon me like I was his everything. I silently prayed this feeling would never end. This feeling of love was like nothing I’d ever imagined.

The door opened and a doctor came walking out. Everyone jumped up. Azurdee and I stood back as Joyce, Lark, and Tristan made their way up to the doctor.

“He’s okay. He had a blockage in one of his main arteries that we were able to clear.” We stood and listened as the doctor explained how Peter was going to have to rest and most importantly slow down. When Lark mentioned his father ran a very successful hunting ranch, the doctor said Peter was going to have to bring someone in to help manage it, most likely fulltime.

Glancing over to Tristan, I saw the conflict on his face. I knew he wanted to run this ranch, I just wasn’t sure if he wanted to run it now.

Before the doctor left, he told us Peter could have one visitor at a time. Knowing his first question was going to be about the ranch, Lark brought it up. “What are we going to tell him about the ranch?”

Joyce held up her hands and said, “The ranch is the least of my worries.”

“But it will be one of Dad’s. You know he is going to worry about it, Mom,” Lark said.

Tristan was sitting in one of the chairs. I knew his heart was being torn in two right now, and I didn’t want to be one of the causes. Walking over to him, I sat down next to him.

“I don’t know what to do, Ryn. I felt like for once in my life everything was falling into place and now . . .”

Reaching for his hand, I knew that we still had a lot to talk about. A lot to work through, but I knew I wanted a future with Tristan and I believed in my heart he meant what he said when he said he would never hurt me again.

“You told me once your dream was to run the ranch. Has that changed?”

Lifting his head, he whispered, “No.”

My heart was breaking for Tristan. I knew he was conflicted and I needed to reassure him that he was making the right decision, not only for himself but for his family as well. I also needed to make it clear I would be there for him no matter where he was. “Tristan, I know you don’t have to work. I know that if you stopped working tomorrow, you would still be set financially because of your grandparents. Quitting your job and moving here to take over the ranch should be the easiest thing you’ve ever done.”

Taking my hand, Tristan stood and began walking down the hall. Opening a closet door, he pushed me inside and shut it. His face was filled with such angst. “Don’t you see, Ryn? If I follow that dream, I lose you. The one thing I’ve been so worried about, pushing you away, isn’t even the thing I had to worry about.” Pushing his hands through his hair he yelled out, “Fuck! I can’t believe this.”

Reaching for his arms, I pulled them down. “Tristan, I’m going to be wherever you are. I don’t care if it’s in Austin, here in South Texas or in some god forsaken desert.” Placing my hands on his face, I whispered, “Tristan, I promise you, I’m not going anywhere.” Closing my eyes briefly before opening them again, I continued talking. “We still have a lot of talking to do and things to work out, but I just got you back, Tristan Williams. I’m not letting you go ever again.”

Tristan leaned his head against mine. “Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you right now, Ryn?”

“Hmm . . . I forgot how romantic you were.”

Tristan laughed and pushed my skirt up and slipped his fingers under the sides of my panties. The moment I lifted my leg and his fingers slipped in, I let out a moan. I missed his touch so much.

Dropping my head to his chest, I began grinding against his hand. Gripping his shirt, I felt my body building up my orgasm. Oh God, this was going to be big. Tristan’s expert fingers worked me up to the max. “Tristan!”

His lips pressed against mine as I came on his fingers. I could feel my insides pulsing as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of me.

“Fucking hell, Ryn. Your pussy was clamping down on my fingers like you really needed to come, baby.”

Breathing into Tristan’s massive chest, I nodded my head. “I needed you, Tristan. You’re all I’ll ever need.”

Brushing his lips against mine, Tristan spoke. “I’m going to make you mine tonight, Ryn.”

“I’ve always been yours, Tristan. Always.”

, Lark jumped out of the backseat of my truck and opened the passenger side door. My father pushed Lark’s hand away. “Damn it. I’m perfectly fine. I don’t need to be babied.”

Looking over Dad’s shoulder, Lark winked at me and smiled. Shaking my head, I got out of the truck and got Dad’s stuff from the back seat.

“I can’t believe those assholes let me out on Christmas Eve. Have the two hunters checked in, Tristan?”

Laughing, I walked up to my father. “Dad, just relax, what did the doctor say?”

Giving me a dirty look, my father replied, “He said I needed to step down and give you the ranch. I’ll have you know, I’m not too happy about that. Matter of fact . . .”

Mom opened the door and came out smiling. “Peter Williams. Stop complaining right now. You know you are over the moon to know that Tristan will be moving down here fulltime.”

Walking up the stairs, Dad started talking. “Tristan, you know we could hire someone and you wouldn’t have to give your life in Austin up. I know how much you love it there.”

“I love it here more, Dad. Stop worrying. Please just try and relax. You, Lark and I will talk shop later tomorrow. For now, you don’t worry about anything.”

After getting my father into the house and settled, I walked into the kitchen. My mother and Azurdee were cutting up fruit and smiled as I made my way over to them.

“Where is Ryn?” I asked. Looking over her shoulder, my mother motioned outside. Heading to the door, she cleared her throat.


Glancing back, I asked, “Yeah?”

“Thank you, for everything you are doing for your father and the ranch.”

Giving my mother a smile, I winked at her and headed outside. Ryn was sitting down in a swing that had been up for years. Debating if I should tell her how old that swing was, I walked over and bent down in front of her. “Hey.”

Smiling, she looked into my eyes. “Why did you tell me that your mother wanted me to stay for Christmas?”

Smiling, I gave her wink. “I wanted you to stay. Besides, Mom really did want you to stay.”

“Is your dad settled?”

Letting out a chuckle, I said, “As best as he can be.”

“It’s been a long day.”

Taking her hand in mine, I nodded my head. “Are you tired, Ryn?”

“I am but . . .”

Lifting my eyebrow, I asked, “But?”

“I want . . .”

The back door opened and mother called out. “Dinner is ready, Tristan and Ryn. Come and get it.”

Ryn and I stood. Reaching for her hands, I pulled her to me as I cupped the sides of her face. Bringing my lips up against her lips I asked, “What do you want, Ryn?”

Closing her eyes, she barely spoke. “You.”

Turning, I pulled her away from the house. “Tristan, where are we going? Your mom just said it was dinner time and she is gonna wonder where we went.”

Walking up to a tree, I stopped. The treehouse Lark and I had built was gone. “Motherfucker, he took it down.”

“Who took what down?”

Walking off into the trees, Ryn spoke. "Um … Tristan, it's dark and …"

Coming to an abrupt halt when I saw the shop, Ryn ran into my back.

Peeking around me, she said, "Hey I didn't know that barn was back here."

“It’s Lark’s and mine. My father and mother stay out of it.”

“You have your own barn?” Ryn asked as she laughed.

Dropping her hand as I fished my keys out of my pocket, I glanced over at her. “It’s not a barn, it’s a shop. You’ll see why they aren’t allowed in there in a second.”

Walking in, the lights automatically came on and Ryn let out a gasp.

Two sports cars sat parked in the middle of the shop. Smiling, I looked over at my baby. Blue Thunder. Blue Thunder was my cobalt-blue nineteen sixty-eight Camaro that Lark and I had spent almost two years restoring.

“Wow. Look at those cars.”

Smiling, I nodded my head and looked at Lark’s nineteen-seventy Chevy Nova SS. Both cars had the same paint theme, cobalt blue with white racing strips down the middle of the entire car.

I watched as Ryn walked up to my Camaro. “What a beautiful car.” Turning she smiled. “Is this why you won’t let your parents in here? Afraid they might take the toys out for a spin?”

Throwing my head back, I laughed. “Not these toys, baby.” Motioning to the back of the shop, Ryn turned and looked.

“What’s behind the doors?”

“Lark and I had two bedrooms put in when we had the shop built. With as much time as we spent visiting our parents, we had wanted a place to get away. Maybe bring back dates if we were lucky.”

Raising an eyebrow, Ryn gave me a wicked smile. “Why didn’t we visit this bedroom last year? It would have made it a lot easier.”

My smile faded briefly before I grabbed her hand and began walking toward the back. Unlocking my door, I pushed it open.

My room was a little different from Lark’s. His pretty much had a bed and a bathroom in there. Mine had a bed, another bathroom . . . and a few of my

Walking into the room, the motion lights in the room turned on. Nothing had been touched since the last time I walked in this room. Turning, I watched as Ryn took in the room. Walking over to the small chest that was on the left side of the king-size bed, Ryn ran her hand over the ornate design. “What’s in here?”

My heart was racing and I’d never in my life been so terrified. What would Ryn think when she opened the drawers and saw the sex toys? Would she change her mind about us? Closing my eyes and saying a silent prayer, I opened them and whispered, “Only one way to find out.”

Ryn’s fingers ran up and down the three-drawer chest. Stopping on the second drawer down, she slowly began to open it. I held my breath as she opened the drawer. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her face.

Glancing back at me, Ryn lifted her mouth into a smile. Looking back into the drawer, Ryn reached in and took out the flogger. Ryn ran the leather tails across her other hand.

“What is this?”

Not being able to move, I barely said, “A flogger.”

Her eyes lit up. “Sex toys?”

Slowly nodding my head, I managed to speak. “Yes.”

Narrowing her eyes at me and chewing on her lower lip she asked, “Is this something new you are into or—”

I swallowed hard. “No. I wanted to share this side of me with you, but I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.”

Smiling bigger she said, “This explains why you’re so good in bed with . . . other things.”

I couldn’t help but smile. If she only knew the different ways I could make her feel good.

“Can we use this . . . on me . . . now?”

My heart dropped to my stomach and something new washed over my body. The fact that Ryn wanted to even entertain the idea of using the flogger filled my body with hope and eased my tension a bit.

Damn, I love this girl.

The idea that my love for Ryn was growing faster had me a bit freaked out, but I wasn’t going to let it push her away from me. Giving her a smile I knew would have her panties off in less than thirty seconds, I began to walk over to her.

Placing my hand on the side of her face, I leaned over and sucked her lower lip into my mouth then bit down on it. Ryn let out a moan that went straight to my dick. Pulling back, I looked into her eyes. “Baby, I’d love to use that on you, but we would have to work you into it. There’s something else I want to do to you first though.”

Ryn’s eyes lit up with desire. Ever since I gave her the orgasm a few days ago in the closet, I’d been dying to bury my cock deep inside of her. My plan to take her that night failed when Ryn passed out in my arms from exhaustion. I didn’t have the heart to wake her up.

Licking her lips, the words barely made it out of her mouth. “What do you want to do to me?”

“The first time I laid eyes on you I fantasized about having your tits up against my Camaro while I fucked you from behind.”

“Oh. God,” Ryn whimpered out.

Running my thumb along her soft skin I asked, “Ryn, would you rather our first time be slower, I’m dying to make love to you as well. But my cock is so hard and all he wants is to fuck you hard and fast.”

Her chest began to heave up and down as she began panting. Placing her hands on my chest, Ryn looked into my eyes. “I’ll take sex against your car please.” My heart was beating crazy wild as I let Ryn’s words soak in.

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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