Read Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

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Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (20 page)

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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“Let go of me! I swear to God I’ll kill you. Let me go!” I screamed.

“Ryn! Jesus Christ, stop fighting me!”

Oh dear God, they know my name. I started screaming out, “Help! Somebody help me!”

They started walking me toward the bed.
No! Oh God no!
Attempting to fight harder, it felt like my lungs were closing in on me. I was working hard at dragging in air.

Can’t breathe . . .

They threw me onto the bed and I scrambled up it and turned around, still screaming the best I could since it felt like I was getting no air.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cabin. The sun hadn’t gone down yet but it was beginning to get darker.

Oh. My. God.

Tristan was standing there, breathing heavy as he stared at me. “What in the fuck are you doing here?” he shouted.

I stopped screaming and looked around. Lark was standing behind Tristan. My chest was heaving up and down, not only from my attempt at trying to get away, but from the panic attack.

I couldn’t talk. Opening my mouth, I just dragged in more air.

Tristan grabbed his chin. “Motherfucker. You punched the shit out of my jaw.”

Oh. Yeah me!
I hadn’t realized I had landed one. Serves his ass right.

Lark moved over to me. “Ryn, slow down your breathing.”

Trying to do just that, I looked at Tristan.
Oh no. Tristan was here. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Lark placed his hands on the sides of my face. “Ryn . . . look at me. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.”

“What in the fuck are you doing out here? Are you trying to get lost, Ryn? Do you have any fucking idea how huge this ranch is?” Moving my eyes off of Lark, I looked at Tristan. He was furious. I knew it wasn’t from me getting lost. It was from me being here. Tears began to form in my eyes and I hated that I was appearing so weak in front of him.

Lark turned to Tristan. “Tristan, I don’t really think yelling at her right now is a good idea. Can’t you see she’s scared to death?”

Right at that moment, a damn tear rolled down my cheek. Tristan just stood there, staring at me. His eyes softened a bit, but he made no attempt to come to me. I prayed like hell he would. I wanted him to hold me in his arms, not Lark. Tristan didn’t move. His body was tense and his hands were balled up into fists.

I wanted to call out his name. Beg him to hold me. My heart was beating like crazy in my chest, and it wasn’t from me being afraid anymore. It was from the knowledge that Tristan clearly didn’t want me here.

Tristan turned and walked outside, closing the cabin door behind him. That’s when I lost all control and the tears fell freely. Lark pulled me into his arms and whispered against my hair, “Shh . . . it’s okay, Ryn. Please don’t cry. It’s all going to be okay now.”

It wasn’t going to be okay. Tristan didn’t love me. If he had, he would have never walked away from me. Again.

Grabbing a hold of Lark’s shirt, I cried like I had never cried before.

my hands through my hair, I tried to get my own damn breathing under control. When I had pulled up and Dad was getting into his truck, I asked him where he was going. That’s when Lark pulled up.

My father looked scared, and my father was never scared. Then he told Lark and me he had talked Ryn into taking a drive in the Jeep. At first, I was confused as hell as to why Ryn was at my family’s ranch, but when he said she had been gone for over five hours, I freaked out. Lark told my dad to go back into the house and we would look for Ryn.

Luckily, it had rained earlier and her tracks were easy to follow. When we pulled up to the trail to the cabin, I froze. There was no way in hell she would remember how to get here.

Why was she here? At the ranch? At the cabin? My head was spinning and I wasn’t sure if I should be feeling happy we found her or pissed that she was even here.

The cabin door opened and Ryn and Lark walked out. Ryn looked down at the ground and wouldn’t even look at me. “I’m gonna take her back in the Jeep, she’s really upset.”

I should be the one holding her, not my brother. When I walked up to her, she wouldn’t look at me. “I’ll take her back in my truck, you follow us in the Jeep.”

Snapping her head up, her eyes looked panicked. “No!” Shaking her head, she began freaking out again. “No, I just want Lark to take me back.”

My heart broke in two and for once in my life, I felt as if I was going to cry. “Ryn, I’m . . . I’m sorry I yelled like that. Let me take you back and . . .”

She began shaking her head as she whispered, “No. Please, I don’t want to go back with you.”

My knees felt like they were going to give out on me. My eyes burned with the threat of tears and my world felt destroyed. “Ryn . . .” I whispered as she looked into my eyes. I’d never seen her eyes look so sad and lost.

Lark cleared his throat. “Tristan, just let me take her back. We’ll meet you at the ranch house.”

Lark began walking Ryn over to the Jeep. Before she got into the Jeep, she looked over her shoulder at me. Not able to move, I watched as Lark turned the Jeep around and headed back to the house.

When I was finally able to move, I walked back to my truck. Jumping in, I headed back to the house. The closer I got, the more pissed off I was.

Why was she afraid to go back with me? Why was she even fucking here? This was my family’s ranch. What game was she playing?

Pulling up behind Lark and Azurdee’s SUV, I parked. I thought back to yesterday when I talked to Sierra. She
Ryn was here. It was her idea for me to come early.

“You’re stressed, Tristan. I think heading down to the ranch as soon as possible is what you need. Trust me.”

“That little bitch.” Pushing my door open, I reached in the backseat to grab my bag. Jumping out of the truck, I made my way to the front door. When I walked in, everyone was sitting in the living room. Everyone but Ryn. Looking at everyone, I asked, “Where is she?”

My mother stood up. “She’s in the guest room. Resting.”

Making my way to the steps, my mother called out for me. “Tristan, she’s had quite a night. I think it’s best we let her rest.”

Letting out a laugh, I looked at my mother. “She’s had quite a night? So have I, Mom. I come home for Christmas and find out the girl who walked out on me last Christmas is here hanging out with my parents.”

My mother placed her hands on her hips. “I raised you better than that, Tristan Williams. Don’t you dare go up there and upset that girl. I invited her here.”

Azurdee walked up to me and pushed me, causing me to take a few steps back.

“You arrogant bastard. Have you forgotten how you treated her last year? She didn’t run out on you. You can’t run out on someone who left you first.”

Lark came up and put his arm around Azurdee’s waist. “Baby, let’s stay out of this, okay?” Walking her back into the living room, Azurdee turned and stuck her tongue out at me.

Jerking my head back, I looked at her. Rolling my eyes, I turned my focus back on my mother. “Why, Mom? Why did you invite her here?”

“We enjoy having Kathryn here. She’s fun and your father has taught her how to hunt.”

My father stood. “And how to gut a hog. She’s a natural.”

My head was beginning to pound. Placing my fingers up to my temples, I tried to make sense of all of this. “Wait. Wait just a second. She’s been here before? How many times has she been here to see y’all?”

My mother looked at my father. They exchanged a look and my mouth dropped open. “Holy shit. Mom? How many times has Ryn been here since last Christmas?”

“Counting this trip?” she asked with a slight smile.

Dropping my bag to the floor, I said, “Yes, Mom. Counting this trip.”


I took a few steps back. “You kept this from me? Why?”

“I asked them to.”

Spinning around, I looked at Ryn. Her eyes were swollen and red. My eyes traveled down and I noticed her bag in her hand.

“I figured with you dating Liberty and all, it might have seemed weird to have me here.” She stopped talking and sucked in a shaky breath. “It’s just . . . I adore your parents and . . .”

“And you just thought you’d come and hang with them? What game were you playing at, Ryn?”

Ryn’s mouth parted open slightly as I watched the tears roll down her face again. She quickly wiped them away, stood taller and cleared her throat.

“Games are your specialty, Tristan, not mine. You weren’t even supposed to know I was here. Had I known you would come early, I would have left already.” Turning her attention to my mother, she smiled weakly. “Thank you, Joyce, for always making me feel like I was welcomed here. I’m afraid I have to be heading out.”

My mother walked past me, stopped at the bottom of the stairs and pulled Ryn into her arms. “This is my house and you are a guest in it. You march right back up and put your things away. I have you for two more days, young lady.”

None of this made any sense. A part of me wanted to grab Ryn and pull her out to her car, the other part wanted me to grab her and fuck the living hell out of her.

“Joyce, thank you, but I just can’t stay any longer.” Ryn’s voice trailed off. Her eyes caught mine. “I better get going.”

Ryn leaned down and kissed my mother on the cheek before turning and walking over to my father. “Peter, thank you for the archery lesson.”

“We’re not done, young lady. Go put your things away.”

Clearing my throat, I said, “If she wants to go, let her.”

Azurdee let out a gasp. She walked up to Ryn and grabbed her arms. “Ryn, it’s dark out and you’re exhausted. Please don’t leave.”

Ryn smiled. “I have to go, Azurdee.”

“No! No you don’t. This is not Tristan’s house.” Turning to me, Azurdee looked at me with pleading eyes. “Tristan, don’t do this.”

Ryn quickly began walking to the door. She opened it and headed outside. Glancing over to Lark, he gave me a dirty look as he mouthed
to me.

Coming to my senses, I followed Ryn out the door. She had opened up the back door of her car and threw her bag in. She went to open the driver’s side door and I stopped her. “I got the hint, Tristan. You didn’t have to show me the way out.”

Closing my eyes, I slowly inhaled a breath and blew it out before opening them again and capturing her eyes. “Don’t go.”

Her lower lip trembled. “I didn’t mean to make you mad by coming here. I just really . . . love . . . your parents.”

I knew Ryn had a terrible relationship with her parents and I felt like a total dick for the way I had just acted.

“Please don’t go, Ryn. I’m sorry I acted like such an asshole. I was just shocked to see you here and then pulling up and Dad said you were missing for five hours. I wasn’t sure if I was more scared that something happened to you or pissed off that everyone but me knew you were here.”

Looking down, she sniffled. Reaching up, I wiped a tear away from her cheek. “Please don’t leave, Ryn. My mother really wants you here for Christmas.”

Looking at me with a confused look, Ryn said, “I was only staying for another two days.”

Shaking my head, I smiled. “Mom wants you here for Christmas, please don’t leave because of me.”

Wiping her nose on her shirt in a very unladylike fashion, Ryn asked, “Will it make you uncomfortable? This is your home and your family.”

Giving her my smile that I prayed eased her mind, I shook my head. “No, Ryn, I want you here too.”


Nodding, I said, “Yeah. Really.”

The smile that spread across her face caused something deep inside me to wake up. “I’m sorry I punched you.”

Laughing, I rubbed my chin. “Damn girl, have you been taking classes or something? You got me good.”

Giggling, she shook her head. “I um, guess I need to get my bag.”

Jumping back, I opened the back door, grabbed her bag and led her back up the porch stairs and back into the house. My mother greeted us at the door and gave me a sweet smile. “Thank you, Tristan. Now come on, Ryn, sweetheart. You need some sleep.”

I watched as the two women I loved more than the air I breathed walked up the stairs, arm in arm. Pushing my hand through my hair I walked into the living room only to find Lark and my father both staring at me. Lark started laughing. “Damn dude, I’m sure glad you snapped the hell out of it. You were really looking like a big douche there for a few minutes.”

My father and Azurdee started laughing. Giving Lark the finger and telling him to go fuck off, I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs. I was exhausted and needed to get some sleep.

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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