Tyler (16 page)

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Authors: C. H. Admirand

BOOK: Tyler
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“That’s some imagination you’ve got, Nat,” Gwen said with a smile.

Emily heard their conversation but wasn’t really listening. Tyler had reached center stage as the song ended. He lifted his head and unerringly picked her out of the crowd.

The heat in his gaze scorched her. Emily’s body tingled in places she hadn’t remembered she had until Tyler’s lips had set off a conflagration that she’d yet to control. She couldn’t wait to get him alone again and drive him crazy. Maybe she’d start by kissing a path across his amazing abs, but his muscled chest just drove her to distraction… she might start there instead. Too many choices and way too much time before she could get started.

The music changed and his hips moved to the beat, and still he didn’t look away. Emily’s body went haywire as the tingling gave way to shivers. Lord, she wanted his mouth on her again. She was craving another taste of that gorgeous hunk of dark-haired cowboy. She had to admit, she had it bad.

As the crowd sang along with the chorus, agreeing to save a horse by riding a cowboy, his hips began to undulate, captivating her.

She licked her suddenly dry lips, and he stiffened for a second before reaching for the coiled rope Natalie had left on the stage.

“I struck gold the day I hired that man,” Jolene drawled joining them.

Tyler rotated his wrist in small circular motions, gaining in speed. With the flick of his wrist, he let the rope fly. The lasso landed around the bride-to-be, as planned, where she stood at the front of the stage.

Emily’s stomach clenched. She knew it was part of the act but that didn’t mean she had to like it. “You’d think someone about to get married would be playing cowboy with her fiancé,” she grumbled.

The woman squealed in excitement as Tyler tugged on the rope and drew her closer. “Please don’t tell me he’s going to lift her up onto the stage,” Emily rasped. “His ribs have got to still be sore from that bull and the tussle with those boys last night.”

Tyler bent down on one knee, removed the lasso, and hauled the woman up into his arms in one smooth movement.

With every fiber of her being, Emily wished she could trade places with the tiny blonde. That’s when she knew she was in deep trouble.

The way the blonde was clinging to Tyler got under Emily’s skin like a sliver of wood. Ready to tear ass over to the stage to remove the parasite, Emily realized she’d have to deal with it. This was part of his job… she didn’t have to like it, but it was part of who he was and what he did.

An old Chris LeDoux song started playing and she relaxed as the words filled her. And just like the song said, now that she had Tyler in her bed, what would she do with her cowboy if she decided she didn’t want to keep him, but he didn’t up and ride away? Worse yet, what if he got his fill of her after tonight?

Breathing deeply, she inhaled the calming scent of lavender that she’d dabbed on her pulse points. Back in control, she looked up as a drop-dead gorgeous blonde strode into the club.

“Welcome to The Lucky Star.” The greeting was automatic, but the response from the blonde wasn’t what she expected.

“It can’t be the same Tyler.”

“You know Tyler?”

The blonde looked over her shoulder and grinned. “Tyler Garahan is one gorgeous hunk of Texan with dark brown eyes that hold the promise of heaven when he looks at you.”

Oh God!
Emily’s legs turned to water at the knees. Who was this woman? While Emily struggled with the realization that the man she’d burned up the sheets with last night, and had been contemplating starting a relationship with, was about to be greeted by his girlfriend/fiancée/wife—whichever noun fit—the crowd roared.

Before she could get her brain back into gear and ask the blonde just what her relationship to Tyler was, the blonde had moved through the crowd toward the stage and was currently hog-tying the bride-to-be.

That wasn’t part of the act, was it? Looking over to where Natalie and Jennifer stood with their mouths open, she knew it wasn’t. One look at Jolene and she knew her cousin was going to roll with it, pretending it was part of the act, at least until it had gone too far. No point in overreacting unless it was called for.

With a smug smile of triumph, the blonde brushed her hands together, tilted her head back, and gave a really good imitation of a rebel yell.
I thought they only did that back home.

The glazed look in Tyler’s eyes changed to one of wary recognition as the woman stalked over to where he stood.

. He did know her.

As Emily got closer, she heard the other woman ask, “Got any more of that short rope, Tyler?” and Emily’s heart just dropped like a stone, shattering on the floor at her feet.

That’ll teach her to start thinking about a pair of boots under her bed and long nights filled with good old-fashioned lovin’.

The blonde looked up and made eye contact with Emily, but before Emily could make her brain and mouth work in tandem, the bitch of a blonde gave her a smug little look that said, “
I was here first.

She actually thought about backing down for about three whole seconds. Then her brain kicked in. No way in hell was she going to let go of Tyler now, and she sure as hell wouldn’t give him up without a fight.

Worry creased lines between his brows, but the she-devil kept tossing hungry looks at Tyler, like he was a big old piece of meat skewered on a stick, drenched in barbeque sauce.

“Excuse me,” Emily said, wading through the crowd. When she was just a few feet away, she decided to go with plan A: be nice to the bimbo. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” Emily said, adding an extra helping of sugar to her voice, “but customers are not allowed to tie up other customers, nor are they allowed to manhandle the entertainment.”

Proud of herself, she waited for the woman to answer her. The slow-eyed look the blonde flicked in her direction before ignoring her completely had Emily’s blood shooting straight to boil. No f-ing way was she going to put up with being ignored.

Time for plan B: “I did say it nicely the first time,” Emily announced as she curled her fingers into a tight fist.

Chapter 14

“Tyler, honey,” the woman actually purred, “I’ve missed you.”

“Linda Lee, go home,” he ground out. “I’m working.”

“Oh honey, if you call this work, you’re doing it wrong.” Her irritating laughter chased a set of chills up his spine. Lord, he’d forgotten how much he hated that sound.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

His former girlfriend turned and glared at Gwen. From the way the crowd backed away, Tyler knew the other women in the crowd had the sense to recognize the command in Gwen’s voice and most obeyed it.

“I’m not ready to go yet,” Linda Lee drawled. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m gonna wrastle me a cowboy and bring him on home.”

“I don’t think so, blondie!” Emily’s fist connected with Linda Lee’s nose.

Tyler felt his mouth go slack.
. He did not just see his little redheaded filly clock Linda Lee in the nose… did he? He closed his mouth and barely controlled his snort of laughter. Hell, it wasn’t funny… well, actually it was, but he couldn’t let the outraged women surrounding the stage catch him laughing at one of their own.

As he watched, the woman he’d gotten tangled with nearly a year ago cupped her nose with both hands. Bright red seeped through her fingers.

Aw, hell.

“Well,” Gwen said, loud enough to be heard over the crowd, “I guess you’re ready now.” She plucked Linda Lee from the stage, whipped the bar towel hanging from her back pocket, and handed it to the woman as she hauled her through the crowd.

Shaking his head in wonder, he looked over at the diminutive redhead. She stood cupping one hand loosely in the other. He had to respect a woman who knew what she wanted… him… a definite turn on.
“Nice jab.”

Emily rolled her eyes at him and walked back over to the bar.

Linda Lee squealed like a stuck pig, and he fought the need to cover his ears to block out the sound.
, he thought,
at least his ex had stopped laughing.

Jake stopped in front of the stage. “You want me to call the law so you can file a restraining order?”

Tyler chuckled. “Kiss my ass.”

The other man grinned up at him. “Uh… no thanks. By the way,” Jake drawled, “there’re two brunettes over by the left side of the stage in a heated debate.” He nodded in their direction and cocked his head to one side and repeated what he’d overheard, “Can you really give a woman the big O with just a look?”

Tyler laughed out loud. “I guess good news travels fast.”

Jake joined him and then said, “You’re a real crowd-pleaser, son.”

“Give me a break,” Tyler ground out.

Jake laughed. “The boss and I might, but I’m not sure Emily will.”

Tyler scanned the crowd for Emily, found her by the back door, and felt one of the knots of tension in his gut ease up. He was worried the scene with his ex would change things between them.

Ten minutes later, he’d changed and come back out front, and found everyone but Emily.

Had he read her wrong? Shaking his head, he knew he hadn’t. What they’d shared last night had been too hot to handle and they’d both been ready, willing, and able to get burned again tonight. Between their interlude in the pantry and the lusty looks they’d shared while he was on stage tonight, he knew he hadn’t misunderstood, but after Linda Lee walked in things had changed. Hell, Em fought for him. He wasn’t about to give up on something this good just because she’d gotten cold feet.

“Women,” he bit out.

“Something on your mind, cowboy?”

“Nothing worth repeating, boss.”

They stared at each other until Jolene finally broke eye contact and looked away. “When you’re ready to talk about it,” she offered, “let me know.”

Snatching the hat from his head, he raked his fingers through his hair, jammed his Stetson back on his head, and stuck his hands in pockets. “Look,” he said, drawing her attention back to him. “I haven’t seen Linda Lee in a few months.”

“Hmmm.” Jolene adjusted her sling. “Is that really her name?”

His chuckle surprised the both of them. “Hell.”

“Been there, don’t intend to go back.”

He wondered if Emily had been right there alongside of her cousin in whatever hell Jolene had been referring to. He’d have to ask her later. “Real name,” he answered. “Do you know where Emily is?”

“No.” The nervous way she was scanning the near-empty club had his gut roiling.

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Right after that blonde bimbo, um Linda Lee, gave the performance of her life and Emily slugged her.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Tyler was torn between pride and worry. Pride won out.

Jolene sighed and said, “She’s probably outside getting some air. She doesn’t like to use her fists, but she will if she has to.”

“Thanks, boss.” Tyler sprinted down the hall and out to the street.

Outside, he nearly passed by the figure standing half-hidden in the shadowed alley. A flicker of movement in his peripheral vision had him pulling up short. He walked over and nearly swallowed his tongue. “Linda Lee?”
Not Emily.

“Tyler, honey,” she breathed. “I knew you’d come back for me.”

He held up his hands to keep her from wrapping herself around him again. “How could I, when I thought you’d been asked to leave and not come back?”

“You know, I’ve been thinking about what you said,” she tossed her hair back over her shoulders and gave him her best sultry look.

At one time it would have worked. He was a flesh and blood man… not one made of stone, but he had a gorgeous redhead on his mind right now… one he was still looking for… “I’m done talking, Linda Lee. Just go home.” When she licked her lips and stepped closer to him, he stood his ground and reminded her. “You were the one who hated the ranch and ended things.”

“Maybe I was hasty.”

“I’ve thought about the rest of what you’d said, and now I agree. Ranch life isn’t for everyone, especially a woman who’s used to city-living like you.”

Her smiled shifted into a full-fledged pout. “I’ve changed my mind.” She traced the tip of her fire-red fingernail along his jaw.

He felt nothing. It was long over between them and time for her to see reason.
“I’m finished playing your games.”

The woman had a body made for loving, but he wasn’t interested in her. His mind took a short trip back to the pantry and the redhead who’d set him on fire. His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and flipped it open. Jolene had texted him.

He scanned the message, not really paying attention to what Linda Lee was saying until he heard the words, “
…brothers would love to hear how you’re spending your nights

Her threat brought his full attention back to her. “What?”

The triumphant smile got under his skin like a splinter. “Or do Jesse and Dylan know you’re a stripper in a club?”

It wasn’t the words so much as the way she’d said them. It made him feel dirtier than the time he’d skidded through a pile of horseshit, trying to break one of their stallions. He’d had manure in places he’d forgotten he’d had.

Knowing it was the only way to handle her, he bit out, “What do you want?”

Her tone changed from vinegar to sugar. “After I walked in and saw you up on the stage tonight, honey,” she rasped, “I only want you.”

Her hands reached for him, but he sidestepped her grasping claws.

Undeterred, she purred, “I remember how you like it, baby.”

Before she could remind him of a time he’d already moved past, a time he didn’t want to remember, he shook his head. “Don’t push it, Linda Lee. It’s over.”

His phone vibrated again. He flipped it open and read the text message. “I’ve got to go.” He started walking toward the door.

“I think I’ll pay a visit to the ranch tomorrow.”

Her words stopped him cold. “Why?”

“I’ve got a hankerin’ to visit with your brothers.”

Her smile was pure bitch. She hated his brothers almost as much as she hated the Circle G. When their eyes met, he knew what she had in mind, and it had nothing to do with preserving his dignity. But the need to talk to Emily overrode all else, distracting him, and the only thing he could think of to keep Linda Lee from bothering him at work and messing up things with Emily was to bribe her.
He didn’t have anything Linda Lee wanted… actually, he did, but he was a one-woman man… and his woman was Emily. Wracking his brain didn’t help. Finally, he played the only hand he had left. “Meet me tomorrow at the Tasty Freeze.”

Like flipping a switch she went from bitch-mode to syrupy sweet. “Where?”

Opening the door, he answered, “The ice cream place by the Feed Store.”

“Is this your idea of a cornball date?” Tyler didn’t stick around to answer or hear the rest of what she was saying. Jolene’s text let him know Emily was over by the park. His body was tired, but his heart was filled with hope. He ran down Loblolly and skidded around the corner onto North Main. The park was just ahead.


Emily turned and smiled when she saw Tyler running toward her. He didn’t ask, he simply reached for her, and she wrapped her arms around him. Grateful for his warmth and strength, she put the scene with the lasso, and the jealousy, from her mind and settled against him. Just being in his arms again felt like coming home after being alone against the world for too long.

She inhaled his scent—a unique combination of the soap he used and a hint of horse, but beneath it was all Tyler. She pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat and sighed.

Tyler’s arms tightened around her, and he laid his cheek on the top of her head. “I was worried that you’d get the wrong idea about Linda Lee.”

Emily eased back in his arms but didn’t let go, and glanced up at Tyler. He needed a shave. Her fingers itched to touch his cheek. She liked the feel of his whiskers as much as she loved the feel of his cleanly shaven face. Her hands tingled, anticipating being able to take her time exploring the rugged contours of his amazing chest and abs.

He was sticking around for more, and she was looking forward to each step in their relationship. They’d hit a snag at the beginning, but things would only get easier from here. The sound of her name on his lips grounded her. She looked up at him.

“Would you come back to the ranch with me?”

Her breath snagged in her breast; this was a huge step in the direction she wanted to go. “I’d love to.”

Taking her hand in his, he held her against his side as they walked back to his truck.

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