Tyler (6 page)

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Authors: C. H. Admirand

BOOK: Tyler
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The three friends started walking back toward the bar. Natalie nudged Emily with her elbow. “Jolene said you had your belly button pierced.”

Emily shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

“Why don’t you wear a hoop or something?”

“I gained a few pounds, and now I don’t.”

Natalie narrowed her eyes and stared at the thin line of skin showing between the top of the low-rise skirt and the bottom edge of Emily’s bustier. “I think you’d look great with one.”

Gwen looked up from where she stood behind the bar and groaned. “Please tell me this is Halloween and all y’all are going trick or treating.”

Jolene patted her on the arm. “We know how you feel about displaying what the good Lord gave you, Gwen.”

Em could tell Jolene was trying not to smile, so she kept her mouth shut. Gwen would be a hard sell; their friend hated to draw attention to what Gwen considered her worst feature. In Emily’s opinion, it was Gwen’s best asset, but their friend had always been embarrassed by the size of her breasts.

Gwen’s face darkened. “I’m always on time for my shift, but I’ll be damned if you’ll get me in one of those Debbie the Dominatrix outfits.”

Emily laughed. “Please… do you see us carrying any whips or chains, Gwen?”

The other woman frowned. “I used to room with a girl in college who had this catalogue where you could get all kinds of kinky stuff. Debbie the D costumes were always sold out. Besides,” Gwen added, “if I have to rough anybody up because they start groping our dancers, you know what’ll happen.”

Although Gwen didn’t say it, Emily sensed what their friend wanted to say. “Jolene, I think she’s right. These bustiers are strictly for looking good in; they seriously inhibit movement. If I almost popped out and flashed because I took a deep breath, then Gwen with her totally bodacious tatas would blind the first person she had to escort to the door.”

Emily looked over at Natalie and Jennifer. When they made eye contact, Jennifer nodded.

Gwen swore. “Not funny.”

Emily frowned. “I’m not trying to be. You need to focus on bartending and bouncing… or it is bouncering?”

Gwen relaxed her stance. Her relief at not having to change out of her signature black T-shirt was evident.

Natalie grinned. “We’re going to look fabulous tonight! I’ve got a couple of extra belly button rings upstairs, Em.”

Jolene’s gaze swung from Natalie toward Emily, and her expression changed from thoughtful to smug.

Emily recognized the look in Jolene’s eyes.

“I double-dog dare you to wear one tonight.”

“Jeez, Jolene. We’re not kids anymore.”

“A dare’s a dare.”

“Oh all right.”

“Good.” Jolene rubbed her hands together smiling gleefully. “I’ve got a couple upstairs that you can pick from if Natalie doesn’t have what you want.”

Her gaze met Jolene’s and held. Rather than argue, which is what her cousin expected, Emily ignored her and changed the subject. “Got any body glitter left, Jen?”

“I’ve got just plain sparkle or ‘hey cowboy, I’m ready to ride’ extra sparkle.”

A half hour later, sporting glitter-dusted shoulders and cleavage, and flashing belly rings, the women took turns checking each other out one last time.

“If you change your mind about the plain gold hoop,” Natalie said, “I’ve got the cutest cubic zirconium horseshoe belly ring.”

Emily rolled her eyes. “You would.”

Jolene grinned then motioned for everyone to come closer. When they did, she gestured for them to link arms. Huddled like a football team receiving instructions from their quarterback, they waited. “All right ladies,” Jolene kept her voice low and even, “tonight, we’re not only going to be headlining our new star entertainer, but I was able to secure a last minute radio ad so I expect a full house.”

Jennifer looked at her sister and said, “Nat and I are ready.”

Emily grinned. “Good news travels fast, and I’m sure word has gotten out about our new dancer. Mavis Beeton was here two nights ago, but missed Tyler’s debut last night so she’ll probably be here with Ronnie in tow.”

When Jolene grinned at her, Emily laughed. “Did you see the way Mavis was leaning with her head to the side so she could get a better look at Joe’s backside?”

Jolene snickered. “We’ll have to watch her intake of Mega-Margaritas.”

Natalie chimed in, “Oh just let Mavis enjoy the eye candy. She never touches… she just looks.”

Jennifer nodded and grinned. “We’re going to totally rock tonight ladies!”

The group high-fived one another and then Jolene glanced down at her watch. “Joe and Dave will be here in about twenty minutes. Where’s Tyler?”

“Sorry I’m late, boss.”

Good Lord, Emily thought. He was even better looking with his clothes on, and if that didn’t mess with her concentration, Emily’s mind did a little side trip remembering how great he looked half-naked. The man was totally ripped. There was just something about the long line of his dusty jeans and torn and bloody cotton shirt…

Oh my God!
Emily moved toward him. “Where are you hurt?” Tyler looked at her and, wonder of wonders, his deeply tanned face pinkened. “It’s nothing much.” He cleared his throat and added, “Ma’am.”

Jolene moved toward him, but Emily waved her away. “You’ve got a club to run, cuz.” She tugged Tyler’s arm. “And I remember where the first aid kit is.”

Tyler dug in his heels, shaking his head. “I’m fine. I just need to wash up.”

Emily agreed with the second statement but didn’t think the man currently frowning down at her felt anywhere close to fine. He looked like he’d just gone nine rounds and lost. “I’ll just show you to the upstairs bathroom; there’s a shower up there.”

He didn’t budge. Wondering what had happened to the closeness they’d shared late last night, and if he was always this stubborn, she tugged his arm again. She thought they’d been laying the groundwork, getting to know one another. It was a given that they were attracted to one another. A blind, deaf man would have recognized the signs. Distracted by the niggle of worry planting itself in her brain, she tugged on his arm again.

Jolene ended the man’s indecision. “Go on up with Emily. Natalie and Jennifer have to go over tonight’s routine with Joe and Dave too. By the time you’re finished, the guys’ll be here, and she’ll only have to go over the routine once.”

He nodded. “Jolene, I’m sorry I’m late, but I got caught up and then the bull—”

Emily’s heart stumbled in her breast. Did this poor guy just get off work? “The rancher you work for must really be a jerk if he demands such long hours from you.”

Tyler’s head tilted to one side. He looked as if he were about to say something then thought better of it and instead nodded in agreement. “He can be.”

“Do you get paid overtime?” she asked leading the way to the back of the bar and the staircase to the second floor.


“So he’s a skinflint too?” She shook her head and tugged him up the stairs. “Unbelievable.”

“He’s got bills to pay, same as you and your cousin,” Tyler ground out.

She appreciated the way Tyler defended his boss. Loyalty was a trait she admired, but still. “Hmmphf.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and slanted a look out of the corner of her eye and had to look up. The cowboy was tall, but he sure as spit wasn’t skinny. Lord, his muscles had muscles. The tips of her fingers tingled with the need to reach out and test their firmness and strength, just as she had touched the breadth of his shoulders last night. She flexed her hands, before balling them into fists to keep from reaching out and grabbing hold of him.

“Here we are.” Back in control, she opened the door to the upstairs apartment hallway. “Just give me a minute to pick up a few things; I didn’t realize we’d be having company.”

“I just need to take a quick shower,” he said, following along behind her into the tiny bathroom.

The low whistle of appreciation had embarrassment staining her cheeks. She’d left her bra and panties drying on the shower rod… her black lace bra and skimpy panties.

“I, uh…” she snatched the underwear off the rod.

Tyler cleared his throat, and she noticed he seemed to be trying to look anywhere but at the delicate underwear clutched to her breast then groaned out loud when she noticed the open box of tampons someone had left on the back of the toilet.

His gaze locked with hers and she wondered just what the big man was thinking. Was it the skimpy underwear or the feminine protection? It had been years since she’d been embarrassed by the good-looking male cashier at the grocery store, the one who always managed to be the only one open when she’d had to buy the darned things.

Tyler took a step closer to her, crowding her. But the vibes pouring off of him weren’t the same as last night. Last night he’d been gentle, careful with her… right now she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. There seemed to be a dangerous edge to him tonight. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the time to test her theory right now; she had to get back downstairs and had to make sure Tyler did too. They were expecting a full house. She backed away from him, right into the broken corner of the vanity cabinet with her hipbone.

She muffled her moan of agony; her hip hadn’t been right since she’d landed on it tussling with the Stalter brothers defending Jolene all those years ago.

“Hey, are you all right?”

His concern wrapped around her like a warm hug.

She drew in a breath and ignored the ache. It’d go away sooner or later. It always did. “I’m good.”

All at once, his demeanor changed until he was the man she remembered from last night. She smiled, knowing she was going to enjoy getting to know this complex cowboy.

“Look, I don’t want you to go to any trouble. I can go back downstairs and use the sink in the men’s room to wash up.” He started to back up, but she scooted past him.

Their bodies brushed against each other and her nipples saluted his amazing pectorals.

Gazes locked, need clamoring for attention, neither one spoke. Words weren’t necessary. The tingles morphed into sparks that threatened to ignite the air around them. Emily wondered, was he the tinder or the flint?

“Well,” she said when he continued to stare at her like she was a frosted cake and he was just dying to start licking from the top down until he could bite the sweet confection at the center.

Lord, where did that fantasy come from?
She shivered, looked up, and got distracted by the heat in his dark brown eyes. She was going to have to remember that one and see if she could convince him to act it out later. “I’ll, um… let me just get you a towel.”

Shifting her burden to the crook of her left arm, she stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the linen closet. Fumbling with the cabinet door, she was finally able to open it, reach in, and grab a fluffy white towel. She dropped her underwear and tampon box on the shelf before bringing Tyler the towel. But when she tried to hand it to him, he frowned down at her.

“Don’t you have a dark blue or brown one?”

Now why on earth would he care what color the towel was? “You’re kidding right?”

He shook his head. “I’ve pretty much stopped the bleeding, but I don’t want to ruin your towel.”

Emily sighed. It would be a bit longer before she’d get back downstairs at this rate, but he seemed to need reassurance right now. “You won’t. Why don’t you show me where you’ve cut yourself?”

“I didn’t.”

“But you’ve got blood on your shirt.”

He shrugged. “Widowmaker pushed me into the fence and scraped me up some, but that doesn’t qualify as a real cut.”

“Please don’t tell me that’s the name of the bull you mentioned downstairs.”

He grinned, and his crooked smile went right to the soft spot in her heart reserved for rascals and rogues. At least that’s what her grandmother had told her all those years ago. Granny should know—she’d married a rogue of her own. Emily watched the way Tyler relaxed once they were alone together and that niggle of worry eased—for the moment. Funny, when other people were around, he was more reserved and treated her as if they hadn’t shared the tender moment that kept her awake most of the night. But alone together, he let his guard down.


Jolene’s voice had her looking over her shoulder. “Be right there.” Turning back to Tyler she said, “If there’s anything else—” Her voice trailed off as she got caught up in the desire plain as day in his velvet dark eyes. The desire called to her now, as it had last night, but was more insistent. She drew in a breath, felt her breasts pushing the bustier to the limit, and had the feminine satisfaction of watching his eyes glaze over. A definite mood lifter.

She shivered. She couldn’t help it. She’d never been so attracted so fast or been desired so desperately.

He grabbed her hand and yanked her close. “I just have to taste you again.” He dipped his head and sipped from her lips.

Emily moaned. She’d been expecting to be devoured after the way he tumbled her against him. The soft, hesitant kisses he trailed along the line of her jaw had the spit drying up in her mouth and every last thought evaporating from her brain. Passion she could have handled; Tyler’s devastatingly gentle exploration had desire curling in low in her belly.

She melted against him and it was his turn to groan. Drawing back, he rasped, “I wasn’t sure last night, but darlin’, you surely taste like sin.”

She snuggled closer. She’d wanted to take a walk on the wild side with him, now was her chance to light the fuse. Her earlier fantasy returned with a vengeance: Tyler naked in her bed, tied to her bedposts. It ramped up the sensual tension holding her by the throat. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she grabbed hold and tugged his head down until their lips were a breath apart. Ready for a taste of the passion she sensed lurked beneath the surface, she rasped, “I feel a sin coming on.”

Lips fused, hearts pounding, she let her tongue tangle with his and groaned in pure pleasure when he slid his hand down her spine to pin her to him. Heat to heat, her brain fizzled and every thought evaporated save one: kissing Tyler. She moaned and he took charge, changing the angle of the kiss, destroying her when his tongue left hers to tease the inside edge of her bottom lip.

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