Tyler (18 page)

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Authors: C. H. Admirand

BOOK: Tyler
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When the posts and barbed wire had been repaired, Tyler called out, “I’m taking Em back to the house for lunch.”

Dylan angled his shoulder and his horse in between Tyler and Emily. “Well now, I think I’ll tag along just to make sure you don’t expect her to rustle up some grub for you.”

Jesse caught Dylan’s drift and squeezed in between Dylan and Emily. “I wouldn’t want you to feel obligated to do any of the dishes we left in the sink, Emily. I’ll ride along to make sure you rest up some.”

Emily looked up at the sound of a feral growl. “Good Lord! Do you have wild cats out here?”

Dylan threw back his head and laughed, a deep masculine sound. “Naw,” he snickered. “Just big brother over there making sure me and Jesse watch our step around someone as pretty as you.”

She felt her face flush beneath the brim of her borrowed hat. Emily pressed her knees against her horse’s side and gently tugged on the reins. Her horse obeyed and headed around the Garahan brothers over to where Tyler rode, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, staring at the distant horizon. “I like your brothers.”

He made a rude sound that she supposed was his nonverbal reply, but she did notice his hands eased their grip on the reins. “I like them sometimes too.”

“Race you back to the barn!” Jesse challenged and was off like a shot, with Dylan hot on his heels.

“Don’t mind those idiots,” Tyler warned.

“I don’t,” she admitted. “I think they’re sweet.”

His guffaw caught her off guard.

“What?” she demanded.

“Uh… nothing… just don’t tell my brothers what you think about them.”

After he spent a little extra time showing her how to rub down her horse, water, and feed him, Tyler walked with her from the barn to the house. “Lori should be here.”

The sound of low feminine laughter and deep rumbling voices gave life to the ranch house, soothing some of the worry Tyler had unknowingly put there with his warning about his brothers.

“And that’ll be Jesse in there trying to coax a smile from her.” He reached for her hand. “Come on, Em.”

While the men took turns washing up so they could eat, Emily noticed she was covered in dust from head to toe. “Sorry, Lori,” she said, backing slowly out of the room. “I didn’t realize I was so dirty.”

The blonde was tall but slender. “Don’t mind a bit of dust; can’t be helped if you spend your day outside working the land.”

“But my boots are probably covered with all kinds of icky things.”

Dylan’s burst of laughter caught her by surprise. “Ranching’s man’s work.”

“Oh really?” she asked. “I suppose you don’t remember who helped you hold up fence posts today.”

“He’s just teasing you,” Lori warned. “All the Garahan brothers like to tease.”

“Sorry—” Dylan began.

“I didn’t want you to think I’d visit and not lend a hand.”

“Ignore my brothers,” Tyler said, squeezing her shoulder, then kissing the top of her head. “I do.”

“I need to wash my hands.”

Tyler gestured toward the kitchen sink, and she asked, “But don’t you prepare meals in here?”

Exasperated he walked over to where she stood staring at the spigot. “It’s dirt, maybe a little horse manure mixed in, but Texas dirt is welcome in this ranch house.”

With each word his love for the land and his ranch came through, the same as it had with each fence post they’d pounded back into submission and each strand of barbed wire they’d restrung.

“You love it,” she whispered, reaching out to stroke his cheek.

Heart in his eyes, he nodded. “Best wash up, darlin’, or Dylan’s liable to eat your lunch.”

“You snooze,” the middle Garahan brother called out, “you lose.”

Emily washed up and was back at the table in minutes, amazed at how welcome the Garahans made her feel. Looking from one handsome face to the next, she shook her head. “Jolene would just shrivel up with envy if she knew the company I’ve been keeping today.”

Dylan shook his head, passing the bowl of potato salad. “So what do you do at the bar, Emily?”

She helped herself to a scoop. “I keep books, order stock, that sort of thing.”

Jesse snickered. “How many kegs of beer has our brother hefted this week?”

Emily wondered what kind of a question that was. “Kegs? Tyler doesn’t haul kegs, he—”

Tyler nudged her under the table. Her gaze swung to his, and the pleading look in his eyes stopped her cold.
What was going on here?

Dylan and Jesse shared a look before changing the subject. She’d have to grill Tyler later to find out why he didn’t want her to talk about what he did at the club.

After the meal was over and Emily’s offer to wash up was declined, she asked to use the landline to call Jolene.

“Well hello there, stranger,” her cousin drawled. “Sleep well last night?”

Emily felt too good not to laugh. “I surely did, cuz. Did you?”

Jolene grumbled something not repeatable and mumbled, “Hang on.”

While she shouted at someone to keep their shirt on, Emily could tell from the sound of Jolene’s voice that something had happened and Jolene needed her.

“Can you talk about whatever is going on?” Emily hoped she would be able to solve it over the phone because she really didn’t want to leave the Circle G yet.

“Can’t. When are you coming back?”

“I was going to ask Tyler to drive me in tonight.” The silence on the other end of the line said more than words. “Why don’t you have Natalie or Jennifer come and pick me up?”

Jolene’s sigh was heartfelt. “I owe you one, Em.”

“Yeah,” she said. “You do and you will.”

She turned around and walked into a solid wall of muscle. “Trouble at The Lucky Star?”

“I’m not sure. Jolene couldn’t talk right now, but I need to get back and see what’s going on.”

“I can’t drive you—”

Emily put her hand to the middle of his chest and smiled up at him. “I know. I asked if Natalie or Jennifer would drive out and pick me up.”

“Oh,” he said. “OK.” Pulling her into his arms he hugged her to his heart. “I’m glad you came.”

Emily pressed her lips to his. “I’m gladder you asked me to.”

“Jeez, Ty,” Dylan groaned. “Not enough women to go around, so if you’re not gonna share, take it outside.”

Emily’s laughter mingled with Tyler’s as they walked outside, and then she remembered the quilt. “Oh no! Your grandmother’s—”

“Quilt?” he finished, nodding. “I hung it up while you were in the bathroom.”

Relieved, she sighed. “Oh good—Tyler,” she rasped reaching for his hands, “there’s something about this place that just pulls at your heartstrings.”

His eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched. “You feel it too, Em?”

She tilted her head to one side and looked up at him. “The air’s sweeter out here than in town, especially out by the pond… it’s almost magical there.”

He reeled her in and hugged her tight. “Grandpa always told us to find a redheaded filly who loved our ranch as much as she did us.”

“I’d have liked to meet him.”

Tyler grinned. “He’d have taken to you right off.”

“It’s scary, isn’t it?”

“What?” he asked.

“How quickly you get used to having someone in your life.”

“Me?” he rasped.

“You,” she whispered.

“Kiss me back, darlin’.”

“My pleasure, Tyler. You know, if you ask me nicely, I can come back.”

“Consider yourself asked.” Tyler dipped his head to capture her lips.

When he drew back, he couldn’t help but think about the way he never had any time to do anything or go anywhere. The Circle G was a demanding responsibility that he loved but that left little to no time off for fun. If he planned this right, they could steal a little time together on a date.

“Can you meet me later for dinner? I’ll leave here early so we can spend a little more time and be together.”

She grinned up at him. “Sounds an awful lot like a real date.”

He shook his head. “I wish there were more hours in the day, Emily. I’d take you out and introduce you to everyone I know—take you to the movies, dinner, wherever you’d like to go. But for now, we’ll have to settle for whatever time I can squeeze in between jobs and sleeping.”

Tyler pressed his lips to her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then her chin. “Hmmm… someplace quick and easy. How about five o’clock at the BBQ Pitt?”

“I’d love to.”

An hour later, Emily was listening to Mavis Beeton grumbling about the royal pain in the butt that she worked with on the Pleasure Preservation Society. “Can you believe that that man had the audacity to suggest that I come over here and encourage you young ladies to close the doors to your club?”

Emily’s stomach churned. She glanced over at Jolene. Her cousin was staring down the mirrored hallway. “Not gonna happen, Mavis.”

The relief on the older woman’s face was endearing. “You know I’ve worked hard for that group over the years,” she said, “but that doesn’t seem to mean anything to that horse’s ass.”

Emily chuckled. “I really don’t know Frank all that well.”

“If you met him once, you know all there is to know.”

Ronnie Del Vecchio walked in and the women turned to greet her.

“What’s up?” Emily asked.

“Have you heard the latest rumor going ’round town?” Ronnie asked.

Mavis snorted. “Which one? The one about The Lucky Star closing down and reopening as an old-time saloon?”

“No.” Ronnie shook her head. “The one about the town council voting to change the town’s name from Pleasure to Emerson.”

Chapter 16

Images of the fiery redhead had stayed with him and continued to fog his brain long after she’d ridden off with Natalie. Em riding alongside of him, sweating with him while they muscled fence posts into place, and laughing while he and his brothers teased one another and her. Kissing her on the back steps… loving her out by the pond.

Tyler drove half a block past the BBQ Pitt before he realized it. He turned around and pulled into the lot and saw Emily. She waved and smiled when he pulled into the space next to hers. “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s a beautiful day, and I didn’t mind waiting for you.”

Emily noticed the lines of strain around his eyes and wanted to hug him to erase them, but wasn’t sure if they’d gotten to that point in their relationship yet… PDAs weren’t for everyone.

Tyler took the decision out of her hands when he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. Resting his chin on the top of her head, she heard him breathe deeply. “I’m mighty glad to see you, Em.”

When he pulled back, Emily slipped her arm through his. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve been asked out. I understand more than most people that sometimes life sucks you in and before you realize it, you lose large chunks of time that you can’t ever get back.”

Tyler held open the door for her and followed her inside. “Hey, Bonnie!” he called out.

“Well, hey there, darlin’,” the buxom brunette waitress called out. “I didn’t think we’d ever see you again. How’s things out at the Circle G?”

“Hanging in,” he said with a grin. Squeezing Emily closer to him, he said, “I’d like you to meet my girl, Emily Langley.”

Bonnie smiled. “It’s a pleasure. Tyler doesn’t get to town much, and when he does, he usually brings his good-looking brothers with him. It’s nice to see him with a female for a change.”

Tyler shook his head. “Man, I’d forgotten that you don’t have an off switch.”

The waitress snickered. “You love when I talk, ’cause I fill you in on what’s going on in town so you can catch up when you come in every six or seven months.”

Tyler sighed. “Busted. How about a booth near the back?”

“Follow me.”

Once they were settled, she asked, “What can I get y’all?”

“What would you like, Em?”

She didn’t hesitate. “I’d love a margarita.”

“What do you have on tap?”

Bonnie shook her head at him, but looked at Emily. “He asks me every time, and every time I repeat the list and still he’ll ask for his favorite down-home Texas-brewed beer… Shiner Bock.”

Tyler shrugged and Bonnie smiled. “I’ll be right back with your drinks. Why don’t you take your time and decide what you want to order.”

When she headed for the bar to place their order, Tyler moved over closer to Emily. “I’m really glad they still have booths in this place.”

“Sounds like you come here a lot.”

He laughed. “My brothers and I used to make it into town a couple of times a month and we’d always eat here. They have the best food in the world. It’s been hard to get away lately with the way finances are.”

When she just stared at him, he asked, “What?”

“I like the way that sounded before,” she said. “When you called me your girl.”

He grinned. “I’m a one-woman man, Em… and I don’t plan on sharing you with anyone.”

Emily linked her fingers with his and smiled, and he wondered what he’d ever seen in his ex or any of the other women he’d dated. There was something different about Emily that went bone deep, making what they’d shared in the last few days truly special.

They’d lived, worked, laughed, and loved more than he’d thought possible in such a short span of time… it was scary and amazing. And that was when it hit him: he didn’t worry about sharing his life with Emily; it seemed natural to just do it. The fact that she wanted to be with him and learn about his life at the Circle G was icing on the cake, which had him remembering that one particular fantasy that they’d yet to play out. His mouth watered just thinking of working his way to Emily’s honey-sweet center.

He focused on Emily’s beautiful face, and her sweet smile drove every thought from his head. Her cream-colored skin and fiery auburn hair spilling wildly over slender shoulders, with a strand nestled in her impressive cleavage, had his libido humming.

“Taking a little side trip there, Tyler?”

He didn’t think Emily was upset with him, but he didn’t like to be put on the spot. He shifted on his seat and nodded his head when he saw Bonnie walking toward them. “We’re ready to order.”

They both ordered ribs, and when their meals arrived, they ate companionably.

Emily wiped her mouth on her napkin and said, “I’ve seen that you really do work 24/7. Don’t you ever have time off for good behavior?”

Tyler shook his head. “We did when we used to have a couple of hands working for us, but times are hard right now, and we can’t afford to pay anyone.”

She sipped from her glass lost in thought. “You know the deal Jolene and I made the other night with Timmy and his friends?”

“Yeah.” Focusing on her mouth made it hard to think straight. He blocked the image from his mind.

“Did you ever think of asking him to volunteer out at the ranch?”

“He works out at his Uncle Ned’s.”

“Does his uncle have ranch hands working for him or is he in a situation similar to the Circle G?”

It was funny: Tyler didn’t mind talking about the ranch and its financial burden with Emily.
That was new.
He’d always kept his troubles concerning the ranch from everyone except his brothers, and hell if he hadn’t tried to keep the extent of their dire situation from them, thinking he could fix it.

“He’s got a couple of hands working for him, so he could probably spare Timmy for a couple of hours a week.”

Emily leaned close and pressed her lips to his forehead. “Well then, what do you think of my idea?”

Warmth radiated from the spot, easing the growing ache behind his eyes. “It’s a good one, but I can’t pay Timmy.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hello! Did you not hear the volunteer part?”

He scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, but—”

“Don’t let your pride get in the way here, Tyler,” she brushed the tips of her fingers along the line of his jaw. “If you talk to Timmy, you could offer to teach him something about ranching or raising horses or something… you think of what… in exchange for a couple of hours of manual labor from him.”

“But he already works for his uncle. What could I teach him that he doesn’t already know?”

“I’m sure you can think of something.”

The sound of her exasperation had him chuckling.

“Are you laughing at my idea?”

Her quick temper warmed his heart. His woman was a delight, no matter which mood she was in. “No, ma’am.”

“I hate when you call me that.”

“I know, darlin’, but I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t respectful of your idea.”

“Oh, well… all right.”

“Or mindful of your temper.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Will you at least give it some thought? From what I saw, you and your brothers could surely use a hand, and you’ll drop from exhaustion if you try to keep up this pace working at the ranch and for Jolene and me.”

He knew she was right, but he hated asking for help.

Her next words surprised him and had him wondering if she could read his mind. “It’s not as if you’re asking for a handout. You’re offering something more valuable than the almighty dollar, your time and your experience, and you’re sharing it with a young man who will remember what you’ve taught him the whole of his life.”

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and his brain switched gears until all he could think of was getting Emily into bed until she teased, “I’m so glad you could manage to squeeze me into your busy schedule.”

He felt his face flush. “Time isn’t something I seem to have a lot of lately,” he explained, “but it’s all the more special because I get to spend it with you.”

Emily reached for his hand. She squeezed it and held tightly to him. “Thanks for last night and today, Tyler. You made everything special for me.”

“My pleasure, Em.” He got up and pulled out her chair. “We’d best be getting back or Jolene’ll send out a search party.”

As he’d hoped, Emily laughed, and the sound of it soothed his soul. He held out his hand to her. Their eyes met and something solid and strong moved between them. Something worth keeping. “Come on.”

Emily turned and waved to Bonnie before saying, “I’m coming.”

Tyler pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You will be later, darlin’,” he rasped. “I promise.”

Emily reached for his hand. She squeezed it and held tightly to him.

Jolene and Jennifer were waiting when they walked into the club. “We were worried about you.”

“No need,” he said. “We’re here.”

“You’re on in five,” Jolene told him.

“Not a problem.” He hauled Emily in for a quick kiss before sprinting down the mirrored hallway. “I’ll just get changed and be on stage in five minutes.”

“See you later.” Emily brushed her hair out of her face and smiled to herself. It had been an eye-opener spending daylight time with Tyler. He put everything he had into working at his ranch and still had energy to spare to come and work for them. He was kind, sweet, and hell on her heart.

“Care to share what you’re thinking, cuz?” Jolene asked.

“A smart woman like you ought to be able to figure it out.” Emily wanted to savor her time with Tyler a little while longer before sharing it with Jolene.

Halfway through the evening, she heard a rumor about Tyler and that blonde bimbo. The worry that the blonde from the night before wasn’t quite out of Tyler’s life got stuck in her brain like a maggot, until she knew she’d drive herself crazy unless she asked Tyler about her.

She walked over to where Jennifer was standing, mumbling, “Time to take the bull by the horns.”


During his first break, Tyler walked toward her with a smile on his face. “Miss Langley.” He tipped his hat and said, “Jennifer said you wanted to see me?”

Her heart just tumbled over in her breast. Lord, he got to her on all levels. She had to steel herself not to let that distract her from the need to clear the air and keep the honesty at the heart of their relationship. She cleared her throat and asked, “So who exactly is the blonde to you?”

Tyler’s sigh was loud and long. “No one special.”

Emily snorted. “Just someone who thinks she’s still your girlfriend?”

The flush of bright crimson tipped her off that her words had hit their intended mark. “Old girlfriend then,” she said more to herself than anyone else.

“Jesus, Em,” Tyler ground out. “It’s over between us, has been for months.” He tipped the brim of his hat back, and she got a good look at the frustration on his face.

She nodded. “All right, I’ll give you that much, but it didn’t look like she knew it was over between the two of you.”

Tyler ground his teeth together. “Look, I’m not asking you about any former lovers of yours—” As soon as the words were out, a pained expression settled on his handsome features.

Emily glared at him, willing him to either confirm or deny that he had been out with the woman.

“Sorry,” he apologized, “but that’s all she is to me.” He paused then added, “Trust me, Emily.”

She may spend the rest of her days with a big L tattooed in the middle of her forehead, but she needed to trust that he was being honest with her. Without honesty, the basis for their relationship would crumble. She nodded and asked, “Are you staying tonight?”

“I can’t, but I’ll be back tomorrow after I finish up at the ranch.”

She ignored the twinge of uncertainty and rose up on the tips of her toes to brush her lips lightly against his. When he growled low in his throat, she took the kiss deeper. “I really love the way you taste.”

“You’re killing me, Em.” With a yank, she was plastered against the warm, hard length of his amazing body.

“The feeling’s mutual, Tyler.”

He dipped his head to sip from her lips, and she offered all that she was feeling, and then she gave more.

“Save some of your sweetness for me.”

Emily traced a cross over her heart with her pointer finger.

Tyler smiled.


Emily hated that she had to go to bed alone after the night of loving she and Tyler had shared out at the ranch. It was becoming a habit, spending the night with him. But he was dog-tired after the finale and had already told her he couldn’t stay. She’d be a shrew to suggest that he stay and let her sap the rest of his strength after she’d seen how hard he worked from early morning until they’d stopped for lunch. She knew he’d spent the rest of the day that way too.

“Being noble sucks,” she grumbled. “Being alone instead of cozied up in bed next to my man sucks more.”

With a sigh of regret, she sat up and flicked on the light by the bed, reaching for the romance novel she’d started to read the other night… before Tyler distracted her.

The stairs creaked, and she paused to listen. Had it been her imagination? When they creaked a second time, she was out of bed and in Jolene’s room in a flash, nudging her cousin awake. “Jolene,” she rasped. “Wake up!”


Jolene sat straight up in bed, rubbing her eyes. “Who? What? Where?” The stairs creaked closer to the top this time. “Em,” Jolene turned toward the door, “someone’s coming upstairs.”

Emily groaned. “No kidding.”

“Do you think it’s Jake?”

“Why would he be sneaking up the stairs?”

Jolene rolled her eyes and whispered, “So he doesn’t wake us up.”

“But we’re already awake,” Emily pointed out. A knot was forming in Emily’s belly. “OK. So what’s the plan?”

“We need to be ready in case it’s not him.”

“Who else would it be?” Emily rasped. “Damn. Tyler took the hockey stick.” She wished he hadn’t; she felt better armed.

“Jake’s got my bat. Oh. Wait. I know!” Jolene rummaged through the stack of shoeboxes piled in the corner of her room and came up with a black stiletto pump. She handed it to Emily. “Here. I’ll use the other one.”

Their eyes met. “Ready?” Jolene asked.

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