Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (34 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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“Thomas was very sweet today, my lord. He said the staff was pleased I’m here and they look forward to serving me,” I said.

“He’s a good man. You won’t find a more loyal friend in the world. He’s seen me through thick and thin. Nobody knows how this place rolls like he does.”

I thought of the note Thomas had given me that morning. “Did you send me a message today, sir?” I asked, trying to seem nonchalant.

“No, why?”

I had thrown the note Thomas gave me in the trashcan in the bathroom so I went in there to retrieve it. I was scared that Mr. Delacroix would be angry at whoever sent the message, but I was more frightened of what would happen if he found out and thought I was hiding something from him.

“What message, my dear?” He came to the bathroom to find me rummaging through the trash. “What the hell are you doing?”

“It’s Thomas, my lord, he handed me this today while I was visiting with Marie-Louise.”

I handed him the note and he took it by the corner as if it were soiled. I was sure he was not going to be happy, but he smiled.

“Yep, that’s Thomas for you. I told you he was a loyal friend. He was looking out for you.”

“Oh, thank goodness you aren’t mad, sir. I wasn’t sure what to think.”

“You did the right thing showing this to me, and no, I’m not mad. As I say, he was just being loyal to you. Apparently, he felt your behavior warranted his loyalty. He used to do this for me all the time with Jack. But kid, you had better know this goes the other way around too. If he’d seen anything go on that was not kosher between you and Marie, I’d have known right away. Never, ever question his loyalty to me. I’m on top, and I know everything that goes on in my house. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir. I know.”

He handed the note back to me and I obediently sat on my pillow. He straddled me as he sat on the sofa. “Suck me off before lunch,” he commanded, so I turned and got on my knees to see his hard penis pushing out against his pants. He lifted his ass and slid his pants to his ankles.

I enveloped his erection in my mouth and welcomed his hands in my hair.

“Thank you, Nezzie.” His demeanor was gentle but deliberate. “You make my life so much clearer,” he said, and gathered my face into him. “I’m going to come a lot now, my love, and I need you to swallow every drop. Take it all, Nez, and taste my love for you.”

At first, I felt the familiar sensation of creaminess in the back of my throat, but this time, it did not let up. There was so much I thought I might not manage it. Skillfully, he pulled back slightly on my hair so I could swallow and breathe before driving into me again. The sweet saltiness coated my throat. After he was through, he caressed my head gingerly as if I might shatter. His erection slowly but steadily subsiding, he thanked me in a hushed whisper.

We stayed this way for a moment or two until he lifted my head. “Go put that pretty robe on that’s hanging on the side of the armoire, the blue one, but I want you naked underneath.”

“Yes, sir.” The robe was simple blue silk chiffon, somewhat transparent. The lace trim was yellowed with age.

When I arrived back in the sitting room, Samuel was setting the small table with linens, cutlery, and stemware. Thomas placed a small vase with three of my roses in the center of the table and began inspecting our lunch before serving it. He looked up when I walked in and smiled. I returned the gesture in spades. He flipped a switch on the small stereo and soft classical piano music filled the air.

Mr. Delacroix was still sitting on the sofa with his head back and his eyes closed. I thought he may be sleeping, but he asked without opening his eyes, “Do you like the robe, my dear?”

“It’s wonderful, sir. It’s an antique, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it belonged to my paternal grandmother.” Still no movement.

“It’s gorgeous, my lord.”

“Lunch is served, sir,” Thomas said. “The clouds are coming in. I think the rain will arrive sooner than we expected. Shall I close the windows?”

“Yes, please,” said Mr. Delacroix, still not moving a muscle.

“Will there be anything else, sir?” Samuel asked. His voice was surprisingly deep and rich.

“No, thanks, Samuel, it sure smells good though.” Mr. Delacroix got up and looked in my direction. “Nezzie, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

Thomas pulled the chair out for me before he and Samuel closed the door silently behind them. A bottle of white wine stood in a cooler and a bottle of water sat on a small plate on the table, sweating. Large, shallow bowls filled to the brim with seafood gumbo and rice accompanied side plates heaped with tossed salad. A loaf of warm French bread lay between both bowls and a dish of fresh strawberries adorned the kitchenette counter.

I sat in the chair that Thomas had pulled out for me, facing the windows. I saw a flash of lightning in the distance. “Gosh, my lord, these storms come out of nowhere around here.”

“That they do, my love,” he smiled. “Here ya have seafood gumbo, Thomas’s momma’s recipe, I’m sure. Taste it. I hope you like it, because around here it’s a food group in and of itself.”

The rich, wholesome brown broth was spicy, thick, and warm. Tomatoes, okra, and onion floated in the broth with sausage, small shrimp, and some unfamiliar seafood.

“Oh, my lord, this is great. What all is in it?”

He handed me a piece of French bread he had broken off. “Well, it starts off with a roux, which is flour and safflower oil cooked over medium heat until it turns that dark molasses color. After that, you add the trinity, as they say around here. It’s chopped up onion, celery, and bell peppers. Ya cook that down for a while. Once they’re softened real good, ya add your garlic, salt, and cayenne to taste and then you put in some fish stock and sausage, some shrimp, crawfish, oysters, clams, crab, crab claws, whatever you have handy, even pieces of regular fish fillets. Ya cook it for a while and then add some gumbo fillet seasoning and adjust the other seasonings if ya need to.”

He held a small bowl of thick, red-orange liquid in a demitasse spoon. “This is the finishing touch, my special Twisted Oak hot sauce. Try a little. It’s pretty hot, so be careful.”

He dabbed a drop or two of hot sauce on my spoon and I touched it with my tongue. It was hot, savory, sweet, and sour all in one drop. I could feel sweat on my brow.

“You better be nice, or I’ll put a bunch on my tongue and lick your twat,” he laughed. “I usually don’t kiss and tell, but I did that once to some-one.”

I cringed.

“Not to worry. She liked it.”

He smiled and I wondered if he was talking about Collette. A stab of jealousy ran through me like the hot sauce on my tongue, painful, lingering, and distracting. I wondered if I’d ever get used to the taste.

“You’re probably not accustomed to such spicy food, but it grows on ya.” He dumped two spoonfuls of the hot sauce in his gumbo and mixed it in. “Have some bread. It cuts the heat.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Are you tired?” he asked.

“Why? Do I look tired, sir?”

“Not especially, but you’re quiet all of a sudden and I was just thinking that I got you up kind of early. You can have a nap after lunch.”

“Thank you, sir. I think I’m more curious about what you have to tell me about tonight than I am tired. I’m nervous.”

He was thoughtful for a moment. “Use your fork properly for your salad, my dear, like I showed you last night.”

I did as best I could from memory.

His voice turned businesslike. “Good girl. I’ve told the others they may look but not touch, so you needn’t worry about being handled. The idea is for them to see you, meet you, speak to you, ask questions to which you will give complete and honest answers, and most of all, when we mingle, you must stay at my side and one step behind. No eye contact unless I tell you so and when I sit, you sit on your pillow at my feet as usual.”

“Sir, I hope I can remember all that.”

“You will. You’re a natural. You’ll know what feels right. I can’t stress to you enough how powerful you are in your submission to me. Generally, as I have said all along, the more you submit, the more power you have. But tonight just remember that the more you submit to me, the more obedience you show for me, the more powerful you become to all of them. You’re the imminent Mistress of Twisted Oak. In our little circle of fun and games, that’s quite a coup. Do you understand?”

“Sir, I’m not sure,” I said hesitantly.

“Recall when we were upstairs and I said that someday, you’ll sit in my place when I am away?”

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s exactly what I mean. Once mistress, you’re second in line to be master of ceremonies,” he smiled, “and that can be fun as hell.”

“Oh, my lord, I’m not ready for anything like that.”

“You just told me you got off on having power over Marie. Don’t overthink it. Of course you aren’t ready now, but you will be, provided my plan plays out.”

“Your plan, sir?”

“Yes, my plan to keep you forever, silly girl.” His smile was sweet and generous. “There’s always a big picture involved.”

“Yes, there is, sir. Thanks for reminding me.”

“You’re welcome, my darling. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. So much of what we do is about enjoying the moment. Just remember to stay behind me and under me all evening, and no food or drink for you. Address me as ‘my lord’ and the other doms as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am.’ You may only have the water I give you and when I dismiss you, come directly here and wait for me.”

“How long will I be . . . on display, sir?”

“Well said, Nez. That’s exactly it. Just think of yourself as being on display and you can’t go wrong. Perfect way to think of it.” He took a spoonful of gumbo into his mouth. “You’re a natural. You got this thing down. I’ll require your presence for only about an hour or ninety minutes. I’ve got dinner scheduled for eight-thirty with Jackson and Marie-Louise.”

“How many people will be here this evening, sir?”

“Ten or twelve at the most. I’m glad all the ladies will join us. I think you’ll enjoy meeting some dominatrices.”

Thinking of this made me shiver. “My lord, have all these doms been submissives at some point?”

“Absolutely. You can’t truly dominate unless you’ve experienced complete subjugation yourself. The ‘good master’ knows what his subject requires every step of the way. How can one know the heart and mind of those who belong to them without ever having wholly surrendered theirs?”


Monique’s journal lulled me to sleep as the rain sounded against the window. Her entry dated September 29, 1769 explained her perception and interpretation of punishment. In this regard, Jean-Pierre was not gentle. Monique wrote:

The weather turns cold and the punishments my master gives grow colder. He became agitated with my enchantment with Na'nie. I understand his selfish nature with me, but I was unaware he would react with such vexation when I spoke of my encounters with her during his absence. He said I would no longer be allowed to take Na'nie in his absence, that I was spoiled and needed a reminder of who my master is, from whom all my blessings flow. He requires that I need him alone and no one else.

His words echo through my mind even now that punishment has been given. “Wench, you will want me. When we are through with this punishment, you will crawl to me begging for your life-giving sustenance. You will thank me for showing you your true path.”

When I protested, he was fierce in his punishment. I estimate I endured punishment for a week or so. Without touch, without pleasure, only pain. For days, I felt dead inside, alone and cold. He wrapped wool over my eyes so I could not see. He led me by the hair to the chamber pot and insisted I empty my body. “For your comfort,” he said, “for we do not know when you will be allowed to go again. It depends on your demeanor.”

He tied my wrists with hemp and pulled me high so my knees no longer touched the ground. Straps woven across my body made it difficult to breathe. He lowered me down onto a large, smooth phallic stone that entered me slowly, painfully, and fully. My knees and feet were unable to find the floor. When I cried, he wrapped more wool around my mouth and tightened the leather around my torso. He kept me this way for what seemed like hours before he pushed another object into my anus.

The pain was incredible. I was unable to offset the pressure because I could not reach the floor with my feet as he lowered me onto it. Tears fell as he clamped my most sensitive points. Silence. I was alone. Where had my master gone? My mind wandered as I endured for hours. I was on the brink of madness. I entertained the thought of death. Finally seeing my parents again and my beautiful sister. I fantasized about my brother coming to save me. Mostly, I envisioned my loving master releasing me.

I may have slept or lost consciousness. My dreams were lurid and centered on him entering me slowly. My thirst was almost unbearable when like magic, my master would appear to feed me clear broth and water and check the bindings. I came to love him for this.

Sometimes he would tighten the bindings, but the pain was no longer my main concern, my mind separated from my body. My sole reason for existence was when he came to me. Once a day, he would relieve me of the internal burdens, only to fill me with larger phalluses, making the pain grow. I thought I would break in two. Hour after hour, day after day I endured this pain, when at last he took the apparatus away, leaving me empty, barren, and open. I hung like this for another day or two before he released the bonds.

I was in the small room adjacent to the master suite. He fashioned it after the French dungeons he said, and then led me back to our rooms and tethered me to the footboard of our bed, where I was made to watch him pleasure Na'nie. I stayed in this dreadful pose for another day or so while he included the Creole boy in his escapades. He, Na'nie, and the boy in blissful relation while I was bound like a dog begging for scraps but receiving none. I wanted my master more now than I ever dreamed possible, and so the morning he awoke and released me, I rejoiced. He bathed me gently and fed me glorious food. I was clean, nourished, and satisfied when he threw me down and entered me in every way possible. I thanked him for showing me the way.

The weather turns cold and the punishments my master gives grow colder. He became agitated with my enchantment with Na'nie. I understand his selfish nature with me, but I was unaware he would react with such vexation when I spoke of my encounters with her during his absence. He said I would no longer be allowed to take Na'nie in his absence, that I was spoiled and needed a reminder of who my master is, from whom all my blessings flow. He requires that I need him alone and no one else.

His words echo through my mind even now that punishment has been given. “Wench, you will want me. When we are through with this punishment, you will crawl to me begging for your life-giving sustenance. You will thank me for showing you your true path.”

When I protested, he was fierce in his punishment. I estimate I endured punishment for a week or so. Without touch, without pleasure, only pain. For days, I felt dead inside, alone and cold. He wrapped wool over my eyes so I could not see. He led me by the hair to the chamber pot and insisted I empty my body. “For your comfort,” he said, “for we do not know when you will be allowed to go again. It depends on your demeanor.”

He tied my wrists with hemp and pulled me high so my knees no longer touched the ground. Straps woven across my body made it difficult to breathe. He lowered me down onto a large, smooth phallic stone that entered me slowly, painfully, and fully. My knees and feet were unable to find the floor. When I cried, he wrapped more wool around my mouth and tightened the leather around my torso. He kept me this way for what seemed like hours before he pushed another object into my anus.

The pain was incredible. I was unable to offset the pressure because I could not reach the floor with my feet as he lowered me onto it. Tears fell as he clamped my most sensitive points. Silence. I was alone. Where had my master gone? My mind wandered as I endured for hours. I was on the brink of madness. I entertained the thought of death. Finally seeing my parents again and my beautiful sister. I fantasized about my brother coming to save me. Mostly, I envisioned my loving master releasing me.

I may have slept or lost consciousness. My dreams were lurid and centered on him entering me slowly. My thirst was almost unbearable when like magic, my master would appear to feed me clear broth and water and check the bindings. I came to love him for this.

Sometimes he would tighten the bindings, but the pain was no longer my main concern, my mind separated from my body. My sole reason for existence was when he came to me. Once a day, he would relieve me of the internal burdens, only to fill me with larger phalluses, making the pain grow. I thought I would break in two. Hour after hour, day after day I endured this pain, when at last he took the apparatus away, leaving me empty, barren, and open. I hung like this for another day or two before he released the bonds.

I was in the small room adjacent to the master suite. He fashioned it after the French dungeons he said, and then led me back to our rooms and tethered me to the footboard of our bed, where I was made to watch him pleasure Na'nie. I stayed in this dreadful pose for another day or so while he included the Creole boy in his escapades. He, Na'nie, and the boy in blissful relation while I was bound like a dog begging for scraps but receiving none. I wanted my master more now than I ever dreamed possible, and so the morning he awoke and released me, I rejoiced. He bathed me gently and fed me glorious food. I was clean, nourished, and satisfied when he threw me down and entered me in every way possible. I thanked him for showing me the way.

I woke from my nap with a start. The thunderclap shook the house and rain pounded the large windows in sheets. Mr. Delacroix stood at the window.

“Come, Nez, come see.”

I reluctantly got out of the warm bed and stood at his side.

“See the oak, how it twists in the wind?”

The great oak twisted like a corkscrew when the winds came. Just when you thought it would break, it bent some more or the wind would subside.

“No wonder the bark on the trunk looks so twisted, my lord. I guess I never realized how literal Twisted Oak is.” I watched as the branches turned and bent. “I’ve never seen a tree do that before.”

“This is how it survives.” He put his arm behind me and grabbed my ass to pull me closer to him. “It’s how we all survive, my love.”

“Yes, sir,” I agreed.

“But as long as we have our place, our home to put our roots, we can bend and twist. Without a place, a family, we’ll break and die.” While still gazing at the mighty oak, he asked, “Do you think I’m doing the right thing for Jackson?”

“I suppose so, sir. I mean, I dunno what happens when you’re lent out like that. Do you lose all contact with him?”

“Yes, he won’t even be coming to work. His days will be filled with exercises that enhance his . . .” He paused. “Activities that promote correct thinking. The idea is that he’ll return here ready to be the good sub he is meant to be. He’ll be refreshed, regain his center and core happiness. He’ll be able to continue his path toward finding his fullest human potential. I can’t do it alone. I need help. He needs some new approaches from a firm hand.”

“Punishment, sir?” I asked.

“Yes. Punishment day in and day out until he breaks.” His eyes were the color of the sky, gray and stormy. “Until he breaks through to find his true spirit, that good center I know is still in there.”

“Face his demons, sir?”

“Yeah, something like that,” he said.

“I think you’re doing the right thing, sir. And without him here, maybe Marie-Louise will gain some perspective too.”

“Darling, don’t expect her to support me on this. She’s not gonna be happy, especially given what you’ve told me—how she’s scared to be alone, to not belong to anyone. I really doubt she’ll deal with this very well, and we’re heading back to town at the end of the week.”

“Oh dear, my lord, I never thought of her being here alone. I wonder if she can manage.”

“Maybe Ty and Sunny can go stay at Ty’s place and we can bring her with us. I should call Sunny,” he said and went to the phone.

“I sure do wish they were here, sir. I miss those guys.”

He picked up the phone and set it down. “It’s okay with you if Marie comes to the city with us, right?”

“Yes, sir, but I really like our arrangement we have now with Ty and Sunny. I was looking forward to the four of us being together before coming here for good.”

“Yeah, me too. We need to get used to it, having Ty in the picture all the time. That alone is a big change for me, and certainly for Sunny. I was looking forward to more of what we did Sunday afternoon, the four of us. I like it when you’re the only girl in the group.”

“Yes, indeed, my lord, I like that too.”

“You’ve got three holes to fuck, so having three dicks around works out pretty good for you, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, sir,” I agreed.

He rang Thomas on the house phone to let him know we’d be taking tea in the parlor at 3:30.

“I’m gonna see if whomever takes Jack will send someone here to babysit Marie-Louise while we’re away. That might work,” he said, “but it might be asking too much.”

“Sir, it might be a treat for someone to come stay here. I don’t think it’s asking too much, but if it is, maybe the dom can come here and look after both Jackson and Marie,” I suggested.

“Nope. Not gonna happen. I’m the only boss around here. Not a fucking chance some other dom will come here and run the show, and besides, the whole idea is to get Jack out of here and away from Marie-Louise. They need a clean break and he needs some serious readjustment; some serious correction. And as long as he’s here, it won’t be effective.”

“So we won’t take her with us to the city, my lord?”

“Not if I can help it. I honestly don’t think it would be good for her just now anyway. We’ll see what kind of deal I can make tonight, but be ready for an interesting reaction from both of them at tea when I tell them what I’ve decided. Come, my dear, time to get dressed.”

The short nightie he chose for me was luxurious gray silk and barely covered my bottom.

“Wear Maw-Maw’s robe over it,” he said and handed me a pair of gray, soft leather sandals with a slight heel and a flower on the front.

“Sir, can I ask a question?”

“You know you can, my love, anytime.”

“Thank you, my lord,” I smiled, knowing in my heart that I pleased him. “Was your grandmother a submissive as well?”

“No, she was the master,” he smiled.

“Oh my,” I said.

“Bend over,” he said, his voice compelling and strangely gentle. “Bend over and grab your ankles for me.”

I gladly obeyed and he lifted the robe over my head. Without warning or malice, he struck my ass with enough force to almost knock me over. The sting was warm and made my insides twist with delight.

“Stay there.” He went to the armoire and came back with a riding crop. “You know why you’re being spanked?”

“I’m not sure, sir.”

“One thing you absolutely cannot forget tonight, my love, is to address me properly, and so hopefully this experience will help you remember.” He paused, then said, “This is harder for me than it is for you.” He sighed and continued, “Oh my

I felt the end of the riding crop shallowly enter my anus. “My lord,” I said as my legs began to shake, and I knew I would come. He shoved it in deeper and then made circular motions. I spread my legs further for him.

“That’s better, my dear. Much better.” He pulled the riding crop out of my ass and smacked my right and then left side hard. “That’ll make a nice mark for you to show off tonight, while you’re on display for all to see. It’s nice how the marks I gave you yesterday have blossomed throughout the day, your badges of courage.” He placed the riding crop on the chaise. “Stand up. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Thank you, my lord, for reminding me. I promise to try and do better.” I stood and the robe fell elegantly around my torso and legs. My buttocks tingled with stinging pleasure pain.

“Thank me for the marks on your body,” he said, his eyes becoming more ghostly.

“Thank you for showing me new limits, for helping me reach new heights, for marking me with your love, my lord. Thank you.”

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