Twenty Tones of Red (15 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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A few minutes l
ater he led her into the small piece of woodland and she stood in the cool shade listening to the sound of a nearby stream. It was an idyllic spot, the air was perfumed with a variety of wild flowers and the forest floor a bed of soft dry leaves. They moved nearer to the running water and as they approached its edge she smelt a plant so evocative that it instantly took her back to her childhood sexual explorations. She was reminded of times when she’d been no more than eight or nine years old and had convinced some of the boys to tie her up and pretend she was a captured princess. She hadn’t known why it was so attractive to her at the time and yet it had clearly laid a sexual imprint that had lasted throughout her life. For awhile she was entirely lost in recollections of her early experimentation and her adult body seemed to respond appropriately. Her nipples stiffening and a tingling returning to her loins.

James produ
ced some bundles of cord from his pockets and moved her to the nearest tree. Slipping loops around her ankles he pulled them backwards until the chain between her legs was tight and then tied the rope off at the back of the tree. Her legs were held open and she was completely unable to move them in either direction.

Next he put a loop under her breasts
and strapped it around the tree. He used several coils and working both above and below her chest he bound her torso tightly to the trunk. She’d always loved breast bondage as it trapped the blood in her tits and heightened sensations around her nipples. Just the gentle breeze moving through the woodland was enough to set her skin tingling with delight.

There was a jangle and he produced a length of silver chain with two sets of pincers on either end. She knew exactl
y what they were although she’d never experienced them. David had teased her with wooden clothes pegs but these were the real deal and she was about to discover how effective they were. First James tweaked and pinched her nipples to make certain that they were fully engorged then certain that she was ready for them he quickly fixed each of the metal jaws onto her expectant flesh. She gasped. The pressure sent a needle of pain through her entire upper body and she had to breathe deeply to stop herself from crying out. Worst of all was the knowledge that the pain would be much more severe when he took them off.

She had little time to
worry about the future because now that she was totally helpless and in torment he acted very quickly. Unfolding a pocket knife he selected a thin sapling and cut off a length of green wood. She knew exactly what he would be doing with it and wasn’t surprised when he stepped up and started to flick the makeshift cane across her body. He worked very delicately at first; landing soft blows across her naked belly and then down her thighs. The impact was so gentle it was actually quite pleasant; this sort of thing a masseuse might do at the end of a beauty therapy.

e was just finding his rhythm though. When he’d become more confident and accurate he started to work blow after blow up the inside of her thighs towards her crotch. His intention was obviously to build up a slow rising pain and on the start of the third cycle she started to breathe loudly and let out sharp hisses from between her teeth. Her inner thighs were a mass of fiery pain and she couldn’t help but try to twist away to protect her most intimate areas.

e was no chance of escape. No matter how hard she wriggled and squirmed her feet were securely held and her chest so firmly pinned against the trunk of the tree that she couldn’t move in any direction. She started to let out little yelps and then he abruptly stopped. Dropping his switch he stepped forward and squeezed open both the clamps. She let out a short scream. For a split second it was as if molten metal had been poured over her tender nipples but then if faded. The sensation rapidly dulled to a tender throbbing and she caught her breath.

He stood
close to her and stroked her cheek. She shuddered and for a moment thought that perhaps she had had an orgasm. Her body was so alive and so tingly that just the touch of his fingertips on the skin around her jaw had sent a violent trembling through her entire body. She was panting loudly and couldn’t open her eyes or close her gasping mouth. It felt as if the cords around her chest were holding her up and without them she would have swooned onto the forest floor.

He let out an incredibly sexy appr
eciative sound; something between a growl and a humming noise from deep in his throat then turned and was gone. She heard the crunch of twigs and knew that he was walking down towards the stream.

He came back shortly and held something to her m
outh. She smelt fresh tangy plant smells and then felt moisture at her lips. Water. He was dribbling freshwater from the stream into her open mouth. Some ran down her chin then bounced on her tummy and navel and trickled between her legs. She shivered again, the sensation of just a few cold water droplets amongst the burning heat of her sex almost taking her breath away.


When she’d drunk he untied her then took her by her collar chain and led her back into the field. The day was even warmer and moving from the cool of the woodland shade out onto the sun-baked farmland brought a warm glow to her skin and hair.

As she shuffled fo
rward a myriad of sensual messages rose from her body. The inside of her thighs were glowing from their beating and her breasts seemed to be larger and more sensitive. Just moving through the warm air was a sensual experience and with each heartbeat she felt her whole body throbbing with a background pulse of desire.

As th
ey approached the small gate that lead into the kitchen garden she wondered what was in store for her next. It was sometime in the mid afternoon and there was still a great deal of the weekend to come. She hoped that she’d just received the most intense and painful session of the visit but she couldn’t be sure. She’d actually screamed out when the clamps had been taken from her breasts and letting out noise was strictly forbidden. She might get punished for her indiscretion but at the same time she hoped that she’d given clues as to her limits. He had taken her right to the very edge. She’d tolerated it and in many ways enjoyed it but she didn’t want to be pushed any further. There was a point when pain simply became pain and she didn’t want to meet it.


The rest of the afternoon was much gentler and acted as a contrast to the torture of the wood. Once they were back inside the house he made a pot of tea and allowed her to drink hers from a bowl that was set on one of the kitchen chairs. She lapped up every drop while he sat on the sofa and tapped at his iPad. Her hair swung onto her face and got plastered around her cheeks, but by now she was learning to get used to this. She knew that her temporary master was sending an email to David and she wondered what descriptions he would be using for their session out in the fields.

When he had sent the message James came over to her and gently helped her to her feet. He stroked her cheek for a little while and told that she was doing extremely well and then led her back to the snooker room that had been her pr
ison cell the night before. Unclipping the chain from her collar he announced that she could have a couple of hours of privilege time. With this he produced a key and unlocked her wrists. There was a blissful feeling as she was able to swing her arms back in front of her again and she spent a little time gingerly massaging her shoulders. His parting words were ‘do anything you like, but don’t wash’, then the door was closed and locked behind her.

She was naked apart from her
collar, the large belt around her waist and the shackles around her ankles. She went straight to the small bathroom and used the toilet. There was a tiny wash basin in the room and it was theoretically possible for her to start scrubbing at her face her and body but he would know and as it was the only command that she’d been given she dutifully washed just her hands then moved back into the big games room.

her arms free felt wonderfully liberating and for a while she wandered slowly around the room, swinging her arms backwards and forwards and reaching out to touch things. When she’d fully relaxed she went and perched herself on the edge of one of the big armchairs and spent some time examining what had been done to her body. She looked closely at the inside of her thighs and discovered that they were largely unharmed and unmarked. There was a redness to them and here and there she could find a stripe of raised skin but she was surprised how few marks there were. His technique of using wave after wave of gentle blows meant that none of the strikes had left any serious marks or damage. The overall effect was a hyper sensitisation of the whole area without lasting discomfort.

Her hands went
to her chest and she examined her breasts. There were still rope marks dug into her skin and the whole area felt warm and tingly, but again there were no marks or signs of blemishing. Her nipples seem to have been awakened from a lifelong slumber and were longer and harder than they’d ever been. They were so excited and engorged that she wondered if they’d ever return to their natural state.

After a little while she noticed that there was a stack of magazines
under one of the side tables and sat down to look through them. There was a broad range of lifestyle titles and she took a few and sat down to read. It was strangely relaxing, she knew she wouldn’t be needed for at least a couple of hours and being locked in a room meant that she couldn’t do anything even if she wanted to. There was no requirement to do all the little jobs that normally came round at the weekend. She wasn’t able to go shopping or do any washing or answer emails or return phone calls or unblock the sink or do any of the irritating little chores that made up domestic life. She was simply a resting sexual object and this meant there was nothing else to do but relax.




Dressing up


She’d been sitting in one of the big comfortable leather chairs reading about a series of topics as varied as how to train a gun dog to yachting holidays in the Caribbean when there was a noise at the door. It was unlocked and James appeared. He gave her a smile that was surprisingly warm and genuine for a man who seemed to have enjoyed torturing her quite so much then walked to the snooker table and placed a paper carrier bag onto its smooth green velvet surface. As soon as he had entered the room she’d cast aside the magazine and jumped to her feet. She stood with her back straight and opened her legs wide then put her arms behind her and clenched each elbow. It was a position of absolute obedience and subjugation and as soon as she had locked her body to attention she felt the distant ache of arousal return to her groin.

There was rustling and she lifted her head just a fraction to see if she could get any glimpses of what her master was doing. She caught flashes of b
rightly coloured boxes and guessed that he was laying out some new clothing for her. When he’d finished unpacking the bag he came to her side and stroked her cheek in a tender, almost absent-minded way. She couldn’t help shivering. His warm fingertips seemed to carry an electrical charge that set her whole body tingling.

To her surprise
he then produced a small bunch of keys and proceeded to remove all her marks of slavery. He unlocked the collar at her neck then the huge tight belt at her waist and finally lowered himself to his knees and removed her ankle shackles. Gathering out all her restraints he moved back to the doorway and gave her his parting commands. She was to dress in the clothing he had provided and then to wait in the basic slave position at the end of the table for his return. His only other stipulation was that as usual she was not to wash. After one long parting glance he closed the door and she heard the key turn in the lock.

She immediately ran to the table and started to examine the packages. She felt like a little girl at Christmas and wondered why she was so excited. Was it the effect of sensory de
privation? Was it because she’d spent a couple of hours doing virtually nothing that the thought of dressing up was so appealing? It was hard to tell, but she couldn’t wait to see what he’d brought for her and find out about the next scenes that they would play out together.


It was obvious that the packages contained expensive items. They were the type of large vibrantly coloured cardboard boxes that were only handed out in the most exclusive boutiques. There were designer names embossed in gold lettering on the lids and though they clearly represented French and Italian fashion houses they weren’t well known brands and she didn’t recognise any of them.

She chose the biggest and
pulled open the lid. Under the layers of delicate pink tissue paper there was the most amazing one-piece body. The majority of the garment was in a black sheer material with darker vertical stripes that created the impression of some kind of a corset. The crotch itself was very thin cut and tapered to a g-string at the rear. She immediately tried it on. It was so incredibly tight it fitted like a second skin and was in an entirely different league to the kind of lingerie that could be bought in high street shops. This looked much more like something a film star would wear to a Premier. The effect of the cut-aways on the hips was to make her legs look fantastically long and elegant.

After parading up and down a c
ouple of times she went back to the table and opened the next box. This one contained a pair of stay-up stockings that were also in a sheer black two tone material and matched perfectly. She perched herself on the edge of one of the armchairs and pulled them on. There was no mirror in the room but she guessed the whole ensemble looked pretty dramatic.

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