Twenty Tones of Red (12 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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The first blow was
reassuring. It was a reasonably gentle slap that left no more than a tingle on her exposed buttocks. Things soon changed though. He started to increase the pace and weight of the beating and after just a few minutes there was a real fire burning across her bum. Keeping the strength of the blows about consistent he increased the frequency and her panting changed to moaning. Despite her best intentions she found herself letting out little gasps with each blow. The pain and humiliation triggered many other reactions. She became aware of her whole body as if it were one single taut piece of tingling skin. Warm sensations spread through her breasts and the same intensity of heat that was burning on her backside was now alight in her crotch. Her slit was dripping wet with excitement and she started to hope that her master would forget the terms of her visit and thrust himself inside her.

It was not to be. He stopped
and caught his breath and then his hand went to her hair and pulled her up again. He used his grip on her head to move it around the room and point out several features. He showed her a leather holdall on one of the tables and explained what she would find inside. There was a range of lingerie and some blankets and some shoes. She was to choose a top and a pair of panties to wear then position the blankets under the table and curl up and go to sleep. There was a toilet and basin in a small room at the back that she could use to brush her teeth but it seemed there wasn’t anywhere to wash. It was clear he was about to leave her to spend the night there, but he had one more order to give. “When you wake put on the shoes then wait bent over the table. I must find you in that position when I unlock the door.”

It was an incredibly cruel demand. She had no way of knowing the time or guessing when she might get up. This meant that as soon as she was conscious in the mornin
g she would be waiting for him. If he was a late riser she could easily be bent over the table in nervous expectation for hours.

He left her to look through the bag and she was just slipping into a black silk teddy when he returned. He was holding her small clutch bag of toiletries and a glass of water. After placing them on the floor he switched out the main light then c
losed the door and locked it. There was no final parting or ‘good night’. Her service had ended for the day and she was not required until the morning.




Left Alone


She was aware that she had not fully completed his instructions so before doing anything else she looked back into the bag at the range of underwear he had left for her. He had distinctly said that she was to put on a pair of knickers as well as one of the tops. Her ankles were still shackled together however and this meant that there was no way she would be able to pull anything up her legs. The problem vexed her as Masters didn’t like to have flaws with their planning pointed out to them and if there were problems with a scene it was always the slaves who took the punishment.

She was very impressed to discover that
panties in the bag tied at the side with a bow. She chose a black pair that matched her teddy top and slipped them on and fastened the pink ribbon very neatly on either side. Also in the bag was a pair of black patent leather stilettos with three inch heels and she took them out and put them on the floor near the end of the table for the morning.

Next she pulled out the blankets and was pleased to discover that there were three of them and they were thick and soft.
As she laid one on the floor she discovered that it was warm. It seemed that the whole building had under-floor heating which meant that his command was not as severe as it had first seemed. With the thickness of the carpet and the rugs she had been given she would be sleeping in relative warmth and softness even though she was on the floor.


She found the small toilet room and after a quick pee, cleansed her face and brushed her teeth. There was no way for her to wash properly and no mirrors so she rubbed her body as much as she could with hot water and used the small hand towel to dry herself. He had probably kept her from a shower or bath deliberately to remind her of her place and she had no doubt that he’d be making her sweat again the following day.

alone in the faint light of a couple of table lamps she took a little time to take stock of her surroundings and run over the evening’s events. Only now that she was alone in the calm and peace of the big dimly-lit room did she start to process what had happened to her. The first thing that she realised was that she had hardly seen her new master at all. The tradition of keeping her eyes lowered meant that she had only caught the tiniest of glimpses of him. She was aware that he was smartly dressed in grey woollen trousers and an expensive looking black cotton shirt, but other than that she had very little impression of him. She’d seen plenty of photos and videos on the net and she replayed those in her head to remind herself of his classic good looks and dark brooding eyes.

After lying back and snuggling under the blankets she
started to run over the various things she’d been put through that day. She had been spanked first by David and then led handcuffed out into the car. She had been driven by a stranger whilst her tiny dress had ridden up and her pussy had been exposed to him. Even more exciting was the memory of being released and made to hold her intimate lips open for the remainder of the journey. The tingling and throbbing returned to her crotch while she re-ran the scene and before she knew it she discovered that her hand had slipped inside her new knickers and was beginning to gently rub at her clit.

She forced herself to recall all of the evening
’s kinky events; remembering what it had been like to strip in front of him and then prance up and down like a horse while he flicked a whip at her. She still had a vague sensation of stickiness around her mouth from eating like an animal and this only turned her on even more. She was rubbing herself vigorously and her heart was thumping hard in her chest. She had to stop. It was strictly against all the rules for a slave to ever pleasure themselves. Only their masters were allowed to give them an orgasm and on the first night with her new owner it would be extremely bad form to indulge in self pleasure. Her hand wouldn’t stop though. Her pussy was desperate for attention and her fingers kept rubbing faster and faster. She felt the skin on her buttocks burning from the beating he had given her with his belt and felt her orgasm rise. She wanted to stop touching herself but her body seemed to be out of her control. Her mind raced ahead to what would happen the next day. She saw an image of him finding her bent over the table in the high heels and frilly knickers and the anticipation of what he would do in a full day alone pushed her over the edge. With her breath loud in her ears and blood pumping throughout her body her orgasm began its inevitable blossoming from somewhere deep inside her. She was shameless and out of control and she couldn’t prevent her body from celebrating the fact. Desperately fearful that he would hear she stuffed her free hand into her mouth then came in a series of violent shudders and groans. Oh god it was fantastic. It was so good to feel the warm release moving through her whole body.

Pulling out her hand s
he tugged her blankets over her and lay back to enjoy the blissful relaxation. Closing her eyes she guessed that it was probably somewhere between ten and eleven, it was earlier than she would normally go to sleep but the day’s events had exhausted her. She had no idea when he would come in and expect to find her bent over the table and so decided to get as much sleep as she could before waking and putting herself into her prostrate position.

As she drifted towards s
leep she let her mind run through the most exciting events of the evening once again. She had enjoyed every minute of it and soon began to fantasise about what might be done to her the next day. They had so much time together there would be opportunities for a whole multitude of intense scenes and she couldn’t wait.

Her hand was creeping back down into her panties ag
ain when she stopped herself. No, she’d already broken the rules once. What she needed was sleep and by allowing her body to relax she let herself melt into the warm floor then drifted off into her dreams.




Saturday Morning


The sound of birdsong and the faint glow of dawn pressing around the edges of the curtains woke her. She lay in a half-doze for a little while then remembered her commands and got out from under the table as quickly as possible. After stretching and yawning she finished the remainder of the glass of water then visited the tiny bathroom, wiped her face with a cleansing pad and gave her teeth a cursory brushing. Next she strapped on the beautiful high heeled shoes and walked around the table to get used to them. She was still wearing the metal hobble chain and this combined with the height of the shoes meant that each step was extremely wobbly. Of course that was how it was meant to be. Her movement was now limited to a pathetic totter and the heels forced her to tighten her leg muscles and stick out her chest.

Moving as smoothly and quietly as she could s
he went to the window and peeked round the long velvet curtain. She had a view of the beautiful kitchen garden and guessed by the pale quality of the light that it was a little after seven in the morning. She could see some of the windows down the side of the farmhouse but there didn’t seem to be any sign of life. What time would James wake? Was he an early bird or not? A sudden movement made her jump. A figure appeared in her line of sight and she pulled back from the window. Keeping just a tiny millimetre of curtain pulled to one side she was able to see that it was her master. He was walking to the side of the house wearing tight-fitting sports shorts and running shoes. She watched him lean against the brickwork and stretch out his legs and hamstrings. He was obviously an early morning jogger and it was perhaps one of the secrets to maintaining his superb physique.

She let the curtain drop and moved to the en
d of the table. Very soon he would be back in the house and she had no way of knowing how quickly he would come to inspect her. Bending over she positioned her chest flat on the baize and spread out her arms and legs. The position was a little easier than it had been the previous night due to the extra height from her shoes but it still left her feeling deliciously exposed and vulnerable. She started to wait. Distant sounds reached her from the house and she guessed that James had come inside but for a long time he did not visit her.

he dared not move. At any moment he could unlock the door and come in. She knew that his command to find her there was had been an extremely important one. It was a severe test of her submission and obedience and she was determined to obey him. Minutes ticked by and she found herself becoming aroused. It was so simple. She was doing nothing more than bend over a table but she started to be able to visualise how she would look when he opened the door. He’d get a dramatic view of her long shapely legs and the curve of her buttocks in her new silky panties. Her black teddy had ridden up as she bent over and her backside would make quite an inviting sight. The fact that she had imprisoned herself was even more erotic. There were no chains or ropes keeping her there, it was just her own submission.


About twenty minutes had passed before she heard footsteps and the door was unlocked. “Oh well done slave. Excellent behaviour.” He came and stood next to her then put a dog bowl on the table by her head. He commanded her to drink and she lapped at the liquid with her tongue. It contained sweet warm tea and while she drank it he gave her very strict instructions not to spill a drop on the surface of the snooker table. She managed to consume every last mouthful of the drink and then the next thing she knew her bum cheeks were being gently caressed with some kind of flat object. She had to admire his discipline and self control. He had promised not to touch her below the waist and so far he hadn’t. He was allowed to beat her of course, but not with his bare hand, and this meant that she was probably going to be introduced to an interesting array of implements over the next forty-eight hours.

He gave her a firm and rapid spanking
with what she guessed was the back of a hairbrush or a flat wooden spatula. He must’ve delivered thirty or forty blows in a very short time and although none of them was particularity strong the overall effect built little by little until her tender buttocks were once again tingling and burning.

en he had finished he took her firmly by the hair and manoeuvred her out of the room. She had to concentrate on walking as the enormously high heels and the short hobbled chain made each step a real effort.

hey’d reached the kitchen when he stopped her and reached for some items that were lying on the counter. The first was a very wide black leather belt that reminded her of the huge thick devices that the weightlifters wear in her gym. This belt was lined with sheepskin and she knew this was to prevent the skin chafing. He buckled it extremely tightly round her waist and fixed it in place with a small padlock at the rear. She suspected that she would be wearing it for a long time as every element of the design seemed to have been included for long-term use.

Next he put similar cuffs on each of her wrist and padlocked them in place. Finally, with so
me gentle tugging, he moved both her arms behind her and padlocked her wrists to the big belt. Her arms were now held firmly in the small of her back. She gave a little pull and wriggle and discovered that there was no give at all. She couldn’t move any of the straps even a millimetre. The band around her waist was so tight it could have been part of a corset and she felt that even her breathing was restricted. Then again, she reminded herself that perhaps she was short of breath because she was finding what this attractive man was doing to her so deeply erotic.

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