Twenty Tones of Red (13 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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Now that she was thoroughly and completely restrained he let go of her and turned her towards the corridor to the boiler room.
“Go to the toilet slave.”

“Thank you master.”
Her voice was husky from underuse and she cleared her throat as she set of down the hallway.

The door to the small bath
room was closed but she realised that by swivelling she could find the handle and turn it behind her back. She had less luck with the light switch and had to manoeuvre herself to the toilet in the half darkness. She was still wearing the silky Teddy and lace up knickers she’d put on the night before and although she could just touch the edge of her underwear with one of her thumbs she had absolutely no way of pulling them down. She now knew that his planning and forethought was sharp and meticulous and he had not left her clothed by accident. He clearly wanted her to try to urinate whilst still wearing the panties. Anyway, she now had no choice. Quite some time had passed since her early morning pee and she could feel a gentle pressure in her bladder again. When she was sure she was well positioned over the toilet she allowed herself to go. It shouldn’t have been, but in her hyper sensitive state the sensation was oddly pleasant. She couldn’t remember when she’d last wet her knickers but feeling the hot liquid flood the material and start dripping around the edges felt sensual and childishly naughty. Of course it was incredibly messy, she had no way of controlling the flow and soon her underwear and the top of her thighs were soaked.

Once she had peed she had absolute
ly no way of drying so she shook herself over the seat as much as she could then found the flush. She didn’t leave the room immediately, instead she sat on the edge of the seat until she felt reasonably sure that when she stepped back into the kitchen she would be as dry as possible.

When she got back to him h
e was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal and drinking tea while he read the news on an iPad. As he was busy she risked studying him with furtive glances and was pleased to be reminded how handsome he was. His jet black hair was beautifully cut and combed back from his face in a style so classic it reminded her of Cary Grant and a lot of the fifties film stars. He hadn’t shaven and from where she was he could easily have passed as a George Clooney lookalike. His body was just as good. He was wearing smart jeans and a navy polo shirt and as he ate she could see the muscles on his broad back and shoulders rippling with each movement of the spoon. He was in fantastic condition and she now knew that a morning run was part of his training regime.

When he noticed her h
e made her kneel in her usual spot then put a bowl of muesli down in front of her. She knew the drill, like a well-trained dog she would be made to look at her food for a long time before being given the command to eat. Sure enough, he totally ignored her then moved to the sofa with a pot of tea whilst she eyed her breakfast hungrily. This time he wouldn’t need to command her to keep her hands behind her back. She was helplessly bound and the ridge of the thick belt around her waist was digging into her rib cage. It really was unbelievably tight and she found the restriction incredibly sensual.

Finally, he gave the word
and she bent and started to eat. She was hungry but consuming her meal was full of challenges. It was difficult to balance with her hands so far behind her back and inevitably her long red hair got in the way. By nudging the bowl with her chin and with a lot of slurping and the clever use of the tongue she managed to consume every oat and grain.

When she
sat up her hair was plastered to her face and she had dribbles of milk running down her chin. She tried to tell herself that it was frustrating and demeaning to be forced to eat in such a way but her body was alive with sensation and she was desperate for more subjugation and humiliation; part of her loved being dirty and loved that she had no control over her most basic actions.

He ignored her for a
while. Although she was certain that he knew she’d finished eating and was equally sure that he’d secretly watched the whole embarrassing battle with her food he pretended that he’d forgotten that she was there. After ten minutes or so there was a little rustle of movement from the sofa then she heard her next command. “Now clear all the breakfast things. I want everything off the table and onto the kitchen counter as quickly as possible.”

For a moment she was stunned. Her arms couldn’t have been more securely pinned and she was wearing ridiculously high heels and a hobble ch
ain. The task would be incredibly difficult but she guessed that he’d worked out that it was possible, and if so, she would prove her strength and resourcefulness. Lifting her chin she replied with a simple ‘yes master’ and set about the task.

First she inched
herself round so that she could grasp the edge of her bowl with her fingers then rocked herself up into a standing position. The high heels made this much more difficult, but with a little tottering she managed to keep her balance and got herself upright. Milk dripped onto her silk teddy as she walked across the kitchen floor. Her knickers were still hot and damp with her own pee and the sensation of the warm moist material rubbing gently against her crotch was surprisingly stimulating.

By pushing herself onto tipt
oes she reached the counter and slid the bowl onto it. She had to go back to the table again and again to find each of his breakfast things but eventually she got the job done.

She didn’
t need to lower herself into a slave position because when she came back into the lounge area he rose from the sofa and went over to her. Once again, his hand neatly arranged her hair into a single bunch and then gripped it. She swayed a little but remained completely in his control. Her heels made it more difficult to balance and with her arms so firmly locked it was easy for him to sway her from side to side with a gentle tug on her pony tail. It was a totally demeaning way to be treated and the erotic core of her absolutely loved it. She wanted to look into his big wide handsome face and study his dark intense eyes but as she was just a slave she had to lower her gaze. His body was so close to hers she could smell his natural scents rising towards her. She wanted to reach out and squeeze her arms around him. She wanted to know what the big broad chest and wide shoulders would feel like under her touch but it was not to be. Instead it was him that did the touching. He very roughly and crudely reached out and started to grip her breasts. He didn’t play with them tenderly or lovingly, he merely squeezed each one to the point of pain. She let out a gasp and when she did he took his hand away only to start slapping. After a few blows he got frustrated by her nightwear and tore it open. In one sharp yank he pulled the front section apart so that it fell open like a V-neck. When both her tits were exposed he laid into them again, swatting with his open hand then pinching and squeezing the nipples until she squirmed and let out a long guttural moan. She didn’t know if she was groaning with pleasure or pain and suspected that it was a delicious mixture of both. It was such a surprise that he’d suddenly become aggressive after being so calm for so long.

The moment didn’t last
. Just as the blood was rising across her stinging chest he manoeuvred her across the room and out into the porch. Pushing her down he left her on her knees facing the back door then unlocked and opened it. When he was happy with her position he went back into the house and left her in a cool breeze with her gaze fixed on the stone slabs in front of her.


She didn’t know how long she waited but after a while the thin morning clouds parted and the summer sunlight started playing on her body. Warm beams crept up her bare thighs, the aroma of the lavender plants reached her nose and she became aware of the distant buzzing of bees. She wondered what her master was doing and for the first time that weekend remembered part of the agreement with David. James was to update him on what was happening every few hours. There was to be no filming and no cameras but he was required to send a series of fairly detailed emails. In the excitement of the moment she’d forgotten all about this arrangement and, if she was honest with herself, she’d also actually forgotten about David. Now she realised that much of the time that James had been sitting on the sofa with his iPad he’d probably been tapping out messages to her lover in London. Everything that had happened so far would have been described to David and he would have no doubt been gaining immense pleasure from the descriptions. That was all fine but what was more interesting to her were the desires of her new master. Had what they’d been doing turned him on? It must have. He’d gone to very careful lengths to prepare everything and would only have done so if he was fulfilling his fantasies too. Did this mean that when he left her he went to pleasure himself? When he’d finished writing the descriptions to David did he relieve the sexual tension in a frantic session of masturbation? The idea turned her on. She loved the fact that her body could excite a man so much and hoped that all the time they were playing he’d had a fierce erection pressing at his trousers. If she hadn’t been so well trained and determined to be well behaved she would have reached out and squeezed his crotch during one of their play sessions. It would have been so wonderful to find his hardness under his trousers and rub herself against him.

For a while she was lost in her fantasy world. A
s the wild images of passionate fucking ran through her mind the breeze that came through the doorway intensified and started to caress the sensitive inner places between her legs. Her nipples stiffened with excitement and the dull ache that had been present in her groin since she’d woken up strengthened to a steady pulse. She wanted this man to take her. She wanted to feel his strength but she knew it was not to be. Instead she’d settle for torment. She would satisfy herself with hours and hours of sensual torture because unlike quick fast sex this would show her an even deeper part of her new master. This would reveal his inner soul and the workings of his imagination and this was something she was very keen to discover.

The next t
hing she knew he was right next to her and his hands were pulling at her shoulders. He got her to her feet then stood stroking her cheek. He said nothing but she sensed that they were about to begin their next scene and she found her tummy buzzing with the excitement of what was to come.

His hands went to her hips and untied the bows that were holding on her panties. They dropped away and he took them in his hand.
He then did something totally shameless that surprised her. He put his bunched fist to his nose and sniffed sharply. He made a gentle appreciative noise and then the next thing she knew he was levering open her jaw with his free hand and stuffing them into her mouth. It was a shock, but she was unable and perhaps unwilling to resist.

When he’d filled her cheeks
he reached under her hair at the back of her neck and she heard the tear of Sellotape. In a couple of quick binding motions he taped the knickers firmly in place. She could taste a number of perfumes. There was the clean nylon taste of the material itself on top of that the salty musk of her own sex. All of this was fused with a trace of her own pee and although it should have been unpleasant it wasn’t. The hormones and pheromones triggered a primitive reaction deep in her brain and she found herself even more turned on.

Without a word h
e put a hand on her shoulder and gently urged her out of the building and up the path. It seemed they were beginning the next scene and it was something that would take place outside.




The Tour


She moved in short hobbling steps up the paving stones between the rows of fragrant lavender bushes. It was a beautiful early summer’s day and the heat of the sun was intensifying with each passing moment. When they moved onto the gravel her movement became even more difficult. The long heels sunk between the stones and she wobbled from side to side. The chain between her ankles seemed ridiculously short and every waddling step was an exercise in humiliation. She was not walking; she was simply demonstrating her submission and helplessness.

At the end of the building the vista opened out
and they paused in the full sunlight. The wind was a little stronger away from the shelter of the house and she felt the air moving all over her naked body. He stood enjoying the view and while she waited she considered her position. Her only clothing was her collar and the tattered remains of the black silk teddy she had put on the night before. It was now hanging loose around her neck and both her tender breasts were exposed. Below that there was the thick leather belt that was circling her waist like an extreme corset. Further down there was nothing. Her pussy was fully exposed to the elements and her long legs were bare until they reached her ankle cuffs and the stiletto shoes. Her hair was dirty and plastered to her face in a number of places. Breathing was only possible through her nose as her own soiled underwear was taped firmly in her mouth. They were standing on the edge of miles of open fields and although she was fairly certain there were no other people around there was something about being so helpless and exposed in such a wide open space that was new and intriguing.

She felt a gentle pressure between her shoulder blades and was moved forward. What followed was a slow tour of the property and surrounding out-buildings. He changed her conditions of slavery so that she was allowed to look normally and follow his pointing hand as he led her gaze in different directions. In calm and surprisingly relaxed tones they moved from barn to barn and he pointed out some of the historical features and old agricultural tools. She couldn’t reply and was not required to. She was the most helpless a visitor could be; shuffling in small steps and sometimes relying on his strong arms for balance as she moved across the uneven ground.

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