Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (27 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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“Hello, Mrs. Milano, this is Jerry from Jerry and Sons Landscaping. Is your husband or Daxton Delaney available?”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “They are both out on the property right now. Do you have their cell phones?”

He rattles off numbers he has and I confirm them and hang up. It’s annoying that every time a phone rings my heart practically stops. I wish we would find this bitch once and for all so we can finally rest easy and enjoy our lives.





“ARE YOU READY for tonight, bella?” Enzo asks as he zips up the back of my dress.

“Beyond. I can’t believe it’s finally opening night. It was a long time coming.”

“This is true but it turned out beautifully. It may be my best property yet.”

“I don’t know. Girasole is still my favorite I think. Our love affair began there. That time was so exciting. Every time I saw you I hoped it was going to be
time and I could finally seduce you.”

“My dear, Ava, you had me seduced from the moment I laid eyes on you and the seduction continues every day.”

“Ever with the romantic words. You’re amazing.”

“I’m inspired.”

Enzo rubs my cheek with his thumb while we stare into each other’s eyes. My excitement for tonight is off the charts. I only have to keep my feelings of dread at bay. I have the same nauseating feeling coursing through me as I did the day of my wedding. Everyone in Arizona knows about the hotel opening tonight. My mom told me she even saw it on the news in Denver. It’s everywhere. Certainly The Stalker Bitch is aware of it. If she wanted to try anything, tonight would be the night to do it.

It doesn’t calm my nerves at all that we haven’t heard from her recently. All I know is that we have as much security around us as I imagine the President of the United States does. The hotel has been swept every hour on the hour. Every closet, every vent, every fucking corner. Tonight’s event is open to the public though so anyone could get in here. Our guests will have to go through a thorough security clearance and everyone will be checked for weapons. We’ve explained the added security is due to the celebrities we will have in attendance.

I won’t be alone for one minute, not even to pee. I’ve also packed my gun with me just in case I somehow end up with the madwoman. I am taking no chances. She is far more clever than any of us ever imagined.

“We’ll have a great night tonight, amore?”

“I know. You’ve worked so hard for this. You deserve it to go well.”

“We’ve worked hard. We all deserve it.” He kisses my cheek. “And we have ample security.”

“I know.”

“I love you very much. More than anything.”

“I know that too. You tell me every day.”

“I will continue until I take my last breath.”

I kiss his soft lips and say a silent prayer to keep us safe tonight.

“Andiamo?” he asks.

“Yes, let’s go.”

We have a new driver tonight since Grayson and Marisa are part of the security team. Danny and another man stay with Enzo and me as we head off for our big evening. Enzo pops the cork off a bottle of Prosecco and we toast our evening.

“To many bright days ahead,” Enzo says.

Clinking his glass, I respond, “More than we can stand.”

He leans in and kisses me sweetly. If it was possible for Enzo to be even more attentive than before, he pulled it off. I’m never alone and fortunately I don’t need to be. I feel comforted by his constant presence and safe when he’s with me.

We arrive at La Bellissima and it looks like a Hollywood Movie Premiere. Cameras flash as local news stations cover the event. The door to our limo opens and a thousand cameras click at us. It’s all very surreal. As soon as I’m out of the car, two women with microphones rush to me, enthusing over the dress I chose. It was made especially for me by Suzette, the French designer whose fashion lines are all the rage of the moment. I’m suddenly in an interview talking about the dress. I explain how we chose the color to match Enzo’s eyes and how even though it’s very low cut I have measures in place to prevent a wardrobe malfunction. They even want to look at my black, strappy heels. Keeping my laughter to myself, I answer all the questions graciously with Enzo hovering protectively nearby. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to strangers giving a shit about what I’m wearing.

After that line of questioning is over, Enzo places his hand on my lower back and guides me through the crowd of local onlookers. We have Phoenix police managing the crowd and ensuring our capacity limits are kept. Looking around I can spot all the enhanced security and it makes me feel somewhat better.

Enzo leans over and whispers in my ear, “A thousand women here and still you are the most beautiful.”

“Thank you, my prince. I feel the same about you.”

I see a familiar face as a photographer approaches.

“Ava, you remember Giancarlo? You met in Vegas,” Enzo explains.

“Yes, I remember you. Good to see you.”

“You too, Mrs. M. You both look fantastic. Can I get your picture?”

“Yes, of course,” Enzo says as we strike a pose.

Giancarlo snaps several pictures and then looking at his work, makes the comment, “You two have to be one of the most striking couples. You should have kids and pass those genes along to the next generation.”

His comment causes me to stiffen a bit but Enzo squeezes my waist and laughs softly. “We’re working on that, no?”

“Yes, we are,” I reply, smiling.

We say goodbye to Giancarlo then spend our time moving through the crowd. The few times we are separated, I can always look up and see a reassuring smile from Enzo across the room. I love that much attention is being showered on Francesca and her amazing design.

I stand chatting amiably with two couples that live nearby when my phone buzzes. I excuse myself and look at my text.


I need a few moments alone with you. Meet me in our office as soon as you can get away. I’ll be right behind you.


I look over at Enzo and smile. He smiles back with a wink. My whole body tingles with the thought of us getting it on while this hotel is filled to capacity with people. Sneaking carefully through the crowd so as not to attract attention, I make my way to the hotel office tucked off away from the bustling party. Looking over my shoulder, I see that I’ve even given Danny the slip. That’s good since he doesn’t need to watch my husband make love to me.

Just as I turn the handle on the door, a sense of fear washes over me. Maybe I shouldn’t be alone here. I shake my head and laugh knowing Enzo is right behind me. I go inside and shut the door, waiting for my prince to arrive.







I LOOK UP and scan the room for Ava. All of a sudden I can’t find her. I motion for Danny who looks panicked when he realizes she’s gone. I go to pull out my phone but I can’t find it. My heart beats rapidly in my chest. This was the one thing that couldn’t happen tonight. Ava cannot be left alone. I couldn’t bear to tell her that I feared Anna was going to be here tonight. I did the best I could to ensure Ava’s safety and now she’s gone. Fucking gone.





I SIT AT the desk waiting patiently for Enzo. I expected him by now. I pick up my phone to text him but there is no response. I start to feel uncomfortable and decide I better go back out to the party. I stand to leave when the door opens and my worst fear is standing in front of me. Anna.





IT’S HAPPENING ALL over again. She got me alone and I fell for it and now I know I should be afraid.

“I can’t believe you had the nerve to show up here tonight,” Anna says to me. “This is my party and you don’t belong here.”

I remain silent knowing my words could provoke her to do something dangerous. Standing behind the desk, I glance at my purse that has my gun in it. I set it down on a table when I came in and it’s too far away from me to grab it without her knowing.

My eyes shoot straight down to her stomach that bulges from her body. Her hair hangs limply around her face in a dark brown color. Huge dark circles mar her face and her skin remains so pale it’s almost translucent. Her clothes are dirty as if she’s been crawling around outside. It’s clear she is not well in more ways than one.

“How did you get in here, Anna?”

She laughs. “Because of you trying to steal my life, I had to hide out here for days. It’s not fair, Ava. You should just leave and let me and my husband be alone to raise our child.” She pulls a small knife from her back pocket and glares at me.

Holy shit. She really thinks I stole Enzo from her. This is crazy. She’s way deeper than she was at my wedding. I glance again at my purse but her eyes follow mine and she snatches it from the table where it sits.

“Why are you so interested in this? You want to call for help? Well you can’t. No one will help you. I’m the only one that can get rid of you and that’s what I’m going to do.” I watch in horror as she opens my bag and looks inside at my small handgun. “What did you plan to do with this? Were you going to hurt me and my baby? If you really love Enzo, you couldn’t kill his child.”

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