Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (25 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body into mine, overwhelmed with joy to be back with him. It’s the most incredible feeling. We continue kissing, this glorious rain shower falling down on us, lying against the warm hood of the car. It’s heaven.

“Ava,” Enzo whispers against my lips, “can I make love to you?”

“Of course. You’re my husband.” I start to sit up, but Enzo pushes me back down gently.


“Outside? In the rain?”

“Yes,” he answers, as a huge grin graces his face.

“What about Cass and Chris?” I ask and look nervously back at the house.

“What about them?” Enzo grabs the front of my dress. “I always loved this dress.” He pulls at the fabric until the first three buttons pop open, revealing my pink lace bra underneath. I gasp as his hands run across my exposed cleavage. Closing my eyes, I lean back against the car, absorbing the feel of my husband’s hands and mouth roaming over every inch of my body. At this moment I could give a shit about my housemates. He pushes my dress up above my waist, and I respond by wrapping my legs around his hips.

He reaches behind me and deftly unhooks my bra, releasing the flesh that longs for his expert touch. He moves down my body, kissing and sucking my wet skin in his mouth as he does. When he gets to my hips he smiles, running his fingers under the flimsy material holding my panties to my body. I wore these hoping he would see them, praying we would end up making love. I never imagined it would be outside in the pouring rain. This. Is. Awesome.

I feel his lips brush over my thigh and then his teeth nibble my stomach, my hip, my thighs. I prop myself up on my elbows, keeping myself on the slippery car by digging my heels into the front bumper. His amazing eyes shift up to mine and I watch in awe as he lifts the string of my panties with his teeth and rips them from my body with one quick movement. Holy fuck.

His hands wrap around my knees as he pushes my legs up and buries his face between them. I reach forward and twist his hair in my hands, feeling his tongue dip inside me. Oh how I love this man’s tongue. He sucks hard on my clit and it will only take minutes if I’m lucky to reach the climax I so desperately need. I grind into his mouth and stretch my arms up over my head, absolutely lost in the glorious sensation building in my body. Feeling the climax build within me, I press myself harder into his mouth. He knows how to get me there. He knows just exactly what my body needs and wants and he is giving it to me.

As my orgasm hits, I’m positive I cry out his name, but my voice is muffled by the rain that falls down on us. He slides up my body and lowers his mouth on mine, kissing me again as I tug and pull at his drenched shirt. His fingers roll my hardened nipples between them, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure. I reach down and unbutton his linen pants, pushing them down as we writhe together. This is the part I’m waiting for, the part where he enters me and takes what belongs to him. I give it to him willingly. Every part of me.

I wrap my hand around his incredible erection and guide him into me, sucking my breath in as he fills me completely. There is no build up, no slow passionate love making. This is hardcore, heart pumping, nails digging in the back, screaming out to God, balls to the wall, toe curling- fucking. I love every minute.

He pounds into me, the two of us lost in our own little rain soaked world. He holds my face in his hands, staring into my eyes, so many emotions passing through us. Words are not necessary in this moment. The time will come when I will hear his raspy, accented voice whisper Italian sweet nothings to me.

I feel his body tense and his grip tighten around me. His hand reaches between my legs, rubbing my clit until I finally scream out, slapping my hands against the car, shaking my head back and forth in pure, unbridled ecstasy.

Enzo digs his fingers into the flesh of my hips, and exhaling deeply, releases into me. Our bodies move in rhythm in our shared passion. As the warm rain washes over us, and our breathing returns to normal, I shift below my husband, getting his attention. He looks up, and his eyes reflect his amazing love for me. I stroke the soft stubble that covers his cheeks.

“I want to hear how you feel right now, Enzo.”

“Ava…ti amo, amore mio. Ti amo tanto. Sei la mia bellissima. Io voglio che tu stai resti con me per sempre. Niente, può venire fra di noi, mai. Mai, Ava.” He smothers my face in kisses. “Resta qui con me, petto a petto, respiando insieme. Resta qui con me. Tu sei il mio adorato e il mio sogno. Ti amo.”

Tears spill out of my eyes, mixing with the rain at the sound of his beautiful, pleading words. I translate the words in my head, savoring each one. He wants me to stay with him, telling me nothing can come between us, ever. Stay here with me, he says. Chest to chest, breathing together. I am his adoration and his dream. Such sweet words delivered with so much love. He needs to know my promise to him.

“I missed you, Enzo. I know nothing will ever come between us again. You are my beloved, my prince. I adore you too and I will stay with you forever. Questo è il mio promesso.”

We kiss again, wrapped in each other’s love. Yes, this is exactly where I am supposed to be. Enzo helps me off the car and turns the headlights off for me, while I stand clutching my dress closed. He gets my carry-on out of the backseat and we walk into the house together, laughing and drenched.

Cassie hears us and comes bursting out of the kitchen, hugging me so hard she almost topples me over. Maximus whimpers and jumps around my legs and Chris stands in the hallway smiling. I wave at him as Cassie continues smothering me.

“Welcome back, Ava. We missed you,” Chris says.

“Thanks, Chris. I missed all of you. Truly.”

“Ava, don’t you ever worry me like that again,” Cassie scolds. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t talk to me.”

“I’m sorry, Cass. I just needed the time alone to think. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”

Cassie wipes tears from her face. “I’m glad you’re back. I’m so glad I’m not even going to cuss you out.”

I laugh. “I appreciate that.” Turning to Enzo, I say, “I think we should call Checca and let her know I’m back.”

“Yes, amore.”

“After we change clothes,” I add, laughing.

“What happened to you, girl?” Cassie asks.

Nodding in Enzo’s direction, I reply, “He happened to me.”

“Nice!” she says and high fives me.

Enzo and I walk to our bedroom where we strip out of our wet clothes. Enzo sits on the edge of the bed after handing me a towel to dry off. He’s staring at me and I’m thankful we’re both in the same room so that he can.

“I love you, Ava.”

“I know. I love you too. I came back.”

“Yes you did. For me.”

“For you.”

“Were you happy while you were gone?” he asks softly.

“Not even for five minutes.”

“What did you do?”

“I sat on the bed in my old room and thought about you. I read books and wrote my feelings down. I cried a lot. I avoided people and I looked you up on the internet. I stared at your picture and cried even more. I was miserable.”

“Sounds like we spent the time in the same way. I stayed in this room and thought about you all day. I wondered if you were okay and if you were getting over me.”

“I will never get over you, Enzo. Never. It’s not possible. You are in me.”

“And you in me. I felt like I was locked away in a prison cell without you. But you came back. Your love has set me free. Once again.”

“I belong here. With you.”

Enzo smiles and it begins to heal my heart. “I have news to share with you.”

“Is it about that woman?”

“Yes, unfortunately. Bill was able to stop anything new with your identity from happening. No new credit can be opened and any existing cards will be declined. I also found out that due to the amount of credit fraud she conducted, it’s a felony level crime.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “You know about the blackmail now?”

“Yes, Cassie told me. What is happening with that?”

“I get packages, emails, and calls telling me if I call the police she’s going to make sure it goes public that I was indiscreet with her and that I’ve left a pregnant woman alone. The media attack on us would be swift and fierce. I don’t even think going to Italy would protect us.”

“What kind of packages?”

“Stupid shit.”

“Like?” I challenge him with my eyes. This is his first opportunity to show me he plans to be completely open with me no matter what.

“Baby clothes, wedding ideas, she even sent me an ultrasound picture. The same one she sent to you. I’ve kept it all for evidence. Eventually we’ll find her.”

I sigh. “How is she so elusive? Why hasn’t anyone been able to find her?”

“I don’t know, Ava. It’s still very disturbing. She has called several times but she won’t stay on the line long enough for a trace.”

“What does she say to you?” I’m not sure I want to know but I have to ask.

He sighs and replies, “Just nonsense. Things like what should we name the baby and do I want a girl or a boy? She asked me when I plan on making the announcement public and when I was going to divorce you so my child wouldn’t be born a bastard.”

“And what do you say to this?”

“Well let’s see, I believe I’ve told her she is a delusional bitch and I will never be with her. I told her that if the child is mine, which I highly doubt, she will never get to raise it. She will spend the rest of her life in jail and the baby will never know her. She usually cusses at me and hangs up at that point. Every conversation is taped.”

“That’s smart.”

He looks up at me with those gorgeous blues. “I can’t believe you’re standing right in front of me, Ava.”

“I can’t believe I tried to breathe without you.”

“You have no idea how much it means to me that you came back.”

“Yes, I do.” We stare at each other for a moment before I break the silence. “I’ve barely eaten in weeks and I’m starved. Can we go eat?”

Enzo laughs. “Good idea, bella.”

We walk out into the living room and Francesca and Eduardo are there. She gets to her feet and runs to me, wrapping her arms tightly around me. I whisper in her ear, “Thank you, Checca. Thank for you bringing me back home.”

“Thank you for coming back,” she whispers back.

I hug Eduardo and we all sit down to eat a meal that Cassie cooked. It appears to be some sort of chicken and noodle dish. I’m so hungry I don’t care what it is and shovel it into my mouth. Enzo eats it too, but with a slightly suspicious look on his face.

“What is this?” he asks.

“It’s a crockpot casserole,” Cassie announces happily.

“Ah, this crockpot thing you have mentioned before. What’s in it?”

“Chicken, noodles, cream of chicken soup and veggies. Do you like it?” she asks.

Enzo’s face breaks into his award winning smile. “Yes, actually I do.”

“Awesome. PS- it’s totes awesome to see you smile again, Enzo.”

“Totes?” I ask.

“Totes. Yeah, short for totally,” she explains.

“Why do you insist on talking like a teenager?” I ask, laughing.

“Keeps me young,
,” she says, laughing also.

“Well played, Cass.”

She winks as we all finish our meal. We talk for a while as a group and I can tell Francesca wants to ask something but isn’t sure she should.

“What are you thinking about, Checca?” I ask.

“I was just wondering, brother, now that Ava is here, if we could get back to work on La Bellissima?”

Enzo frowns and takes a sip of his water. “Yes, I think that would be appropriate.”

“I’m sorry I caused it to stop,” I say to everyone.

“You didn’t,” Enzo says. “I caused it to stop. I will cause it to start again, no?”

“Okay.” I lean over to him and kiss his cheek. “I’m ready to work. How far behind are we now?”

“It could be September now, but that is okay. It may even work out better. The snowbirds start to return and it could work out for some of the celebrities’ schedules we invited,” Enzo explains.

“Well, then sounds like we have work to do tomorrow,” I say.

“Oh, my love, we’re not going to work tomorrow,” Enzo says.

“Why? What are we doing?”

“Getting back into each other. We’ll be in our bed all day tomorrow. If you’ll have me. How does that sound?”

“Like heaven.”





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