Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (35 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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I look over at Bella who kicks and wiggles in her dad’s arms until he puts her down. Then she takes off giggling and screaming down the hall again, our tired nanny chasing after her. Enzo looks at me and smiles. “That child is full of energy.”

“Most children are. Do you think the nanny can handle them, Enzo?”

“She’s fine. They are normally so calm at home. They’re just over excited right now.”

“So am I. Shall we go?”

“Yes. Andiamo.”

We walk into the living room and kiss our babies goodbye. Enzo explains in his lovely Italian that we’ll be back in a few hours. The nanny has wisely given both children a snack and they sit happily and quietly at the small children’s table set up in the living room. Vincenzo always looks a bit concerned when we leave, his father’s protective streak showing in him, while Bella is carefree. I can just imagine her when she’s older waving her hands dismissively at us while Vincenzo lectures us on safety.

I grab a shawl and my clutch bag as Enzo holds the door open for me. We don’t have to drive to get to the wedding location since it’s on our property in the back. I’ve spent all day helping to set up for this event with about 100 other people. It took all of us to get it exactly how the bride wants it. I know she’ll be happy when she sees it.

I can’t wait to see her. She’s waited a long time for this day and it took the better part of a year to organize it all. Between this wedding and building our house, it’s been busy. I wrap my arm through Enzo’s.

“I’m so excited everyone from America could come out for this.”

“So am I, but who would miss this party?”

“True. We do know how to throw a party, don’t we?”

“That we do.” He kisses my cheek. “Are you sad we didn’t get married in Italy?”

“Sometimes. It’s so beautiful and perfect here. I loved our wedding too, though.”

“Well, we live here now. We can have all the parties you want and in a few years we could always renew our vows.”

“We could, but I don’t need our vows renewed. They are as clear and as strong as they were the day we said them, no?”

“Oh yes, my love. Very much so.”

Gazing into Enzo’s eyes, I’m suddenly overwhelmed by the love I feel for him. Weddings only make me feel it even more.

“So this is our fourth wedding in the past two years, right?” I ask.

“Yes, it seems we started a trend.”

Laughing, I respond, “We always do.”

We stand on our back porch for a moment looking out over the set up. It’s lovely and perfect. I glance over to the guest house where I know the bride is, then my eyes shift across the yard to the nervous groom.

“I hope we have enough time to clean all of this up before Tuesday when the
Architectural Digest
people get here,” I say.

“We will. We’ll have plenty of help. Are you nervous? It’s your first design interview.”

“No, not nervous.” I look up at him and smile. “Okay, a bit, but mostly I just want to do a good job and make an interesting interview.”

“You will my love. I’m excited for you. You are getting the recognition you deserve.”

“Thanks to you and Francesca kicking me out of the nest.”

Enzo bends down to kiss me just as we hear a loud commotion from the guest house. All I can hear from here are women’s excited voices.

“I better go see what’s happening,” I say.

“Yes, I’ll go calm the groom.” As I start to walk away, Enzo grabs my hand and pulls me back, kissing me sweetly. “I love you, Ava.”

“I know, Enzo, and I love you.”

“See you soon.”


I walk briskly across the yard to the guest house and open the door to see far too many women in such a small space. The scene is chaotic and the bride is obviously close to her breaking point. She looks up at me and her eyes beg me to help.

“Signore!” I say, and clap my hands together. Everyone looks up at me. “Could I have a moment with the bride please?” I say in Italian.

The women glance around at each other, then quietly file out of the room into the kitchen. I sit down and take the bride’s hand in mine.

“Are you holding up okay, Checca?”

“These women are driving me crazy. I have the makeup, the hair, the dress, fuss, fuss, fuss. I just need a moment to think and they won’t stop talking.”

“You look stunning. Are you excited?”

She smiles and her face lights up. “Yes, I’m very excited. Today, I become a wife. Just like you.”

“Yes, just like me. It’s going to be a wonderful day. I’m sure of it.”

“Yes, of course. Where are Cassie and Gabby?”

“Outside taking a walk. They get overwhelmed by the language barrier.”

“I can imagine.” Francesca looks around the room. “How long will you stay in Italia this time?”

“I think we’re going to be here a while. There is much work to be done on the hotels plus it’s so disruptive to the babies and the dog. At least six months, perhaps a year. I actually prefer it here.”

“Don’t tell Enzo that. He’ll stay here.”

“I don’t see a problem with that. I might like to live here full time and make Arizona the part time place. How could I ever want to wake up anywhere but here?”

“I agree. It makes me so happy that you love my homeland just like Enzo does. You are the perfect wife for him.”

“And he is the perfect husband for me.”

“Yes, I want a love like the two of you have. The way you look at each other is so beautiful. You stand by each other no matter what and your love is strong enough to make it through anything.”

“Yes, anything.” My thoughts briefly drift back to the harrowing events from a few years ago. “You do have a love like that. Eduardo adores you.”

“Yes, I know this. He is a good man.”

“A very good man.” I look down at my watch. “Are you ready to become his wife?”

“I am. Andiamo?” I wave for Sofia to join us.


We stand and Sofia and I fuss around her, smoothing her hair and fixing her gown. She chose the most beautiful, yet simple gown I have ever seen and it drapes off her lithe frame like pools of cream. She grew her hair for this event and it’s piled high on her head with a few romantic tendrils around her face.

“You are a breathtaking bride, Francesca,” I say.

She smiles at me and takes a deep breath. “Grazie.”

I squeeze her hand and walk to the door, motioning for Enzo as all the women pile out of the kitchen.

“She’s ready,” I say to Enzo.

“Okay. I will get everyone set up.”

I watch him walk down the hill, looking handsome and debonair in his tuxedo. A warm breeze floats through the air, lifting the edge of my dress with it. He turns back almost on cue and smiles at me before running his fingers through his hair. Could there be a sexier man on the planet? My guess is no.

My whole body shivers when I think about getting my hands on him again later. I thought I was constantly horny for him before, but that feeling has only intensified since the babies were born. The doctor insists its hormones, but I think it’s the knowledge that he would do anything for me and our little joys.

Francesca lines up behind me as Sofia takes her place in front of me. Looking back at my sister in law, I wink as Franco opens the huge French doors. A symphony starts to play as we start the wedding procession. As we approach, my eyes shift to Eduardo who stares at his beautiful bride. The loving expression on his face warms my heart. My eye catches Enzo’s, who is staring at me, of course. My hearts flitters a bit in my chest, just as it has every moment since I first laid eyes on Enzo. I have to fight the urge to kick off my heels and run across the grass to him.

We get Francesca to the front then find our seats. Enzo sits next to me, his hand twisted in mine. As the vows are read, all I can do is think back to my own. Weddings seem to do this to me. Who would have ever thought I would have a life like this and a man like Enzo would be mine?

“Che cosa pensi, amore?” Enzo whispers, asking me my thoughts. I love how when we are here, he only speaks Italian. It’s improved my speaking skills, and it’s oh so sexy.

“Thinking about our wedding and our life. And you. As soon as we can you know I’m going to ravish you, right?”

“I look forward to it.” He lifts my hand and kisses it. “I can’t believe my baby sister is getting married.”

“I know. It’s so wonderful. She’s the last of the single women in my life. One by one, we’ve married them all off, babe. Now they can all start catching up with us and have some babies.”

My attention shifts to Cassie as she moves uncomfortably in her chair. Turning around she whispers, “Could you find the pregnant chick a more comfy chair for crying out loud?”

“Cassie, shh, and you’ll be fine. It’s just a few more minutes and then you can get up again.”

“Thank God. My ankles are swelling already,” she whispers and Chris rubs her back.

Our attention turns back to the couple as they finish their vows. My eyes well with tears as Eduardo lifts Francesca’s veil and seals their vows with a kiss. A chorus of sobs from the women in the audience fills the air as the symphony begins to play again. We all stand and clap as the couple passes through us on their way to the other side of the yard for the reception.

I lean over and whisper in Enzo’s ear. “Don’t get too tired. You’re mine tonight.”

“I’m yours every night, my princess.”

Enzo and I walk hand in hand to the reception area. I’m excited to have so many people here and our yard is bustling with activity. With all the Italian women here from the area and from Enzo’s hometown, I don’t have to lift a finger. Everyone loves a wedding.

“Amore,” Enzo leans in whispering in my ear. “Let’s get away from this place for a moment. Everyone will be here until the sun comes up and I need to be alone with you.”

“Alone? Where are we going?”

“To a special place I found this morning. Come.”

He pulls my hand through the crowd who hardly notices us. Everyone’s attention is on the bride and groom, as it should be. We walk out front and climb in our tiny little Fiat we purchased recently.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, even though I don’t care. I’d go anywhere with this man. He turns and winks at me, but says nothing as we drive through the winding fields of Tuscany. Just minutes later, he turns off to the right and drives down a small dirt road. As we approach the top of the hill he motions for me to look straight ahead.

Just over the hill, with the sun low in the sky, is the most spectacular field of sunflowers I’ve ever seen in my life. There must be thousands of them and they seem to go on forever. I clap my hands like an excited child.

“Oh, Enzo, it’s so beautiful.”

“Yes, like you, my love. Come on.”

I step out of the car and start to walk towards the field, but notice Enzo isn’t with me. When I turn back, he’s standing in front of the car with a bright, red blanket in his hand.

“What are you doing over there, Enzo?”

“Making another Ava fantasy come true,” he says, smiling seductively as he approaches me.

His comment makes me giggle. “I always enjoy your fantasies. This one involves me and a field of sunflowers?”

“It involves you
in a field of sunflowers.” Enzo leans in and kisses my neck, running his fingers through my hair. I press my body into his as our bodies sway together.

After all this time and countless lovemaking sessions, I’ve never tired of his touch. It thrills and excites me each time like it’s the first time. Throwing my head back, I feel the sun on my back and Enzo’s lips setting fire to my skin. My hands explore his body as we stand, kissing passionately, in this most idyllic landscape.

I feel my zipper slide down the back of my dress and the soft breeze swirl over my bare skin. Enzo pushes it off my shoulders and it slides to the ground. Staring into his deep blue eyes, I slowly unbutton his dress shirt, exposing his sexy olive skin beneath it. I lean forward and plant kisses along his chest as he pulls me closer. My hands slide lower and stroke him through his slacks, revealing his desire for me. Pulling his belt open, it’s just moments before I’ve got it and his pants off.

He breaks free of me for just a moment to lay the blanket down on a small clearing he found. Taking my hand, he pulls me down. As I lay on my back, I smile as Enzo removes the last piece of material hiding his magnificent nakedness. He gets on his knees and unhooks my bra. He taps my hips and I lift up so he can remove my panties. Enzo stares at me for a moment, running his hand from my neck, down across my breasts, over my stomach, and resting between my legs.

“You are so stunning, Ava. So beautiful. So mine. I’m incredibly lucky that I’m the man who gets to make love to you for the rest of my life. Thank you for choosing me.”

“Enzo…” I try to speak, but my words get caught in my throat. I still can’t fully comprehend the depth of love this man has for me. “Make love to me.”

“Oh I plan to, signora.” Enzo leans forward and lifting me by the waist, pulls me onto his lap. I slide onto his glorious erection. His body fills mine, as his words fill my heart. We move as one, the late evening sun washing down over us, surrounded by the flower that started it all.

As our bodies undulate together, I turn towards the sun. My words to Enzo the first time we were in Italy come rushing back. He’s like the sun and good things came to me as soon as I turned to him.

Tears of joy and ecstasy roll down my cheeks as I whisper in my beloved’s ear. “Ti amo, amore mio. Per sempre.”

Enzo looks at me, his eyes blazing with passion. “We are one, Ava. My heart beats when yours does. You have my love, my heart, and my life. Per sempre.”

I close my eyes, filled with love for this man, soaking up the final rays of sun that shine down on us.


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