Triple Threat (16 page)

Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Triple Threat
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“I thought you left,” I said.


I thought he sounded strange. “Are you OK?”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. “I’m real good.” Then I realized he was drunk. “I wanna do you all night long.” Then he kissed me a bit forcefully as he held me close to him.

“Not here, Noah. Please,” I begged him. I tried to pull away, but he clutched me tightly.

He started opening my blouse buttons. “Yes here. I want Chad to see me doing it. You’re too close to him.”

I tried to push him away. “Stop, Noah, not here. No.” We were out in the open and there were a few people near us.

“You don’t want me anymore?” He was getting angry. “You want Chad to give it to you instead? Is that it?” He unzipped his pants and then put his hand under my skirt and into my panties. “I’m not giving you up without a fight.”

I looked around, afraid Chad would be hurt by seeing us. “Please, stop it. Wait until we get home.”

“Cut it out!” Giovanni suddenly growled. “Get off her. She said no, and you’re in public.” He pulled me away from Noah.

My blouse was all the way open. Giovanni only looked at my chest for a few seconds. Then he took me in his arms. “Did he hurt you?”

“No.” I looked up at him. “He’s just drunk.”

He released me a bit. I buttoned my blouse as he shielded me from everyone around. He touched my cheek. “Should I take him home?” He looked over my shoulder at Noah. “Close your pants, man!”

“It’s OK. I have to drive his car. I’ll take him to my house,” I told Giovanni.

He took my face in his hands. “Wait for me at your place. I’ll carry him upstairs. He’s probably gonna pass out.”

“Come on, Noah.” I said, pulling him by the hand.

“Only if I can fuck you all night.”

“Fine, whatever.” I knew he couldn’t do that.

He could barely stand up. When we got to his car he took his keys out and jumped into the driver’s seat. I snatched the keys from him, quickly.

“I can drive just fine,” he slurred.

“If you think that, then you’re drunker than I thought."

“I’m not drunk.”

“No, you’re a fucking wreck. Move over, I’m driving!”

“Fine, but I’m still fucking you.”

Giovanni arrived just after I parked near my apartment house. “Thanks. I don’t know what I would do without you,” I said as he lifted Noah out of the car.

“Told you he’d pass out. There’s no way I could let you try to get him in bed yourself.”

After he put Noah down on my bed, I heard Noah mumbling to himself. I stayed in the living room.

“Do you want me to stay here in case he gets aggressive again?” Giovanni asked as he came back to me. “I don’t want him to make you do something you don’t want to. It looked like he would have screwed you right there in the hallway if I didn’t stop him.”

I sighed. “I’ll be OK. Thanks.”

He caressed my cheek then leaned down to me, but pulled back quickly. I thought he was going to kiss me. His eyes closed for a second. “You sure?”


“If you need me, please call. I’ll come back quick, OK?” Then he wrapped his arms around me and held me as close as possible. “I couldn’t take it if he hurt you.”

I felt like he was trying to tell me something, but I didn’t know what. I thought he was sad or nervous. “Are you OK?” I asked him.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll get over it.”

“Get over what?”

“Nothing. Forget it.” He ran his hands over my back. “Go back to your
. I gotta get home.” He quickly kissed my lips, let me go and left.

I locked the deadbolt on my front door and leaned back on it. I was so confused by Giovanni. He didn’t make sense sometimes. I hoped there wasn’t something wrong. I didn’t want to lose him. I smiled thinking about him kissing me on my bed months ago. Noah didn’t even make me feel
good. I wished I had the guts to tell Giovanni I was in love with him.

After taking a shower, I walked to my room and looked at Noah on the bed. I was surprised to find him naked. His clothes were all over the floor and he had a raging hard-on. I really wished he could please me like Chad did.

I debated on wearing pajamas to bed or not. He might be insulted if I wore clothes while he was wasn’t. Soon I got in the bed as bare as he was. I pulled the blanket out from under him and got it over us both.

I lay there on my back, with my eyes closed for a few minutes, thinking about how I really felt about Noah. I liked him a lot and loved the things we did together. Well, I didn’t love our sex life, but Chad helped with that. The problem was that I didn’t love Noah. I loved Giovanni.

Then Noah jumped on top of me. “Wait ’til you see how long I can go now.” He grabbed my hands and held them down tightly as I felt him starting to push inside of me.

“No. Noah, don’t!” I pushed him with my body. I couldn’t let him do it without a condom. I closed my legs tightly. “Please, you need a condom on.”

He used his knees to force my legs open. “No, I don’t.” Then he got in me almost all the way as I cried out in pain.

“Yes, you do!” I tried to fight the tears that were at the surface, but a few fell. “Please Noah, you’re hurting me!”

I tried to remind myself he was drunk and couldn’t control himself. But he was driving in and out of me roughly and it hurt. He kept hitting my cervix and I swore he was tearing my skin inside.

I took a deep breath and started to fight to get out from under him. It took all of my strength, but I was able to get him off me. Then I jumped off the bed. I took a few deep breaths. I did want to see if drinking changed how sex felt with him, but that scene had been pretty frightening and painful. I hoped it never happened again.

When I was calm again, I looked up. Noah was lying on his back. As soon as I came close to the bed he said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just want you so bad.”

I looked at him. “That really hurt! How could you do that to me? You know you’re too big for me!”

“I’m so sorry. Really,” he replied. “I get a little aggressive when I’m drunk. I won’t do it again, Crystal. Please.”

I started to relax. But I regretted letting Giovanni leave. He would be so pissed if he knew what Noah had just done.

Then Noah opened my nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom. “If I put this on, will you let me show you how much better it is when I drink?”

“Yeah,” I replied, curious. I was still a little nervous. I got up on the bed, slowly.

Noah came to me right away and started to kiss me. After a few minutes, I got into it and thrust my tongue into his mouth. Then our kissing became more and more intense. I started to want him.

Suddenly his fingers drove into my pussy. I didn’t even feel his hand move. He did that so well. He massaged my clit as he stroked my sweet spot. It only took less than a minute for me to cry out in pleasure.

Then he quickly got me on my stomach and got on top of me.

“No, no. I don’t want to. Not like this please!” I had never let anyone but Chad do me that way and planned on keeping it like that.

He got up. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to watch your tattoo move.”

I turned back over and watched Noah put the condom on. Then he got on top of me again. He pushed into me slowly that time. I was relieved he didn’t hurt me again. He took only one of my hands in his and held it down.

After ten minutes or so, I felt only a little pleasure and it didn’t feel like it was leading anywhere. It wasn’t even as good as what I was used to him doing. He
doing it longer than usual, though.

“You don’t like it, do you?” Noah suddenly asked.

“It’s still not enough. I’m sorry.”

“Whatever you need, I’ll do it.” He sounded like he was getting sober.

“Maybe go faster or harder or both. I don’t know.”

He kissed my lips. Then his hips moved faster. I did like that. I finally could feel him stroking where I liked. It helped me figure out what he was doing wrong. He still wasn’t coming out enough before driving back in.

I picked up my legs more and he began pushing harder then started alternating shallow and deep thrusts. All of a sudden, I felt such amazing ecstasy building. I gripped his shoulder and closed my eyes. It started to feel a little like how Chad did it. He picked up his pace even more and I moaned. It had gotten even better.

“Now you like it. Come on make some noise for me.” Noah whispered, breathlessly.

I did as he asked, while he gave me even more. I couldn’t believe it was really Noah on top of me. He never made me feel that way. Then I felt it coming.

I screamed as my body shook fiercely. It was so powerful. “God, Chad!”

Noah pulled out and lifted off of me. There was a pause and then I heard, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

I quickly opened my eyes and realized what I had done. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just…”

fucking him, aren’t you?”

I didn’t know how to fix it. “Noah, it was just a mistake. Please, keep going. I won’t do it again. I’m sorry.”

He got off the bed. “I should’ve known. You disappear with him all the time and you’re always at his house. Did you fuck him after your shower that day? Did you?” He was yelling at that point. “Is that why you were so happy? He gives you what you want, doesn’t he?”

I started crying. I couldn’t answer him. It was all true. He finally figured it all out. “Noah, please don’t…”

“Don’t what? Ask for the truth? Are you sleeping with Chad, too?”

I put my hands over my face.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He picked up his clothes then left the room.

I was so mad at myself. I knew I hurt him really badly. Then my phone rang. I looked at it. It was Giovanni.

I sniffled, “Hello.”

“Crystal, what’s wrong? Did he hurt you?”

“I can’t talk now.”

Noah shouted from another room. “Is that Chad, wanting to fuck you again?”

“Why’s he yelling at you again?” Giovanni asked. “I’m coming over.”

“No, don’t.”

Noah came in the room and snatched the phone then shouted into it. “You want her? You can have her!” Then he threw it at me and screamed. “I’m outta here. You’re really a bitch, you know?”

I couldn’t even pick up the phone. After Noah had slammed the door, I lay down and cried.

Sometime later, there was a knock on my apartment door. I ignored it. Then I heard, “Crystal, open the door. I need to know you’re OK.” It was Giovanni.

I wrapped the sheet around me and opened the door. Then I got back in bed.

Giovanni followed me. “Where’s Noah?”


“What happened? Did he hurt you?”

I looked up at him. “I called him someone else’s name.”


“I can’t tell you.”


Then I started to cry again. I heard him take off his shoes. Then he was on my bed, holding me. He stroked my hair and caressed my bare back. He didn’t let me go until my tears dried up.

“Do you want me to stay with you? You shouldn’t be alone.”


He helped me lay down. The sheet moved and exposed part of my breast. “You’re naked, aren’t you?” He asked as he covered me back up.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“If I get you pajamas, would you put them on? Please?”

I nodded and he got off the bed. I directed him to the right drawer and he sorted through my clothes then pulled out a sexy black pair. I saw him grin, which made me smile too. When he brought them to me, I untangled myself from the sheet and started to take it down.

“No, no. Wait.” He quickly left the room. “I can’t see you naked.”

When I was dressed, I shouted, “It’s safe now.”

Giovanni came back in the room. Then he lay down next to me and pulled me into his arms.

I leaned on his chest and clung to him. I just wept uncontrollably, letting it all out.

“It’s OK, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear, making me feel so safe and loved. He had never called me that before. I wanted to tell him I loved him, so badly.

“Don’t let go, please. Not ever.”

He put a hand through my hair. “Never, Crystal. I wanna hold you forever.”


“Thanks, guys,” Rosario said, his arms around my and his brother’s shoulders.

We had surprised him with a going away party in mid-January at Chad’s. He hadn’t been able to find another job. His solution was to join the Marines.

I hugged him, trying to express how I felt before he started drinking. “I’m gonna miss you. I’ll even miss all your lewd comments and you almost fucking me on stage.” Tears started to fall, and I moved away from him. “Please come home in one piece.” Then I just fell apart.

Giovanni quickly came to me and took me in his arms. “It’s OK. He’ll be fine,” Giovanni assured me. “I’m worried too, but he’s smart and resourceful. I’ll always be here for you.”

“I know,” I whined. I feared him getting shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan and dying.

Chad rubbed my back. “Baby, we’re all here for you. We’ll get through it together, like everything else.”

“I’ll stay with you every night to keep the nightmares away if you want.” Giovanni promised soft enough that only I could hear him.

Within a few minutes, Giovanni had calmed me. He took my hand in his and kissed it. I smiled at him. I loved when he did that. I just wished it meant he loved me.

“Hey baby, are we partying or what?” I looked up to see a pretty blond girl hanging on Rosario.

He smiled at her. “There’s a party in my pants dying to be set free.” He kissed her lips. “Wanna help me out with it?”

“For you, anything,” she replied.

Rosario had the reputation of being an excellent lover. I had no desire to find out if it was true. We watched him lead the girl to the hallway that led to the bedrooms.

“Don’t even
of fucking her in my room.” Chad called to him.

Giovanni looked up at Chad. “He’s not that bad. He never touched my room as far as I know.” Then he looked at me. “Now I can replace that nasty couch.”

“Yeah.” I burst out laughing.

Chad asked, “What about the couch?”

“You don’t wanna know some of the things Rosario has done on that couch, right, Crystal?” Giovanni was laughing too.

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