Triple Threat (15 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Triple Threat
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Within a minute, I whimpered into his hand, and my whole body tensed and trembled. I clutched the blanket and I screamed even louder as it lasted. It felt like I hadn’t cum in weeks. I couldn’t regain control. The shaking continued for what felt like ten minutes.

“That’s it, baby, keep cumming!” He didn’t quite shout it, but was louder than I wanted him to be.

Then there was a knock on the door. I was still thrashing under Chad and he was still thrusting fast.

“Hey, you OK? You’re taking so long.” It was Noah’s voice.

Chad started hitting into me even harder and faster. I knew it was because it excited him that my boyfriend was on the other side of the door. “She’s in the shower. She hates to feel nasty.” He leaned down and whispered. “We should do this more often. I wish he could hear you scream for me.”

“OK, just let her know I’m gonna make a phone call.”

“You can wait right there… if you want… and keep talking.” Chad was enjoying it too much. “I’ll give it… to her.” He slammed into me hard. “I’ll give it to her good.”

He pulled his cock all the way out and rammed it back in harder than ever. I cried out, surprised by a sudden amazing orgasm. I yanked at the blanket, exposing the sheet and shook my head a bit.

“Huh?” Noah said.

“Never mind. Let me… finish this.”

I felt guilty, but I needed a good fuck, and Noah couldn’t give it to me. Chad then lifted me onto my knees and got behind me. When he pushed into me again, the angle had changed. He grabbed my waist and his thrusts came faster. I couldn’t help but scream again, my body almost convulsing from the sheer power behind it.

“Tell her I miss her,” Noah suddenly added.

Breathlessly, Chad replied, “Yeah… sure… I’ll… oh… tell her.” Then he whispered, “God, baby… when I cum… I’m gonna explode!”

We could hear Noah walking away, but by then I wanted Chad to stop. It was getting to be too much. I felt lightheaded. Like I was about to pass out.

“Ready, baby?” he asked for some reason.

I nodded. I was sure he meant the end was coming.

“Crystal… Damn… oh, baby!” He shoved in hard and grasped me tighter. “Oh!” Then I felt the pulsating of his cock as it let out his release. He lightly ran his fingers down my back as it continued for a long while. “Oh, God! I love you, baby.” He gripped me again as he ground his hips into my ass. I heard his breathing slow and the tension leave his body. “That was the best, seriously!”

I felt the same way. When he let my mouth go and pulled out, I turned over under him and looked up. “You’re not kidding.” I agreed. I was almost as spent as our first time together.

He leaned down and kissed me several times. “I live to please you, you know. I’ll do that for you forever if you let me.” He lay down on me. “I’m fucking exhausted.”

As soon as we could both get up, I went to the bathroom to wash up and put makeup back on. Then I got dressed fast, and so did Chad. I left my hair wet, so it was obvious Chad was not lying about the shower.

He kissed me one last time on the lips. “Baby, you have that just-fucked smile on your face.” Then he opened the bedroom door.

“You look so much more relaxed,” Noah commented when I sat down next to him, in the garage.

I was so glad they had moved to the garage while Chad and I were at it. It would have been humiliating if any of them heard us.

Noah put his fingers through my wet hair. “It looks pretty this way too.” Then he leaned me back and kissed me.

I tried not to get mad that he did that in front of the guys. I saw Giovanni and Chad both look away from us. Everything was making me feel guilty.

I was very happy when Rosario suddenly said, “We gotta start practicing again, guys.”

Chad and I picked up our guitars and started playing “Where Is She?” Our first punk rock song. It was the fake song Chad told Noah about on the phone.

It went smoother than the other times we had played it. Rosario remembered all the words for once and had started his signature jumping as he sang. Giovanni seemed to like playing that kind of beat. He looked like he was having fun with it. I still loved watching him move as he slammed on the drums.

I couldn’t help but think that without Rosario we could branch out enough to be truly popular all over. Giovanni, Chad and I could play anything. That song proved we could. But Rosario needed too much practice to do anything other than heavy metal. We wasted a lot of time trying to make him understand he couldn’t just scream and growl all the time.

Noah seemed to be watching Chad and I very closely. I could sense he knew something was going on between us. “Hey, it turned out really good,” he commented when we stopped. “Maybe it was better I wasn’t there that night.”

Chad burst out laughing and walked away.

“What’s up with him?” Giovanni asked me, touching my shoulder from behind.

I closed my eyes at his touch, but then I felt my face heating up, knowing why Chad found it so funny. “You know Chad. He’s hard to explain.”

“I think you guys wrote a great song.” Giovanni’s hand slid down my arm slowly. Then he whispered in my ear. “Love is so hard to find.”

I felt tears welling up because I was still in love with him. “And sometimes it’s too easy.


I don’t like that outfit,” Noah huffed. We were sitting at a table in the Philadelphia club where we were headlining.

I sighed. I was tired of him commenting on my clothes. My skirt was super-short and my blouse was cut so low my blue bra was visible, but I liked it.

“Why do you show off so much skin?” he asked. “Some guy is gonna get the wrong idea and think you’ll fuck anything.”

I looked at him a bit angry. “Then that’s their problem. I shouldn’t have to cover up because of one asshole.”

Noah signaled the waitress and got yet another drink. He’d already had two. I hoped he didn’t get drunk. He picked up my hand. “I just hate the way they’re all looking at you.”

I looked around. The place was noisy and packed, which was unusual for the first Friday in December. The band up on stage was awesome. Their music was a variety of punk, alternative and hard rock. On an amplifier, I saw their name: “Main Street.”

I also saw Chad and Giovanni talking to Rosario in a corner. Giovanni looked my way every once in awhile. He looked a bit upset.

A guy stopped at our table. “Hey, Crystal, you’re just awesome.” He was obviously a fan. “I’m Barry. Can I take a picture of the two of us?”


He pulled me out of my chair. I had to let go of Noah, which pissed him off. Barry held me close to him, at his side, causing a lot more cleavage to spill out of my top. Then he took a picture with his phone.

“Thanks, Crystal. You really are the coolest female musician ever,” Barry said. Then he kissed my cheek and hugged me tight. “You’re as hot as your pictures. You have a rockin’ body, and you’re so sexy.”

Noah punched the table. “Get back here!” he growled and pulled me back to him.

“Sorry,” I said to Barry.

“This shit has to stop! You’re
girlfriend!” His volume rose with each syllable.

Rosario came over to us. “You guys OK?”

“Fine,” Noah replied angrily.

Rosario looked at me. “He was yelling at you. Something wrong, Crystal?” Then Giovanni and Chad suddenly appeared.

“These fucking guys won’t leave her alone.” Noah shouted, scanning the crowd with a scowl. “Why the fuck do they gotta keep looking at her and touching her?”

“Dude, chill out,” Rosario told Noah. Then he put his hands on my shoulders and asked me, “Do you want me to get rid of him?” He didn’t like Noah either.

Noah stood up, looking like he was going to explode. “What the hell is going on here, Crystal? Are you really fucking the three of them and me?”

“Lower your voice, man,” Giovanni strongly suggested. “You’re gonna get thrown out. Look, I don’t like it either, but she’s got a lotta fans. Do you see this crowd? This is the first time we attracted so many people. We won’t put her in harm’s way. I promise.”

I looked up at Noah. “Please, Noah. Just try and deal with it.”

Noah sat down and picked up my hand again. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I hate sharing you.”

“So we’re good here?” Chad asked.

Noah replied, “Yeah, I guess I overreacted. I need another drink.”

After the other guys walked away, Main Street’s singer came our way. Their set had ended. I grabbed his arm. “Hey, you were great.”

He stopped and smiled at me. “You’re Crystal, right?”

“You know me?” I asked.

“Every band knows you. You’re the sexiest bassist on the east coast. I’m Jason. Glad to finally meet you.” He held out his hand.

I took it and replied, “Thanks, nice to meet you too. This is Noah.”

They also shook hands. Then Jason got a drink and sat with us. He was a really nice guy. We watched and listened to the next band that had already started playing. I felt Jason’s band was better.

I looked at Noah. He wasn’t Giovanni, but he was as close as I was ever going to get. I loved how he reminded me of Giovanni at times. The way he held me when I was upset or how he kissed my fingers. I liked when Giovanni did that. I didn’t like how angry he got about fans or my pictures, but there was just so much more to him. I knew I didn’t love him, but maybe that would come with time.

Then I sighed. I couldn’t help but think about Noah’s frustrating problem in the bedroom. Together we found a few things that helped him last at least as long as me. And I had imagined he was Giovanni to make me cum faster. He seemed so worth all the work we had to do to make sex better, but I was sick of feeling unsatisfied until I was with Chad again.

When Phil the roadie came to us, I was surprised. “It’s almost time to go on,” he told me.

“OK, I’m coming.” I didn’t realize so much time had passed. I kissed Noah, said goodbye to Jason and then followed Phil. I hadn’t even noticed Mark was doing soundchecks.

“Giovanni asked me to get you.” Phil told me as we walked. “He said not to say anything to Noah.”

Soon he brought me to Giovanni who was in the back hallway. He took my hand and pulled me into an empty room. I looked around, not getting why we were in there.

Giovanni picked up my hands and looked into my eyes. “Is Noah really treating you right? You don’t seem happy.”

“It’s nothing. He’s good to me.” I couldn’t tell him what Chad knew, that Noah still couldn’t please me enough.

I smiled at him. If only he felt the same. I was sure he would be better in bed than Noah, maybe as good as Chad.

He touched my face. “You’re not telling me something. I see it in your eyes. What is it?”

“Nothing,” I lied. I wanted to kiss him again. I looked away from him, hoping he couldn’t see I still wanted to be with him.

He kissed my forehead. “I’m here for you anytime. Really.” Then he hugged me.

I started to feel guilty because Noah was not far away. But Giovanni’s strong arms felt so good. I felt safe and almost content.

Then Chad came in the room. “Baby, you OK?”

Giovanni let me go and backed away. “She just looked sad. Is that guy out there being good to her?”

“She says he is,” Chad replied. “You see something too, huh?”

Giovanni answered, “There’s something off about him. She only seems happy every couple of days.”

Chad smiled, widely. He knew that was after he and I slept together. But I was sure he wouldn’t mention it. “Yeah, that’s not enough. I want her to be happy all the time.”

I shook my head at them talking around me. “Do you two even know I’m in the room? Noah’s good to me, OK?”

Mark stuck his head in the room and called for Giovanni. He touched my shoulder and then left the room. I had the feeling he did care more than he said. But wasn’t sure if it was enough for us to have a relationship one day.

“Baby, is he still doing what you told me in bed?”

I looked down. “We found a way to make it better, but it’s not enough.”

“You told him?” I heard Noah ask, angrily. I picked up my head and saw him standing behind Chad. “I asked you not to.”

I felt terrible. “I’m sorry. I already had when you said that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me it wasn’t good enough for you? I can’t fix it if you don’t say anything.”

“I didn’t wanna hurt your feelings.”

“So this is better? Finding out that Chad knows more than I do about how you feel? Do you at least like it a little?”

Chad looked jealous. “Baby, I’ll wait for you in the hallway. We only got a few more minutes.” Then he left us alone.

I moved towards Noah. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t hurt you. I need more. I’m sorry. Can you try and do it again right after maybe?”

“I can try, but I’ve lived with this problem a long time. There’s not much that works. I really don’t even like doing what I have been to make it better for you. It takes away some of the romance of it. I wish I could fix this stupid problem.”

I hugged him and sensed how inadequate it made him feel. That was why I didn’t tell him. “Maybe you could start out with something else and make me catch up to you. It has to work somehow.”

“Crystal, we need you!” Rosario called to me from somewhere.

I could hear Giovanni playing around with his drums. “I gotta go. We’ll talk about this tonight. Maybe we can try something new.” Then I kissed him and ran to get out on stage.

As we played, occasionally I looked at Noah. He was sitting at a table and seemed to have a drink in his hand the whole set. I hoped he wasn’t still upset about me telling Chad about his issue in bed.

The crowd was lively that night and it felt great. I heard my name yelled out a few times. I also heard the guys’ names. We did “Where Is She?” and it got an amazing response. Obviously, we were going in the right direction musically.

When we were done and off the stage, a girl jumped into Rosario’s arms. He never turned a girl down. I saw Giovanni roll his eyes. I wondered if he would get any sleep. If not for Noah, I would invite him to sleep at my place.

When I went looking for Noah, I couldn’t find him. I thought he might have left, so I went out to the parking lot. His car was still there. When I came back inside, he was standing against a wall in the back with his arms folded across his chest.

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