Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance

BOOK: Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance
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It is in the heart of every Christian leader to wish that their children would follow in their steps and one day take up their own cross and follow Jesus into Christian ministry. Seeing this become a reality is very wondrous and gratifying, but seeing this happen and continue under a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit is all the more wonderful. I am very proud of my daughter Lori, who is pastoring in Birmingham, England and championing the tenets of our biblical evangelical faith, and doing it from the foundation of the Father’s great love. And yes, she continues to experience revival fire and the Holy Spirit’s wonderful, life-giving Presence.

Thank you, Lori, for such an honoring account of the recollections of your early years and your surprise and delight with the revival that later came and was ours to lead and enjoy. I know you are as proud of me as I am proud of you.

May this book encourage you, the reader, to be inspired and committed to see revival pass on to the next generation, and then the next. And may the PKs and the MKs of this world be encouraged to “…contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3 NKJV).

John Arnott

Catch the Fire Ministries, Toronto

I think the most exciting thing that any parent can experience is watching their children become successful in living their lives fulfilling their destinies. As parents, I think we sometimes fear that our dysfunctional behavior will so influence the child that they may not become all that Father has envisioned when He created them. When I read Joshua’s chapter in
Sons of God’s Generals
about living his life with legends, I experienced again the pride of a parent who has had the privilege of seeing their child overcome the obstacles of life and embrace their identity and live their destiny. For Joshua, we always knew he was to become a warrior, but life for him was often characterized by the term
. Success in life is not always guaranteed just because you grew up in a home with good parents. You still have to make your own choices in response to their parenting model.

Reading this book, I feel, will help the reader to understand that life with legends does not necessarily mean you will have a problem-free life. In his chapter, Joshua helps you understand the whole heart of a prodigal son trying to live life outside of the comforts of a good home. Other children of generals in this book express what life in their environment was like with their legends of legacy. You will laugh and cry and be given the opportunity to judge each general, but I pray that you will have grace for each of us and that you will embrace the courage that this book offers to help you live and become a legend in your own right. Thank you, sons, for writing this book, for the honor you have shown to us generals. You make me proud to be placed into a position to watch the next legends develop into generals.

Trisha Frost

Author of
and cofounder of Shiloh Place Ministry

Mary is an extraordinary person, truly a woman of destiny, with an equally extraordinary calling on her life. It has been a joy and honor to be her parents, to see her mature over the years, and to witness how well she has handled the pressures and expectations of having parents who are pastors and also founders of Harvest International Ministry. (HIM is an apostolic network of churches that is comprised of over 20,000 churches in over 50 nations.) As hard as it has been for her to see her father travel so often, Mary has also traveled the world and these travels have gifted her with a unique perspective and passion for the poor with a heart to eradicate injustice and systemic poverty globally. We love Mary deeply, and as with all of our adult children, we are very proud of her.

Che and Sue Ahn

Sr. Pastors, HRock Church

President and founder, Harvest International Ministry

Lineage and legacy are important relational commodities in the Kingdom of God. A culture of honor is an admirable goal but only if it includes honesty, dialogue, and mutual exchange. I could not be more pleased with the edgy, transparent musings and observations presented by my oldest son, Justin Goll, for this strategic book. I laughed, I cried, I applauded. He wrote with an equal dose of candor and respect. His chapter alone is worth the price of this book! May the true joining of the generations come forth!

James W. Goll

Encounters Network—Prayer Storm—GET eSchool
Author of
The Seer
The Lifestyle of a Prophet,
The Lost Art of Intercession
and many others

Sons of God’s Generals
is an engaging look into the lives of the sons, in my case the firstborn, of some of today’s generals of the faith. How did the absence of their fathers and in some cases the mothers from the home for significant periods of time affect the children? How did the fame of the fathers affect their children? How did the ministries of the fathers and mothers affect their sons and daughters? How did the passion of the fathers and mothers for the Kingdom of God affect the children? Told from the perspective of the now adult children in a way no one else could tell it. Read and learn what it was like living in the family of generals of the faith.

Randy Clark

Founder and president of Global Awakening and
the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening

It is a sheer delight to recommend this book. God shines through Crystalyn’s descriptive writing and we laughed and cried as we read her powerful chapter.

Through the years, the Lord has been directing us and showing us what He is most of all interested in. We pray, as you read this book, that God too will cause you to reach out more and more to the ones closest to you, and to the nearest desire of His heart—family.

Heidi and Rolland Baker

Founders, Iris Global

Authors of
Always Enough
Expecting Miracles

You and I will read together for the first time Yana’s story: our family story, as seen through her eyes. Are we anxious, excited, nervous, proud? Of course we are! We wonder how our seemingly normal life that was turned upside down by the Holy Spirit really affected her.

Global travels, road school, seeing the nations, visiting the poor, loving the gypsies, feeding the multitudes in Africa with the Bakers… all has obviously given her a rare perspective. With the Lord’s help, it has molded her into the beautiful young woman, wife, and mother that she is today.

We couldn’t be more proud of her as she is enjoying being a mother, a ‘foodie’, a writer, an artist, and yes, our one and only daughter. We look forward to many more of her creative expressions. After all, aren’t we all involved in telling the greatest story of all time?

Love, Georgian & Winnie Banov

Founders, Global Celebration

© Copyright 2014–Joshua Frost, Eric Johnson, Lori Arnott Lawlor, Justin Goll, Yana Banova-Brink, Crystalyn Human, Mary Ahn, Joshua Clark

All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Please note that Destiny Image’s publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers’ styles.


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ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-0427-2

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We, the children of the generals being written about in this book, wish to honor these generals by dedicating this book to them. Thank you, Moms and Dads, for loving us unconditionally, for seeing our purpose and being the example that motivated us into our own path of becoming generals for the next generation.

Chapter 1
Son of a General
by Eric Johnson
Chapter 2
What It Was Like
by Crystalyn Human
Chapter 3
The War for Inheritance
by Justin Goll
Chapter 4
Green Grass
by Yana Banova Brink
Chapter 5
All in the Family
by Lori Arnott Lawlor
Chapter 6
Moving Ahn
by Mary Ahn, M.P.P.
Chapter 7
Life After the Altar
by Joshua Clark
Chapter 8
A Journey of Love
by Joshua Frost

This is a thought-provoking yet fun book to read.
Sons of God’s Generals
is an honest look at growing up in the home of various spiritual leaders. I found myself laughing out loud, as well as having tears come to my eyes in reading this manuscript, all because of the transparency and insights of these very real people. What you’re about to read is honest, heart-warming, and sobering all at once. Much wisdom is to be gained from the
Sons of God’s Generals
for anyone wanting to truly leave a legacy to the generations. Thanks to Joshua Frost for the vision for this book.

Bill Johnson

Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Author of
When Heaven Invades Earth
Hosting the Presence


The question that I am often asked when people realize that I am the son of Jack and Trisha Frost is, “What was it like growing up in this household, and how did it affect my relationship with God?” People are interested in other people of notoriety and how they became such people. Their individual life story seems to motivate others in their own life journey, especially if that attainment has been beneficial to help others in their life situations. So after being asked this question throughout my life, I started pondering the idea of this book. I found myself wondering what it was like for others who had grown up under the care of generals in God’s army. What were their struggles as they were trying to find their own identity in life? How did growing up in the home of a general influence their own outcome? This book answers these particular questions and so many more. It will take you on a journey through the lives of the sons and daughters of modern-day Christian generals in God’s army.

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