Trickle Down Tyranny (4 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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He’s been able to do this because he’s refused to follow the U.S. Constitution. The next president must clean house. He must get rid of the dictatorial cabinet secretaries and eliminate the appointment of czars who have commandeered the decision-making under this fascist presidency.

In other words, the next president must restore the Constitution to its rightful place as the foundation of our country’s laws. He must make a new Declaration of Independence against the collectivists who have gained so much power in such a short time under Obama.

The Savage Revolution

Here’s why the advice I’m giving is so important to the next president.

I worry that the Republicans don’t truly understand what the Obama administration is doing to America. They submitted to the left-wing inquisitions that were passed off as “debates” during the Republican presidential primary, and they let themselves be attacked and destroyed by David Axelrod and the labor union cohorts who have formed mobs to perpetuate their corrupt ideology.

The Republican candidates sniped at each other, destroying their own credibility, as if the most important thing was which one of them got nominated, when what is really important is that we find a candidate who knows what is going on and can bring the message to the American people and do something about it when elected.

Part of the problem is this: As I’ve told my listeners over and over, there’s no real difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. They’ve been trading eight-year presidential terms since 1980, with Republicans getting the presidency for two terms, then Democrats for two. At bottom, it doesn’t matter which party you belong to if you’re guilty of ignoring the will of the people and engaging in crony capitalism. By the way he handled the government, from the Fed to the Treasury to Defense, no American president except Ronald Reagan in the past 40 years has done what needed to be done to keep America on a sound military and financial footing.

Things changed in 2008 with the election of Barack Obama. As I explain to you in this book, we face a threat that goes far beyond any we’ve faced since before the fall of the Soviet Union. Barack Obama must be defeated in 2012 if our country is to survive as a free nation. Obama has made a pact with the devil and he’s dragging the American people down with himself as he makes allies of the Islamist dictators in the Middle East and tries to ingratiate himself with the Russian, Chinese, and South American communist regimes.

It’s time for the Savage Revolution.

I’m the only one explaining to you that Obama is in the process of taking our power to govern ourselves out of the hands of the American people and turning it over to a “world government” run by people who hate the U.S. and the freedom it represents.

Along with the Tea Party—which the Republican Party seems determined to damn into irrelevancy—I’m telling you that you’ve got to take back control of the country, through your vote and through the people and policies you support. You’ve got to take what I’m giving you in this book and translate it into action.

I explain to you that we have a chance to vote a naked Marxist president out of office. My work exposes the entire leftist mafia that controls the courts, the schools, and the economy.

The Savage Revolution will enable us to drive them out of power permanently. They’ll still be here, but I am making sure they’ll no longer be able to hide in the shadows, peddling their influence indirectly, affecting policy. They’ll never again have the power to change the United States radically over a short time, as Obama has done.

This can only happen if the message of the Savage Revolution is carried by the Republican candidate.

The Savage Revolution will be built on a return to America’s core values, a reestablishment of the Constitution as the basis of American law. It will mean that America once again asserts itself militarily and economically as the most powerful nation on earth, committed to standing against the tyrannical forces of radical Islam and the radical left. The Savage Revolution will mean developing policy for the good of the American people based on legitimate science and conservative economic principles. It will be characterized by enlightened regulation designed not to restrict American enterprise but to encourage it.

We must demand from our next president nothing less than a commitment to these values, policies, and actions and the restoration of American honor that has been so diminished under Barack Obama.

If Barack Obama is elected for another four-year term, he’ll be president for life. He’ll be the new Hugo Chavez. He’ll do away with the two-term limit and win the 2016 election with 90 percent of the vote.

We have less than six months to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Chapter 2
Tyranny of a Naked Marxist Presidency

Do you remember what happened on December 31, 2011, when most Americans weren’t paying attention?

Let me remind you.

Barack Obama signed into law legislation that spelled out his power as president of the United States to detain any U.S. citizen indefinitely on the grounds that he or she might be a “terrorist.” The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which the president had earlier promised to veto, represents the single most egregious rollback of American civil liberties in our nation’s history. Obama made the move under cover of America’s New Year’s Eve Party, while most Americans were more concerned with having a good time than with losing their freedom.

Even the normally supine ACLU and human rights leftists were stunned by the naked tyranny of the president’s signing this bill into law.

Obama insisted that the reason he signed the bill was to guarantee funding for the military, to support our troops. In the process, he deprived U.S. citizens of the very freedom for which our military is fighting. In fact, despite his insistence to the contrary, it was the president himself who had fought for the right of the Commander-in-Chief to detain American citizens. Obama was outed by radical leftist legislator Carl Levin, who explained what the president was up to on the floor of the Senate. Levin made it clear that the White House had pushed for the law to be applied indiscriminately to American citizens.

In a signing statement issued along with the bill, the president said it was not his intention to use the law against American citizens, another executive statement that Obama clearly has no thought of honoring.

Why do I say that? Because the White House and the Justice Department have fought against bringing any cases involving indefinite detention of American citizens to trial for fear that the courts would overturn their right to abrogate citizens’ constitutional guarantees of freedom from arbitrary arrest. In addition, the administration fought tooth and nail to insure that language barring the law from being applied to Americans was not included.

There is widespread agreement in the legal profession that NDAA violates the U.S. Constitution. But the issue goes much further than simply agreement among lawyers.

Barack Obama has, in three short years, made rapid progress toward bringing the United States under his despotic rule. While America remains blissfully unaware of what he’s doing, this president has accumulated power and authority over every aspect of our lives. This last affront must be the final subversive act we allow Barack Obama to commit. It must be the last time we allow him to strip our country of the guarantees provided in a Constitution Barack Obama not only does not believe in but continually ignores as he takes us closer and closer to his goal of state control of the country.

The president’s latest assault on liberty brings up an important question: Do average Americans have anything to fear if Barack Obama and his cronies retain power after the 2012 elections?

In the following pages, I present the evidence that you haven’t seen anywhere else. That evidence will convince you that you need to be very worried, and not simply about what this president might do to grab more power for himself and take away more of our freedoms if he is reelected. As the absence of outrage in response to his signing of NDAA indicates, most of you haven’t been paying enough attention to what he’s already done.

America’s future hangs in the balance like a loose tooth. While there may not be time to save the tooth, We the People can stop the infection of corruption and power-madness that is going on all around us.

As I’ve told you, the president has in so many cases simply taken the law into his own hands, disregarding the Constitution, the rule of law itself. It doesn’t stop with domestic policy. In addition to the affront to our civil rights that NDAA constitutes, Obama has long been trampling on the Constitution in dealing with U.S. citizens who are enemies of the administration. He hasn’t stopped with simply imprisoning them: He’s gone so far as to kill them.

While most of us rightly celebrate taking Anwar al-Awlaki—the American-born terrorist who masterminded al Qaeda operations from his base in Yemen—off the street, we need to pause and ask some serious questions.

I’ll explain why.

First, al-Awlaki’s murder was the precursor to the president’s blanket approval—through his signing of the NDAA legislation—of rebuking American citizens’ rights. The assassination was conducted under the authority of a secret memo produced by the Justice Department that justified the killing of an American citizen without affording him his right to the due process of law.

The über-liberal
magazine joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in condemning the assassination. Normally I wouldn’t give their opinions the time of day. They’re anti-American and their pronouncements should generally be ignored. In this case, though, the
uncovered evidence that gives legitimacy to their being worried: Eric Holder’s Anti-Justice Department developed a secret memo that authorized the terrorist’s murder—without any other administration lawyers questioning the legality of the action.

The document justifies the assassination of al-Awlaki despite the fact that there is an executive order that bans assassinations and there are protections in the Bill of Rights against such murders. The memo justifies killing an American citizen if he can’t be captured. It was apparently written specifically so the administration could take out al-Awlaki.

It’s not just that Obama has killed an American citizen without affording him his due process rights: He’s done it
in secret
, refusing to have the DOJ release any documentation of the legal reasoning behind the strike!

Do you understand how Obama’s sense of justice works? He and his attorney general want to try foreign national terrorists in the United States, giving them the same rights as U.S. citizens. Yet without giving him so much as a hearing, they assassinate a U.S. citizen accused of the same atrocities as foreign terrorists, without giving al-Awlaki the benefit of a trial.

Jury trials for foreign terrorists, assassination for American citizens.

If Obama can clandestinely kill an American citizen—however deserving he is of being killed—without even making clear the grounds on which he had him taken out, what’s to stop Obama from using the same premise to take out other Americans with whom he disagrees?

The Most Corrupt Administration in Our History

I’ve told you over and over on my radio show that Barack Obama is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this country’s history. He’s bringing Chicago-style politics to Washington. Let me give you an idea of some of the things he’s done that you won’t hear from the mainstream media.

Did you hear that the Obama administration has sold the rights to processing our election results to a private company? That this critical component of free elections—the transparent tabulation of votes—will now be handled not by individual precincts but by a company over which we will have little control?

SOE, a U.S. elections results processing company which has handled processing election results for over 500 American jurisdictions, has typically provided prompt reporting of precinct-level results. However, SOE was recently acquired by SCYTL, a vote-processing company based in Spain, and this compromises the process enormously. Instead of producing election results trackable at the precinct level, votes will be transmitted to a central server, where they will be “counted.” The problem is that once the votes are merged, it will be impossible to go back and check their integrity at the local level.

It is very likely that this is the final step in Barack Obama’s corruption of the voting process. It has the promise of enabling him and his cohorts to control the outcomes of federal elections with no accountability. On top of that, it’s one more step toward the formation of a “global government,” one of the aims of George Soros, whose puppet currently occupies the White House.

Did you know that both Barack and Michelle Obama “voluntarily” gave up their law licenses and are not permitted to practice law in the United States? It’s the same sort of voluntary surrender that Bill Clinton made after he lied under oath.

Are you aware of just how extensive the corruption was when Obama turned stimulus money into a slush fund for his political fundraisers and corporate cronies, pushing “green energy” projects like Solyndra that line the pockets of his crony capitalist contributors at the expense of American taxpayers?

You’ve heard about the “Fast and Furious” project, which put thousands of guns in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the deaths of two American border agents, but do you know that the president and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, dreamed up Fast and Furious, that both were in on it from the start?

How much do you know about the “czars” Obama has appointed to do the work that the president’s cabinet is supposed to do? You may have heard about a few of them, but unless you’ve been listening to my show, you probably don’t know the extent of this end run around your elected officials. Obama relies on dozens of these unvetted leftist cronies, and they have unchecked influence over economic and policy issues. They report only to him, and the administration has told us nothing about who they really are.

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