Trickle Down Tyranny

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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This book is dedicated to those who gave their lives to secure the freedom to write and read as we please



Title Page



Chapter 1 - Advice to the Next President: A Savage Worldview

Chapter 2 - Tyranny of a Naked Marxist Presidency

Chapter 3 - Tyranny of the Government-Media Complex

Chapter 4 - Tyranny of the Treasurer

Chapter 5 - Tyranny of Obama’s Radical Accomplices

Chapter 6 - Tyranny of Obama’s Corporate Cronies

Chapter 7 - Tyranny of the Egghead Wars

Chapter 8 - Tyranny of Treating Our Friends Like Enemies and Our Enemies Like Friends

Chapter 9 - Tyranny of Green Energy

Chapter 10 - Tyranny of the Anti-Justice Department

Chapter 11 - Crushing Obama’s Cadre Before They Crush Us






About the Author

Also by Michael Savage



About the Publisher

Chapter 1
Advice to the Next President: A Savage Worldview

Economies can be rebuilt, armies can be repopulated, but once a nation’s pride is gone it can almost never be restored. The loss of a nation’s honor is something not even centuries can repair. The next president must love America. The next president must embody unequivocally everything that is good about this country going back to its founding.

The next president must be the exact opposite of Barack Obama. He must be a man of high character and strong commitment to American values, because he will be facing problems and issues that no U.S. leader has had to face since the years leading up to World War II. In the late 1930s—only a few years before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor—our economy was still trying to recover from the Great Depression in the face of the policies of a big-government president, our military had been depleted, and our enemies were gathering strength and threatening war on many fronts.

While this was going on, our president and European leaders were hiding their heads in the sand, downplaying the threat from those enemies in much the same way Barack Obama is doing today. The Obama administration is concealing the seriousness of many problems that affect every one of us in our everyday lives.

Let me explain what I mean, by giving you information you won’t hear from any other source:

•  Obama’s economic policies have caused such an enormous rise in the price of the necessities of life that his administration has removed energy and food prices from its financial analysis in order to avoid telling the American people just how bad inflation is.
•  The U.S. Navy—our primary military force in the 21st century—currently has the smallest number of ships we have had since the end of World War I! In 1918, our navy was comprised of 774 ships, it’s down to fewer than 300 today.
Bill Clinton decimated our military forces during the 1990s, and under Barack Obama the problem is getting worse.
•  The gross domestic product of the United States is $15 trillion. The GDP of all the nations on earth together—including the United States—is about $60 trillion. The total debt owed by all the countries and banks and brokerages on the planet is estimated to be $600 trillion, ten times what all our economies combined produce in a year! It’s the same debt that caused the economic crash of 2008—the one that sealed the deal for the election of the first Marxist president of the United States—only it’s grown even bigger than it was then.

At best, Barack Obama will be doing nothing about these issues and the others I’m going to reveal to you here. At worst, he’ll be actively trying to make these critical, potentially crippling problems worse.

In the face of this, the next president must be proud of America, willing to laugh at the lunatic fringe pushing the theory of global warming, courageous enough to take on the big bankers and the dictatorial enemies of freedom that are challenging us in every corner of the world.

The next president must do nothing less than restore America to its position as the supreme military and financial power in the world.

The American people have been kept in the dark about what I’m going to reveal to you in this book. They’ve been fed an endless stream of lies. They’ve had to endure out-and-out thievery by the government at their expense. They’ve had to stand by while the administration revealed its absolutely corrupt character—because the press kept its mouth shut.

Because of this, there is still the possibility that Barack Obama will be reelected.

You heard me.

Call it communism, Marxism, Leninism, socialism, collectivism, call it whatever you like. If we don’t wake up to the reality of the situation, we face another four years of this administration, of the takeover of our country by agents of the very enemy that we’ve been fighting against for more than half a century.

We need to nominate and support the most electable Republican in the field, because an Obama victory in 2012 would doom this country.

I mean that literally.

We will very likely not survive as a free nation after four more years under Obama’s rule.

It’s never been more important that we vote a sitting president out of office. I’m going to explain why as I tell you what the next president of the United States must do to reverse the damage Obama has done. If the man chosen by Republicans to run against Barack Obama will follow the battle plan I outline here, explain to the American people that this is what he’s going to do when he’s elected, we will be able to save our nation from the most insidious and subversive administration in our history.

Returning American Foreign Policy to a Position of Strength

I’ve told the 10 million listeners to
The Savage Nation
radio broadcasts that the Obama foreign policy has been one of appeasing Islamist dictators and bowing to the Chinese and the Russians.

Let me start with Russia.

In 2009, Obama gave in to Russia when he abandoned the idea of installing U.S. missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic that were meant to protect our European and Eastern European allies against Iranian nuclear missile strikes.
It was part of his Russian “reset.” Russia rewarded Obama by threatening to aim its missiles at U.S. European-based missile defense systems and to withdraw from the new START nuclear weapons treaty it has with the United States.

You remember START, right? Obama promised to give up much of our nuclear weapons advantage over the Russians in the naïve interest of eliminating nuclear weapons from the world. The Obama strategy has been one of capitulation to despots around the world. His failure to stand up to the Russians puts the U.S. in greater and greater danger not just of losing our own weapons advantage but of putting our European allies at risk.

The next president of the United States must stand up to Russia, go ahead with the installation of missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic while assuring former Soviet bloc countries that we will stand with them against possible Russian aggression.

China is not far behind Russia in challenging the United States.

Did you know that Chinese president Hu Jintao has directed the Chinese navy to prepare for military combat?

Hu’s militant stance is based on China’s claim that it “owns” the South China Sea and that other nations need to give up any claims to the oil and gas reserves there and to the right to use its shipping lanes without Chinese consent.

Do you know what our administration’s response was?

The Pentagon called for “transparency” on China’s part as the communist nation builds up its navy. Spokesman George Little talked about the “relationship” that the U.S. is “continuing to build with the Chinese military.”

Are you as appalled as I am at the lack of backbone displayed over and over again by our State and Defense departments in the face of China’s ongoing military buildup?

The next president must proclaim publicly to the Chinese that the South China Sea represents international waters and that we will not tolerate any attempts on China’s part to assert itself militarily there. The next president must actively seek the cooperation of countries bordering the South China Sea and of India and Japan in standing up to the Chinese communists on this issue.

We must also stand with India and its neighbors to deny China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean, where the Chinese are currently building naval bases. Improving our political and military alliance with India also strengthens us in the war against the expansion of radical Islam in the Middle East.

Have you taken a close look at what the Obama Middle East foreign policy has done to that region and to the global political balance since early 2011?

Obama supported the ouster of Hosni Mubarak during the spring of 2011.

In late November of that year, the first of a series of “popular” elections was held in Egypt. The Obama administration spent $200 million in support of the first Egyptian “democratic” election.

The results? The radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, along with the conservative Salafist party, won 67 percent of the seats in the new Egyptian parliament, giving supporters of government based on Shariah law a strong majority.

In Egypt, the military junta that took over the country has showed no signs of being ready to give up its power to the people. By November 2011, tens of thousands of Egyptians were again staging their own version of Occupy Tahrir Square, protesting the military government that their “revolution” brought into power only a few months before. As they did when they overthrew Mubarak, these Egyptian lovers of democracy sexually assaulted two more female journalists covering the new occupation, and the military killed dozens of demonstrators. The occupiers demanded that the military turn over power to the transition civilian government at the same time the interim civilian government leaders were handing in their resignations
en masse

Democratic rule has turned what naïve leftists around the world called the Arab Spring into the Arab Winter, a term I coined. I saw as though through a crystal ball what would follow Mubarak’s fall. The Egyptian economy has been reduced to a trickle as tourism has dried up. Christians are an endangered species in Egypt. If the Egyptian military would stop intervening to maintain order and hand over that job to a civilian government, the mob rule that has become the norm in Cairo would look like a picnic. Utter chaos would follow, and the country would very likely sink into true anarchy.

The demonstrators don’t understand how good they had it under deposed president Hosni Mubarak. And they don’t understand that it’s not going to get any better under the Muslim Brotherhood—if the military ever relinquishes its power—even after the long Egyptian cycle of elections is finished.

At the same time, Tunisia and Morocco both elected Islamist majorities in their parliamentary elections.

Do you remember how the Obama administration celebrated when Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi was killed? Do you remember what Hillary Clinton said?

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