Treasure Yourself

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Authors: Miranda Kerr

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BOOK: Treasure Yourself
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Copyright © 2010 by Miranda Kerr

Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: • Published and distributed in the

USA by: Hay House, Inc.: • Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.:

Cover & Internal Illustration: Dwayne Labbe

Design & Packaging: Rhett Nacson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a

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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical,

emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

ISBN: 9781401924355

Digital ISBN: 978-1-4019-3370-8

15 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 4 3

2nd edition, December 2010

3rd edition, January 2011

Printed in China by Imago


There are many people who have made this book possible…

I would like to thank and acknowledge everyone at Hay House, especially Verusha Singh, Amanda

Samson, Lisa Lord, Christine Dominguez, Dwayne Labbe, Rhett Nacson and Leon Nacson for all their

hard work and tireless dedication in publishing this book.

I also would like to thank Louise L. Hay, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda,

Yogi Bhajan, Daisaku Ikeda and many of the other amazing spiritual teachers for their guidance and


Marija Skara, Carlii Lyon, Tammy McCormack, Ian Mussman, Brandi Bennit and Chris Colls, thank

you so much for your endless support and patience.

To all the women who have contributed to my book by way of illustrating a flower, thank you, not only

for your flower but for the contribution you have made to my life.

To my family especially my Dad, Mum and brother Matt. Thank you for giving me the privilege of a

loving, nurturing upbringing - you taught me the importance of family and I feel so blessed. To my whole

family, including my nan and pa, aunts, uncles and cousins thank you for being the amazing people you are.

To my husband. Your wisdom and integrity constantly inspires me. Thank you for your unconditional

love, acceptance and understanding. And for touching my life in the most magical way.

To all who read this book….. thank you for allowing me to share an incredible journey with you.

Lots of Love

Miranda xxx


It is not that we don’t have the strength within us…

We have more strength than we could possibly imagine.

Most of us fail to see it within ourselves

yet so willingly see it in others.

What if we nurtured ourselves to the point where

we discovered and experienced our own greatness?

What if we finally realised that we are limited

only by our thoughts and by what we think is or

isn’t possible for us? After all, that is the truth…

nothing more, nothing less.

It is our thoughts that determine our experiences,

not only of ourselves, but of our world and of others…

Too often we fail to see that at any given moment we have a

choice to alter our lives, our existence.

Too often we are driven automatically by who we think we

are or should be as opposed to who we possibly could be…

Sometimes we choose to be angry, ungrateful, resentful

and jealous when instead we have the ability to choose to

be accepting, forgiving and grateful for all that we have…

Choose (with goodness in your heart) to be brave,

courageous and adventurous in this world and

acknowledge all who are being just that, for they

have overcome what many have yet to overcome…

the fear of knowing who they really are.

Look forward and dream of what’s possible for your life…

and remember that the only thing limiting

you is your thoughts.

Only you have the power to change your thoughts.

Alter your thoughts and you alter your world.

- Miranda Kerr

This book is dedicated to all of the amazing,

unique and talented young women in this world.

Through this book and through your own journey

of self-discovery may you come to see just

how incredible you really are.



Life Lessons

Step Out With Confidence…

Red for Passion…

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…

You Are What You Eat… and more!

It’s All About You…

The Green-eyed Monster

Relationships Are Your Strengths…

It’s Like Magic…

Don’t Forget to Say ‘Thank You’…

The Glass is Always Half Full

Dream Your Way to Success…

Affirmations I Love

It was the early blossoming of spring and a girl was wandering through a garden when she discovered

a cocoon hanging from the branch of a tree. It was almost time for a butterfly to emerge. Fascinated

with her discovery she returned to the garden daily, enthusiastic to see all that would happen and

hoping never to miss a thing.

One day a small opening appeared and the girl saw the butterfly struggling to free itself from its

cocoon and enter a new world. She watched intently—until the butterfly seemed to have stopped

making progress. It appeared as if it had gone as far as possible and could go no further.

The girl made a sudden decision; she began to remove pieces of the cocoon that were obstructing

the butterfly. Excited, she watched as the butterfly emerged, hoping its wings would unfold. But her

excitement turned into dismay as the butterfly remained unable to move.

It was then that the girl realised what was happening: the cocoon was intended to create the

struggle necessary for the butterfly to fly. In fact, it was not trying to escape … this was just nature’s

way of making its wings stronger. It occurred to the girl that the butterfly would actually be grateful

to the cocoon for the struggle that they would share.

– Anonymous

Stories about nature and the way its creatures weather the storms remind me to appreciate all that is

around me and be grateful for everything I have and all that is yet to unfold. I really love this particular

story and it has a special meaning for me.

Sometimes I’m the girl – impatient, overexcited and rushing in to fix things for myself and for others

rather than letting events unfold naturally. Mostly I try to be the butterfly though: calmly and bravely

encountering life’s challenges and becoming stronger along the way.

Life has thrown some rocks in my stream and each one has helped me become stronger, more confident

and definitely more determined. I’ve come to realise that every challenge and obstacle – every rock I’ve

found on my path – has helped make me the person I am today.

Thinking about things this way has helped me to accept difficult times and even welcome them as

opportunities to grow. We are all that butterfly in the story, destined to emerge from the cocoon as

incredible, gifted and talented individuals. Our journeys are all unique; the colours on our wings are not

the same, but at the end of the day we all have the same goal – to get out into the world and fly. If we

didn’t face obstacles on our journey then we wouldn’t evolve as individuals. I believe it is these

challenges that make us stronger.

I am a huge believer in the power of positive thinking. We all have unlimited potential and if we accept

the obstacles that cross our paths and learn from the lessons involved we can reach our full potential. This

book is a compilation of the lessons I have learned so far, from personal experience, as well as a

collection of the wisdom I have gleaned from others whom I admire and who have inspired me.

In reading this book you will see I have used the metaphor of likening women/girls to being as unique

and as individual as every flower. For example, a rose although it is different to a lily is still just as

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