Tortured Beginning (11 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Tortured Beginning
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"What was that for?"

"I want you to know that I love you. Please don't hold all your shit in, we are always here to listen."

"Yeah I know."

"Then don't make us gang up on you again!" Lynette says and smacks me on the shoulder.

"Okay," I say looking away from them, so they can't see my face. I don't like that they know me so well, and I love that they know me so well.

"Well, I think Trevan would be good for you," Anne says, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What? You know I don't do relationships, maybe I will just have some fun with him."

Anne sighs.

"HELL YEAH! Have a some fun with that man," Lynette says with a shit eating grin on her face.

We walk out of the bathroom, all laughing. I look over to the table to see that Trevan is looking over at me. I smile and he smiles back at me, god he is gorgeous.

I sit down next to him and grab my beer. I look over to see Anne and Lynette whispering to each other, then get up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Well we both have to get home to our kids," Lynette says in way of explanation.

I know that Anne doesn't have her kids tonight, and Lynette's husband Steve is home with hers. I can see what they are doing.

"You guys can give our JayJay a ride home, right?" Anne asks.

"Sure. Not a problem," Jason replies. He's smiling at the two of us, knowing what is going on.

I sigh to myself, how can they be so obvious.

"Okay, I will see you guys later."

"Bye. Call me tomorrow," Anne says.

"Bye, Jay. I will talk to you later," Lynette winks at me and they both leave.

We sit and drink quietly for a bit. I look over to Trevan and think, what if.

"So. Do your friends leave you with strange guys in a bar, very often?"Trevan asks.

I laugh, "No. But I guess they think I'm safe, since you're both cops."

They laugh, "Hey you guys ready to leave?" Jason asks.

I nod my head, sad to end the night with Trevan.

Jason pulls into my driveway and I get out.

"Thanks for the ride home."

"Hey, no problem. It was nice to meet you," Jason replies.

Trevan gets out of the car, "I better walk you to the door and check things out for you."

I smile to myself. I was hoping he would come in. I nod to him as he follows me to my front door. Just as I open the door, Jason honks the car horn. We both look over to him as he yells out the car window.

"Hey man, I will pick you up later. I just got an emergency call. Text me later." He waves as he pulls out of the driveway.

Trevan shakes his head, "I hope this is okay with you. I can call for another ride if you want."

"No it's fine." I touch his arm, as he walks in.

We walk in, and he starts looking around checking that nothing is out of place.

"Do you want a beer?"

"That would be great."

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I grab two Molsen's and walk to where Trevan is. I hand it to him, and he mumbles a thank you. He seems to be concentrating on something, and I'm not sure what it is.


I see the trinket on her end table, some what hidden from plain view. Jaylah picks that moment to come back into the room. She has had a rough day, but I have to ask her if she know what it is. I watch her as she walks over to the couch and sits down.

She looks over to me and pats the couch next to her. I smile, walk over and sit next to her.

"So handsome, what are we going to do with ourselves."

She gives me the sexiest damn look, I have ever seen on a woman. I hate to change that look on her face, but I need to know what this is. Just as I am going to ask her, she closes the distance between us.

She looks me in the eyes, and smiles at me. "Damn," I whisper to her.

I know that I shouldn't do anything with her, it's not right. Especially since I'm working on her case. But I have not been able to stop thinking about her. There is something about her, and I want a piece of it.

"What are you trying to work out in that head of yours?" She asks, putting her hand at my temple.

"I shouldn't, I'm working on your case." I try to convince myself, more than her.

"Well if you don't want to, I'll back off."

I could almost see the hurt in her eyes, but they change in an instant. She takes her arms off of me and starts to back away. I feel a loss, the moment she isn't touching me. I don't want her to back away from me.

"Fuck it," I say through gritted teeth.

I grab her and slam my mouth into hers. I can feel her smile with the kiss and she wraps her arms around me. Rubbing the back of my head, as our kiss gets deeper. We stop kissing and look into each others eyes. Trying to catch our breaths, I feel hers on my skin. I don't know why, but that feeling of her breath was sexy as hell.

"Let's take this upstairs."

I can only nod, as she leads the way up. At least I had a great view on the way up. I chuckle to myself, feeling like a teenage boy again. I realize, I grabbed my beer on the way and slam the rest of it. The beer helping with my nerves, I'm not sure why I actually feel nervous.

We walk into her bedroom and I set my empty beer on her dresser. She turns to and wraps her arms around me. I wrap mine around her and take her lips to mine. Our tongues find each other and I hear her groan. I feel my cock grow hard, and she herself against it. Our lips come apart, she smiles at me as she backs away from me.

"Looks like someone is ready for me," she says with a wicked smile.

I can't take my eyes off her, and she knows it. I start to walk towards her and she puts up her hand to stop me. If this is some form of torture, it's working.

"Start undressing for me, Trevan."

She takes off her shirt and waits for me to do the same. Well I don't need to be asked twice. I want this woman in the worse way. I want to feel her, I want to be in her.

I unbutton my shirt as fast as my fingers will allow me. Finally done, I rip it off and throw it to the floor. She walks over to me and runs her hands down my chest. The feel of her touching me is maddening.

I grab the front of her jeans and unbutton them. I put my hands down the back of her pants and panties, to feel my hands on her ass. I squeeze hard and hear her groan.

"In a hurry?" she laughs.

"Damn. Now that I have the feel of you on my hands, I don't want to take them off of you."

She pushes away from me and my hands itch to get back to her. I watch as she pulls her pants off. She reaches behind her and takes off her bra. My eyes devour the beautiful woman in front of me. She is more than I could of imagined with her tattoo's and scars. They aren't huge, ugly scars, I assume she got them from that asshole.

An anger builds inside of me to think of what he did to her. An image of her laying in the hospital bed flashes in my head. I ball up my fists and try to calm myself down.

I look down, trying to control my breathing. Jaylah comes over to me and lifts my head. I look her in the eyes, and see such hunger. I feel myself lose the rage, slowly and wrap my arms tightly around her. I pick her and she wraps herself around my middle. I'm still wearing my pants and I hate that I can't feel her.

She rubs against my pants and I am rock hard. I feel like I'm going to burst, with the my want for her. I drop her on the bed and step back to get my pants off. She leans up on her elbows to watch me.  I finally get the rest of my clothes off and get back to the bed.

Jaylah puts her hand on my chest to stop me from getting on top of her.

I look at her, "What?"

She holds up her finger. "Hold on big guy. Let me get a condom for you," she winks at me.

She opens her night stand drawer, and grabs one out of a box. I don't know why, but it pisses me off to know that it was already open. Which means she has had sex with someone else. I shake myself from this train of thought.

She hands it over to me and I rip it open. I quickly put it on and push her against the pillows. I fit nicely between her legs and I look down at her. The image of her under me, is one I could get use to. She grabs me at the neck and pulls me down to her lips.

I position myself at the tip of her pussy and as our tongue's meet, I push into her. God, the feel of her around my cock, is almost my undoing. She groans into my mouth, and that only arouses me more. I work in and out of her, not being gentle. As I cup her breast and take a nipple into my mouth, she digs her hands into my hair. I kiss up her neck and grab her behind the neck.

I flip us so she is straddling me, and I am sitting on the bed. As she rides me, I give her breasts my full attention. I pull away and look into her eyes. We are both almost there, I grab her under her arms to pull her up. I then pull her down onto me as hard as I can, without hurting her. She screams out with her release. I feel my own come from the pit of my stomach, down to my cock and I sound like a wild animal. I have never come so hard, and it seemed like it wouldn't end.

She falls into my arms and we fall back onto the bed. Still inside of her, we lay like that for a few minutes. Both of us trying to catch our breath, from such strong orgasms. 

I kiss her gently on the lips and get up to clean myself up. Once in the bathroom, I take off the condom and throw it into the garbage. I splash some water on my face and smile like an idiot at myself in the mirror.


Well damn, I never thought I would enjoy it that much with Trevan. The man was fucking sexy as hell. He was turning me on, just by the way he looked at me.

I get out of bed and grab my robe from the chair. I put it on and decide to go down and grab us some beers and clean myself up.

"I'm running downstairs," I yell towards the bathroom.


When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I can hear Trevan's phone going off. I go into my small half bathroom, to clean up. As I walk out, I can hear him walking down the stairs.

I don't look up at him, "Your phone was going off."

This is the part I can't stand. What to do after sex, I don't want to cuddle. And I sure as hell don't want to get into a deep conversation. This is where I like to say thank you, had a great time. Now get the fuck out of my house.

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