Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (17 page)

Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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There was no way Delacroix could be that man. She had to be wrong.

As though sensing her eyes on him, Delacroix turned to her and smiled. Karina started to look away, pretend she hadn’t seen him, but changed her mind. Instead, she smiled back. He excused himself from the harem desperate for his attention and began to walk toward her.

Karina glanced around for Brayden and spotted him over by the bar. He caught her eye and lifted his chin in acknowledgement, just as Delacroix reached her side.

“You look good in pink, Karina,” Delacroix said.

Karina shook her head at him. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Master Delacroix.”

“Well, damn. I guess I’ll just have to come up with something else then.”

Karina snickered, despite herself. “We missed you last night.”

Delacroix’s smile widened, and Karina felt a prick of unease work its way up her spine. Obviously, she couldn’t hide anything from this man and that left her feeling way more exposed than she felt comfortable with.

“And I’m sure my absence caused a bit of unease. You want my alibi, don’t you?”

Karina scowled. “That ability of yours is way too unnerving.”

Chuckling, Delacroix nodded to two Doms passing by before turning his attention back to Karina. “I was with Frank last night, discussing a few things about the case. I was with him when he got the call about the body and had been for about three hours. He, as well as Josh and two others, can verify that, if you need them to. Before that, I was checking up on Claire.”

Karina nodded. She should’ve known better than to suspect him. “How is she?”

“She’s fine and anxious to come back. She should get her stitches out in a few days.”

“That’s good.”

“How are you holding up?”

She shrugged one shoulder and glanced around the room. “Can’t you tell?”

“Yeah, but I still like to hear it. I’m curious if you know yourself how you’re doing.”

“I’ve been better.” She turned her gaze back to his. “I’m sorry I suspected you.”

“I can understand why, I suppose. I know that you’re a good investigator and I know you can take care of yourself, but just to ease my own fears, stay close to Brayden. Don’t leave the club alone.”

She tilted her head and studied the worry in his eyes. “Why? Did you sense something?”

“No more than I have since the beginning, but…I guess I’m just being overly cautious.”

“Like Brayden.”

“Brayden cares for you, I think.”

Karina snorted. “Can you read him, too?”

“No, but it doesn’t take a psychic to get that. You care for him too.”

“I’ve known Brayden a long time. Of course I do.”

Delacroix’s lips twitched. “You need to be honest with yourself, Karina.”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “God, you definitely sound like Brayden now. What is it with you male Doms that you have to always make the subs admit things?”

Delacroix laughed. “It’s what we do. At least I’m not pushing you on the attraction you feel for me.”

Karina dropped her head back and groaned, making Delacroix laugh even louder.

“Don’t tell Brayden about that, though, or he’ll back out of the threesome he had planned.”

Her eyes went wide. “What threesome?”

Delacroix grinned, and Karina swallowed. A threesome with Delacroix? Had Brayden really set that up? Her nipples tingled with the thought. Brayden had commented on doing a threesome their first day there, but she never really expected him to do it. Watching threesomes did turn her on, but could she actually do one? Could she really let go enough to submit not just to one man, but two?

There were times she only half submitted to Brayden. Yes, she orgasmed, but she always fought him in some form, always held a little of herself back when he would cuddle her after.

Delacroix watched her closely, then murmured, “This should be interesting.”

She frowned. “Stop reading my mind.”

He chuckled. “I can’t stop it, pet. For now, I can read you.”

“You’re teasing me, right? About the threesome?”

Delacroix shook his head.

“When did you talk to Brayden?”

“When you went to the restroom earlier.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Brayden strolling toward them. Delacroix stepped away from the bar and moved closer to Karina, essentially trapping her between him and Brayden, making her feel like a rabbit caught between two predators ready to pounce. Karina tried to sidestep, but Brayden grasped her arm, holding her in place.

“You talked to him and didn’t tell me,” she growled over her shoulder at Brayden.

“You never came back after you exited the bathroom. If you had, you would’ve been there when I talked to him,” Brayden reasoned.

He slid the back of his fingers down her arm, making goose bumps rise over her skin. Brayden’s touch never failed to make her insides melt like butter. She glanced over at Delacroix, who watched them with interest and just a hint of lust. He was looking forward to this threesome, and if she was honest with herself, she would realize she was as well.

With Delacroix around, she wouldn’t be able to keep that from Brayden.

“I saw a threesome scene earlier and remembered that first night,” Brayden whispered in her ear.

Karina’s stomach knotted, but not from fear. She’d often fantasized about being sandwiched between two men, but had never gone through with it, even at the club. It would be too difficult to carry out a scene like that with the subs restrained. But she trusted Brayden. She would be safe with him. With Brayden there, she believed she could do it and actually enjoy it.

Delacroix grasped her hand in his and pulled her across the room. As she walked through the crowd of people, she noticed the envious stares from the other subs and almost grinned. She was going to see firsthand just how Delacroix was with a sub.

Once they got to the roped off scene area, Delacroix let go of her hand and moved behind her, while Brayden moved to the front. He grasped her chin and forced her gaze up to his. “Don’t get too excited,” he murmured. “This is a one-time thing.”

Behind her, she felt Delacroix undo her bra. With a gentle touch, he slid his fingers under the straps and slid them slowly down her arms. The weight of her breasts tugged at her shoulders, and she almost hunched forward, but stopped herself. She had nice breasts. She should be proud to show them off.

She tried to keep her breathing under control as Delacroix dropped her bra to the floor and placed a kiss on her shoulder. Brayden cupped her breasts, pushing them up and squeezing them in his palms. Karina closed her eyes and sighed at the feel of his hands on her.

“I should shoot you for this,” she mumbled.

Brayden chuckled and pinched her nipples. The initial bite of pain made her wince, but then something warm flooded her whole body.

Behind her, Delacroix moved in closer and pinned her wrists at her sides. The heat from his chest seeped into her back, his hard erection pressed against her hip. Karina squirmed slightly, rubbing against him.

Delacroix let go of one wrist and slapped her ass hard, making her gasp. “No one told you to move,” he murmured in her ear, but Karina didn’t miss the slight hint of amusement in his tone. “I think it’s time to immobilize you.”

Karina tensed as Delacroix lifted her hands over her head and snapped the soft leather cuffs that hung from a bar in the ceiling around her wrists. The position lifted her to the balls of her feet, not allowing her any room for movement. Her whole body went stiff. She tried to calm herself down, but the inability to move quickly began to spread panic through her chest.

Delacroix moved in close and pressed his chest against her back. “Breath with me, Karina,” he whispered. “In…out.”

Karina matched her breaths with his, their chests moving in unison. Even Brayden’s hands stilled on her breasts. She opened her eyes to stare at him and realized he was waiting on her to calm down, to relax. Her heart melted toward him a little more. He was so patient, so wonderful. God, she was so screwed.

She closed her eyes and let her head drop back against Delacroix’s shoulder. Her fear had dissipated. All she felt now was a growing desire, a need that threatened to burn her alive. Brayden’s hands began to knead her breasts again, and she moaned.

“Very good, pet,” Delacroix whispered as he lowered his hands along her sides. “Stay with me.”

He kept his chest against her back, breathing with her as he reached between her legs and cupped her mound through the slit in her pants. Karina sighed as Delacroix’s fingers spread her labia and gently circled her moist opening.

“Nice and wet,” Delacroix whispered. “Are you relaxed enough to continue, Karina?”

She nodded.

“Words, pet.”

“Yes,” she hissed softly.

Chapter Twenty

Karina never imagined how erotic being trapped between two men could be, as Delacroix very slowly lowered her pants and removed her shoes. He placed small nibbling kisses along her ass, the back of her thighs and calves, turning disrobing into a slow seduction that had her panting. Brayden bent and licked his tongue over her nipple. She shuddered from head to toe.

When he engulfed one between his lips and sucked, she cried out loud at the way the walls of her vagina clenched in need. Delacroix bit her ass, then kissed it before moving to the other hip and repeating the mixture of pain and pleasure. Karina wasn’t sure who to move toward first. Brayden and his wicked lips on her breasts or Delacroix with his on her ass.

The whole room began to spin, and she closed her eyes, forgetting about the crowd around them, forgetting everything but the feel of their hands on her body.

She thought this would scare her, but it didn’t. She thought she wouldn’t be able to lose herself to their touch, but she was. In a way, it felt freeing.

Delacroix moved away, allowing the cool air of the room to hit her back. She shivered and glanced over her shoulder. She spotted him by the small table covered with toys and lube. He grabbed a small dildo and returned to stand behind her.

“I’m going to stretch you a little, pet. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Yes, what, kitten?” Brayden asked.

“Yes, Master,” she replied without hesitation.

Delacroix placed a soft kiss on the top of her spine. “Good girl.”

Brayden lowered his hands to her ass and spread her cheeks, allowing Delacroix to place the head of the toy at her opening. Karina tensed slightly. She’d never had anything there, not even a small toy.

Delacroix pushed the tip past the tight entrance. Karina hissed at the burning, the stretching of the untouched hole as he pushed it deeper. He wasn’t rough, but he wasn’t slow either. He forced it inside her, not allowing her a second’s hesitation before filling her deep.

“Very nice,” he murmured, then gave it a little wiggle before turning it on.

The vibration sent a zing of pleasure to her womb, making her gasp in surprise at the onslaught of unusual sensations.

Brayden stood before her and cupped her pussy. He watched her face as he slowly, so very slowly, ran his fingers through the cream that coated her from opening to clit. Karina tried to move along with his hand, but Delacroix held her hips still.

“Brayden,” she sighed.

“Master,” he countered.

Karina could only repeat, “Master.”

It was all she had strength to do. It was the only word she could get out of her mouth past the need that nearly strangled her. Brayden pushed two fingers inside her just as Delacroix slapped a short, leather flogger against her hips. Karina jumped in surprise, then moaned as the pleasure and pain began to mingle in a haze of mind-numbing excitement.

Brayden timed the thrust of his fingers with the flick of Delacroix’s flogger, making her body ache and burn for more. This was nuts. She’d done this to subs, made them scream and beg. But never once did she imagine this could be done to her. Never once did she imagine she would want it, much less enjoy it.

Is this what her sex life had been missing? Had watching Brayden with other subs made her instinctively crave it? Was it something she’d wanted all along but had been too afraid to experience?

She had no idea, and at the moment, wasn’t sure she cared.

Delacroix slapped her with the leather, up her back, across her hips and the backs of her thighs, then back again. It built in a steady burn from hard to soft, slow to fast. The whole time, Brayden kept his thrust timed to the flogger, thrusting deep every time the leather slapped across her skin—deeper every time Delacroix hit her harder. It was as though they’d been doing it forever, as though they’d worked it out beforehand.

Karina could feel her release getting closer. Delacroix turned up the vibrator in her ass, and she cried out as her orgasm hung just out of reach. Brayden removed his fingers and circled her clit, teasing her before thrusting deep and hard once more.

The second his fingers were fully inside her, the palm of his hand pressing enticingly against her throbbing clit, Karina exploded. Delacroix kept slapping her with the flogger, which, in turn, heightened her release, making her whole body shake.

“Oh, my God,” she gasped as the throbs finally began to subside.

“We’re not done with you yet, kitten,” Brayden whispered against her lips.

She opened her mouth in invitation. God, she wanted him to kiss her so bad. He pulled away, and Karina groaned in frustration. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard Brayden’s soft chuckle. She’d hurt him later for this. She would. See if she gave him another blowjob.

“Delacroix is going to enter you first. Then I will,” Brayden whispered in her ear as he slowly stroked her mound. “If it’s too much, you know your safe word.”

Karina barely heard him through the rush of blood in her ears and the way he moved his fingers from her opening, to circle around her sensitive nub in a slow figure eight. He touched her, yet didn’t…and the teasing sent her body back into a strained state of need.

Behind her, she felt Delacroix remove the toy, then set the head of his cock at her tight entrance. Brayden grasped the back of her thighs and lifted her legs around his waist, holding her against him while Delacroix slid his massive cock inside her.

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