Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (7 page)

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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So far everyone seemed to be accepting that story, and the fact that they all knew Delacroix was independently wealthy only helped matters. Wealthy people tended to stick together, for the most part.

Everyone appeared friendly. So far, no one set off any bells or alarms. Some Doms introduced their subs, some didn’t. Brayden always did and so did Karina when she was in Domme mode. To not introduce her would make her feel insignificant, and she was grateful that Brayden included her.

“What would you like to drink, Karina?” Delacroix asked. “Name it and I’m sure Trey can make it.”

“Okay,” she said smiling. “Something light. How about a Pimm’s Cup?”

Trey grinned. “Pimm’s Cup it is. And for you, Master Brayden?”

“I’ll take a beer.”

Trey nodded and headed off to get the drinks. Brayden turned to answer a question one of the other Doms had asked him, but even though his attention was occupied elsewhere, his hand was always touching her somewhere. Right now, it rested lightly at the small of her back.

Surprisingly, it made her feel safer somehow. Although she could now take care of herself better than most men, thanks to her Navy SEAL uncle, for some reason it felt good knowing Brayden was there too.

“How are you holding up, Karina?” Delacroix asked softly as he leaned over to grab a peanut from the bowl in front of her.

“Better than I thought I would be,” she smiled slightly. “Under the circumstances. But then we haven’t started playing yet, so maybe ask me again later.”

Delacroix snickered. “I’m sure I will. I can only imagine how uncomfortable this is for you…under the circumstances.”

“Would you have done it?”

“Maybe if I had you as a Master, but even then, I doubt it.”

Karina smiled. No. She couldn’t see Delacroix as a submissive at all.

“I’m actually very good,” she whispered.

Delacroix smiled knowingly, and his eyes sparkled with that same mischief she was beginning to associate with him. She couldn’t wait to see how he was later with a submissive.

“I have no doubt,” he whispered back.

With a chuckle, he tapped her nose and pushed away from the bar. “Let me know if you need anything, Brayden, even a third.” He winked at Karina before turning to head across the room.

She smiled at Brayden, who watched her with a small frown. “If we do a threesome, I want him,” she said, teasing him.

Brayden’s frown deepened. “No.”

Karina giggled and leaned close. He didn’t like that. Putting her hand against his hard chest, she smiled up at him seductively, deciding it was time to tease Brayden a little. After all, turnabout was fair play.

“I thought you said earlier that whatever your sub wanted, she got.”

Brayden lowered his hand to her ass and gave it a hard squeeze, pulling her up against his strong, hard body. Karina felt every inch of him pressed against her and instantly began to rethink the wisdom of her teasing. The man was dangerously seductive and gorgeous in a way that had her getting even wetter.

When was the last time a sub had her this hot?

Uh, never.

Brayden dipped his head, and for a split second, Karina thought he might kiss her. Her heart skipped as his warm breath fanned over her lips. “Oh, yeah,” he murmured. “You’re definitely going to get that ass spanked.”

She whispered, “What’s the matter, Brayden? Jealous?”

“I don’t get jealous.” He slid his hand between her legs and gently swirled his fingers through the cream coating her opening. Karina had to bite her tongue to keep from moaning. “I just make sure you’re so satisfied, you don’t have the energy to look elsewhere.”

She grinned. “You’re so full of yourself.”

“Yes. And later, you’re going to be full of me.”

He cupped her ass again and pressed her more firmly against his thick erection. Karina’s smile faded as hot lust worked its way through her body. She’d seen Brayden naked. She knew exactly how well-endowed he was and also knew just how well he could use it.

“See what you get for teasing?” he whispered.

He let go of her, and she stumbled backward. Grabbing the edge of the bar, she tried to right herself without appearing too clumsy.

“Take your drink and walk around the room, Kay. Introduce yourself to the other subs.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “And try not to act like a Domme.”

She scrunched her nose at him, then grabbed her drink off the bar. When she turned to walk away, his palm slapped harshly against her ass. Her hips jerked forward, and her drink spilled a little on her hand. She turned to glare at him, but deep inside, it was hard to stay mad at him. Brayden wasn’t playing a role, he was being himself. He wasn’t any different with her than he was with any sub he took under his wing. She just hoped she didn’t end up half in love with him like the majority of the women he played with.


Chapter Eight

Brayden watched her ass sway seductively as she walked across the bar to the group of submissives congregated in one of the many sitting areas around the room. One of the women patted the couch next to her, and Karina sat down, her fingers absently toying with the collar around her neck.

Brayden didn’t miss the appreciative glances other Doms, both male and female, thrown Karina’s way. That was nothing new. She always got a lot of attention at the clubs. He tried to take his mind off her and put it back where it needed to be. On the case.

So far, nothing appeared out of place. Most of the Doms he’d met had permanent subs, but that didn’t mean they weren’t guilty. Even some serial killers had wives. To be honest, he wasn’t sure what they were even looking for. They knew absolutely nothing.

Maybe Karina would have better luck with the submissives.

Two hours later, Karina caught Brayden’s gaze across the room. He curled his finger, indicating he wanted her to join him.

“Looks like someone is being summoned,” Candy said.

Karina looked back at her and made a face. “Wonder what he’ll do if I ignore him?”

Candy grinned wickedly. “Karina, you wouldn’t.”

She smiled and took another sip of her drink. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the rebellious nature that simmered just below the surface. She just wasn’t used to being ordered around, and her nature was to fight against it. “I think we’ll find out.”

Candy covered her mouth and giggled. “He doesn’t look happy.”

“Is he coming over?” Karina asked.

Candy raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah.”

Brayden bent over the back of the couch Karina was sitting on and growled in her ear. “I thought I indicated I wanted you by my side, sub.”

A shiver ran down Karina’s spine. “I’m sorry, Master. I thought you were just waving.”

Brayden took the glass from Karina’s hand and sniffed it. He frowned at Candy. “How many of these has she had?”

“Two, sir, since I’ve been with her.”

Brayden walked around the couch and took her hand in his. “Come with me, sub.”

“Hey,” Karina argued and tried to pull her hand from his tight grip. “Damn it, Brayden. Let me go!”

She came to her feet and wobbled on her heels to the point she almost fell. Brayden steadied her and then pinned her in place with a frown so fierce, Karina’s heart skipped.

“Quiet,” he snarled in that Dom tone that had every submissive within ear shot going silent.

“What the hell were you thinking?” he murmured so low only she could hear. “Are you that nervous, Kay?”

“I’m not drunk. I just…”

She drew in a slow, even breath. His gaze held hers captive, not allowing her to look away. He watched her with those eyes, so intent, so steadfast. Every part of her body warmed and tingled. God, why did he do this to her? Why did being this close to him make her want to melt into a puddle? What was he doing to her carefully crafted control?

“You didn’t come when I called,” he said a little louder. “I swear, sub. I think sometimes you deliberately provoke me.”

Karina swallowed. Had she deliberately provoked him? “I’m sorry, Master.”

“That’s a good start, but it still won’t save you from the spanking you deserve.”

He pulled her with him to an empty scene area set up at the far side of the room. Surely, he wasn’t.

Oh God.
He was.

With his hand between her shoulder blades, he pushed her forward so that her torso lay on the leather covered table and her feet remained on the floor. Karina gasped and tried to push up, but the hand in the middle of her back kept her pinned.

“Don’t move,” he snapped, and surprisingly, Karina froze.

He wrapped one cuff around her wrist, then the other. She tugged at the restraints, but couldn’t move. Fear began to work its way through her body. She drew in a sharp breath, and her heart raced wildly. Her first instinct was to panic, to tug at the chains. Everything in her wanted free.

This wasn’t going to work.

Brayden leaned over her and murmured close to her ear. “Breathe, kitten. It’s just me.”

His soft voice jostled her out of the rising panic that threatened to take control. This was Brayden. He wouldn’t hurt her.

“Breathe in,” he murmured.

She inhaled a deep breath, trying to force her heart rate to slow down. She had to get better control of herself. She had to stay focused.

“Now out,” he added as he softly massaged her lower back. “Once more.”

She did as he requested, and her body began to calm.

“If it’s too much, say yellow. Understand?”

“Yes,” she breathed, but she was doing okay. Surprisingly better than she expected to.

Just remember. It’s for show. Go through the motions. Act as though you’re giving in, as though you like it. I can do this.

She’d watched enough subs to know how it was done. He straightened and feathered his palm up the back of her thighs so softly, she wasn’t even aware of it at first, then a tingling warmth began to spread through her limbs. With his hands on the inside of her thighs, he pushed them apart, exposing her pussy to his gaze. Karina closed her eyes tight as his hands smoothed over her ass, pushing the skirt up higher. He then massaged her, warming her skin, preparing her for the spanking.

A small crowd gathered around them. She even heard a few remarks about her scars, but Karina was used to them. Anytime someone played at a club, they got a crowd, especially if they were new. She and Brayden had decided that if anyone saw them and asked, her prior Master had been a sadist who had gotten too rough. Which wasn’t entirely a lie, considering her past.

His touch soothed her, heated her flesh, made her want to squirm beneath his expert hands. This wasn’t supposed to be making her hot, but the feeling of helplessness, of being at Brayden’s complete mercy, made her heart race wildly, but this time not in fear. No. Definitely not in fear.

This was wrong. She was a Domme. She was not supposed to like this.

She heard him shift to the side and grab a paddle from the small table set up within the area with various toys displayed. Karina braced herself for the first swat.

“When I curl my finger, that means come to me,” he snarled, then swatted her behind with the paddle.

She flinched as the sting worked its way up her back. Moisture pooled between her legs and her first reaction was anger—at herself, and then Brayden. “You damn—”

“When I call, that means come to me,” he snapped, and hit her again.

Karina growled and glared at him over her shoulder. “Bray—”

“You do not ignore me.”

The paddle hit her ass again, this time making her gasp. Brayden knew just how hard to hit. Not too hard, but hard enough to make her flesh burn and definitely get his point across.

“I get it, you damn son of a—”

He swatted her again, and this time she squealed.

“That’s for your mouth. Do you want another?”

She bit her tongue and glared up at him.

“Say it, Karina,” he growled.

She knew what he wanted her to say, but she held her tongue, her stubbornness not allowing her to give in, despite the pain of his paddle. Brayden hit her ass again, this time harder. She shut her eyes tight.
Damn it.
That one hurt.

“Another?” he murmured, and drew the paddle back.

“Okay,” she yelled, as mortification raced through her. “I’m sorry, Master.”

“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he said as he tossed the paddle to the clean-up crew, which was never far away.

As soon as the Dom was done, they flew in and cleaned up the area so someone else could use it. That way, the Dom could focus on taking care of his sub.

Brayden moved behind her and gently massaged her ass with his fingers. She winced at the burn, but then relaxed as his skilled hands worked the soreness from her behind. He moved them down the back of her thighs, then up again. His thumbs moved between her legs, massaging the muscles close to her vaginal opening.

Karina stiffened at the feel of his touch so close to her core. “Brayden,” she whispered.

“Shh,” he said as he slid his thumbs over her labia.

Karina swallowed a sigh as his touch moved higher toward her clit, then shifted back down, avoiding the nub and sending her senses skyrocketing. God, she was so turned on, she could hardly think straight. Maybe those drinks hadn’t been a good idea. They’d made her too relaxed, too easily aroused.

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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