Tommy Gabrini 4: Dapper Tom Begin Again (21 page)

BOOK: Tommy Gabrini 4: Dapper Tom Begin Again
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months came and went and Tommy and Liz’s relationship flourished.
It was still long distance, as they both had
companies to run, but Tommy managed to come and see her almost every Friday
night, even though he rarely stayed longer than overnight.
He had to pick up his daughter on Saturday
mornings and he never allowed anything, not even his strong and growing
affection for Liz, to interfere with that.

today was different.
Liz had been in the
UAE at Kutana’s Dubai bureau, dealing with yet another management issue, and
Tommy sent his plane to pick her up.
to fly her home to Chicago, but to fly her to his home in Seattle.

Liz sat on the plane and watched it touch down in Seattle, she could feel the
nerves bubbling inside of her.
wasn’t her first trip to Tommy’s home, but it was her first trip where it
included a meeting with his daughter.
For Liz, that was huge.
She knew
what that little girl meant to Tommy.
She knew he had kept his daughter at bay until he had more confidence in
their relationship.
And now he wanted
Liz to meet her.
The stakes, Liz felt,
were extremely high.
Because she also
knew what it could mean to her budding relationship with Tommy, if that little
girl didn’t like her.

were heard, and then a crew member opened her cabin door.
“Ma’am,” he said, “we have arrived at the

“Thank-you,” she said, and
gathered up her things.

would be herself, she thought, and if that kid didn’t like her, then
It would be the kid’s loss.
Yeah, right.
It would be her loss because she knew, no matter how much Tommy would deny
it, if that little girl hated Liz’s guts, her relationship with Tommy was going

stood up, took a moment to relax herself, to make sure she was composed and
dignified, and then she headed out of her cabin.
But when she made her way to the plane’s exit
door, and the door opened, she was so pleased to see Tommy standing at the
bottom of the stairs she could hardly contain herself.
His hair was blowing in the sharp September
wind, and his luscious eyes were looking up at her as if he was looking at an

Forget composure.
Forget dignity.
She ran as if she couldn’t get to him fast

heart leaped with joy when he saw Liz running to greet him.
He’d had so many women in his day, but never
did he have one as carefree and full of life as Liz.
Even in her darkest days, she found a way to
And she made it her duty to never
let anybody see her sweat but him.
reserved her most vulnerable moments for him and him alone.
It made him love her even more.

when she made her way to him with that beautiful white smile that weakened him,
he snatched her off the bottom stair and lifted her into his arms.
She wrapped her pants-clad legs around his
body and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Tommy had never met a firebrand quite like Liz.
She was quirky and fun and made him feel as
if he was the most fortunate man in the world to have a woman like this.
And he had her now.
He claimed her that morning in Chicago, and
never let her go.

they stopped embracing, but before he let her back on firm ground, he kissed
It was supposed to be a simple,
public kiss.
But he could never go
halfway with Liz.
She wouldn’t allow
Because she kissed him back.
And as soon as he felt the press of her
tongue, her teeth, her sweet breath inside of his mouth, he was all-in

crew remained at the top of the stairs, out of respect, but even they weren’t
used to their boss behaving this way.
For one thing, he’d never sent his plane to pick up one of his women
And of all the women that had
accompanied him on his numerous business trips, he never displayed any public
affection toward them the way he was displaying it right now.
The crew members even looked at each
After the end of his relationship
with Shoshanna Shanks and his divorce from Grace Gabrini, they laid bets that
he would never again have a special lady.
Now it was only a year-and-a-half after his divorce and he not only
already had a special lady, but he was showing her more affection in public
than he used to show his own wife.
was eye-opening.

he and Liz finally stopped kissing, and Tommy still held her up and in his
arms, he looked into her eyes.
He gave
her that serious, assessing look he always gave her when they came
It was as if he had to make
sure she was okay and her words alone would not be enough for him.
He had to see it, in her eyes, for
“How do you feel?” he asked

way Whitney Houston felt when Bobby got out of prison and she greeted him,” Liz

Tommy asked, with a smile and a frown.
Liz laughed.
He shook his
“You are one quirky lady, you know

know, I know!”

we were at home, I’d give you the spanking you deserve.”

do we have to be at home?” Liz joked.
“You’re so big and bad, give it to me now.”

looked at her.
He wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Okay,” he said, sat her down, and then
grabbed her by the hand and slung her back up the stairs of the plane.

what are you doing?” Liz asked nervously.
“I was just kidding.
Tommy, I was
just kidding!”

he wasn’t.
He handed his car keys to one
of his crew members, told him to place Miss Logan’s luggage in the trunk and
for the rest of them to wait downstairs too.
Then he hurried into the plane’s master bedroom, his bedroom, closed and
locked the door, and then tossed Liz onto the bed.

body bounced when he dropped her onto the bed.
She was laughing.
“Tommy, you
know I was joking, what are you doing?”

wanted a spanking,” Tommy said, dropping his pants and underwear and then
removing them altogether, along with his shoes, “you’re going to get one.”

if Liz thought it would be with his hands, she was mistaken.
He was going to spank her, but his dick was
going to do the work.

pulled off her shoes and her pants and then stood there, looking at her body,
rubbing his dick, preparing it.

hands?” she asked him.

hands,” he said.
“All dick.”

“I think I can manage a spanking
of that nature,” she said with a smile.

so?” Tommy asked, still staring at her, still rubbing his ever-expanding
She had no idea just how hard he
was about to put it on her.
He’d been
dreaming about doing her this way, and her wonderful, smart mouth just gave him
his opening.

when he opened her legs, and when his fingers opened her folds, he couldn’t
pass up a meal that enticing.

ate her pussy first.
He knelt down and
licked her with excruciatingly slow licks.
She was soak and wet by the time he was done.
If this was to portend what was to come, Liz
was expecting a long session of soft, sweet, passionate sex.
Tommy had mastered sweet sex just as
powerfully as he’d mastered hard.

he didn’t give her sweet and soft.
didn’t even give her hard.
He gave her
He laid her onto her stomach,
entered her from behind, and began fucking her with such ferocious strokes that
she was bouncing with the bed.
started hard and went harder.
His balls
were slapping against her as he banged her, and slapping her so hard that it
made any hand licks feel like kid’s play.

ass was on fire as Tommy pounded into it.
She was holding onto the bedding as he thrashed into her raw and
unapologetically, and kept on thrashing her.
And for all of the pain and pleasure, and for all of the fullness that
felt as if her insides would explode, Liz loved it!
It made her feel as if she was on top of a
mountain and falling and falling into the comfort of Tommy’s dick.

his dick wore her out.
He put it on her
so fiercely that she let out a scream when she came.
It was such an elevated high that she didn’t
think such a place existed.

Tommy knew it did.
He knew Liz had it in
He knew she could take his hardest
the way other women could barely take his easiest.
And the thought of it, that he could go to
the limits with her and she would love it too, made him cum.

when he came, when he poured into her with a searing release, she became
inflamed with his warm, massive leak, and came again.

laid on top of her back, his dick still stuck up her ass, as he felt the
magnificence, the sheer happiness that sex with Liz Logan always made him feel.

collapsed on top of her, after he came.


Porsche pulled up to the Gabrini corporate building in downtown Seattle and Liz
“You’re taking me to the
office?” she asked him.

sat behind the wheel a moment longer, and then he looked at her.
“No,” he responded.

look worried Liz.
“What is it?
Why are you bringing me here then?”

need you to meet some people,” he said.
“And, more importantly, I need them to meet you.”

didn’t understand.
“You want me to meet
your staff?”
He showed her the Gabrini
Corporation before, but he never took her inside or introduced her to his
He didn’t want them gossiping
about her, and she appreciated that.
did he now have a change of heart?
Because she was going to meet his little girl, did he feel it was high
time she met his staff too?

he said.
“I want you to meet the women
that I have had a relationship with.”

heart began to pound.
“You mean a sexual

Tommy admitted.

mean you’ve been seeing these females even after you said we were going to be

Tommy said with a frown.
“Of course
I haven’t been with another woman
since I went exclusive with you.
called them here because I want them to meet you.
I want them to understand the full extent of
my relationship with you.”

was baffled.
What in the world was going
“I don’t get it, Tommy.
Who cares what they understand or don’t

saw what Matthew Tennyson tried to do to you when he realized you had moved

And I know what you did to him in
I feel between you and me, he
got the raw end of that deal.”

tried to harm you,” Tommy said as if that was the only point that
“I will not allow any of these
ladies to even consider it.
I want it
out in the open that I will do more than harm them if they so much as entertain
the thought of harming you.”

stared at Tommy.
What was this really
Then a thought entered her
“Did something happen in the past
that makes you want to do this?”

looked at her.
He didn’t expect her to
have figured that out, but he was pleased that she had.
“Yes,” he said.
“I don’t think I conveyed strongly enough
what my wife at the time meant to me, and it gave some of my lady friends an
opening to exploit.
I want to make sure
they understand there are no openings with you.”
His look turned hard.

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