Tommy Gabrini 4: Dapper Tom Begin Again (19 page)

BOOK: Tommy Gabrini 4: Dapper Tom Begin Again
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“Sounds good to me!”

please!” Liz said with laughter, and they continued walking.

placed his arm around her again.
have you been doing since I left?”

been doing well.”

looked down at her body.
“Physically well?”

mentally I think, yeah.”

further word on that lawsuit?”

inwardly smiled.
“I told you nothing
would come of it.
He dropped it.”

was pleased to hear that.
“That’s good.”

she looked at him.
“The fact that this
guy I know broke his arm, didn’t hurt either.”

looked at her.
Then he stopped her
walking, and turned her to face him.
This was the crust of the matter for him.
Grace left him because she couldn’t deal with
his tactics.
She couldn’t deal with the
dark side of his personality.
“Do you
have a problem with the way I handled that?” he asked her.

me see,” Liz responded.
“Do I have a
problem with the fact that you broke the arm of a scumbag liar who was trying
to extort me out of everything I worked my entire life to build?
And you want to know if I have a problem with
Hell no I don’t have a problem with
that, are you serious?”

broke his arm.”

wish you would have broken his legs too.”

didn’t expect that answer.
“I’ve done
worse,” he added and searched her expression.

went unchanged.
“Worse with the
deserving, or the undeserving?” she asked.

with the undeserving,” he said.

what’s the problem?”

Her response was certainly
promising, but it was early days still.
They finally made it up to her Lexus.
“Keys?” Tommy asked her.

I have them,” she said as she pulled her key fob from out of her purse.
She pressed the key fob and unlocked her car

reached out his hand to take them.
he realized Liz was staring at him with a knowing smile on her face, he caught
Then he realized what.
“There I go again?”

“There you go again.”
Then her look turned serious.
“You’re not accustomed to a woman being in
I get that.
Well I’m not accustomed to a man being in
You need to get that.
We’ve both got some work to do.”

“You’re right, as usual.
Now give me the keys,” he said, opening the
passenger door, “and get in.”

couldn’t believe it.
“You’re a piece of
work, you know that?”

know it.”

and can’t help it, aren’t you?”

too far gone.”

laughed, but she gave him the keys.


as they drove home in quiet reflection, a different type of tension began to
Sexual tension.
Tommy was looking at her shapely legs beneath
her short skirt.
She was looking at the
ever expanding bundle between his thick thighs.
Not a word was spoken about it, but they both knew that it was the one
topic that they intended to fully explore before the night was through.

when they got out of her car and entered the home, and she began to walk away
from the front door just as he was closing it, he pulled her back against
Then he lifted her up, she wrapped
her legs around him, and they began kissing with the desperation that
separation imbued.
They kissed as if
they couldn’t get another of the other’s taste, and Tommy held the back of her
head steady, so that he could kiss her even harder.

he didn’t stop there.
He lifted her
blouse and bra off with one quick toss over her head.
And he began sucking her bare breasts as if
he was determined to suck them dry.
leaned her head back, and lifted her upper body as his mouth devoured her.
Her bubs were swelling, and her vagina was
jumping as he sucked her and licked her and wouldn’t let her go.

he still wasn’t through with her.
carried her to her sofa, sat her down, and then got on his knees in front of
He quickly removed her panties,
tossed them aside, and opened her legs.
the real work began.
Because he put a
job on her.
His tongue circled her clit
and sucked on her clit and swirled around her clit until it was swollen with
Her body was shuddering with
spasms and jerks as he made her feel as if she could cum at any moment.
He was licking her with such blistering
licks, slicing between her lapia with surgical precision, that her folds
wrinkled and withered beneath his attack.

pulled her ass closer to the edge of the sofa, and her legs were on his back,
as Tommy Gabrini went down on her so hard that she screamed out in delight and
And then his fingers entered her
along with his mouth, and it all felt so intense it felt as if she was being
gang banged by one man.
That was how
masterfully he did her.
That was how
incredibly he knew how to make her feel.

just when she thought she could not hold out and was about to cum on his
digits, and cum all over his mouth, he removed his mouth, slid out his wet
fingers, and lifted her again.

for the boss?” he asked her as he carried her.

ready,” she said, breathing heavily too.

almost came with my mouth and fingers,” he said as he hurried up the
“Imagine what you’re going to do
when my dick fill you up.”

Tommy,” she said, as she laid her head on his shoulder.
“Fill me then.
Fill me!”

he did.
He entered the bedroom, laid her
on her bed, and undressed quickly, tossing his coat, his shirt, and his tie
aside, and then unbuckling and unzipping his pants.
When he freed his cock, and Liz saw that it
was already sticking out stiff and ready, she couldn’t help it.
She actually licked her lips.
It affected Tommy so completely that he
straddled her on top of the bed, moved up, and shoved his dick into her

tasted his warm, salty pre-cum as soon as he entered her mouth.
And began to suck him, and to lick him, and
then laid there reveling in the feeling of him pushing his dick down her throat
with the deepest down she’d ever experienced.
She’d never gone this far down on any man in her life.
She loved that she was going down like this
on Tommy.

loved it too.
He was mouth-fucking her
in a way that made his entire dick vibrate with sensual delight.
This was worth the trip alone, and it wasn’t
even the reason he had come.
He looked
down at the woman who was taking him in full.
She was the reason.
He wasn’t
about to deny it.
He came all the way,
delaying his trip to Denmark by an entire day, because of this woman right
here. Liz Logan. His woman!

pulled his dick out of her mouth, moved down her lithe dark body, and entered
her pussy with a shove that caused her body to lift up in a cloud of
He took her breath away!
And when he started fucking her, with those
strokes that seemed to scrape her in the exact right spot every time he
stroked, she began to writhe around the bed to get away from him.

he pulled her back beneath him and fucked her even harder.
Gentleman her ass, she thought.
Tommy Gabrini was no gentleman in bed!
And she loved it!
He was fucking her so hard she came in orgasm
after orgasm.
He kept pounding and she
kept cumming.
By the time he began to
cum, her upper body had arched and squirmed and writhed its way until it was
off of the bed and almost on the floor, and her lower body, her pussy, was
right at the edge still being pounded by Tommy.

he kept stroking as he came.
He never let up until he had gotten out every
fear of heartbreak, every inch of desperation, every bone of contention in his
body that wanted him to deny the obvious.
He cared about this woman. He wanted to make it work with this
He wanted this woman!


as they laid side by side, Liz turned toward him.
He gave her grownup sex, something she’d been
wanting from a man her entire adulthood but never truly experienced. Until she
met Tommy.
And she realized a profound
all those women he had been with
didn’t stick around a man who wouldn’t commit to them just because he was good
Good looking men were a dime a
But they stuck around, Liz now
realized, because of his good loving.
Tommy knew how to throw it down.
She’d never met his equal.

began circling her finger around his muscular, still heavily-breathing
“When do you have to leave?” she
asked him.

turned sideways too, facing her, his head resting on his elbow.
“I need to leave tonight,” he said.

A sad
look appeared in her eyes.
When she
looked into his eyes, his heart melted.
And he knew, just like that, he wasn’t leaving her tonight.
“But I’m going to stay the night.”

smiled, and with a surge of tears coming to her eyes, she threw herself into
his arms.
He held her tightly, and
pulled her on top of his exhausted body.
Liz, Liz, Liz.
Just when he
thought it was better to stay out of the water, Liz Logan decided to swim by.


was up, had put on her bathrobe, and was heading downstairs to make coffee
before she was willing to admit how disappointed she was.
Tommy didn’t strike her as the type to tip out
in the middle of the night, especially after he’d promised to spend the night
with her, but that was exactly what he had done.
She woke up to find he had gone.
No note, nothing.
Which was fine if they had already had their proper goodbye.
And he was off to Denmark for God only knew
how long.
When would she see him
Would he even bother to phone her
at her?
She hated to admit it, but she
very much wanted to see him again.
was missing him already.

was about to say her familiar
his loss
refrain when she entered her living room area and heard voices outside of her
front door.
She first walked up to the
bay window, saw, to her shock, Tommy standing on her driveway signing papers
from a clipboard.
A tow truck was in the
yard, and Tommy handed the clipboard to the driver.

in the world,” Liz was saying as she made her way around her Queen Anne table
and out of her front door.
She was so
happy to see that Tommy hadn’t just took off that she didn’t realize a Maserati
was parked on her driveway until she was walking by it.
A dark green, 523-horsepower Maserati
Quattroporte GTS.
She also didn’t
realize the truck that had apparently delivered this hotrod of a car was
backing up and leaving.
She was too busy
staring at the car, and then at Tommy.

is this?” she asked him.
I can’t take a gift like this
, she was
about to say.

the car I’ll use when I’m in town,” Tommy said.

was glad she didn’t go there, but she was still confused.
“The car you’ll use while you’re in town?”

knew he was revealing more of himself than he would have liked, but after last
night, he wasn’t pretending any longer.
He was falling and he was no longer trying to get up.
“It’ll be housed at the airport,” he
“I’m renting a hangar there.”

when you’re in town?”

drive it.
And when I’m not in town,
either you can drive it if you like, or it’ll remain in storage.”

Liz still couldn’t wrap her brain around it.
“And when did you decide all of this?”

looked squarely into her eyes.
night,” he said.
“While you slept in my
So, while you slept, I phoned my
man in Seattle, who phoned the owner of a Maserati dealership here in Chicago,
told them the specs I wanted.
delivered it off of their lot.”

you paid for it and that’s that?”

“That’s that.”

when we go out together,” Liz said,
“there’ll be no question who’s driving?”

“That didn’t figure into it,
trust me.
I’m not that bossy!
But listen, that’s a good solution don’t you

couldn’t help but shake her head and smile.
“Lifestyles of the rich and famous.
I can’t even begin to relate to this.”

walked up to her and put both of his arms around her.
He looked so serious that it unnerved
“Just know,” he said, “that I
wouldn’t go through all of this trouble on a whim.
I truly want to see where we can go with

was getting happy, but she was experienced enough to know how to temper
“Where we go with what?”

relationship,” Tommy said.
And he
thought about that kid at the club, and the guy on the Voice mail, and all of
these other men who wanted her.
relationship,” he said.


pulled her closer.
“Very exclusive.”

Liz knew, but she had to be certain he

more guys,” he said. “Random or otherwise.”

studied him.
“That’s what it means for
But what does it mean for you?”

more ladies.”

or otherwise?”

or otherwise,” he said.

loved the sound of that.
But her look
became as serious as his.
“That sounds
good, Tommy.”

kissed her long and hard on the lips.
want you, Liz,” he said, rubbing his lips against hers.
“In every way.”

want you too, Tommy.
In more ways than

smiled when she said that.
“You’re nuts,
you know that?”

I’m nuts?
Says the man who buys a car
for every city he visits.”

“I do not!” he said.
He realized how happy this lady made him

exaggerating,” Liz admitted.
“But not by

miles,” Tommy said, still smiling.

they repartee ended, both of them turned serious.
They understood the stakes.
“So what, exactly, does this exclusive
arrangement really means?” Liz asked him.
She knew he’d already said what it meant, but she needed him to make it
even plainer.
She had to make sure they
were on the same page.

was experienced enough to know exactly what she needed to hear.
“It means that you’re my lady now,” he
“And I’m your man.
I don’t need anyone else, and neither do
And we’ll see where it goes.

Then she rubbed his hair.
He was so adorable to her!
“When will I see you again?” she asked.

“In a
few days,” he said.

surprised her.

take care of business in Copenhagen and finish up there, and then I’ll swing
back through here.
I’m not crazy about
long distance relationships, but it’s the best we can do right now.”


good then?”

Any kind
of relationship would have sounded good with him.
“Sounds great,” she said.
“And thrilling actually.”

Kissed her again.
“Now, young lady,” he said, as he began
walking her toward his car.
“I’d better
get to work.”

can’t wait to try that bad boy out, can you?”

“I feel like a kid in a candy

don’t be a happy fool in that candy store.
Drive carefully.”

yeah,” he said.
“I already know you’re
my girlfriend.”

looked curiously at him.
“Why do you
know that?”

you’re acting like an old lady already!”

punched him on the arm, he laughed again, kissed her again, and then got in his
expensive toy of a ride and took off down her driveway, burning rubber
purposefully as he went.

shook her head, still smiling, and went into her home.

she wasn’t in and fixing coffee five minutes before the doorbell rang.
Thinking it was Tommy forgetting something,
she hurried out of the kitchen, up to the front door, and flung it open.
When she saw Mathew Tennyson standing at her
front door, she attempted to close it back.
But his shoe stopped her, then he pushed it on open and walked on in.

now,” he said, closing the door, “is that any way to treat your lover?”

not my lover,” Liz said pointedly.

I’ll bet you’re his.
Who is that guy
I saw that Maserati leave when I
turned the corner.”

folded her arms.
“What do you want,

do you think I want?
Why wouldn’t you
answer my phone calls?
You made me look
like a fool begging you.”

didn’t ask you to beg me.
I told you to
leave me the hell alone.”

stared at her with a look that chilled her.
“Not possible,” he said.
And then
he began walking around her room.
who was the guy?” he asked.
“Did he stay
all night?
Or did he just fuck you and

out!” she yelled.

he saw her panties on the floor.
reached down and picked them up.
hurried to him, and tried to snatch them out of his hand, but he snatched them
away from her.
“I see,” he said as an
odd expression appeared on his face.
was a fuck and run. I see.”
Then he
looked at her.

need to leave, Matt.”

sure you think so.”

you have a city to run?”

you worry about what I have to run!
about you?
Who is he?”

headed for the front door.

is he, Liz?” Matthew responded, following her.

of your business,” she said, opening her door.
“Now leave.”

slammed the door back shut.
And threw
her panties aside.
“I’ll leave,” he said,
walking closer to her.
“But not before I
get what you gave to him!”

you dare, Matthew!” Liz yelled, backing away, but Matthew closed on her.
“I’ll bet you’re still wet.
Aren’t you?”
He grabbed her and began untying her bathrobe.
“Aren’t you, Liz?
You’re still wet, you little bitch!
Aren’t you?”

Liz was too busy fighting with all she had to get away from him.
She was pushing back on her ass, she was
kicking her legs, she was doing everything within her power.
But he was winning the battle. Easily.
He slung open her bathrobe, revealing her
naked body, and then he gaped open her legs and shoved his fingers up her
vagina. It was still wet.

was a turn on for him.
And she knew
That was why she waited.
She stopped fighting.
She pretended his finger shove turned her on
It was the only way.
And when he did it, when he shoved his
fingers into her again, and then put his wet fingers into his mouth, she made
her escape.
She jumped up and ran.
He grabbed for her, but all he grabbed was
the robe off her body.

she ran up those stairs faster than she’d ever run in her life.
He was right behind her, closing in on her,
but she knew exactly what she was running to.
If she could only get to her nightstand.
If she could only get to her drawer!
But he closed in too fast.
soon as she entered the bedroom, he was upon her.
She had no choice but to grab the next best
thing: the baseball bat she kept beside her bed.

grabbed it and turned around swinging.
She knocked him back, and then knocked him down.
She kept swinging and he kept ducking until
it was she, now, who was overtaking him.

bitch!” he was yelling, but he was running as he was yelling.
And Liz would not stop.
She beat him and she beat him.
They beat the fire out of him.
The idea that he thought he could just waltz
into her home and rape her, made her beat him even harder.

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