To Love and Submit (17 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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He thrust in and out, filling her completely in firm, steady movements. Rachel’s body, still aroused from her orgasm a few moments earlier, was responding to his pounding and she felt herself drift off to somewhere else, someplace where pleasure was so intense it took on a force of its own.

She felt him thicken inside her and when he reached down and stroked her clit she screamed at the same time as he exploded inside her. He continued thrusting as her muscles spasmed around his cock until finally he collapsed on top of her, their bodies melding together in heat and sweat.

Eventually, he raised himself and looked down at her. “Wow.” He smiled, and kissed her softly on the lips.

“Wow,” she agreed, and closed her eyes, glorying in the afterglow of the hottest sex she’d ever had.

“Having an audience didn’t seem to bother you too much,” he said, with a wicked glint in his eyes, and looked up at the remaining crowd.

“Oh God,” she groaned. She’d completely forgotten about them, but now, as reality slowly returned to normal, her whole body burned with humiliation. How could she have let herself go like that in front of a crowd of complete strangers? She thought about her screams as she’d come. Fuck, they’d probably heard her all the way down in the dungeons. She shivered as a feeling of vulnerability washed over her and she suddenly wished they were somewhere else.

“Adam?” she whispered.

“Hmm?” He ran his finger over her hard nipples, sending more aftershocks through her spent body.

“Can we go back to the aftercare room?”

“You really like it in there, don’t you?” he asked, with a smile. Then he nodded and added softly, “Of course we can. Can you walk?”

Rachel nearly lied and said no, but she’d learnt her lesson so instead said, “Well, I probably could, but I’d love it if you would carry me.”

“Good girl,” he said with a grin, “you’re learning.”

Adam lifted her effortlessly and she snuggled into him, savouring the feel of his strong arms holding her. He carried her downstairs to the aftercare lounge and laid her gently on one of the sofas.

“Hmm,” she moaned softly, as she put her head down on his lap.

After a few minutes of drifting in and out of sleep, she opened her eyes when she heard the curtain open, and saw Luke walk in, carrying the pretty redhead from reception. She didn’t say anything and just watched as he laid the girl gently down and covered her with a blanket. She smiled at him when he sat down and gave her a wink.

“Am I forgiven?” he asked, in a quiet voice so as not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere.

She looked up at Adam and felt her stomach contract with happiness. She nodded back with a grin and heard Adam say, “I owe you one, Luke.”

Eventually, much to her regret, Adam roused her gently and told her it was time to go home.

“What time is it?” she asked, unable to hide a frown.

“Four o’clock in the morning,” he answered, then laughed when her eyes widened in surprise. “Your clothes are ready for you and Rob’s outside waiting to take you home.”

“Oh. Thank you.” She suddenly felt deflated—she didn’t want the night to end, she wanted to stay with Adam all night, to sleep in his arms and wake up with him in the morning. But she was only his sub, not his girlfriend, and besides, she had to face him on Monday morning. He was, after all, her boss so it was probably best anyway that she left before she got too comfortable in his arms.

She took her clothes and headed for the ladies’ so she could get changed in private. How ironic that she should be bothered about getting dressed in front of anyone, when earlier that night she’d been flogged into subspace and fucked to a screaming climax in front of a crowd of complete strangers.

Once she was back in her new blue velvet dress and shoes, she glanced in the mirror to check her appearance. The girl who looked back at her was different from the girl who had entered the club earlier. The dress and shoes might be the same, but the remaining heat on her backside told of a girl who had just had a life changing experience, and it went far deeper than the physical marks on her body.

She had always assumed that her fantasies about being restrained and spanked were purely physical—the fact that she might actually be truly submissive had never occurred to her. And yet, the most poignant and powerful part of the whole night had been the moment Adam had pushed her to her knees, grabbed her hair and forced her into submission.

Her mind and body had melted and, at that moment, pleasing Adam in any way she could was the only thing that had mattered. And yet, she knew that if he asked her to spring clean his house for him, she’d tell him where to stick his cleaning brushes. How could that be? How could she want to surrender to him completely one minute, and yet still remain as fiercely independent as she was and always would be?

She studied her reflection thoughtfully—her hair was a mess, her makeup barely visible except for dark smudges around her eyes, which had that glazed, post-sex look in them. She grinned at her reflection. This was what she must have looked like while Adam had been fucking her and, if that hadn’t put him off, he must really like her. Her body tingled as she thought about all the delicious things he’d done to her.

The door from the club suddenly opened and she heard Chrissie’s deep voice greet her, “Hello, lovey.”

“Hi.” She smiled. “Have you finished for tonight?”

She watched as Chrissie sat down on a chair and pulled off her ridiculously high-heeled shoes. “Yes, thank God, I don’t think I could have stood for another second in these fucking shoes.” She rubbed her feet and grinned at Rachel. “So, did you have a good time tonight?”

Rachel smiled dreamily and nodded. “Oh yes, it was amazing. I don’t know how I never knew I was into all this before.”

Chrissie laughed. “I know, I was the same. If it wasn’t for Adam I’d probably still be well and truly in the closet.”

“Adam? Was Adam your Dom?” Rachel couldn’t keep the shock from her voice.

Chrissie howled with laughter, her deep voice echoing off the painted pink walls. “Oh, heaven forbid,” she choked, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. “I’m not into the BDSM lifestyle, lovey. But I was a closet tranny for many years and it was Adam who gave me this job so I could be Chrissie the tart at the weekends instead of Christopher the nerd.”

Rachel giggled. “You’re not a nerd.”

“Ask me what I do for a living?” demanded Chrissie, hands dramatically placed on her hips.

“Er, photographer? Singer?”

“Not even close. I’m a particle physicist. Tomorrow morning I fly back out to Switzerland to my job at Cern. I fly back to London whenever I can, and Adam lets me work here so I can ‘let my hair down’ so to speak.”

“Wow, you work at Cern? That’s amazing.” Rachel didn’t know too much about science, but she had heard about the Large Hadron Collider and thought how cool it was to actually know someone who worked there.

“You see? I’m a nerd!” said Chrissie, with a grin. “Outside of these clothes, I’m the most boring, nerdy geek you’ll ever meet.”

“No way.” Rachel laughed. “Chrissie, no matter what you’re wearing, dress or suit, you will
be boring.”

“Well, thank you. So, did Adam treat you all right tonight? I’ve heard he can be a sadistic bastard.”

Rachel swallowed nervously. “Really?”

Chrissie laughed again. “Of course not, silly. I’m winding you up. Did he spank you?”

Rachel blushed as her face stretched into a wide grin.

“Ah, so you’ve got a nice sore butt now, very pleased to hear it. You know, Adam’s renowned for his expertise with a flogger. If you think you’re sore now, just you wait.” Chrissie winked at her and laughed when she saw Rachel’s horrified face. “Don’t you like pain?”

“Erm, well, I’m not sure yet how much pain I can take. This was my first time.” Rachel caught Chrissie’s eyes in the mirror and grinned. “I’m looking forward to finding out, though.”

Chrissie smiled back. “Well, you’re in safe hands with Adam. He might be a bad-tempered bastard, but I hear he’s a pretty good Dom. Just don’t disobey him.”

“What do you mean?” Rachel frowned.

“It isn’t only flogging that Adam is famous for, he’s also notorious for his discipline.” Chrissie turned and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “But don’t let that put you off.”

“Thanks,” groaned Rachel, and waved goodbye as Chrissie blew her a kiss and left.

When Rachel emerged from the cloakroom, Adam was waiting for her. “You took your time,” he said, frowning. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks. I was just having a chat with Chrissie.”

“Hmm, don’t go believing everything she says. She may be a drag queen, but she’s also a drama queen.”

Rachel giggled. “I like her. She’s the coolest nerd I’ve ever met.”

Adam laughed and led her through to reception. “I’ll walk you to the car,” he said then kissed the top of her head.

“Aren’t you going home?” she asked, hoping it didn’t sound like she was angling for an invitation back to his place, which she was.

He shook his head. “No, I’ve got paperwork to finish. Now, go home and get some sleep. I don’t want a tired PA on Monday morning because I might just have to punish any sloppiness.”

Despite Chrissie’s words about his reputation for discipline, Rachel raised an eyebrow and said, in her best provocative voice, “Is that a promise, Sir?”

Rob dropped her off outside her flat and waited until she was inside, before driving off. He had been as polite and discreet as always, and she smiled to herself when she remembered how she had thought he was some random taxi driver who’d struck lucky with a couple of kinky customers.

Mandy—unsurprisingly, seeing as it was nearly five in the morning—was asleep on the sofa, so Rachel covered her with a blanket and tiptoed quietly out of the room.

“Hold it right there!” Mandy’s voice was so unexpected that Rachel let out a little squeal of shock.

“I thought you were asleep.” She walked back over and sat on the edge of the sofa, nudging Mandy to make her move and give her a bit more room.

“I was, but I heard you close the front door. Okay, Rach, talk. And don’t leave anything out.” Mandy sounded wide awake now, so any hopes of going to bed any time soon were dashed.


“Go on. Did he spank you?” Mandy certainly wasn’t wasting any time in getting to the nitty-gritty.

“He did more than that.” Rachel felt the now familiar warmth creep through her body as she thought back to her flogging session earlier. “He blindfolded me, chained me up and beat me with two floggers and a crop.”
Ha, take that, Mandy.

“Oh my God.” Mandy was wide-eyed as she looked at Rachel with what appeared to be a new respect. “Did it hurt? Forget I said that, of course it would have hurt.” She rolled her eyes and grinned.

“Yes, it did hurt. Not at first, though, he started quite lightly, although I didn’t think that at the time. It was like he built it up. It got harder and harder and the more it hurt, the more it turned me on.” Rachel shook her head as if hearing herself say the words made it seem quite bizarre.

“Are you still sore?”

Rachel wriggled her arse a bit and yes, it was a little tender, but nothing like she would have expected it to be, so she just shrugged and replied, “A bit, but it feels nice. Warm and sexy.”

She stifled a yawn, as the evening suddenly started to catch up with her. Apart from the flogging scene where she had reached this altered state of mind called subspace, she had had the most mind-blowing sex ever, but now her body felt as heavy and tired as her eyelids.

“And what about Adam Stone?” pressed Mandy, seemingly oblivious to Rachel’s exhaustion. “What was he like?”

Rachel’s eyes blurred slightly as she recalled the way he had gently reassured her before the flogging and had then looked after her so tenderly in the aftercare lounge. And later, when he’d fucked her in front of those people, the look on his face had confirmed that he hadn’t been lying when he’d told her she was beautiful. “He was amazing,” she sighed, dreamily.

“Rachel, you’re looking suspiciously like you might be falling for him. Are you finally letting that steel barrier down?”

Rachel shook her head. “I don’t know, Mandy. I really like him, he’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met before and he’s brought both my mind and body to new heights I didn’t know were possible.” She thought back to the look of understanding in his eyes when she had finally acknowledged her submission. It had been the single most powerful emotion she had ever experienced, more powerful even than the feelings of betrayal and bitterness that had haunted her nearly all her life.

Yes, it was very possible that she was falling for him, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing because it meant she would have to learn to trust him. But she knew if she let her guard down and allowed herself to fall in love, she would never recover if, and when, he would eventually leave her, alone, hurt and broken.

She rubbed her eyes to cover the tears that were lurking underneath—another yawn giving her the perfect excuse to drop the subject.

“Sorry, hon, but I need to get to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow, promise.” She leaned over and gave Mandy a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’m going round to my parents for Sunday lunch tomorrow, do you fancy coming?” Mandy got up from the sofa and stretched.

“Thanks, but I think I need a mega lie-in and a day of doing absolutely nothing. I’ll see you when you get back and we’ll have a bottle of wine and a proper chat, okay?”

Mandy nodded, and they headed to their respective bedrooms.

As Rachel slid under her duvet she grabbed the spare pillow next to her and hugged it close. She closed her eyes and saw Adam’s face smiling down at her, but just as she drifted off to sleep, the smile was replaced with a look of rejection and the familiar feeling of abandonment filled her as a lone tear slid silently down her cheek.

Chapter Sixteen

Rachel stopped outside the glass entrance to Stone Media and took a deep breath. It was Monday morning and she was about to face her formidable boss who only a couple of nights earlier had had her on her knees, naked and willing to do practically anything for him.

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