To Love and Submit (15 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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She quickly became distracted from the voices again, though, as she felt him lift her hands, still cuffed together, and secure them to the chains above her head. He pushed her feet apart with his foot until she was spread open for all to see, and deftly secured her ankles so she was completely restrained and unable to move.

That was the final straw. Panic set in, and she tugged desperately at the chains, trying to regain some control, until she felt Adam’s hands gently caress her back. “Sssh, sweet thing,” he whispered in her ear. “This is one punishment I think you’ll enjoy. I’m going to see how much you can take so I can push your limits another time, but if it gets too much, use your safe word. Do you understand?”

Even though she was shaking almost uncontrollably, Adam’s voice calmed her and she knew he really wouldn’t do anything she couldn’t cope with. Feeling reassured, she answered, “Yes, Sir,” and got a hard kiss in return.

He stepped back, and the crowd that was still gathering around hushed to near silence. Then he started brushing her skin gently with something soft and feathery. It felt wonderful, tickling her and waking dormant nerves across the whole of her body. He ran it over her back, down her bottom cheeks and onto the backs of her legs, before running it back up along the fronts of her legs, lingering momentarily around her mound, before moving up to her stomach and breasts.
. She felt her muscles relax as a delicious warmth enveloped her.

Then he moved down to her nipples. They hardened instantly, as the soft feathers caressed and teased them. “Oh!” she moaned in delight when he sucked her right nipple into his mouth. It was hot and wet and he licked and sucked until her nipple started to ache. Then his mouth left again and she felt a gentle pinch, making her gasp as the sensation sent shots of electricity to her groin. He did it all again on the other nipple, and she groaned as she felt herself become more relaxed and aroused.

When both her nipples were burning with pleasure, he stopped and walked back to the table. She heard him put the feathery thing down and pick something else up. Oh God, what was he going to do now? There were a couple of giggles from the audience, which only increased her anxiety. Then she felt something soft and rubbery brush against her skin. It felt like loads of thin strands of lightweight rubber all stroking her at once, as he draped them over her breasts, stomach then round to her back and buttocks.

Hmm, if this is punishment, I’ll have to misbehave more often
. But then suddenly, the thin strands stopped caressing her and instead came down hard on her arse with a loud slap.
Ouch, that hurt, sort of.
Actually, it was more of a sting and, now that it was settling a bit, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. He hit her arse another six or seven times on the same cheek until it started burning slightly. Thankfully, when it started becoming more painful, he stopped and gently draped the tails over her stinging arse cheek.

She felt herself relax a little until he flogged her other buttock, matching the sting on the other side. Her whole arse was burning now and she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard him walk over to the table and put the flogger down. He soon returned and stroked her arm, lulling her into the false illusion that he had finished.

But when she was relaxed to the point of letting her guard down she felt something rub against the side of her thigh, something cold and leathery, a crop maybe? He rubbed it up to her shoulders and round to the front, over her nipples, then brought it down to her thighs and stopped. The crop lifted off her skin and came down with a whoosh across the crease where her arse and leg joined.
! It felt so different from the flogger, much more intense. She bit her lips as she tried to absorb the blow, then the pain changed, somehow sending pleasure signals straight to her pussy, and she felt her clit begin to throb with arousal so strong it nearly hurt as much as the impact of the crop itself.

He hit her again on the sides and backs of her thighs, again and again, and each time she felt the waves of pain mixed with pleasure caress her, until the sting started to become too intense. But just as she was wondering if she should use her safe word, he stopped and rubbed the end of the crop against her burning flesh. She hung her head as she devoured the sensation, not wanting him to stop, this was the most glorious feeling she had ever experienced.

She hadn’t heard him walk over to the table but she did hear him put the crop down. A moment later, she knew he was behind her again, and sighed as his hand gently started caressing her glowing buttocks. Slowly his hand moved in between her legs and rubbed gently over her slit. He moaned when he felt her wetness and Rachel felt her whole body contract as he gently rubbed her clit.

“Oh no you don’t.” His husky voice made her jump, and she realised he had stopped touching her. “You will come when I say so and not before. I just want to make sure you’re enjoying your punishment.” He kissed her mouth and moved away again, leaving her shivering slightly as she wondered what he would do next. By now, she had completely forgotten about the crowd and all she could think of were the delicious sensations coursing through her body.

Then she felt it, a flogger, bigger and harder than the first one, probably leather or suede, she couldn’t tell, landing with a resounding, heavy thud each time it hit her skin. “Oh God,” she cried, as she felt the impacts move along her upper back and shoulders, swinging back and forth, up and down in a continuous rhythm, slowly getting harder and more painful. And yet, with every thud, her pleasure increased, each blow sending waves of passion crashing to her throbbing clit.

Every now and again, her head would jerk up at a particularly hard hit, but apart from that she was beginning to feel as if she were losing control of her movements. But then, as the flogging became more intense, she started to question if she could take any more. The pain, although exquisite, was becoming almost unbearable and she considered again, through the haze in her head, using her safe word. But if she screamed the word out, he would stop and she so desperately wanted him to carry on. So she kept quiet and Adam continued flogging her.

And that’s when she finally surrendered to him, the pain—everything. She stopped trying to predict where the next blow would fall, how hard it would be or whether she should use her safe word or not. She let go of the inner fight and, as she did so, her legs buckled under her and her whole world suddenly turned upside down. She was floating, far away, on some sort of cloud. She couldn’t hear the crowd or music anymore. Everything became muffled as she allowed herself to be carried away in this strange world where gravity didn’t seem to exist.

She vaguely became aware of the chains being loosened and her body being picked up in strong masculine arms and carried somewhere. Then the strangest thing happened—she started laughing, really laughing, so hard that tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she buried her face in the chest of the owner of the arms carrying her. She had no idea why she was laughing so much and the thought that she might be drunk fleetingly crossed her mind.

She felt herself being lowered onto something soft and squidgy then being covered with a blanket while the strong arms continued holding her. Slowly, as she started to come down from her high, she became aware of her surroundings again. She opened her eyes, the blindfold had been removed and Adam was looking down at her with a mixture of tenderness and lust.

“Welcome back,” he said, smiling softly as her eyes focused on him.

“Hmm.” She smiled, somehow unable to talk. He kissed her forehead and she felt herself slowly drift off to sleep.

When she woke, she felt disorientated and confused. She was still in Adam’s arms, and he was stroking her hair. “How long was I asleep for?” she asked, groggily.

“Only about ten minutes,” he said, and gently helped her to sit up.

She looked around and frowned. “Where are we?”

“In the aftercare lounge. We’re downstairs in the main bar again. It’s just through there.” He nodded towards a thick red velvet curtain. She looked around the small room, which consisted of nothing but lots of squidgy sofas just like the one they were on. Across the room, another sub was nestled into her Dom.

“I’ve never felt like that before,” she said quietly. “It was incredible.”

“And you haven’t even come yet.” He grinned, leaning down and kissing her softly. “I forgot it was meant to be a punishment once I saw you were drifting into subspace. I wanted to make your first trip a pleasurable and memorable one.”

Just then, Amelia’s scary-looking Dom pulled the curtain across and strode into the small lounge, carrying Amelia in his arms. He put her tenderly down on a sofa and gently tucked a blanket all around her, leaving her back exposed. Rachel was shocked to see it was covered in lots of angry red welts forming a criss-cross pattern across her shoulders and over her buttocks.

She watched the Dom whispering softly in Amelia’s ear and was amazed at how sweet he was being, seeing that he was the scariest, meanest-looking bloke she’d seen in a long time. But then Adam scared her at times and he’d been amazing tonight.

He took a tube of cream out of his pocket and carefully start rubbing it into Amelia’s sore skin—Rachel flinched at how much that must hurt. But when she looked at Amelia’s face her expression was one of complete euphoria, and Rachel realised that she was just as happy and content as she, herself, had been a few minutes earlier.

She looked up at Adam’s face and felt a wave of emotion so intense that it took her breath away. Adam saw her expression and smiled down at her. All was well in the world, until he suddenly said, “Up you get, sweet thing, I haven’t finished with you yet.”

Chapter Fourteen

“What?” Rachel cried, the mere thought of any more pain bringing tears to her eyes.

But Adam shot her a warning glance and put his finger to his lips. “Shh, this is a quiet area. Be quiet and put this on.” He handed her a flimsy black robe, which she took from him with a frown. She gave a sigh of indignation and slid off the comfy warm sofa, wincing as her bottom brushed against the seat. She put on the robe, glaring at Adam as she did so.

It was just long enough to cover her bare, burning arse, but she was glad of it nonetheless, as she pulled the sides together and tied the thin ribbon, acting as a belt. She didn’t feel quite as exposed as she would have done without it, although it was so transparent that it left nothing to the imagination.

When she was ready, Adam nodded at her to follow him and she stomped after him into the busy and noisy main bar. He led her to their alcove and helped her slide her bottom along the seat. “How do you feel?” He grinned, wickedly.

“A bit sore, but fine,” she said, wishing they could return to the warm intimate space of the aftercare lounge. Her body was still tingling slightly and it was only now that she was becoming aware of the soreness across her back, bottom and legs.

Then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “Do my marks look like Amelia’s?” she asked.

Adam laughed and stroked his thumb across her cheek. “No way, sweet thing. I can assure you, they’re nothing like Amelia’s. Those stripes are from a cane.”

“Shit,” she gasped. “Amelia’s into that?”

He chuckled then replied, “Amelia is a masochist and she has the perfect partner in Jack, who is a sadist. They complement each other very well and genuinely care for each other, although they fight constantly at work. It makes for a very interesting relationship.”

Rachel smiled and snuggled into Adam’s arms. It felt so right being there, and for the first time in years, she truly felt like she belonged. She felt herself letting go of her inhibitions and just enjoying the moment for what it was. Adam’s arms made her feel warm and safe, and she would happily have stayed there forever. She could get used to this.

But then the warning signals started nagging at her, just like they always did when she let her guard down, the ones she always got every time she felt a bit of happiness. She couldn’t allow herself to become too comfortable in Adam’s arms, she thought, pulling away from him slightly, because he would only hurt her. People always did.

“What’s wrong?” Adam frowned, immediately picking up on her change of mood.

“Oh, nothing.” She smiled, hoping he’d drop the subject.

But Adam’s frown deepened and he lifted her face to his, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Rachel, I’m pretty sure I’ve already said this, but I’ll say it again just in case… The two most important things in a Dom/sub relationship, are trust and honesty. I expect both from you, and you will have mine in return. Now, I’ll ask again, what’s wrong?” He spoke in that sexy, but scary Dom voice again, demanding and uncompromising.

Rachel felt trapped—this was neither the time nor the place to discuss any trust issues she might have, so she decided that distraction might be the best tactic on this occasion.

“I was just wondering what you’re going to do to me next,” she said, with a slightly forced grin. “I’m not sure I can take any more pain tonight.” That bit was true, and luckily Adam seemed content with her answer as he ran his hand through her hair and tugged at it gently.

“Don’t worry, no more pain,” he said. “At least not for tonight. But we are going back upstairs where I’m going to give you the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life.”

Rachel felt her body spring back to life as blood rushed through her veins in happy anticipation. “Hmm, can’t wait.”

“But first, you’re going to remove the robe,” he said in his deep, stern voice. “Now!”

“Don’t be silly,” she giggled. “I can’t walk around wearing nothing.”

Without warning, she felt a sharp sting on the side of her thigh, right where he’d hit her with the riding crop. “Ow, what did you do that for?”

“A sub
calls her Dom ‘silly’ and they also never argue when given an order,” he growled, looking extremely pissed off. “Now, get on with it. The next words I hear from you should be yes, Sir!”

“But… Yes, Sir,” she said, in defeat. She stood up and looked helplessly at the alcoves around them. All were full and she was visible to nearly everyone in the bar. Surely he didn’t want her to walk around stark naked, did he?

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