To Love and Submit (14 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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He headed for the door, turned back to her and smiled, the promise of the delights to come glowing in his eyes. “Meet me in reception when you’re ready.”

She held up the scrap of material and managed to work out it was some sort of dress, although the word ‘dress’ was vastly overstated. It was more like a very tight, wet-look vest that only just covered her nipples and stopped halfway down her arse. The front, which was ever so slightly longer than the back, zipped all the way up and just about covered her bare pussy, but the tiniest movement left her exposed for the world to see.

By the time she stepped back into the reception, Adam was back, now dressed in his sexy leathers. He raised his eyebrows and whistled when he saw her. “You look gorgeous,” he whispered. He put the collar, wrist and ankle cuffs from the day before back on her. When she was ready, he stood back and looked her up and down with a smile. “Good,” he said, and took her arm.

As soon as they stepped into the bar, she felt the same shiver of anticipation she had felt the day before as the music, drone of voices and smell of dry ice and leather hit her. Hmm, she could get used to this. Adam led her to the bar where Chrissie tottered up to them, this time with a bright pink wig on. “Hello, darlings.” She fussed with her hair and fluttered her eyelashes as she asked them what they’d like to drink.

“Rachel will have a water,” said Adam, without asking her what she wanted.

She glared at him, feeling a fresh surge of irritation. Damn him, she was going to ask for a glass of wine.

“She’s had enough alcohol already,” he added to Chrissie, who nodded her understanding and told them she’d bring their drinks over. “It’s important to remain sober while you play,” he said, and led her to the same table they’d had yesterday. The reserved sign was still there, letting everyone know this table was for the boss only.

She slid onto the soft leather seat and looked around the club. It was only half past ten, but the bar was already buzzing with crowds of people catching up with their friends before they went up, or down, to play. The dance floor was nearly full and Doms strode purposefully past with their subs dutifully in tow. The air was charged with sexuality and Rachel felt the now familiar warmth return to her as she looked forward to the night ahead.

Adam then, in full view of the whole bar, lifted what tiny amount of material covered her pussy and started stroking her lightly. She groaned softly as he spread her juices over her clit and gently rubbed.

“Hmm.” She closed her eyes and forgot about the crowds.

“Tell me how you feel, Rachel.” His voice intruded on her brain, which had just shut down and only wanted the sensation from between her legs. He grabbed her by her hair firmly with his free hand, pulling her head towards him and finally getting her attention. “I said, tell me how you feel.”

“I feel amazing”—she grinned, her voice husky—“I feel sexy and horny and I want you to fuck me, Adam. Please.”

“Who?” he growled, with a warning edge to his voice.

Huh, what the hell was his problem? Oh yeah, damn him. “
,” she hissed.

He withdrew his finger, but continued holding onto her hair so she couldn’t look away from him. “I think you need a lesson in respecting your Dom,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “It looks like you’ll be learning about punishment sooner rather than later.”

“Sorry, Sir,” she gasped, desperate to feel his finger on her clit again. But he let go of her hair and pulled away from her, his eyes dark and brows furrowed.

Just then, a tall, tough-looking guy wearing one of the black DM T-shirts Luke had told her about approached their table. He coughed awkwardly and said, “Excuse me, Adam, sorry to disturb you, but could I borrow you for a few minutes?”

“Of course. Ask Amelia to come over and sit with Rachel, will you?” He turned to her, took her hands and held them together while he gave her a hard kiss. When he pulled away, she heard a click and realised he had clipped her wrist cuffs together. She was about to protest when he picked up a discreet chain from the base of the seat and cuffed her to it.

“Hey,” she said, frowning, “what are you doing?”

Adam leaned over her, ran his hand through her hair before grabbing it again and firmly tugging it backwards, forcing her head back so she had to look up at him. A fresh wave of desire swept through her at the way he so easily commandeered her. “I’ll only be gone for a few minutes. Remember the ‘B’ for bondage? Enjoy it.” He grinned and walked off, leaving her chained to her seat, just as a tall, pretty girl with short, white spiky hair approached the table.

“Hi, I’m Amelia.” She smiled, seemingly oblivious to the chain securing Rachel’s cuffs. She bowed her head respectfully to Adam who nodded at her and turned to leave them.

“Hello, I’d shake your hand, but that bastard has chained me to the fucking seat,” Rachel grumbled.

“I heard that,” growled Adam, and walked off without looking back.

Amelia burst out laughing and rubbed her hands together. “Ha, it looks like Adam might have got himself a bratty sub.”

Rachel couldn’t believe Amelia was being so rude. Who the hell was she to call her a brat? When Amelia saw Rachel’s expression, though, she quickly said, “Sorry, are you new to this?”

Rachel nodded and Amelia rolled her eyes and said, “That explains it. I wasn’t hurling an insult at you just then. A brat is a term used in BDSM for a sub who’s a little unruly, opinionated and gives her Master a hard time.”

“Oh, I see,” said Rachel, not sure if she really did see. Was she unruly and opinionated?

“You’ve either got to be very brave or an utter brat to call Adam Stone a bastard. Although stupid would also cover it,” Amelia said, grinning broadly.

“Oh shit, he’s already threatened to punish me,” said Rachel, with a worried frown.

“Ooh, lucky you,” giggled Amelia.

Just then a huge, thuggish-looking man dressed from head to toe in black leather stormed up to their table. “Amelia?” he growled. “What exactly are you doing?”

“Holy fuck,” groaned Amelia under her breath. She practically jumped off the seat and threw herself down at his feet, kneeling before him with her head bowed. “Sorry, Sir. Adam asked me to look after his sub.”

Sir made a guttural sound that sounded like it came from a lion, grabbed Amelia by the hair and lowered his head to talk to her. “When he gets back, get your arse down to the dungeon,” he growled.

“Yes, Sir,” said Amelia, meekly, and remained on her knees until Sir had left. Once he was out of sight, she got up, sat herself back down on the seat next to Rachel and grinned like a cat that had just knocked off the whole of London’s supply of cream. “Isn’t he lovely?” she drooled, a look of complete adoration in her eyes.

Rachel laughed. Lovely definitely wasn’t a word she would use to describe Sir. “Don’t you mind him treating you like that?” she asked.

Amelia giggled. “Hell no, I
it. It turns me on more than anything. Anyway, I get my own back in the courtroom. I always wipe the floor with him!”

Rachel gaped at Amelia in surprise. “You’re a lawyer?”

Amelia nodded. “Yep, we both are, although I’m more senior than he is.”

Rachel grinned at the thought of Amelia outranking her scary Dom at work. “He looked pretty pissed off just then. I hope I haven’t gotten you into trouble.”

Amelia didn’t look in the slightest bit worried though and shrugged as she replied, “Nah. He and Adam have an agreement that they help each other out when needed.”

“Oh, right.”

Amelia nodded her head towards the bar. “It looks like Adam’s on his way back over. You’ll enjoy being topped by him,” she whispered, as he approached them. “See that bulge in his trousers? Well, darling, I’ve watched a few public scenes he’s done here and I can tell you that that’s not padding!”

Chapter Thirteen

Rachel dissolved into fits of laughter just as Adam reached their table, his ‘bulge’ in full view. “Thank you for helping, Amelia. I trust you behaved yourself?”

Amelia looked at Rachel and they both started giggling again. “Yes, Sir,” she said, trying to look serious.

“You can go. Your Master is waiting for you in the dungeon.”

“Ooh thank you, Sir.” Amelia turned back to Rachel and gave her a wink. “See ya, have fun!”

As Amelia scurried away, Adam sat down next to Rachel and pulled her close to him. “What did she say?” he asked, softly.

But Rachel shook her head and smiled. “I can’t tell you that. You know, subs honour and all that.”

Adam’s face darkened, although there was a hint of laughter in his eyes. “Hmm, calling your Dom a bastard, laughing at him and then not answering him when he asks you a question.” He slowly unclipped her cuffs from the chain and, leaving her hands clipped together, pulled her up and whispered in her ear, “I think you’ve just earned your first punishment.”

Rachel felt her heartbeat quicken in response to his words.

Adam led Rachel across the dance floor towards the end of the room where the two staircases were. Which staircase would he take her to? Please let it be the one going up to the playrooms. But he stopped at the top of the ‘Stairs to Hell’ and Rachel felt her stomach drop. She really didn’t want to go down there, and held her breath as she waited for Adam to decide where he wanted to go.

“Er, Adam?” she said, nervously, hoping she might be able to influence his decision.

He turned towards her and pulled the ring on her collar, forcing her close to him. “The rules apply now, Rachel,” he instructed her. “While we’re in the club, you will address me as Sir and you will not speak without permission. Do you understand?”

The jovial tone in his voice a minute ago was gone, and Rachel could see he was in full Dom mode now, and not to be messed with. She didn’t even dare answer him as he hadn’t given her permission to, so she just nodded and hoped he would be satisfied with that. Thankfully, he nodded back, released her collar and led her to the ascending staircase. She silently said a little prayer of thanks and followed him up.

As they got nearer to the top, though, the sounds changed from the friendly hum of chattering voices to sounds of groans, screams and leather hitting bare skin. Rachel’s heart was beating faster now and she grabbed the rail to steady herself as panic gripped her, and she started to hyperventilate. What was he going to do to her?

Adam stopped immediately. “Take a deep breath,” he said gently, and held onto her to prevent her from falling.

She did, and after a minute or so, her breathing had returned to normal. “Better?” he asked. When she nodded, he turned and continued to the top of the staircase. When they reached the top, Adam paused by a doorway leading to the playrooms and reached into his pocket.

“Close your eyes,” he demanded, and she obeyed immediately. “You’ve been up here before, I know, but I don’t want you to see which room we’re going to play in. I want you to use your other senses to tell you what you need to know.”

She felt something soft cover her eyes, which was then secured at the back of her head. Adam took hold of her hand, pushed the door open, and Rachel was greeted with the sensual sounds and smells of kinky sex.

She was suddenly very afraid. After all she was being led, blindfolded, into a place where whips, chains and other implements used for torture were the norm. Yesterday, it hadn’t seemed so intimidating—she had been able to see what was going on and Adam hadn’t talked about punishing her. Right on cue, reinforcing her apprehension, she heard voices to her right.

“Please, Mistress,” a deep male voice begged. This was followed by the loud crack of a whip and a groan of ecstasy.

Keep calm, keep calm,
she repeated to herself over and over, as she took one small step in front of the other, having only Adam acting as her eyes. Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest that she was finding it hard to breathe, and she swallowed back another wave of panic threatening to engulf her.
Adam won’t hurt me
, she tried to reassure herself, until she remembered, yet again, that she was here to be punished.

“Hi, Adam,” purred a female to her left. “Nice sub. Where are you headed?”

She heard Adam chuckle and reply, “Flogging room. Want to watch?”

“Absolutely,” replied the woman with a laugh. “It’s not every day we get to see Adam Stone do a public flogging. Let me call the others over.” Rachel heard footsteps click hurriedly away, and choked back a tear.

“Adam?” Her throat muscles were so tight she could barely squeeze the word out.

She felt his strong arms wrap around her and his warm breath on her ear as he hushed her. “Rachel, I won’t do anything you won’t like. Trust me.”

Trust me!
How many times had she heard that before? She nodded slowly in response, and Adam gently brushed a tear away that had escaped from under the blindfold.

“That’s my girl. I won’t leave you alone at any time, I promise.”

His words did help to calm her down and, as he started leading her through the room again, she felt herself become more aware of her surroundings. Adam was right—not being able to see where she was or what was going on did heighten her other senses. She could smell the sweat of the players mixed with raw sex, rubber and leather. It was both intimidating and sexy.

Eventually, Adam stopped and positioned her where he wanted her. She heard something that sounded alarmingly like the clatter of chains and felt another wave of fear surge through her body.
Shit, what am I going to do?

She then heard footsteps walk around her and stop directly in front of her. She swallowed nervously as she waited for his next move. It was so disconcerting not to be able to see what he was up to. He remained silent and still, until she felt a gentle tugging at the zip on the front of her ‘dress’. She heard rather than felt the zip being undone, and soon after felt a cool breeze float over her skin. She knew she was naked. She felt vulnerable, exposed, and shivered in anticipation of what was to come.

Then, just to make her feel even more apprehensive, she heard the hushed whispers of a gathering crowd trying to keep as quiet as possible, and felt her face flare up in embarrassment. She couldn’t hear everything they were whispering, but she could catch little snippets. “Adam… New sub… Public scene… Nice tits…”

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