To John (14 page)

Read To John Online

Authors: Kim Itae

Tags: #bank, #john, #oil, #forex, #fed, #morning, #trader, #aiib, #gbp, #usd

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"John, it's ok now."

'Quantum leap is hard to
understand. Because our perception itself is conditioned not to
understand it. What we call instinct is closer. There is no time
and space in quantum physics. In old world that impossible aspect
of our intelligence is called the veil of Maya. The phenomenons
which we perceive by five senses are working like a veil which
prevent us from seeing the real world. Still that kind of leap can
be used as a methapor. Unreseaonable, out of nowhere, impossbile
jump between dimensions.'

'360x360x360 cell division. The
first step we took as a life form.'

"John, shall we gobble up some oil
money? I have rather a good reason for that. I am in a shock
though. I cannot tell you now as I do not want to be illegal."

"You are fibbing..."

"You know why did they do the
simple burial for the late king Al Saud?"


"It's all about money."


"So much money is involved, they
dared to show their own fraction. 7 brothers. I cannot tell you
anymore really. Anyway, do you think this week's job is

"Ah, well... as usual, you can
have some quick fun. But I'm going home. See you, Ana."

"Ok. Send my best regards to

"Sorry, I am not with her. I am
with Sarah."

"Ok. Send my best regards to

Ana's little study and summarizing
about the oil money.

'Nixon- 1971 fiat money-shaking
hands with saudi arabia king faisal-introducing petro dollars. 1973
oil crisis: They fucked up the whole world economy 1973.'

'Through the simple burial of the
late king, they tried to express themselves to the world to fuck
off the whole deal with US. They refused dolllars as payment 10
years ago. Ulema is behind it. The religious sect which controls
the finance. Ask Allah. Inshallah.'

07 Feb 2015

Ana's review of the week.

'Not bad. Quite a long time since
I wrote a review of the week. Whoever didn't make at least 50%
profit, simply had better find some other job or see a GP whether
they have sinusitis. They just cannot smell it. If the first
cranial nerve is in question, the rest of it, ie, the whole brain,
is of no question.'

"ECB 1.1 tr pumping into financial
market. Have a nice break, John®."

Ana read the Last Book here and

'Have you ever seen a humanoid
which can reproduce? If there is such a humanoid, what kind of
humanoid is it? Reproducable and frustratable. Answer me. You can
see me today but you will not see me tomorrow. Because? Your DNA
was just tested. You will not remember any of this. You might
remember a very brief moment which you will miss for a long time.
You will wonder what you just missed. If I were you, I would be
more choosy who I hang around with.'

'Shit, I thought my whole skull
was torn into pieces. I rather prefer a plastic surgery without
anathetic. Henry made some biscuits and burgered off to a pub. He
said they are for me. I said thank you. What's up? Somehow I feel
my job is done for today. So, whoever get on my nerves is dead.
Whatever. When market is closed, I feel half dead.'

'Anyway, you are not allowed to
have a sex with professors in Havard. I'm glad I graduated already
with the help of Prof. Dickens.'

Ana's review over the last night

'1971 Nixon shock

1972 Nixon shaking hands with

1973 Petrodollar, oil shock

1975 End of vietnam war

Conclusion: US was so fucked up in
Vietnam war. They cooked oil with Saudi in order to pump up USD 44
years ago.

Question: Is OPEC happy with
Petrodollar? Apparently not.'

"Carl, are you still in oil? If
yes, can I ask a few questions?"

"90% out. Yes, ask me."

"One tonight. What is the relative
value of petrodollar to us dollar at the moment?"


08 Feb 2015

'I've done my homework.'

"John, 1.1 tn will be pumped in.
Angela took Hollande to see Putin. A picture. Do not get
sidetracked. Hope you would not pother after the event

2nd Week Feb 2015

09 Feb 2015

"I can see some emotionally
disturbed traders. They just commit suicidal deals. Dear. 5min
break until they are cleared. Too messy."

'Interesting to see how much Obama
can sqeeze out from Buffet.'

10 Feb 2015

"If this is your country, you just
do something. You do not worry about it. That's why you can say
that you are worrying about something. This is not your country. I
am talking about Mark Carney. What was he worrying about the other

11 Feb 2015

From T Seoul Sensei

'Stronger the opressiveness,
stronger the explosiveness.'

"Captain, I will do it better.
Cock boy."

"Microsoft sells $2.25bn of
40-year bonds. Did you hear this, John?"

G-Dragon(from Big Bang)'s
homework since he was 13.

'Write a song a week. Sumit it
every monday morning.'

"I saw pigeons fucking for the
first time in my life. Very brief indeed."

Ana remembered that Carl used
to be paid by their mum to babysit her. Ana used to call her
computer 'mi monstruo, Paco'.

12 Feb 2015

"Morning John, which school
connection are you going to use today? Just nosy, ho ho."

'There are four ways. 1. Sucked
into a black hole and leaded into a pararel world 2. Sucked into
the dark core of the earth and locked 3. Locked and thrown away to
float permanently with a bit of consciousness, wondering where I
am. 4. Stay with me.' (From the Last Book)

"There are four ways. 1. Sucked
into a black hole and find some other job 2. Seriouly damaging the
client's money and got sacked 3. Just being bewildered and unable
to decide. Very unhappy 4. Stay with John. Am I right, John?"

"You must be exhausted by now. You
can go home but I might stay for a few more hours until Seattle
munches take over. Cheers, Ana."

"Carl, what are you going to have
for lunch?"

"Club sandwish as usual."

"Are you sure about your

"I ate it already. Ha ha."

"Did you call me?"



"To see whether you are drunk or

"Do not do it again. If you want
to do it again, employ a guy with sexy, posh voice. I cannot stand
a guy who adresses me a mam. And I am heavily drunk. By the way,
did you double it? I did. Ha ha."

13 Feb 2015

"Morning John, I got a call from a
delivery man last night. He called me a mam."

"Carl, do not call me tonight. I
am drunk."

Ana thought,

'Where is my drunken mind? I feel
good and relaxed and give a damn about that thing. It's Friday
night. Who is playing? Henry is away again. He will not remember
what tomorrow is. I don't give a damn about that thing either.
Those red and pinky stuffs made me sick. This whole thing made me
feel sick. That Carney's wife is a professor or something in
economics. Well done. I would go for a easier option if I were him.
Maybe that's why he is so worrying about inflation rather than
credit crunch. It's all private habit.'



Carl himself called.

"Stay away from that Oxford

"He is not. He did his doctorate

"Anyway, do not fiddle with him

"Mind your own business."

"It's our business. Forgot?"

14 Feb 2015

"Carl, hope you got some Valentine
chocolate from somebody."

"Ana, did you get any?"

"I got some wafers from

She didn't tell him that her own
consciousness made her angry.

'Are wafers different from

Her answer was yes and if Henry
thinks they work the same, he is wrong.

15 Feb 2015

'Black cat's day. Are they
different from panthers? If they make difference, they are
different. If they don't, they are the same. Can they fuck? That's
the criteria to define the species. If they can fuck, they are the
same species. If they can't, they belong to different species.
Different numbers of chromosome. Some fuck dogs, swans & even
chickens. So, this comes down to the reproduction capacity. Can you
reproduce? What about cloning? Yep. A type of reproduction. Same
number of chromosome. So, how could this number have been changed
since Ameba? Where is Richard Dawkins? What is his theory about
evolution? What did the American presidential candidate say? He had
a talk with Dawkins, but could not talk on telly. He is out. Cell
division is the key as far as I can see. What made a cell devided
at first stage? Light. Light-like chi ie energy. Bodi Satva ie
Buddha mean enlightened body. A body which got struck again by
light. A second life.'

3rd Week Feb 2015

16 Feb 2015

"Morning John, did you get some
chocolates from Susan?"

"It's Sarah, not Susan."

"Ups! Sorry. Anyway, is Weale on
the same track with Mark? I trust Mark."

"By the way, Henry's meeting is at
GMT 5 PM. Fuck. Nothing to do with us."

"Pluck, Pick, Strum, Hit, Swing,
Blow, Play."

"It is pathetic that Candy Crush
gives me more pleasure than you. See you tomorrow."

17 Feb 2015

"John, do you want a drill to
release the pressure and to breathe again?"

Totally irrelevant. Ana wondered
about the brain tumor Hilary had. 2 more years to go. Can she? What
will happen if they can not produce a proper president? German Mark
got very strong just before they collapsed. Long time ago. That's
the general tendency of fiat money. So much like a human.
Intracranial pressure soars up just before the heart failure. It
has never been easy to witness someone's ending. China seems to
find another rope to strangle US apart from the debt. They started
systematic killing. Mc, Qualcamn and who's next? All before RMB
comes out.

'Shall I start hacking in a
serious way? This is too laborious. I do not want to have an
arthritis at early age.'

18 Feb 2015

"Morning John. It sounds trivial
but I will have a hair cut at 11. My hair gets too heavy.

"I didn't know that you have a
long hair. Good luck, Ana. I shaved my chin this morning.

"Once connected, connected forever
through a proxy tunnel."

'Myconutri range of Mushroom,
medical mushrooms. You can make quite a bit profit. You don't have
to play with missiles. Happy New Year, bro.'

"I had my hair cut. I feel so
light. I will fly."

"John, group action is not
illegal, is it?"

"You mean a wholesale?"

"Kind of."

"Why do you ask the question at
first place?"

"As I feel so lucky. I know I am
always late about news. What news today? What happened? Euro jumped
too. What happened? John?"

"Ok. Anyway I got a blow dryer for
boosting my new hair style. Very hot."

'Is this how a civil war starts?
Texan judge blocks the president's decision. There was an explosion
in South Califonia. The Texan Exxonmobil Refinery. The judge said
the president violated the law. Wow. Who exploded the Exxonmobi
Refinery? 155,000 barrel of crude oil a day. Whose job? Hanen, the
judge is a Bush's dog. Why is Bush so impatient and tactless? The
reps has no confidence in Jeff. That's why. Jeff is too nasty
already. He should step down for Republicans. He messed up politics
with his own family problem (wife issue). Not good as a

19 Feb 2015

'So, who could avoid the tax or
failure-to-notify penalty? He or she must be a genius. Or did HMRC
take bribes to be willfully blind? A full investigation should be
done like those Swiss prosecutors, so a person like me with a law
income do not feel too resentful.'

"John, never ever use my home
number. It seems to be exposed to various trading companies."

"I love spirits on rainy

"Wisky or rum?"

"Wisky straight."


"Maya, which nationality are

"Double. Greek & British."

"Are you happy in Cyprus?"

"Fairly ok. Why?"

"I wonder whether you would like
to move to Jersey. I will pay for the relocation fee. And, of
course, your salary will be doubled."


"Carl, why do I have a

"Some memories are programmed in

"Am I a cyborg?"

"A type of."

"What type of?"

"Organic cyborg."

"What do you mean?"

"Your DNA was designed and
injected through blood transfusion."

"You are a liar! I am not a

Ana thought

'Well, it does not matter. I still
have my life span. When it ends, it ends. What I saw is what I saw.
What I see is what I saw.'

21 Feb 2015

US 10yr bond redemption at
maturity date: ?

'long term (bonds): maturities
greater than twelve years.'

10yr bond cannot exist. 10yr
notes. So vizaar...

'historically there have been some
issues with no maturity date (irredeemables).

United States Treasury securities,
there are three categories of bond maturities:'

10 year treasury note, is the
right term.

does note has a maturity date?

the biggest cheat in the


"US government sold

1. 30 yr bond as if they are 10 yr
bond. 30 yr maturity period

2. 10 yr note as if they are 10 yr
bond. No maturity period

3. Illegal bond ie no value
whatsoever, might be nullified at some point."

Which one? Whatever.

3tn debt to China is mostly 10 yr
whatsocalled. Shit. Who is fucked here?

Is it possible to prosecute the
tresury for issuing illegal bond internationally?

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