Tightly Wound (6 page)

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Authors: Mia Dymond

BOOK: Tightly Wound
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Claire knew the exact second Lt. Brett Steele barged through the emergency room door of Navajo Memorial Hospital. Fiery red anger painted the atmosphere and her knees threatened to buckle. Yet, without a second thought she sought the safety and warmth of his embrace.

“How is he?”

She squeezed her arms tighter around her brother and absorbed his comfort. “The bullet just grazed him. Blinded that panther in the left eye.”

“You’ve seen Shadow’s tattoo?”

Up close and personal
. She ignored Brett’s prod for information. “To hear him tell it, he fell down on the playground.”

Brett’s chest shook with a gentle laugh. “Did he stitch himself?”

She snorted. “He couldn’t reach it.”

“He’s fine, Claire.”

When she lowered her arms and stepped away, Brett reached to run his fingers across the bare skin at the base of her neck. “Have you been checked out?”

“It’s not my blood, it’s his.”

“What the hell happened?”

She relayed the morning’s events then released an irritated sigh. “This perp escapes me every time.”

“You’re too close.”

“Possibly. But I know without a doubt that bullet was meant for me.”

“As soon as Shadow’s stitched, we’re out of here.”


“I’m taking you back to Diablo.”

“I won’t run, Brett.”

“Damn, Claire, you can’t stay with some maniac hell bent on murder.”

“Leaving Navajo won’t stop him.”

His heavy, angry breathing did little to ease the pounding in her head. “Shadow and I are no match for bombs and bullets. Shadow believes he’s Superman but only because nobody has the balls to burst his bubble. And now with this … whatever it is between the two of you, his concentration is doubly screwed.”

She placed a hand on her brother’s forearm. “You’re just as close as Shadow. We will get him, Brett.”

“If we don’t get killed in the process,” he mumbled. “Maybe I should call Mom.”

Her eyebrows touched her forehead. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear you say that.”

“Well, hell. You’re not exactly rational right now.”

“And you think Madelyn Steele, the woman who taught me everything I know, can change my mind?”

“No, she’d kick my ass for letting you get in the middle of this to begin with.”


“She’d still want you safe.”

“I’m safer with you and Shadow.”

“Come on, Claire.” Brett grabbed her elbow and pulled her toward a pair of metal doors. “Maybe Shadow can knock some sense into your thick head.”

She bit her tongue to keep from giggling. “You’re flying high on that testosterone aren’t you?”

Brett only grunted as he stopped at the nurses’ station and glared. The young woman dressed in surgical scrubs looked at Claire, then at Brett, then back at Claire.

“My brother,” Claire murmured.

The nurse nodded and Claire intercepted her amusement with Brett’s caveman attitude. “Bay four,” she told him.

“Behave.” Claire poked her brother in the shoulder. “Detective Brooks is back there with him.”




Shadow blocked the pain from his mind as the emergency room doctor pulled the last stitch tight and tied it off. Sweat coated his brow, not from pain, but from the thought of Claire’s discovery that he refused anesthetic. Hell, he should’ve just stitched the damn thing himself.

As soon as the deed was done, the doctor placed a gauze pad over the wound and left the cubicle. Now that the pain dulled, Shadow focused on Brooks.

“Any witnesses?”

“Several. One claims our shooter had a badge.”

“A cop?”

“Yeah. I can’t imagine who in the Department would have a problem with Claire. I’ve requested a report of every case she’s worked.”

“Claire’s worked DEA and FBI. Might not be local.”

“I’ll order those too.”

“In the meantime, we have to stash her.”

“Done. I’ve arranged a safehouse.”

“You’re sure it’s secure?”

“Positive. No one has access but me.”

Shadow’s doubt refused to waver. “Steele and I will stay with her.”

“Never a question in my mind.”


“I’ll take you there.” The detective ran a hand across his brow. “There’s one more obstacle. She’s due in court in a couple weeks on another case. Under the circumstances I could ask the judge for a continuance.”

Shadow snickered, almost in satisfaction. “You didn’t learn your lesson last night, did you?”

“It’s too risky to leave the house.”

“Agreed.” Shadow folded his arms across his chest. “She won’t concur.”

“I’ll put a couple more officers on her.”

“Not if our perp’s a cop, Brooks. Steele and I can handle her.”

Shadow’s gaze moved to the double metal doors that opened to reveal Claire and Steele headed toward them. And by the look on Steele’s face, Claire had him by the balls.

As soon as Claire was close enough, Shadow stood and pulled her to his side. She wrapped her arms across his hips and laid the side of her head against his biceps. She released a soft sigh when he placed a kiss to the top of her head.

Convinced Claire wouldn’t pass out from the emotional atmosphere, he prompted Brooks to continue. “What else?”

“Forensics recovered the bullet.”

“How long will the analysis take?”

The detective released a heavy breath and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “I can do my best to put a rush on it but there’s a backlog a mile long.”

Shadow nodded a silent request at Steele. The other man dialed his cell phone and left the area.

Claire cleared her throat. “So, where are you taking me?”

Shadow gave Brooks the honor.

“There’s a safehouse a couple miles from town.” His Adam’s apple bobbed with a forceful swallow. “I will ask the judge for a continuance on the Gonzalez case.”

Claire answered just as Shadow predicted. “No.”

Brooks ran his index finger under the knot of his tie. “Under the circumstances, I think it would be best.”

Claire shook her head and Shadow felt her heated cheeks against his shoulder. “Matt, the Gonzalez family has waited two years to see their son’s murderer finally convicted. I won’t make them wait any longer.”

Shadow swallowed the urge to tell Brooks to throw in the towel. In some sort of sick way, Brooks’ frustration amused him. Steele slipped back into the cubicle in the middle of the conversation.

“I understand your connection, Claire, I really do,” Brooks continued, “but I won’t allow you to risk your life.”

Steele took a loud, heavy breath. Shadow widened his stance. The force of Hurricane Claire was about to take Brooks to his knees.

“Allow me?” Her eyes glittered with amusement as she stepped toward Brooks and patted him on one shoulder. “It’s nice of you to think you can
me to do anything.” She tilted her head to one side. “That’s why Katie won’t marry you. Your caveman cop attitude is way out of control.”

Brooks had the decency to fidget. “You know she turned me down?”

Claire just shrugged. “Sometimes I have to use my psychic guns.” Her face softened and she patted him again. “Don’t worry, you work on that attitude and she’ll come around. She loves you.”

For a split second Shadow felt sorry for Brooks. He better than anyone realized the other man’s pain. Claire’s sweet barbed tongue spoke a language all its own.

Steele cleared his throat. “Shadow and I can get her to the courthouse.”

“The house is unoccupied at the moment. I think we should move now.”

Shadow glanced at Claire who stood remarkably quiet. “We’ll follow you, Brooks.”

The detective nodded. “There’s a back exit out of here downstairs though the morgue.”

Steele palmed his keys. “I’ll pull your truck around.”

Shadow nodded as Steele left the room then he focused on the detective. “You better be damn sure this place is safe.”

“You have my word.”

“You’re willing to back that up, right? Because mark my word, if anyone touches one single hair on her head, I can and will take him out without a conscious thought.”

“Shadow —”

“I’m not done, Claire.” He shushed her in mid-sentence, his gaze still narrowed on Brooks. “I have never been so serious about killing another human being in my life. You need to know that up front.”

He gave Brooks a few seconds to process his warning.

“Understood,” the other man said finally. “I’ll wait on you outside the back exit.”

Shadow took Claire’s hand and braided their fingers. Part of him wanted to throttle the life from her for trusting Brooks and the other wanted to rely on her judgment. Granted, her intuition was usually dead-on but then, she wasn’t usually the target.

Claire squeezed his fingers. “You’re making my headache worse.”

He refused to apologize. “Then you know how serious I am.” He urged her in front of him, still holding tight. “Scoot. Your brother’s waiting.”

He followed her down several flights of stairs then paused in front of a set of swinging metal doors. Cold air rushed beneath.

“You sure you should go in?”

She took a deep breath. “Once you relax, I can.” She raised an eyebrow. “There aren’t emotions inside that room.”

He opened the door and stepped inside first. Once he assured himself that he and Claire were the only living bodies in the place, he tugged her to another door on the opposite wall.

“Wait,” he told her as he opened the door and peered out. Steele gave him a nod while he talked on his cell. The rumble of another motor drew his attention to a red Camaro parked behind his truck. The driver gunned the engine. Shadow smirked. Brooks. Obviously not department-issued.

Shadow reached behind to grasp Claire’s hand, relieved when her cool fingers touched his. Four steps later, he closed the truck door.

Steele pocketed his phone. “Do we need Sterling?”

Shadow mulled the suggestion. Cpt. Max Sterling was a helluva soldier, cool-headed and direct, an electronics guru. With him on board, the perp didn’t stand a chance. Except, Cameron wasn’t exactly mobile and no matter how loud she grouched, she couldn’t escape Sterling’s stranglehold.

He shook his head. “Don’t think that’s an option.”

“He’s going to rush the lab on the bullet.”

Shadow turned his back on the Camaro. “What’s your take on Brooks?”

“Guarded. Hawke’s poking around online.”

Shadow glanced around the area. “Sick sonuvabitch has a death wish.”




Claire glanced out the front bay window of her makeshift prison for the hundredth time and released a heavy sigh. Two weeks under twenty-four hour protection had made her almost insane. She spent the first week entertained by movies and the Internet. She’d attempted to con Shadow and Brett into playing poker but they refused. Something about her
advantage. By day eight, she found herself desperate. She amused herself by playing mind games with Shadow and Brett but even the fun wore off that after they both caught on.

The Gonzalez hearing couldn’t begin soon enough. At least she could leave this house and do something. Shadow and Brett suffocated her.

Her Internet research hadn’t opened any doors in the investigation. Cops were extremely hard to Google. And, she had yet to come up with an explanation for her hacking skills. She giggled. Sometimes her talent came in handy in more ways than one.

She stood and glanced at her brother, now snoring on the sofa. Her eyes widened and her stomach tilted as she intercepted his dreams of his fiancé. There were just some things she preferred not to know about the two of them.

Claire padded barefoot into the den where Shadow occupied the middle of the floor, braced on his hands and working his already toned muscles.


Shadow lifted his head in the middle of a push up to see Claire in the doorway. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she grumbled.

“Wanna work out with me?”

She shrugged. “You should probably take it easy on that shoulder.”

“Just a scratch. Come on,” he urged.

Claire hesitated and then with a twinkle in her eye stepped toward him. He lowered his head, focused on the burn in his muscles, when he felt slight pressure low on his back. He looked over his shoulder to see her delectable little heart-shaped ass perched on top of him.

“Keep going,” she prodded. “I’ll count.”

He lowered his body to touch his chin to the floor then raised again.


“That’s one hundred, Claire.”

“Really? How many more can you do with me on top?”

He lowered himself to his stomach and then rolled over to his back, positioning her against a whole other pleasure point. “You don’t weigh anything.”

“Good answer.”

He tucked a wayward piece of hair behind her ear and waited. Claire was in unfamiliar territory, almost as if she were behind enemy lines without a weapon. He not only felt her frustration, he shared her torment.

“Something’s not right, Shadow. This guy is extremely hard to read. He knows a lot about me too.”

“Those are fighting words, baby.”

“Sorry, but it’s true. He knows I’m psychic and he’s scared.”


“At the same time, I feel respect from him. I’m just in the way.”

“In the way of what?”

She released a soft sigh and flattened her breasts against his stomach. His pectorals tingled as her brunette waves slid across the surface to caress his sides. “I have no idea.”

“Don’t push.” Instantly, his fingers burrowed in her hair, winding the strands in a circular motion. “What about Brooks?”

“He’s the one who put me here, Shadow.”


“You still don’t trust him, do you?”


“He’s one of the good guys.”

Shadow didn’t agree or disagree, careful to block his opinion of the detective. Some things were just better left alone. Until he had more proof. “What time is it?”

“One thirty last time I checked.”

The sound of heavy footsteps caused Claire to glance to see her brother enter the room. That, and the incredible arousal he broadcast loud and clear.

Brett handed her his cell phone. “Holly wants to talk to you.”

Claire took the phone and shifted. Shadow grunted. “Hi, Holly.”

“Geez, I had to threaten him with bodily harm before he gave up the phone! How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Tell the truth.”

“I am. I’m safe here and Brett and Shadow keep me entertained.”

“Brett? Or Shadow?”

She moved her gaze downward to the man beneath her. Entertained? Absolutely. “Shadow.”

“Cameron’s here. Should I put you on speaker?”

She quickly averted her gaze. “Um no, not right now.”

Holly giggled. “He’s there, isn’t he?”

“Yes. Always.”

“Cameron wants to say hi.”

“Okay, put her on.”

Claire grinned while she waited. This would be fun. Emotion finally assaulted her. Impatience. Fear. Desperation. Extreme joy.

Obviously, Cameron held the phone.

“Claire, I’m dying here! Please tell me you know how much longer I have to carry this school bus.”

She bit her lip. “How do you feel?”

“Large,” Cameron drawled. “Take a guess.”

“Okay, be still and let me concentrate. Ask Holly what color she sees.”

The sound muffled for a brief moment and then Cameron spoke. “White with diamond sparkles, pink, and bright blue.”

Claire took a minute to compare Cameron’s colors to the emotion seeping through the phone. “Is the pink around your stomach?”

“Yes. That’s because the babies are girls, right?”

Claire paused. Most likely. She just couldn’t tell if the impatience resonated from mother or children. “Probably.”

She continued her analysis. Blue represented several attributes: empathy, love, sensitivity. The fear and concern definitely flowed from mother. Childbirth was enough to shake even Cameron. Except Holly said
blue. New opportunity.

Suddenly she understood. White with sparkles of diamonds. Childbirth. Extreme joy.

“Um Cameron, is Max with you?”

“No, thank goodness. He finally cut me loose for a few hours.”

“You should probably call him. You’re really close.”

A loud
pierced her eardrums and she frowned. “Cameron?” No response. “Cameron?”

“Sorry,” Cameron finally wheezed into the phone, “I was doing a happy dance! Oh!”

Claire raised an eyebrow. So soon? “What’s wrong?”

“I totally forgot to ask about you! Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. Please don’t worry.”

“What about Shadow?”

Claire looked back at Shadow. Heat rushed up her thighs as he caressed her skin with both thumbs. “What about him?”

“Oh puhleese! I’ll leave you with the same advice I gave Rachel: Just do him.”

The heat in her cheeks now matched that in her thighs. “Uh well ...”

“Ohmygawd! You did!” She couldn’t miss the satisfaction in Cameron’s infectious giggle. “Holly owes me shoes.”

Claire shook her head at Cameron’s smugness. “You always manage to win, don’t you?”

“When it comes to shoes, I never lose. Seriously though, if you need back up, Holly, Rachel and I can outsmart Super SEAL and be there in a couple hours.”

“No Cameron, you stay put. Really, I’m safe with Brett and Shadow.”

“Well okay, but one more thing.”

Claire mentally braced herself. “Yes?”

“Boxers or briefs?”

She rolled her eyes again. “Goodbye, Cameron.”

Cameron’s infectious giggle faded from the receiver.


She sighed, relieved to hear Holly’s voice. “I’m here.”

“I can come if you need me. We seem pretty powerful together.”

As much as Claire agreed with Holly, bringing her to Navajo was not an option. Brett would never survive if things went wrong.

“Cameron needs you,” she assured the other woman.

“You’ll call if you change your mind?”

“Of course.”

Holly fell silent and Claire wondered if she disconnected.

“He loves you,” Holly said finally.

Claire reached to move Shadow’s hair back from his forehead. “I know.”

“Be careful, Claire. He won’t be the same without you.”

“I will. I’ll see you soon.”

She handed the phone back to Brett, not surprised when he left the room with it plastered to his ear.

Shadow pulled her back against his chest. “Cameron suggested she come to Navajo,” she told him.

The rumble of laughter in his chest rolled across her cheek. “She’ll never get past Sterling.”

“Don’t be too sure. All three of them are worried sick.”

“They love you.”

Claire knew without a doubt Shadow spoke the truth, and her sixth sense had nothing to do with it. Rachel and Hawke, Cameron and Max, Brett and Holly were her family. Hers and Shadow’s.

“Give me thirty minutes.” Her body screamed when she separated herself from Shadow.

He pinched the skin exposed by her shorts under one buttock. “Want some company?”

She snorted. “You can’t tell time. I can’t be late.”

“I’m off the phone!” Brett hollered from the other room. His exasperated tone made her giggle.

“At least you can’t see it like a low-budget movie,” she yelled back.

Several footsteps later, Brett stood in the doorway and grinned. “Stay out of my head and you won’t be offended.”

Shadow snickered and stood. “Give up, Steele, she always wins.”

Brett scowled. “Screw you.”

Claire planted a kiss on her brother’s cheek as she breezed past. “Gentlemen, if you’re not ready when I am, I’ll leave without you.”


Not too much later, Claire sat squeezed between Shadow and Brett on the second row of a crowded courtroom. Her right knee bounced. She glanced at the defendant and winced. Even with Shadow and her brother near, she couldn’t dodge all the vile anger thrown her direction.

Shadow pressed a hand to her thigh. “You’re making me nervous.”

“Sorry.” She laid her hand over his and squeezed. “I’m just ready for this to end.”

He leaned near, his breath tickling her ear as he spoke. “It won’t be long. The evidence is strong.”

She squeezed his hand again. “I’m tired of hiding.” She lifted her gaze to his. “Something is going to happen today. I feel it, and it’s not good.”

Shadow brought her hand to his lips and softly brushed them across her knuckles. “I won’t leave your side.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.”

“Will you two stop?” Brett hissed. “We’re in court for Christ’s sake.”

Claire turned and gave her brother a weak smile. “His touch helps.”

“Hell.” Brett crowded her further with his big body. “Better?”


Once the judge called the trial to order, Claire forced herself to relax. Shadow and Brett strengthened her shields and she kept the emotion was bay. Until she took the witness stand.

Hate and rage burnt her like lightning bolts. Despair ripped her skin until she thought blood might actually drip from her veins. She answered questions as best she could, almost broken in two when the defense rested.

She left the stand, her sole focus on the path out of the courtroom. Her head swam. Polka dots danced in her vision. Vertigo attached her equilibrium. Shadow caught her as she stumbled into a bench that lined the crowded sterile hall.

She melted against him, her shields completely useless. “Everything is so different this time.”

He lowered her to sit. “You’re the target.”

She fought the impending darkness. This crazed idiot would not break her. He would not win.

She clenched Shadow’s biceps in desperation. “I need some air.”

“We’re almost done,” he assured her. “Brooks said five minutes.”

Panic crawled her spine. Death wrapped its fingers around her throat and squeezed. “No,” she shrieked.

Her cheeks heated when her outburst caused several people to turn and stare.

“Sorry,” she croaked.

He pushed her hair to one side and kneaded the tightly-clenched muscles at the back of her neck. “Better?”

She struggled to force air across her vocal cords. Although she was now able to get a breath of fresh air, she knew it was only temporary. She gave him a brave smile. “Better.”

“Liar.” He pulled her closer and buried her in his embrace. Tension dripped from her muscles and peace blanketed her body. She pressed her face further against the cotton of his t-shirt and inhaled. The masculine, wild, clean smell of Shadow filled her senses. Calm. Safe.

“Gee-zus, Shadow.” Claire smiled against Shadow’s chest at the irritation in her brother’s voice. “Do you have to mark your territory everywhere you go?”

Claire lifted her head.

Shadow crammed her back against him. “We need to get her out of here.”

The two men fell silent then she felt Brett’s thigh brush hers as he sat next to her and pressed closer. “Can you walk?”

Claire slipped free of Shadow’s hold and glanced at her brother. “No.” As desperately as she wanted to leave, she knew her knees would buckle the minute she stood.

“He’s here, isn’t he?”

She swallowed the softball in her throat and rested her head against Shadow’s biceps. “I don’t know. There’s so much evil here.”

She glanced at the row of prisoners who waited for their names to be called. Agony. Fury. Deep, dark, black ribbons of hatred streaked the hallway and rendered her helpless.

Shadow kissed the top of her head. “We’ll wait until the place clears. That should give you some relief.”

She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath to absorb the strength of the two men who completed the
sandwich. Warm fuzzies tickled her insides while cylinders of comfort wrapped her from head to toe. The ache in her head eased. Sleep beckoned. Surrounded by incredible security, she pushed herself deeper unconscious, interrupted only when Shadow nudged her cheek with his shoulder.

“We have company,” he whispered.

Claire lifted her head, her vision slightly blurred. She blinked several times, relieved when she finally focused on Matt Brooks. Rick Lassiter stood next to him.

“Claire?” Matt squinted at her. “Are you okay?”

She forced a smile. “Yes, thank you Matt.”

“Do you need an escort back to the house?”

“No.” Shadow’s voice held a definite

Claire opened her mouth to soften Shadow’s blow when pain speared her left temple. Black swirls of smoke crossed her eyes and her back teeth clenched. Nausea bubbled her stomach. She reached for Shadow.

She fought the urge to flinch when Rick laid a hand on her shoulder. “Claire, thank you for your assistance on this case. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

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