Tightly Wound (5 page)

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Authors: Mia Dymond

BOOK: Tightly Wound
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“Bathroom. She has an obsession with wine and bubbles.”

“Should we wait?”

“No. Believe me, she’ll be up to speed the minute she corners us.”

“Is that possible?”

Shadow gave a half laugh. “You ever worked with a psychic?”

“No, but I agree with the department’s decision to use one.”

“What about Claire?”

“She hasn’t worked one of my cases.”

“She never misses, Brooks.
. You should probably accept that up front. Even if she tells you something you don’t want to hear, listen.”


Shadow let a grin slip. “Yeah. Lots.”

“She seems determined.”

“Determined, hell. She’s like a pit bull. Sinks her teeth in a couple inches and refuses to let go.”

“She’s well respected.”

“Any leads on the nutcase who tried to take her out?”

“Not much, except that whoever planted that bomb knew enough to be considered knowledgeable. The trigger was placed on her transmission. The timer was set to ignite exactly one and a half hours after the car shifted into park.”

Shadow practiced restraint this time, careful to block Claire. “I’ve called for backup. Claire’s brother, Brett.”

“Good plan. Does she have any idea who might be responsible?”

Shadow eyed Brooks carefully, checking body language for any sign he might be on a fishing expedition. “Not this time.”

Brooks ran a hand across his forehead. “What about you? Have you made enemies lately?”


The sweet smell of vanilla invaded his senses and Shadow turned to see Claire walk toward them from the bedroom.

“He’s not after Shadow, Matt. It’s me.”

“You’re absolutely sure about that?”

She leaned one hip against the back of the sofa. “Unfortunately, yes.”

“What happened right before the explosion?”

Claire shook her head. “Nothing unusual.”

“You two were the only ones in the house?”


“Neither of you saw anyone suspicious around the neighborhood or around the perimeter?”

“Brooks,” Shadow drawled, “you know damn well what we were doing in the house. We didn’t see or hear anything.”

“I would have known,” Claire insisted.

Shadow grinned. “Not necessarily.”

“Yes,” Claire pressed. “I told you before anger and arousal don’t work in your favor.”

Brooks cleared his throat. “What about your last few cases?”

“The last one I worked was the Dixon murder. He’s not coming back. Now I’ve been assigned to Gabe’s.”

“Do you feel like this could be gang related?”

A million and one questions crowded Shadow’s brain. He and Claire hadn’t had an opportunity to talk about her cases much. Funny how keeping her alive took precedent.

Claire shrugged. “It’s strange, but I have no idea. For some reason, I can’t get a good read. I’m planning to walk the scene tomorrow.”

Shadow didn’t hesitate to add his two cents. “Absolutely not.”

In true Claire form, she simply patted his shoulder. “That’s the plan.”

Brooks squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Uh Claire, I’m with Shadow on this one. I’m not sure you should leave the hotel until we get a handle on things.”

Shadow caught a flash of defiance in the depths of her eyes. “We can’t catch him without a lure.”

“I’m not real comfortable using you as bait.”

Shadow had to give Brooks credit. He didn’t appear hesitant to challenge her. Sucked for him.

She folded her arms across her beautiful lush breasts and smiled. “You don’t have a choice. I’m going.”

Shadow took one look at the detective and shook his head.
Don’t do it, Brooks

“I could lock you up.”

Shadow seriously considered ducking for cover. One glance at Claire told him things would get ugly fast. He reached to unfold her arms, pull her next to him, and tuck her into the crook of his shoulder.

“I’ll take her, Brooks. Send a car just in case.”

“I don’t think —”

Shadow clenched his jaw and sent the other man an icy stare. “Just do it.”
Or we’ll both have hell to pay

Brooks paused, obviously reading Shadow’s silent message. “There better not be an incident,” he finally answered, “or I’ll haul you both in.”

Claire flinched and Shadow pulled her closer.

Brooks gave them one more silent stare before he spoke. “I’ll meet you back here tomorrow. We should all have information to share.”

Once the door closed behind the detective, Shadow released Claire and slid the deadbolt on the door. “You know what I have to do.”

She smiled and sat on the sofa, legs crossed. “Go ahead.”

He ran a hand across the top of his head while he made the phone call that might very well render him dickless. He glanced at Claire, flipping through the case file, while he sweated bullets and waited for Steele to answer the damn phone.

“Give him a minute,” Claire mumbled, “he’s busy.”

Oh hell
. Shadow exhaled a heavy breath. The connection Claire and her brother shared sometimes scared the shit out of him.

“This better be important, Shadow,” Steele finally barked across the line.

“I found Claire.”

“Didn’t know she was lost.” Shadow’s heart pounded when a soft feminine voice spoke in the background and the line crackled. Steele exhaled a heavy breath. “Hold on a sec, Shadow.”

Shadow waited and prepared to face the firing squad. Holly London, Steele’s fiancé, obviously sensed something through the phone call. And since she shared Claire’s talent, Shadow was pretty much DRT. Dead Right There.

Claire giggled. “You’ll live.”

He smirked. “Not sure that’s a positive.”

Steele’s return to the line was exactly like Shadow expected. “What the hell did you do to my sister, Shadow?”

Steele’s demand for explanation didn’t surprise him. “You really want me to answer that?”

“What happened to her?” Steele growled.

“Do you remember last week when Cpt. Sterling took us to The Cathouse?”


“Claire and I had a heated … discussion that night.”

Claire closed the magazine and raised both eyebrows.

“And then she ran,” Shadow finished.

“Thank Jesus,” Steele mumbled.

“Not from me.”
That would be another problem in itself
. “She’s convinced someone wants to kill her.”

The line fell silent for several seconds.

“Claire never misses,” Steele said finally.

“Someone planted a bomb on her car. Blew up the car and the house in the process.” Shadow purposely left out the exact location of the damage. “She’s fine. We’re in a suite at the Windsor.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Hold up, Steele.” Shadow glanced back at Claire, amazed by her silence. “There’s something we need to get straight.”

Another several seconds pause. “You’re in love with my sister.”

“Yes. Do I need to explain sleeping arrangements?”

“No. I get it.”

“Good, because I need back-up, and when I catch the prick responsible for this, you may have to stop me from killing him twice.”

“You need the team?”

Shadow took a second to consider Steele’s question. Together, the four soldiers who were SEALS, Inc. could eliminate this maniac with little effort. However, circumstances were now different. Since Jaydon Hawke’s undercover role as a major rock star forced him to gather Intel behind the scenes, his help was limited. Besides, his wife, Rachel, and daughter, Harmony, kept him out of the field. And, Captain Max Sterling had an even bigger distraction. Namely the silver-tongued devil Sterling called wife, Cameron, who just happened to be pregnant with twins.

“No, you and I can handle it,” he finally answered.

“What about Holly?”

“Not necessary.” He didn’t hesitate to nix that suggestion. No way would he ever catch a break if she and Claire tag-teamed him with their intuition.

Steele chuckled. “Just messing with you, bro. She and Rachel won’t leave Cameron.”

Shadow didn’t bother voicing his relief. “I’ll brief you when you get here.”

“Since you’re secure, I’ll head out tomorrow morning.”

Shadow allowed the tension to leave his shoulders. “Thanks, man. I’ll leave word at the front desk.”

“One more thing, Shadow.”

“What’s that?”

“My sister is a pistol. Think you can handle her?”

He glanced at Claire, now twisting her hair around her fingers while she continued to read. His own fingers tingled. “Hell yeah, Steele, no doubt in my mind.”

He snapped his phone closed, shoved it into his pocket, then sat next to Claire.

She didn’t look up from her pages. “You want to play in my hair, don’t you?”

He stacked the paper from her lap and dropped it to the floor before patting his thighs.

“You are so warped.” She shook her head and reclined on her back with her head in his lap.

His fingers found their rightful place in the brunette strands. “What’s the story with Brooks?”

“What do you mean?”

“I get the idea this whole thing is personal. Is there something else I need to know?”

She gave a soft sigh. “Like what?”

He didn’t answer. She knew

“Relax, Shadow, I don’t have history with Matt other than professional association.”

“His case is the one you were called in on.”

She nodded. “And it is personal. His partner was killed in an undercover sting. He won’t rest until he finds out who blew their cover.”

“What happened?”

“Matt’s partner, Gabe Kennedy, was assigned undercover to infiltrate a drug ring here in Navajo. He was on the verge of taking it down when he was murdered during a buy.”

“Anyone arrested?”

“No. The DA needs more evidence.”

“What the hell else does he need? He has a body and a whole gang of suspects.”

“No shooter.”

“Not unusual in a drug deal gone bad.”

“Except, they also have the weapon.”

Shadow raised an eyebrow. His fingers stilled.

“Registered to the Navajo PD and Detective Matthew Brooks.”

“He wasn’t suspended?”

“No. Although the murder weapon was registered to him, he logged it in at the supply locker prior to the buy.”

Although he didn’t have much to go on, he knew better than to accept facts as face value. “Brooks didn’t take out his own partner.”

Claire nudged his hand with her head. He resumed his earlier motion, trying to ignore her sexy whimper. “No, he didn’t. That I am certain. Someone set him up. I just don’t know who yet.”

Another soft sigh made him harden. “Drug dealers aren’t usually that organized.”

“I agree. Normally, they just point and click with little thought. Gabe wasn’t just shot though, he was murdered. One clean entry, right to the left temple.”

“Why Brooks?”

“He’s SWAT, or was. A skilled explosives expert and deadly sniper.”

Shadow raised his impression of Brooks a couple notches.

“Brooks took the Dixon perp out?”

“Yes. One clean shot.” Claire sighed. “Even Brett would’ve been impressed.”

Shadow mulled facts through his brain, somehow suspicious. “He said your car was packed with C4.”

She opened her eyes. “No, Shadow. Matt wasn’t involved in this.”

Now not too sure, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips to stop an argument before it began. “Hungry?


“Do you want to go out or stay in?”

Claire giggled. “Like you’re really giving me a choice. Order in, Shadow, I want to go to bed early.”




The next morning, Claire sighed at a silent Shadow as he nudged her out of the suite. No doubt about it, he was pissed.
Too bad

“You know I have to do this,” she pressed. “If I don’t go to the crime scene, I could miss something.”

He grasped her shoulder and steered her onto the elevator without a word. He stabbed the
button and crossed his arms across his chest, focused on the metal door in front of him.

She searched the atmosphere surrounding him. Nothing. No emotion. Not even anger. Totally shut down. Although irritated, she was impressed by his ability to neutralize himself.

The elevator pinged and he pushed her behind him when the door opened. Two elderly ladies with blue hair stepped inside, smiled, then batted their eyelashes at him. Claire giggled at the female appreciation that floated in behind them. Shadow seemed to have that effect on women anywhere he went. He gave them his trademark ladykiller smile and then reached for Claire’s hand.

“Come on,” he said finally. “Let’s get this over with.”

She pulled him to a stop and crowded him against the wall. “You’re scared.”

He slipped his finger under her chin and tilted back her head. “Your life is in danger. Baby, if something happened to you … “ He paused long enough to take a breath. “
is what I do, and I’m damn good at it. Trust me to keep you safe. You can do your thing as long as it doesn’t endanger your life. No case is worth that.”

Claire read the worry in his eyes. Fear leaked through his weak barriers and tore at her heart. She stood on her tiptoes, draped her arms on his shoulders, and lifted her chin. “I love you, Shadow.”

He grasped her waist and lowered his head. He feathered soft kisses along her lips and across her cheek to her ear and then back to her lips. “I love you too, Claire Bear.”

When his lips finally met hers, electricity sizzled her nerve endings and her heart melted. His lips played over hers in soft ecstasy, tasting, nipping, taunting, until his tongue slipped inside to circle hers. She smashed herself against him, desperate to be closer. She lifted one leg and braced it against his hip, undeterred by the barrel of his pistol that now rested against her calf. Shadow caressed her bare skin from ankle to thigh and then under her skirt to the bend of her hip. Claire rubbed against the buttons of his jeans, further aroused by the bulge there. He traced the lacey edge of her panties with one finger.

He kissed her one last time then lowered her leg and took a step back. “Time out.” His chest heaved with every syllable. “We’re in the hotel lobby.”


He pointed at the ceiling. “Cameras.”

She gave him a sexy wink and palmed him through his jeans. “We could make a movie.”

He took her hand and placed a kiss in the center of her palm. “Next time.”

He spun her around and urged her towards the front door. Bright sunshine caused her eyes to water when he opened the truck door and helped her inside. He handed over his sunglasses then headed to the other side.

Claire shoved the Aviators over her eyes and sighed, suddenly not convinced she wanted to follow this case to the finish. She misjudged Shadow. She knew he would follow her from Diablo, simply because he felt responsible for the heated encounter between them the night before she left. Never had she imagined this scenario. It wasn’t too late to change her mind. One phone call to Matt would take her off the case.

Shadow grasped her knee and squeezed. “Don’t think it to death, Claire.”

“I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.”

“How many times have you told me your predictions aren’t always what you expect?”

She gave him a sideways grin. “Several.”

“Okay then.”

“This is different. Now no matter what I feel has a direct impact on me. And you.”

“Don’t say it.”

“Do it, Shadow, for me.”

“No way in hell, Claire. I will not leave you in the hands of this lunatic.”

She wasn’t the least bit surprised when he parked the truck in the parking lot of an abandoned cotton factory and didn’t bother to shut off the ignition.

“Think you can do this in fifteen minutes?”

She rolled her eyes and attempted to dodge the shards of anger, intense worry and suspicion he tossed her direction. “You know better.”

“Of course not,” he mumbled as he opened the driver’s side door and stepped out.

“In fact,” she said when he opened her door and helped her from the seat, “we may be here awhile.”

He simply shrugged.

“You still want to leave it running?”

“There’s no hurry. If we need to make a quick exit, we can. Otherwise, when you’re finished and your head aches so bad you pass out, the truck will be cool.”

“It won’t be so bad with you here.”

“I can’t block it all.”

Claire nodded and led him to the area in which Gabe had been killed. Shadow’s confession rang true. The hate and evil here taunted his attempt to block it from her. Besides, she could get around him. Most of the time.

She glanced at the crumbling concrete walls of the building, littered with faded colorful graffiti. Gang symbols painted in strong, block letters or comical script warned away unwanted visitors and established ownership of the once-profitable business. Rusty hypodermic needles, bullet casings and cigarette butts littered the cement ground.

She glanced at Shadow. “I have to go inside.”

Without emotion, he stepped ahead of her and entered the structure. He stood in the center of the open room, silent and still. Claire knew from experience not to move without his permission. He possessed a unique hold on the darkness, one that not anyone or anything dared challenge. Doing so would only cause death or destruction.

The sound of crackling gravel caught her attention and she cast a glance his direction.

“Black and white parked outside,” he answered. “I knew you’d want to come inside.”

She gave him a smile and then walked around the interior of the room. The cold, aged walls creaked with information, some she already knew and some she didn’t. “He murdered Gabe in here,” she murmured. “The person responsible is male.” Claire placed her open palm against the wall to get a better reading. Waves of nausea rolled over her stomach, pain poked her eyes like heated spears. Her pained, desperate whimper scared even her.

“Sonuvabitch.” Shadow rushed to her side, knocked her hand free, and sandwiched it between his own. Warmth seeped through her skin. The nausea subsided and her vision cleared. Shadow kept his hold, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. No questions. No ridicule. Just compassion and understanding. And anger, the one emotion he couldn’t sugar coat.

She took several deep breaths while she absorbed Shadow’s healing vibes. Gabe had suffered at the hands of a madman. Someone with a definite motive and intent on carrying out the murder personally without hesitation.

Finally, she gave Shadow’s hand a squeeze and slipped free of his hold. “The murderer has a badge.”

“Hell. A cop?”

“I don’t know. I’ve worked with most of them a long time.” She swallowed a very bitter taste in her mouth. “Once they get past their skepticism, no one gives me any problems. They even come to me for help.”

“Wait, are we talking about Gabe’s murder?”

She worked to keep her voice steady. “The person responsible for Gabe’s death is now stalking me.”

She waited for his fury to pummel her and braced herself for the impact. Instead, his mind remained closed, his voice steady as he spoke. “He’s dangerous if he’s a cop. He has information about you.”

“How can I believe one of them wants me dead? I would know if I worked with a murderer.”

“Maybe. What’s if he’s a natural blocker?”

Claire paced, her thoughts scrambled. Wouldn’t she recognize someone with her ability? And even if he did possess natural blockers, she could still identify his skill.

Now even more frustrated, she squatted and picked up a frayed scrap of rope. In her mind’s eye, Gabe’s face grimaced in pain. He squatted on his knees, his hands tied behind his back. A gun pointed at his head. He simply closed his deep, dark eyes and accepted the fatal bullet.

Terror caused her breath to catch. Tears leaked from her eyes. “Gabe was a good man. A good cop.” She stood and wiped away her tears. “We have to stop him, Shadow. He’s going to keep killing, and not just me.”

“He’s not going to kill you. I won’t allow it.”

Despite her disciplined self control, Claire shook. Immense fear swallowed her whole. If he found her, he would not only kill her, but torture her. Shadow wouldn’t survive. He couldn’t, the connection to her was too strong, too solid. She had sentenced him to death right along with her.

Shadow folded her into his body and baked her in an inferno of love. She circled her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. His heartbeat thumped double time in her ear.

She took several seconds to bask in his hold before she finally sighed. “I can’t work like this.”

“Too bad.” He wound his fingers through her hair. “You’re shaking so hard your teeth are chattering.”

“I’m okay now.”

“Yeah, until I let go.” His fingers caressed her scalp while waves of pleasure rolled through her body. “You’ve had enough for today. We’re going back to the hotel and you can soak in the tub and have dinner.”

Claire reluctantly left his embrace. “You spoil me.”

He lifted her hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. “That’s my plan.”


Shadow tried hard to keep his anger from assaulting Claire as he parked in front of the hotel. He fully understood her nature, her compassion for mankind, but sometimes he wanted to strangle her sexy little neck. He scowled at the valet who opened her door.

“Wait until I come around, Claire.”

He left the truck, tossed his keys to the overzealous valet, and then froze. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. Immediately his hunting instincts kicked in.

Claire wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “I feel it too.”

He helped her from the vehicle, placed his hand to the small of her back and nudged her forward, still suspicious. He leaned down to place his lips against her ear, a move so smooth that it would be mistaken as a lover’s caress. “Walk fast and straight inside to the lobby.”

They took several steps forward and Shadow glanced over his shoulder. A flash of reflected sunlight caught his eye. He threw himself on top of Claire and nailed her to the cement. He tucked her deep within his hold and forced himself not to wince when he felt sharp, hot pain in his left biceps.

He wrapped his arms tight around her and rolled them both behind a concrete planter. He pulled his pistol from his waistband and lifted his head. Glass shattered and people screamed.

“Claire?” Shadow rubbed his left hand over her slight figure, sorely tempted to strip her naked to assure himself she wasn’t hurt. When she didn’t respond, he gave her a shake. “Claire!”

“I’m okay.” She raised her head and he saw her fear head-on. “Is anybody hurt?”

He pressed on the top of her head. “Stay down.” He scanned the area, hoping Steele might have already checked in and cashed in on the action.

“Shadow, you’re bleeding!”

Her panic-laced voice caused him to glance at his left arm. Blood flowed in a steady stream and dripped onto the concrete. “It’s just a scratch.”

Her voice wobbled. “I feel the burn.”

He cursed his slip and erected his walls.

“Too late.” Her gaze didn’t waver. “Let me see.”

“In a minute. Duck-walk inside. I’ll cover you.”

“No.” Claire fought to raise his shirt.

He grabbed her hands. “Get in there where it’s safe.”

“I’m not leaving you out here.”

“I’ll be right behind you.”


With no other choice, he threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold and ran through the front entrance.

Shadow ducked behind the front desk and set her on her feet. He bit his lip to keep from cursing his flesh-eating pain when she grabbed his arm and yanked him down beside her. The desk clerk hid there, talking into the telephone. Sirens wailed in the distance.

Claire placed her hand on the clerk’s forearm. “Be sure they send an ambulance.”

Shadow frowned. “You said you were okay.”

“I am.” She reached for the hem of his t-shirt, pulled it up to expose his left shoulder, then leaned over to examine him. “You’re not.”

He released a heavy sigh, pissed off that he would have to give in. His reserve slipped. No way in hell could he block the burning pain. “Hurts like a bitch.”

She lifted the shirt over his head, gripped it with her teeth and ripped it into several strips. “We need to stop the blood.”

She folded one strip and mashed it to the wound with all her strength. He drew in a deep breath and hissed.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she laid her cheek against the top of his head.

“Kiss me.”

“Obviously you’re not as bad as I thought.”

Shadow gave a weak, half laugh. “Honestly, I’m in major pain.”

With her fingers still cramming his shirt into the screaming wound, she leaned down and placed a soft kiss against his lips. “I know.”

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