Tightly Wound (10 page)

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Authors: Mia Dymond

BOOK: Tightly Wound
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She kissed his palm and then moved his hand from her mouth. Her eyes twinkled as she wrapped his fingers around his now painfully-erect cock. “Your turn.”

A whole new string of curses lined up on his tongue. In his current condition, one stroke might possibility ruin everything.

He didn’t dare move. “Can you read me?”

She nodded and smirked.

“Then you realize maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

Her hand came over his and took a long pull down his erection and then back up and over the head. “I think it’s one of my better ideas.”

Shadow took a deep breath and willed himself not to lose his load.

Apparently oblivious to his dilemma, she released his hand. “Now you.”

His cock pounded so hard he felt his heartbeat in the head as he squeezed and began to stroke. Slowly. Very slowly. He inhaled a sharp breath and fought the extreme urge to end the madness.

His hips jerked when Claire’s fingers fondled his balls, her soft, gentle touch like satin on his skin. His control slipped and his hand moved faster up and down his shaft until she finally stopped him.

“Shadow.” Her breath came in choppy gasps. “I can’t watch you do that any longer.”

Relief flooded his veins and he rolled her under him. “Thank God.”

She bent her knees and placed her feet flat on his thighs. “I’m so ready. Please don’t make me wait.”

He entered her and pushed until he was buried deep. “No way in hell.”

He clenched his teeth when she pressed against his hamstring muscles and rocked, her tempo rapid.

He pulled back and squeezed her hips. “Slow down, sweetheart.”

Her eyes blazed amber fire. “I don’t want slow, Shadow.”

He squeezed his eyes closed, swallowed hard, then opened them. “You sure?” He buried his cock back into her wet heat. “Because once I start, I won’t be able to stop.”

She ground against him. “Positive. Hard and fast.”

He couldn’t deny her. Anything she wanted. With a low growl, he thrust his hips in such a furious rhythm it was impossible to tell where he ended and where she began.

The base of his spine tingled and he swallowed hard. Claire’s knuckles grazed his abs as she slid her hand between them and squeezed his sac.

His control slipped. He buried his lips in the crook of her neck and pushed inside her one more time just before his seed shot from his body on a hot wave. Claire’s inner muscles squeezed his pulsing, hungry cock and she screamed his name. Her thighs quivered around his hips.

Shadow lay against her soft body for several seconds, absorbing the strength and love she offered. Her gentleness flowed through his veins straight to his heart. Without her, the muscle would not beat. He lifted his head and first kissed the dewy surface of her chest and then her lips, now crooked in a sated smile.

“Now that was a memory,” she murmured.

“One I’ll never forget.” He eased from her body and rolled next to her.

She moved his hair back from his forehead. “You didn’t bring me up here to christen the bed.”

“That’s not the only reason. We need to check in with Brooks.” He worked hard to keep the irritation from his voice. Brooks started this whole damn clusterfuck.

“He’s on our side.”

He refused to argue. Not when so much was at stake. Shadow placed a hand against the soft skin of her stomach, his fingers spread wide. “This is the safest place for you. To the naked eye, Windsor doesn’t exist.”

“But you still worry.”

He leaned to replace his hand with his lips. Her muscles jumped beneath his kiss. “There’s three of us now.”

His scalp tingled when she moved her fingers through his hair. “We’ll be fine here.”

He lifted his head to give her a hard look. “If you feel something,
, get up here in this room and lock yourself in.”

He opened his mind and let her inside. If she harbored any doubt about how serious he was, the feelings of death and destruction she saw there would convince her to cooperate.


“No matter what, Claire, I mean it. Even if you think I’m in trouble you come up here.”

“No. I won’t leave you alone.”

He took her chin between his thumb and index finger. “Promise me, Claire.”

He knew the moment she wiggled into the confines of his brain. Her eyes suddenly cleared into bright pools of understanding.

“I promise.”

Shadow covered her lips with his and let his love swallow her whole. His muscles warmed as she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed.

With one final sweep of her mouth, he lifted his head. “Do I need to handcuff you to this bed?”

Her eyes narrowed as if she were challenged. “You wouldn’t.”

“No?” He quirked an eyebrow.


Shadow touched his forehead to hers. “As long as you cooperate.”

“I promised.”

Still guarded at her surrender, he kissed the tip of her nose and eased off the bed. Handcuffs would ease his mind.

“Don’t even think about it,” she said as she threw on her clothing. “You’ll just have to trust me.”

Shadow shook his head as he dressed. Trust wasn’t the issue. Stubborn was.


When they finally left the safe room, Steele waited in the den.

“Maybe I should stay.” Steele exhaled loud. “She won’t stay put.”

Shadow shrugged. “I just had this conversation.”

Steele folded his arms over his chest. “Claire won.”

“We compromised.” He grinned and swatted Claire’s ass.

Steele chuckled. “That, my friend, is complete and utter bullshit.”

Shadow ignored his best friend’s comment and turned back to Claire. “Lock the door and set the alarm. There are cameras all over the place.”

Her eyes widened. “Everywhere?”

He couldn’t resist a jab. “You wanted to make a movie.”

Steele groaned.

Shadow urged Claire to the front door and then kissed her one last time. “No cameras in the safe room.”

Her gentle giggle floated through the door as she closed it behind them. He waited to hear the snap of the deadbolt and the familiar high-pitched beeps of the alarm before leaving the porch with Steele.

Both men paused at the dock. Shadow moved his gaze across the lake. The light afternoon breeze rippled the water in soft waves. As usual, fish splashed further out in the depths.

Convinced evil had not penetrated his safe haven, Shadow climbed into the boat.

“We’ll cut through the cove,” he told Steele as the other man boarded. “We won’t have company.”




Shadow steered
Kathryn’s Beauty
into the marina and killed the engine to coast into the nearest open bay next to the dock. He let his gaze scan the parking lot, surprised when he noticed an unfamiliar black Suburban.

Steele threw a rope to the dock. “City plates?”

“Did you call Brooks?”

“No. Did you?”

“I’ve been with Claire.” Shadow froze. Terror climbed his spine as he eyed the Suburban. Beneath his feet, the boat bounced and lurched as water lapped the sides.

He jumped to the dock and threw the rope back at Steele. “Haul ass back to the house.”

“What the hell?”

“Go, Steele!” Shadow fumbled for his cell phone. “The water’s too choppy. There’s been another boat.”

Without another word, Steele started the boat’s motor and jammed it into overdrive. The water split in two as the boat raced across the surface.

Shadow sprinted to the store while calling Navajo PD for back-up. He paused outside the door just long enough to draw his SIG pistol and shove the phone in his pocket.

He slung open the door, weapon pointed straight ahead, prepared to obliterate anyone or anything in his path. “Mrs. Hanover?”

He took several steps further inside, ears trained on the area for any hint of movement. “Mrs. Hanover, it’s Malcolm Windsor. Everything okay here?”

He swung the pistol toward the cash register when the sound of shattering glass caught his attention. Several glass jars fell from the shelf above. He eased closer and peered over the counter. Mrs. Hanover lay with her mouth, hands and feet immobilized by duct tape.

“Anybody else here?”

She shook her head in denial.

Shadow climbed over the counter, squatted beside her, and grasped the edge of the duct tape gag over her mouth. “This will hurt,” he warned.

She gave her head a weak nod then squeezed her eyes closed. Shadow gave the tape a quick yank.

“Oh Malcolm, thank God you’re here.” Mrs. Hanover’s voice quivered. “I think there’s trouble.”

Shadow helped the elderly lady to her feet then squatted before her. “The glass cut your legs. Where are the bandages?”

“Forget the bandages, boy! I’ll call the fire department.”

“I called the police on my way inside. Who was here?”

“A man stormed in with a hostage at gunpoint. He threatened to shoot the hostage if I didn’t give him a rental and directions to Windsor. Did you see him?”

“I came through the cove on the backside. I didn’t see another boat.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what else to do.”

“You did the right thing, but I’ve got to go. When the police get here, send them to Windsor.” He sprinted to the door. “Does your boat have gas?”


Shadow stormed outside and jumped onto the nearby boat. Bloody red rage ran through his veins as the boat merely skimmed the water. Brooks. Dirty son-of-a-bitch. He never should’ve trusted him.

Who the hell did he hold hostage?




Claire didn’t realize how hard she concentrated on the case file in front of her until the obnoxious gong of the doorbell jarred her attention. She sat still for a short moment, puzzled by the noise. Windsor stood alone on the island; no neighbors, one way in and one way out, both across the water.

She had almost convinced herself she imagined the sound until she heard it again, this time accompanied by persistent banging. She left the den and padded down the hallway to the front door. As soon as she placed her hand against the wooden barrier, a dull ache formed in the back of her head. Then, just as quickly the pain subsided. She glanced around the entryway at the soft green and yellow calming colors that decorated the walls. Tones meant to chase away stress and discomfort.

“Claire? Are you there?”

She moved back the pale blue curtain on the side window to peer out onto the porch. Matt Brooks stood at the front door.

“Matt? Where are Shadow and Brett?”

“At the dock. They sent me on up.”

Claire paused for a brief moment to read the hidden signals in the atmosphere. Nothing. She took a deep breath and tried again. Absolutely nothing warned her away from the door. Trusting her instincts, she punched in the code to disarm the security system. She unlocked the door. As soon as she grasped the knob, the force of the opening door caused her forehead to smack the wood. She squeezed her eyes closed at the pain and lifted her hand to touch the area.

“I am so sorry, Claire.”

She opened her eyes and felt the blood drain from her cheeks. Nausea churned her stomach, acid burnt her throat.

Detective Matt Brooks stood in front of her, held at gunpoint.




As soon as he reached the outskirts of Windsor, Shadow cut the engine, tossed his phone on the seat, and jumped into the lake. Within sixty seconds he swam the distance to the dock and climbed the ladder.

Pushed by pure adrenaline, Shadow threw open the door to the adjacent boathouse and opened a footlocker in one corner. The M14 sniper rifle waited, locked and loaded for action. He hung it across one shoulder. Sick bastard had no clue it would take only one shot; one, barely-audible, death-injected bullet would assure his demise. Brooks didn’t stand a chance, second or otherwise.

Shadow drew his pistol and aimed it ahead as he made his way to the house. The curtains in the upstairs bedroom window moved in the afternoon wind. The perimeter lay deathly silent. Shadow lowered himself to his hands and knees and crawled through the storage bays and climbed the ladder to the loft.

Cold metal met his right temple when he reached the top.

Shadow inched his eyes to focus on whatever pressed into his temple, both relieved and pissed off when Steele squatted above him, pistol in hand. He frowned and twisted the barrel away from his head.

Steele gave him a cocky grin. “Didn’t know it was you,” he whispered.

Shadow climbed off the ladder and headed to the back wall of the loft. “You been in yet?”

Steele nodded while Shadow pressed the button to open the hidden panel. “We were way off base.”

“Not me. I never did trust the little pecker.”

“It’s not him.”

Shadow rubbed his finger across the rifle’s trigger. “Who?”

Steele motioned to the ladder. “You’ll never believe me. See for yourself.”

Shadow didn’t waste one more second before he crawled out of the room to the top of the stairs. He stopped and motioned Steele to follow.

“Den,” Steele whispered.

Shadow slid down the banister of the staircase, eased back to his hands and knees, and crawled several more inches before voices penetrated the silence. He stopped and plastered his back against the outer wall of the den. Steele followed suit. Very slowly, Shadow lifted his head to peer around the corner. His heart bruised his chest with the force of its beat.

Brooks sat next to Claire on the sofa, a gun pointed at the both of them.

Shadow jerked his head toward Steele and mouthed his disbelief.
Fuck me

District Attorney Rick Lassiter stood in the Windsor family den with a weapon aimed at Brooks and Claire.




Claire attempted to focus despite the terror in her veins as Rick waved the gun. “You didn’t know who was outside? Your psychic attributes are slipping, Claire. Now be a good girl and sit down so we can talk.”

For a split second, she considered running to the loft. The odds of out running Rick were fifty percent at best, but with a bullet added in the equation, she couldn’t risk it. Instinct told her he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Matt either.

Instead, she sat on the sofa. Rick pushed Matt down beside her.

Claire summoned every ounce of strength possible from deep inside her. “What’s going on, Rick?”

“I’m tired of chasing you, Claire. Detective Brooks was kind enough to finally bring the game to an end.”

“What game?”

“Hide and seek.”

A flash of gold from the district attorney’s belt caught her attention. A badge. At least she hadn’t imagined it. “You caused all this, didn’t you?”

“You’re much smarter than I thought, Claire. Intelligence or psychic ability, I’m not quite sure, but now you leave me no choice. I can’t risk you solving the case.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Fill her in, Brooks.”

“Rick murdered Gabe and used my weapon to frame me.”

Rick narrowed his eyes on her. “And I would’ve succeeded if you hadn’t interfered.”

Pain assaulted every nerve in her body. “I didn’t interfere in anything. You assigned me.”

“True. I underestimated you. You got entirely too close. And when your SEALs made it impossible to stop your investigation, I knew I must silence you completely.”

“Why Gabe?”

Matt answered her question. “Lassiter’s built a successful drug business in Navajo, Claire. Gabe made the mistake of being persistent.”

Realization somehow managed to seep into her muddled brain. “You smuggled the gun out of the locker,” she murmured.

“It wasn’t exactly that dramatic. I check out evidence every day.”

Claire continued to piece together the puzzle. That meant he already possessed the weapon when Shadow was shot.

“If Detective Brooks would’ve left it in his desk like usual,” he continued, “I would’ve found it sooner.”

“Did you use the pen to sign it out?”

“Of course. Why not make Brooks looks more guilty?”

“You really thought you’d get away with it?”

“I never did buy into your psychic jibberish, Claire,” Rick scoffed. “In fact, I’m still not sure you know as much as you’d like us to believe.”

“Yet you threaten to kill me.”

“Just for my peace of mind. A dead psychic can’t be much help.”

“Unless she communicates with the dead to begin with,” Claire mumbled.

Matthew frowned and nudged her knee with his.

“How will you explain our deaths?”

“No need. I’m the DA. There are dozens of cold case murders in my office. I’ll just add yours to the stack. Unless I get desperate and pin it on one of your SEALs.”




Shadow eased the rifle strap over his head, lifted the gun, and focused on the den. Within seconds, Lassiter’s head appeared front and center in the crosshairs. His finger tightened against the trigger. His heart pounded until he thought it might explode. Then the barrel moved.

Shadow yanked his concentration from the den to see Steele’s fingers wrapped around the barrel of the weapon. He gestured with his head to follow him back to the sitting room.

Once in the other room, Shadow thought he might actually have to shoot his best friend. “Why in the hell did you stop me?”

“You can’t go in there balls-to-the-wall and start firing.” Steele yanked two plastic zip ties from his pocket. “These will have to work for handcuffs.”

Shadow clenched his teeth, ignoring the ache in his jaw. “
is in there.”

“I know,” Steele spat. “She’s my sister for fuck’s sake.” He ran a hand across his forehead. “Give me the rifle.”

Shadow worked to push air through his lungs. “You sure this is what you want? He’ll kill both of us in cold blood.”

Steele held out his hand. “I won’t let that happen.”

Shadow dragged his dogtags from his sweaty skin. “If something goes wrong, make sure she gets these.”

“No. Put them back on.”

“Steele –”

“Put the sonuvabitches back on, Shadow.”

Shadow tossed the metal over his head and lifted his hair over the chain. Then he gave Steele the weapon. “Don’t miss.”

Shadow led the way back to the den, his gut clenched and his heart squeezed in terror. Icy hot rage blurred his vision and his trigger finger itched. The slimy bastard knew what he was doing. From Lassiter’s position directly in front of Claire, there was absolutely no way to take him out without endangering her. Shadow swallowed hard. And the baby. Not even Steele, a skilled, government-issued sniper, could risk a shot.

Claire whimpered and cradled her head in her hands.

Shadow eased back around the corner and took several deep breaths to clear his mind and calm the heated emotion that attacked Claire. Then very carefully and without a sound, he stood and braced himself in the doorway.

Brooks saw him first. Shadow motioned with his thumb to indicate Brooks move closer to Claire.

Brooks scooted close and laid a hand to her neck. “Damn it, Rick, she’s sick.”

“She’s not sick, Detective Brooks, she’s scared. Scared because she knows both of you will die soon.”

Brooks cursed and then raised Claire’s head. Her dull, dark eyes met Shadow’s for a brief second, silent understanding passing between them, and then she glanced at Lassiter.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I want your SEALs to see who’s really the better hunter. Not even they were able to track me down.”

Claire’s gaze returned to Shadow’s. He widened his stance then cleared his throat.

Lassiter turned his attention and his gun on Shadow. Claire scooted to the far end of the sofa. Brooks took the opposite end, leaving the perfect opening for Steele’s deadly shot.

“I knew you’d come running.” Lassiter cocked the trigger. “I saved the first shot for you.”

Steele snickered and then appeared next to Shadow in the doorway, weapon lifted and aimed at Lassiter. The red laser perched on the sight of the rifle illuminated a target in the center of his forehead.

“Well, what do you know?” Shadow taunted. “I have one with your name on it too. And it looks like mine’s bigger.”

Lassiter’s wrist wobbled. “I’ll kill her.”

Shadow took a step forward. “You won’t. Because if you even move so much as a millimeter, Steele will blow your head off before your finger touches that trigger.”

“Don’t patronize me,” Lassiter warned. “I shot you once, I’ll do it again.”

Shadow took another step forward. “Then shoot me.”

Steele’s calm, collected voice issued the next challenge. “Do it, Lassiter. I dare you.”

When Lassiter shifted his gaze to Steele, Shadow took advantage and charged. He plucked the gun from Lassiter’s hold in less than a second; his body bull-dozed over Lassiter until he lay pinned to the floor.

Shadow rolled to the side, squatted, and placed the gun barrel against Lassiter’s forehead. “You still want to threaten me?”

Steele gave a cocky chuckle as he stood above the madman, the sniper rifle now bathing his whole forehead in red tint. “Lassiter, you are one stupid individual.”

Brooks squatted next to Shadow, his brow covered in sweat. “My radio’s at the bottom of the lake.”

“I called on my way back to the house.” He tossed the weapon to Brooks then rolled Lassiter to his stomach. “One wrong move and Steele takes you out.”

He pulled Lassiter’s arms behind his back and fastened the zip ties around his wrists. He had just enough time to throw the other man to the couch before Navajo PD stormed the house.

Claire launched herself into Shadow’s arms as soon as they were empty. Her soft, feminine curves molded to him as he pulled her close and wound his fingers in her hair.

“I knew it,” she said into his chest.

Shadow released a sigh of relief against the top of her head. Claire was safe. Safe and pregnant with his child.

He eased her back a few inches, his gaze scouring every inch of her body. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“No.” She snuggled back against him. “I have everything I need right here.”

Shadow swallowed hard and cursed the tears that threatened to fall. This woman, this one beautiful, tiny female could break him with one single bat of her eyelashes. Yeah, he would go down hard.

“You owe Matt an apology.” She pressed her lips to the base of his lips and lightly nipped his skin.

His cock gave her a standing ovation.
. “Minx.” He unwound his fingers and eased her to sit on the sofa. “I’ll be right back.”

He found Brooks on the front porch, puffing like a freight train on a cigarette. “Aren’t you on duty?”

Brooks smirked. “Not my scene.”

“I was wrong.” Shadow extended a hand.

Brooks returned the peaceful gesture. “Can’t say I wouldn’t have acted the same.”

Shadow turned and looked at the lake, the water now choppy and dirty from the flurry of activity. “You ever get sick of the evil, Brooks?”

The other man exhaled a long breath. “You have no idea.”

Shadow moved his gaze back to the detective. “We could use you, if you wanted a change.”


“Yeah, I mean you’re not a SEAL.” Shadow paused to smirk. “But we could look past that.”

Brooks ground out his cigarette. “I’ll give you a call.”

Shadow nodded and returned to the scene. With Lassiter now in custody and police boats loaded and ready to leave, Claire appeared more relaxed as she leaned against her brother on the sofa.

Steele stood as he approached. “I’ll see him off.”

Shadow nodded and sat next to Claire, unable to resist her hair yet again.

“Let’s go home,” she mumbled.

“Where do you want to go?”

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