Tiger Lily: Part Three (20 page)

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Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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“I want that, and I know you have wanted that all along,” I said, cutting him off. I pressed my lips together. “But I planned to work around my job at Arch until I could move on—on my own when I was ready. I didn’t want to be pushed out, and Gregor said I’m not, though I don’t know how comfortable we will be working together after this.”
Especially with Gregor’s feelings for me

The angles of Jonas’s face went hard. “I could kill him.” I knew he meant Declan, but I also knew he hated the fact that Gregor had seen that photo as much as I did. This was our reality, though.

“I want to be told everything. No more secrets for both of us,” I said. “Can you respect that?”

He took my hand and I reluctantly allowed him to lead us to the couch, where we sat down. We moved to face each other. “Yes,” he finally said. “I’ll tell you right now all that has been done, and you will know what’s to come. No more secrets…from me.” He pulled out one of his handkerchiefs and wiped my cheeks. “I should have been here for you. I’m sorry I didn’t make it back sooner tonight. You’ve been crying.”

“I understand why you didn’t get back earlier. The airport was overrun with press. You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” I was going to stop there, but then thought better of it, realizing that if I wanted him to stop keeping secrets, I needed to do the same. “I got sick. And I started to exercise a little. But I stopped myself,” I admitted.

Jonas tilted his head down and my chest tightened. “I wasn’t here and you relapsed—”

I clasped his face, my eyes steady on his, which were now shimmering. My powerful Jonas, he loved me so much. So before he went back into protection mode, I spoke up. “I stopped. It wasn’t a relapse, it was just a few minutes of trying to exercise away my anxiety. Even if you were here, I may have done the same, but I stopped. That’s what matters. I know that’s not the answer. I wouldn’t have stopped before, but I stopped now.” I dropped my hands and took the handkerchief, wiping over my face and damp brow.

Jonas nodded slowly, then picked up his briefcase from the side of the couch and placed it down on the coffee table. “The photo of you is only part of what’s going on. With his criminal record…” He opened the case and removed some papers.

My mouth gaped. “He has a criminal record? I knew he had it rough growing up and had gotten into fights, but he has a business. Wouldn’t that be difficult with a criminal record?”

Jonas handed me Declan’s background check and criminal record. “Yes. It could be difficult, but not impossible with his background.”

I let my hair cover my face as I looked over the sheet. ‘Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct, Simple Assault, and Solicitation.’
Did I ever even know Declan at all?

“He had a few calls out to his home recently, on domestic disturbance, but no charges were filed,” he said.

I sat, dazed, as I touched the side of my face, the place where Declan had slammed it into the car dash.
He did it to me, so why had it never occurred to me that he could be hurting her, too? “Heather, his fiancé, approached me at Arch the other day.”

“When? Why didn’t you tell me?” he said sharply, his voice raised.

I placed my hand on his knee. “I did tell you a woman approached me when we were there together, and that she ran off after telling me her name. Remember? I didn’t make the connection until later. She didn’t say anything more than introducing herself, so I didn’t make much of it,” I explained.

Jonas didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Then, finally, he sighed and said, “Well, I’ll have her name included in our next discussion on your cases. Here are copies of what my legal team has filed on your behalf.”

He handed a stack of papers to me as he read aloud from one sheet. “Aggravated harassment and dissemination of unlawful surveillance, both criminal offenses committed by Declan.” He placed it on top of my growing pile. “We have reopened your harassment and assault cases, though the police hadn’t exactly closed your assault case because of the physical evidence.”

I looked down at the filing forms and Jonas handed me a copy of the original file, with the paperwork I had signed for the harassment and assault. “How were you able to gain access to these, or to file cases, without my knowledge? I mean, I did agree to your help, but I should have at least had to sign—”

“It was in the agreement you signed for me when you moved in. My team and firm are on the filings,” Jonas confirmed. “His work and home computers will be confiscated. We have contacts that are investigating his business practices, tax files, funding, and accounts. The building housing his business had a surprise inspection. I inquired on his lease…”

My eyes widened and my stomach turned over as Jonas continued to speak about his plans for going after Declan’s life. I suddenly understood why Declan had gone after my job with those photos. But Jonas had exposed his name and company on all the legal filings.
What if Declan goes after him too?

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Jonas said, bringing me back to him and taking the documents from my trembling hands. I closed my eyes and focused on my breath to stop the familiar fear from gaining ground. He breathed with me and waited for my answer.

“I’m thinking he’s furious and may try to hurt you. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” I choked.

“All that you have gone through, and you’re worried about me?” He wiped my eyes with his thumbs. Once they were clear, he gave me a look that stole my heart. “My sweet Tiger Lily, I love every inch of you.” He paused and kissed my lips. “I’ll be fine.”

His confidence eased my concerns. And with his display of strength, I found mine. Declan wouldn’t get away with anything this time, not if I helped.

“I want to be involved,” I said in earnest. “I’ll help complete reports, testify, whatever is needed,” I said with a glance at the papers. But looking up, I saw doubt on his face.

So I spoke from my heart. “Just because I expressed my feelings doesn’t mean I’m too weak to fight. I’m ready and behind whatever
do. But
need to be involved in ridding him from my life. I admit my stolen possessions have stopped me before…”

“His place was searched, but nothing was found. He may have your things elsewhere. We may not get them back, depending on what he’s done with them.” He took my hand.

I processed that for a moment, then said, “I wanted…want, my things, but I want
my life
more. So I’ll sign, file, and testify. Whatever it takes to make sure he can’t hurt anyone else. Even if it means I never see my things again.” I sucked in air.

He wiped my chin. “Then that’s what we’ll work on together. Getting your life back.”

Jonas leaned over and kissed me hard on the lips. “I know how hard of a decision that is for you,” he said. “I’m proud of you.”

I swallowed. “Thank you for telling me everything.”

He kissed me once more and sighed. “I wish I could say that was all that was happening. But there’s more.” He squeezed the hand he was still holding. “The press at the airport…”

I had temporarily forgotten about that. So much had happened since. But a flash of dread ran through me. “Did Declan contact the tabloids?”

Jonas shook his head. “No. It was Melissa. She announced that we’re engaged at a charity event tonight. She paired the news with press releases. When we landed, I received numerous congratulation messages and requests for interviews, among other things.”

My brows furrowed. “I knew she wasn’t done. I told you,” I said in annoyance.

“Yes. I know. And every time I tried to reach her, she avoided me. But oh, was she ready to talk tonight. Threatening me with a press and talk show tour about our companionship if I don’t marry her,” he said and sighed.

“Do you have any idea why she chose now to announce an engagement?” I asked.

He massaged the space between his eyebrows. “No. We’re looking into it. I should have answers soon.”

It was me now moving to hold him in support. “So, what can we do?”

He looked past me. “I’m going to meet with my lawyers and see how best to move forward. I’ve only gone as far as releasing a ‘no comment’ statement. I’ll have to approach this with care, especially with the press involved,” he said and went quiet.

“What is our plan?” I asked.

“I’ll handle it. I’ll get this done, once and for all. But I have to be smart about it and not act impulsively. I could stay at the Waldorf tonight, and maybe even tomorrow, to keep the press off of you.”

My lips pressed together. “You’re leaving me?”

“If I don’t, we’ll be prisoners here and you’ll be dragged into the public press,” he said plainly. His plan was shaping into his old pattern and I had to stop it.

“No. I can handle it. I did tonight, and I’ll do it again. I need you here with me, and you need me with you. And anyway, wouldn’t she be winning by you altering your life?”

“The press is wide, and could uncover anything and everything. Would you want to be with a man that could be vilified? A womanizer, with a history of open relationships, companionships, and kinks? It will follow you. And Dani and Paul,” he said.

Jonas wasn’t one to cower. And from what I had come to know of Dani and Paul, he had their support, too. This was about me. He was worried about the press uncovering my nude photo. I didn’t know if I could face it, as I was still reeling from Declan’s mini-leak, but being hurt wasn’t going to stop it from happening. While I hoped it wouldn’t, I had to prepare for that possibility.
had to prepare for that possibility together.

I waited until his eyes met mine and said, “I can’t speak for them but yes, I would. Because I love you and I’m proud of you. Would you want to be with the woman with nude photos that went viral, if Declan somehow found a way to do it? Or if the press got them?”

“Yes,” Jonas said without hesitation.

I jutted my chin out, “Well, then, they’re in for a fight with us.”

“We’ll fight together,” Jonas agreed.

He studied me, but I knew exactly what he was seeing. I felt stronger and brave. I felt like my parents’ Tiger Lily. And in that moment, I believed with all that I was that they would have been proud of me and my decision. Just as I was proud of myself and Jonas. He took my face in his hands and brought his own to mine, kissing me. “I’ll call Ian and let him—”

The front door opened and David walked in. His sudden interruption and frazzled appearance had us both on alert.

“I apologize for the interruption, but this is urgent. Someone leaked you were here to the press and a crowd of reporters are now outside the building.”

“Call Samuel and get him on it,” Jonas said and turned to me.

My pulse sped up and my stomach flipped over as I anticipated Jonas leaving me behind to handle this all on his own. It hadn’t been but a few seconds, but it felt like time had expanded as he stared at me. I lowered my head.

“We’ll meet you in the office, David. Could you check and see if Lin is already on her way or see what we can do about dinner?”

My head lifted and so did my heart as his hand opened and reached out for me. I hurried over and closed mine around it and squeezed. “Thank you,” I whispered as we walked off to the office to face what was to come together.



brick, with mahogany and leather office furnishings, including a six-seat conference table with a state-of-the-art computerized note board between two flat-screen televisions. Like most of the loft space, it had a touch of old style with Asian rugs and clapboard flooring. Jonas quickly seated himself behind the large mahogany desk after sending David off to work with Samuel to get our late dinner and ensure security was in place. I used the spare phone next to the conference table to call Mary. When I couldn’t reach her, I called Ian. He answered on the second ring. “Hi, Ian. It’s Lily,” I said.

“It’s Lily,” he announced.

Mary yelled out “Lily!” in the background.

“One second,” Ian said. I could hear a muffling of the phone. After a few seconds, he spoke again. “Mary wanted me to tell you she didn’t realize her phone is dead until now. She can’t wait to see you,” Ian said with amusement in his voice. “Everything alright?”

I chewed my bottom lip. “Not really. The press is outside the building and along the block. The police and security have been called, but…”

“Mary will stay over here tonight. Hey, Mary. Oh, one second, Lily,” Ian interrupted and left the phone again.

“What’s going on?” Jonas asked.

I lifted my shoulders “I don’t know,” I said as loud laughter rattled my eardrum, and I held the phone away. “I think they may have been drinking?”

“Ian, drunk?” Jonas grinned and returned to his phone and computer. After a minute, Ian came back on the line and said slowly, “Mary is fine with staying here. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Can you put her on the phone?” I asked and smiled at Jonas.

Ian chuckled. “If you insist, but she’s naked in the aqua massage,” he responded. His voice elevated. I heard a scream of “no” and more laughter.
Mary wasn’t a big drinker, so it wouldn’t take much.

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