Tiers (10 page)

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Authors: Shelly Pratt

BOOK: Tiers
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One day until we board the flight and I’m having a hard time trying to act normal around Katherine. I devour her every chance I get, knowing that our time together is limited. She has no inclination that anything is amiss, yet I give her no reason to suspect so. I have fleeting feelings of guilt, not just about her, but also about deceiving the family company out of its millions that our great-grandfathers worked so hard to build. I squash those feelings like a bug, not wanting to let my soul admit it has crossed to the dark side. I try hard to justify my actions; that the account we stole from wasn’t really money that was on the books, so the company wouldn’t really miss it.


It’s all lies though, and the sing-song voice in my head tells me I’ve just become the most despicable person on this earth right now. I try not to let it bother me, knowing that soon I will be in for a life of indulgence every single day. No more long hours at the office, no more asshats who get paid shit loads of money to do diddly squat. It will be our turn to do just that. The beach, poker, Cuban cigars and lots of women – I’m already dreaming of my tequila fuelled debauchery that will soon fill my time. I’m going to let my baby face grow some stubble and let my hair grow longer, letting the sun bleach it even blonder than it is. This, I have decided, is going to be the good life.




Katherine is completely in love. The last couple of days in particular she has been raving about how much she adores me and can’t wait to marry me. I suspect this has something to do with the money in the Swiss account that she will never get her hands on once they discover it was me who put it there in the first place. The fact that her name (well partially) is on the account won’t help either.


As Felix pointed out in a conversation we had yesterday, the minute Went and Worth finds out it was me who transferred the money out of their business account, they will wave all kinds of bribes under the manager’s nose just to get a name of the account holder. In banking, accounts are treated with higher secrecy than an attorney client privilege. But money talks, it always has. Felix thinks that old Jimmy will stop at nothing to uncover whose name is on that account. Luckily we won’t be around when he does.


All these thoughts are swirling around in my semi-conscious state as I wake up. It’s
day. I feel giddy, nervous and excited all at the same time. Katherine stirs next to me, and I suddenly need to release the pent up stress that’s starting to consume me. I won’t fully relax until the plane takes off, but for the minute, I’m sure a quick romp will help wonders too. My eyes open slowly and I gaze at the sexy ass sheathed in silk next to me on the bed. It’s a peach color that suits her complexion perfectly. I want to give her anal and the thought makes my dick spring into action.


I grab her hips and slide her rear end towards my crotch. She stirs awake and looks over her shoulder at me.

‘Good morning handsome.’

‘Hey baby,’ I growl as I nibble on her ear. She rolls onto her back for me and I quickly strip my boxers off. Her lips form a wicked smile as I climb over her body and straddle her chest.

‘Suck me baby, I want my cock nice and wet before I do you doggie.’ Her eyes widen in delight and she obliges me willingly.


Her lips lick me salaciously, taking turns with her tongue and teeth to graze over my shaft. I delight in shoving it a little too far in her mouth, making her eyes water a little as she tries to contain the length between her lips. I smile and pull back, before thrusting it forward once more. Her chest is heaving beneath me, big deep breaths through her nose as my cock fills her mouth.


Her eyes look so wanton that I am tempted to just let her lick me until I blow in her mouth. But my earlier thoughts of fucking her ass dominate my actions. My cock leaves her mouth, glistening with her spit and I roughly roll her onto her back. I hitch up her nightie, pleased that she isn’t wearing any panties. Grabbing her waist I hoist her up onto her knees and she splays her hands on the bed for support. Gently I start rubbing her asshole with my thumb that I have wet with my own spit. She moans as I do this, pushing her backside towards me for more.


‘Damn baby, you’re so horny for it
aren’t you?’

Mmm-hmm,’ is all she can get out. There is no holding me back now. She’s ready for me and I know I need to wrap things up. I have a plane to catch after all. Slowly I nudge the tip of my cock into her ass. She sucks in her breath and I wish I could see the pained expression I know must be on her face. She is so damn tight that I want to sing out with pleasure. Her muscles around her entry way are clenching around my dick, resisting the intrusion I am inflicting. She’s hot and so tight, but I wiggle my hips from side to side, forcing my way farther and farther until I am in almost to the end of my shaft.


With her on all fours, I lean my full weight on her and grab her breasts from underneath and start to rock back and forth. We are animalistic and frantic. She pants mercilessly as I pound away at her. I can tell she is loving every minute of it and it makes me want to come all too quickly. The more I grind away at her ass, the more I want to blow my load. Her little mewls that escape her lips are my undoing.


She is feral in her actions and I grip onto her like I am fucking a wild animal. She comes brilliantly and I feel her ass spasm all over my cock. This makes me come instantly. All the blood rushing around my body lends to an earth shattering explosion that releases from my cock into her. Not able to hold me anymore, she drops onto the bed with my dick still in her. Slowly I ease out of her, taking delight in watching as I pull out. I’m a devious enough bastard to like the sight of my semen oozing out of her.


‘Got time for a shower with me,’ she asks breathlessly.

‘Yeah, a quick one before I have to get to the office.’ This is a lie. The only place I have to be is the airport, and I won’t be heading off until she takes off for the beauty parlor I booked her into today for a massage and facial. She thinks I am sweet and considerate, not realizing there is well placed deceit behind my actions.


Katherine rolls over to face me and smiles alluringly at me. It hits me then that all the times I have told her I loved her and all the beautiful lies I have spun, she has believed every single word. Not to stop this charade now, I reciprocate her look and hold my hand out for her to join me. The quicker I rush her out of my apartment, the faster I can pack my suitcases. 



I hardly dare breathe as the wheels of the plane lift up off the ground. My shoulders slump back down into their normal position and I finally relax. Harold and Felix sit on the opposite side of the aisle in first class. They’re animated and sipping French champagne, toasting the start of our brand new lives. Leaving Katherine behind in London is not something I really wanted to do, but I decided it was a necessary sacrifice if I wanted to get away with what we have just done. Which I do.


The minute Katherine left this morning, I rushed to pack my suitcase. Deciding it was best not to leave a note, I mean really – what on earth was I going to say, I just walked out and shut the door behind me. The keys for the apartment were dropped off at the real estate with an apology of ‘an urgent family matter’. Went and Worth picks up the tab anyway, so they would still be responsible until the lease is due to expire. The three of us did not check in together, rather all going incognito until we are safely in our seats and the plane had taxied down the runway.


Now that I am comfortable that all is going to plan, my normal body urges start to take over. I realize I am ravenously hungry, the smell of a meal being prepared in the cabin behind us tantalizing my nostrils. While we wait, I start to drink the champagne and nibble on the caviar entrée that has already been served. For the most part I want to ignore Harold and Felix – there is something about them that makes me not completely trust them. That might have something to do with the fact that I already stabbed them so viciously in the back. To be honest they were lucky Went and Worth has not yet laid charges or they wouldn’t have even been able to get out of the country.


Interrupting my reverie is a stunning blonde who is ready to serve my meal. Her lips are painted hot pink and her uniform gives her that ‘sex kitten librarian’ look. My hunger for food is quickly replaced by desire for the hostess. I wonder what my chances are for indulging in the mile high club for the third time in my life.


My eyes take in her cleavage that peeks from her blouse as she bends to refill my drink. Felix is glaring at me from across the aisle – his look clearly issues a ‘don’t even fucking think about it’ warning. The smile that was on my lips evaporates and I turn my attention back to the salmon and kipfler potatoes. Kill joy. I can’t wait to get my hands on my share of the money and leave these two dicks behind.


When my plate is cleared, I settle back to enjoy the rest of the flight in slumber. It’s being a mentally draining week and I need the shut eye. I’ll be glad when we touch down in France and I can finally start living my new life. First things first though, we need to pay a visit to Felix’s friend – the one who holds our future aliases in his hands.




France goes off without a hitch. The three of us see the sights for two days while Mani finishes off his handiwork with our new passports. I convince the others to go and see the dancers in the Moulin Rouge and we end up taking one each back to the hotel. The ladies in France certainly know how to show a man a good time and I am convinced that sometime in the future I may come back here to live.


I wake up still entangled with a dancer named Andrea and realize we might miss our flight to Mexico. She and her friends are hustled out of the apartment with empty promises to call them and we haul ass to make it in time. We’re the last passengers to board the Virgin Airlines flight that will take us the rest of the journey.




Well, I have to hand it to Felix, his plan was genius. We’re staying in the best damn hotel in Cancún. It’s situated right on the beach front that overlooks the Caribbean Sea. Right now we are occupying a cabana on the white sand and soaking up the sun as it glares back at us. It’s only eleven o’clock, but already our heads are hazy with tequila. We have started up a game of poker, although I’m sure Felix is cheating. He has a ridiculous hat on like the locals wear, only his British pallor makes him stand out like dog’s balls on a budgie. Our mood is jovial and happy, taking the piss out of each other every chance we get. Seeing the fun side of Felix and Harold makes them not so bad to hang out with after all. 


I’m just dealing out a new hand, when Harold turns even whiter than normal and mutters under his breath.

‘No fucking way.’ He almost sounds like he is choking on his own tongue, and I wonder briefly if I should shove my hand down his throat.

‘What?’ Felix is dumbfounded as to what has caused his jolly mood to deflate faster than a balloon with a pin in it.

‘Isn’t that … no, it can’t be!’ Harold’s voice has
risen an octave and he’s starting to make me nervous.

‘What the fuck man?’ I suddenly get a sinking feeling. Only one thing could make him react like this.


I turn in my seat, taking in the sight of the hotel behind us and letting my eyes rove over the people that are dining in the outdoors restaurant. My eyes linger over each person in turn until they stop on the one that I know is responsible for all the commotion. I feel like I just swallowed a lead balloon and I’m immediately sober. The person lifts their chin and nods in our direction. At this point all three of us need shovels to lift our chins off the floor. That split second in time was all it took for me to know that whatever future I had planned has just gone out the window.


Harold sounds like he is moaning in despair, while I can say nothing at all. Felix is stoically silent – something that is completely out of character for him. We watch and wait. It is all we can do.


Their body casts a shadow over where we are sitting. It’s like a mini apocalypse centralized to this particular spot we are occupying. None of us say a word. Harold is completely incapable, I don’t have the balls and Felix is waiting to see what is said by the other party first.


‘So, aren’t you lot the biggest bunch of shifty fuckers?’ The voice is calm, controlled and dominant. This is a person who always gets what they want, which is probably why he has been so successful in business all these years.

‘Hey Jimmy, nice to see you pops.’ Felix looks like he is anything but pleased to see his grandfather.

‘Cut the shit you turd. You must think I came down in the last shower if you thought you three belligerent little fuckers could screw me out of a dime!’ His bony finger waggles at each of us in turn and I wish the ground would just swallow me up.

‘Pops …’ Felix starts to say, but is cut off quickly.

‘Don’t you Pops me, Felix. Ever since you were little I knew you were a scheming and conniving prick. I guess I underestimated you when I thought you couldn’t possibly do that to your own blood. And Jake, well your father would roll over in his grave right about now. You’re the last person I expected this kind of behavior from.’


‘I ah …’ There’s nothing Felix could say to the old man. He realizes Jimmy is not here for apologies – he is just stating fact. He does not look upset, just here to say his piece.

‘Forget it. You three are now on Interpol’s shit list,’ he says with a smile, showing his yellowing teeth. Little bits of spit start to form at his lips as he gets more excited.

‘I flew all the way here to personally tell you lot that you shouldn’t have wasted your time stealing from Went and Worth. That account you fleeced recouped the funds within twelve hours after it was withdrawn. You all didn’t really think I was that stupid did you? I didn’t make it big in finance from being a dummy you know. I have people in very high places
who are paid exorbitant amounts of money to safeguard my assets. So you can imagine my displeasure at receiving a phone call while I was at the patisserie, the morning you were at the office Jake. Lo and behold, employee 67899 just logged onto the system and pretty much cleared out the slush fund account. Problem with that is, I am employee 67899. So I ask you, how could I make a withdrawal when I’m out having coffee?’

‘Fuck,’ Felix hisses at me. ‘You didn’t tell me the old man was there!’


Harold’s moaning continues.

‘Jimmy …’ I start to explain myself, but he’s having none of it and holds his hands up to stop me. ‘No point denying it son. I sent Mason back into the office to get the list of all employees who were in the office on Saturday. Guess what? You’re the only one for a whole four hour period!’ I already know he knows everything, but him being here has me rattled.

‘So I just wanted to say thanks for exposing your true natures to me. There is no place in my company for the likes of you three, which is kind of perfect actually – gives me the opportunity to invite Mason to join the board. You remember Mason, your cousin?’ Jimmy gestures a little way off the beach. On the side of the road is Mason, wearing a
shit-eating grin as he stares back at us. Beside him is a woman with her back to us.


‘So no harm, no foul, as I always say. My money is recovered, which you would have known if you’d bothered to check, and I now have reliable staff in the company. I hope you three will be very happy with what little money you have left. Oh, and by the way – I may have inadvertently given Interpol your whereabouts.’ He grins as he walks off to join Mason – the good grandson.


The three of us watch as he makes his way over to them, pats Mason on the shoulder and keeps on walking. Mason turns to follow, taking the hand of his female companion. She hesitates though, and turns to face us.


Katherine grins wickedly and blows us a kiss from her pouty red mouth. I guess she had the last laugh after all.  

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