Tiers (4 page)

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Authors: Shelly Pratt

BOOK: Tiers
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Went and Worth’s offices are located a few blocks from Kensington Palace. Every man worth his salt knows that this is an exceptional place to work. The guarantee that you will be seen daily by some of London’s most wealthy and successful business men is just the icing on the cake.


I know Harold is particularly pleased to be here. His place in the firm was guaranteed from the moment he started Oxford University. His nearest and dearest chum Felix Bedforth was successor to his father as chairman of the board for their privately owned financial company. The financial conglomerate had been in the Bedforth dynasty since the eighteen hundreds. The upper tier of Went and Worth had decided that Harold’s degrees in Finance and Business Management would be most useful as a senior partner alongside their successor Felix. Of course Harold was only too happy to take the position.

I exit the car and make sure to take the briefcase with me.


The walk there is actually quite pleasant. Summer is in full bloom and it allows me to breeze through the street in my attire without having to don a coat. I like the way my long wavy hair dances about on the light wind that swirls around me and makes my shirt stick to my skin. As I approach the front door of the building, a black sedan pulls up into the loading bay on the street. I recognize the driver as being one of the employees of Went and
Worth’s fleet. Old Mr. Parker has driven me home on numerous occasions and he is rather pleasant to chat to. I give him a small wave and continue my ascent up the stone steps to the turnstile door that would allow me access to the offices inside. Parker dips his cap at me before turning his attention to opening the passenger door.


The glass revolving doors moved easily with only a little momentum and I find myself in the lobby. It has been a while since I have visited but the place still looks the same. The bank of elevators is located on my left and I stride with purpose and push the up button. With twenty floors in total, the office Harold works in occupies the entire top floor. His is a secluded area on the twentieth floor that takes in a view of the park across the street.


The elevator arrives and I stride purposefully in. Its interior is all brass and mirrors. Imagine my disbelief when my eyes reach the rear mirror and catch sight of him in the reflection, running towards the lift.


My knees start trembling as I jab my perfectly manicured finger at the ‘close door’ button to speed up its process. Abated breath is held in my chest as I spin around to watch the doors closing. He isn’t going to give in easily though. A last minute dive for the doors as they slide close and I am alarmed he has his arm wedged in the middle. The sight actually scares the shit out of me. Here I am all alone in the lift with a lone arm flailing in front of me – stuck between the closed doors. Shit!


I hit the emergency open button and the doors swing back freely. I am greeted with a full wattage smile, dimples and all. Jake fucking-hot-stuff Shore. My word! What a sight for sore eyes. I am still pissed with him though, and will not allow him the satisfaction of a smile or greeting.


He cocks his head sideways at me as though he needs to get a better look at me. For once I am not pleased I am the only one in such a small space with him. Quickly giving him the stink eye I turn my attention back to the front of the elevator doors and studiously ignore him.

‘Kate.’ He purrs my name as though it is a hello, conversation and seduction all in one. I’m impressed.


‘It’s Katherine,’ I snap. Why is it so hard to be mad at this cheeky sod? Boy, does he have some nerve …
He sidles closer to me and I hold my breath. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want Jake and wonder briefly what it would be like to do him on the floor of the lift.


‘You let me call you Kate last time we were together.’ He whispers his words in his amazing American drawl. My heart quickens and I feel like a can of fizzy drink when you first crack it open. Yikes!

‘That was because you weren’t trying to get into Barbie’s panties at the time.’ I hate that I have just revealed a jealous streak to him. This is not the way I want him to see me. I want to appear cool, calm and sophisticated and he has me acting like a school girl with a crush. I feel every bit as young as my twenty nine years.


He circles me and comes to stand in front of me. I watch like a falcon, noting every single movement. His hand darts out and presses the emergency stop button. The lift instantly shuts down and stops us five floors shy of where I need to be.

‘Hey!’ I cry out.

He presses his index finger to my lips to shush me, but all I want to do is take it in my painted red mouth and suck it. Yes – I feel like being a bad girl.

‘Katherine.’ He stresses my name and it rolls off his tongue effortlessly. His jaw sets into a firm line and he refuses to continue until I look him in the eye. I do and instantly get lost in them. I’m vaguely aware that he is wearing an expensive grey suit with a black shirt underneath. His scent is filling the lift and tickling the tips of my nostrils.

‘If you don’t mind Jake, I really need to get going.’ I move to reach around him so I can restart the car upwards, but his hand stops me short. He is strong and I remember what it is like to feel those arms as he thrusts himself inside of me. Shit. I have really got to get out of here.


‘You can go in a second. I just want to clear up a little misunderstanding first.’

‘Is that so? What could you possibly have to ‘clear up’?’ I know I sound bitchy, but I really can’t help myself. It only makes him smile all the more and to be honest, I love his patience. His dimples are driving me pretty damn crazy too.


Jake reaches into his pocket and comes out with a business card. He closes the distance between us so that if he wanted to he could just lean forward a fraction and kiss me. I am kind of hoping he does, despite my pissed-offed-ness with him from last night. Instead, he takes the tip of the card and touches my nose, trailing it slowly down over my lips and chin. There is no stopping him as he has not yet reached his intended destination.


‘I just moved back to London. We should have drinks, or make love – your choice.’

He continues with the card and slides it down the center of my throat and buries it below the front of my blouse. His eyes come to rest on my red lacy bra and he sticks the card in there securely. I gasp slightly at his warm touch as his fingers graze my skin. His touch is electric. I am so wet between my legs right now that I can feel the warm liquid starting to hit the top of
my thighs. I clamp them shut, wishing I had worn underwear after all. Jake seems to delight in me being flustered and I scowl at him in return. A few seconds feels like an eternity and he finally presses the button that sends the lift on its merry way again.


I force myself to breathe normally and Jake presses the button for the seventeenth floor. Well at least he wouldn’t be getting out on my floor. The welcome ping sound resonates through the lift telling us both the doors are about to open. He allows his eyes to do a final sweep over my body; tricking me into thinking he has just undressed me with his eyes. Nope, still fully clothed.


Jake makes for the doors just before they open and then stops.

‘Barbie?’ His tone is incredulous.

‘Big tits, blonde hair, fake pink lips – surely you can see the resemblance?’ I snap. I am haughty to say the least. I like haughty. He laughs. A deep throaty one that makes me want to smack him in the kisser.

‘Katherine, Katherine, Katherine,’ he coos. All he gets back from me is a raised eyebrow.

‘That was my sister.’ He’s not laughing now, but his eyes are dancing in delight.

Schmuck. I feel like a real schmuck.

‘I was seeing her out to her car. By the time I returned you had already left.’

‘Oh.’ Shit! Am I not capable of more than one syllable? He cups my chin in his hand and pulls my face to his. So as not to ruin my lipstick he does not kiss me, but he does slide his tongue ever so delicately over the inside of my bottom lip. My eyes close and I am in heaven.

‘You are adorable when you’re mad.’ The elevator doors slide open and there is a myriad of people waiting to get on.

‘Ms. Sable,’ he says as his way of departure and leaves me standing flustered in a lift with strangers.


I can’t help but take a sneak peek at his ass while he moves off into the office building. As the doors start to close he turns and looks at me again. He is enigmatic and confident. Okay, I’ll admit it. We both know I’m going to call him.



I make it to the top floor without any further incident. Harold’s secretary Margaret Dawson is seated behind her desk when I arrive at his office. Luckily she is a much older woman otherwise I might have started to wonder if she had fucked my husband as well. She smiles kindly and asks me to wait on the lounge while Harold finishes up a business call.


I sit myself down on the sofa in reception and turn my attention to a gossip magazine. It isn’t long before Harold pages through a call to notify Margaret that I am welcome in his office. While halfway across the foyer, the door opens suddenly and a glorious blonde stalks out.


She does not look impressed. Her sullen manner seems to give her an unattainable look but she still oozes class and sophistication. I wonder what her role here at Went and Worth is. She nods as she passes me and continues on her way. Best not to dwell on it, I decide.

Harold is seated behind his desk. He is in control of his little domain and I suddenly feel like a school girl called to the principal’s office to receive some kind of chastising.


He looks up and I see a familiar expression come over him. Desire.

He wants me instantly – I can tell by the look in his eyes. This works for me. It is ultimately what will give him a false sense of security as I put forth my plan to completely ruin him. Those eyes of his trail from my ankles all the way up to my throat and I imagine he is wondering what it will be like to kiss me all the way to the top.


‘Harold,’ I say in greeting.

‘Don’t you look ravishing Katherine, off somewhere?’ His compliments only endeavor to achieve one thing. I know the see-through blouse displaying my ample breasts is going to pay off.

‘No. I just thought I should look presentable when coming to your place of work.’ I purr out each word, letting my silky voice reach his ears and seduce him into a false sense of security.

‘I see. Well you can just put my briefcase down there.’ He points to a coffee table in the middle of the room and rises out of his high-backed leather chair. I feign disinterest as he closes in on me.


‘So, we didn’t really get off on the right foot this morning, did we?’

‘Not really.’ I go for nonchalant.

‘Well I don’t see that our little indiscretions should ruin our marriage, do you?’ He laments cautiously, inching closer to me by the second. Despite my anger at his deception, it is hard to ignore the pull that originally drew me to Harold. My body responds unwillingly and there isn’t much I can do to stop the reaction between my legs.


‘No, I suppose not.’ I try to act begrudgingly … as though I am ready to go along with his lifestyle.

‘Well then, that’s settled. I suppose I should make it up to you then?’ He reaches out to tuck a curl of hair behind my ear and my breath catches.
is how he plans to make it up to me? I was thinking diamonds or dinner …


He is pleased with the reaction he is having on my body, glad that he seemingly still has control of me. Harold takes my hand and leads me to his desk. The room is quite still, a little of the exterior light bleeding through the blinds that cover the windows. They are yellow, so the room looks like it is bathed in sunlight even though it is only an English summer outside. I am happy with this lighting; it gives my peaches and cream complexion a glorious glow. He pushes me hard up against the end of the desk, his breath warm and coffee-scented.


Luckily his desk is fairly bare, or I could imagine him sweeping the contents off it like some scene from a movie. Instead he thrusts his crotch up against me and rubs himself suggestively against my pelvis. His eyes glow darkly with desire and I almost feel like refusing him just to be a bitch. But I remind myself of the master plan and decide to carry on. Besides – who am I to knock back an orgasm.


We kiss briefly, but neither of us really wants the intimacy. It is just sex. He trails his lips down my neck and makes his way to the top button of my blouse. The buttons come undone one at a time, slowly revealing the lacy number I have on underneath. He uses the flat of his palm to lay me back down on the desk and my hair fans out behind me. I close my eyes to enjoy the sensations that he is about to inflict on me. My ankle is suddenly grasped in his hand and he trails kisses from my killer heels all the way up to the hem of my skirt. Slowly he lifts it up my thighs and pushes it roughly past my buttocks.


‘No panties? My, my you are a naughty girl, aren’t you?’ I say nothing, there is too much anticipation. Harold and I have never been saucy in the bedroom … I wonder what he has in mind. As he reaches towards my sex, I prepare myself for his imminent touch. He slides two fingers inside of me and I moan.


‘God Kate, you’re so fucking wet!’ He seems a little incredulous. He is still perfectly clothed and leans over my body to kiss my pouty red lips. My only form of modesty is the lacy red brassiere. His kiss is hard and forceful, not at all tender or loving. I expected as much. My eyes flutter open suddenly when my thoughts are interrupted by his voice over the intercom on his desk.


‘Mrs. Dawson, would you please page Larissa and tell her I want her back in my office immediately please.’

‘Certainly sir.’
The voice is disconnected. I panic to think that someone should be entering Harold’s office momentarily and I struggle to push him off me and stand up. But he has other ideas. His large palm lays flat against my sternum and I am pinned to the desk.


‘Shhh, Kate. I have something in store for you.’ When he uses my nickname it doesn’t sound nearly so beautiful as when Jake does. How my name sounds rolling off his tongue is the least of my problems though. I am wondering who the hell Larissa is and why in the world she is coming into Harold’s office while I am stark naked from the waist down.


There is a sharp knock at the door and my head spins in that direction. I know my eyes must look wild and crazy, but there is nowhere for me to go. The handle turns and the door starts to swing inwards.  Adrenalin starts to pump its way through my body. It’s like I have taken a drug to make me high. I’m enjoying the way my body is responding to the fear it is suddenly ensnared in. I am pinned to the desk with no chance of pushing Harold off.


I’m only mildly surprised when the blonde who passed me earlier comes in without being summoned and shuts the door behind her. She locks it. Her expression is unreadable, but not unkind. She takes in my nudity as though she sees this every day of the week. Shit! As an afterthought she probably does see this every day of the week. I wonder absently if she is Harold’s regular plaything.


She is glamazonian in stature and every bit as tall as Harold, which is impressive at six foot two. Harold beckons her over to us. Her blonde hair is in a high ponytail and she has seriously sunken cheeks. She could be a model if she wanted to; although I am sure the perks she is afforded here at Went and Worth are more than satisfactory. She doesn’t walk, but rather stalks her way to us. I am rather awestruck by her beauty. There is no conversation as Harold backs away from me. He allows Larissa to take his place and she moves over my body with the grace of a panther. With a startling moment of clarity, it suddenly occurs to me that this graceful beast wants me. Oh my word!


She smirks at me be before dipping her head to my lips. They are so soft and warm that it dazzles me into submission. Any thoughts of me protesting against such goings on have just jumped out the window. I let her tongue ease my mouth apart and she eagerly traces her tongue over my teeth. There is no more Harold in the room, only us. Oh I know he is somewhere in the background of course, but what this woman is doing to me is blocking out everything else. Never have I been kissed by a woman before, and do you know what? I think I like it. Very much.


Her mouth roams my over mine before dipping down to my belly. I raise my head off the desk slightly so I can watch her as she traces her tongue lower down my torso. Her eyes are connected with mine and I love the sultry way she takes in my pleasure. She lifts her head momentarily to avoid the skirt bunched around my waist before continuing towards my pussy. I am downright thankful at this moment that all the hair has been removed by my beautician earlier in the week. There is nothing more unattractive than pubic hair in ones teeth and I am pretty sure I am about to be licked out by Larissa the glamazonian.


Her warm hot tongue flicks against the lips of my pussy and I knee jerk in response. I relax again when her hands rest on my legs and calms them. She darts the full length of her tongue inside me once more and I writhe underneath her, aching to have something large fill the space inside of me so I can grasp onto it with my muscles. Nonetheless, Larissa knows what she is doing, and soon I am a slave to her mouth.


She trails a path from the top of my sex down to the bottom and stops just shy of my anus. If I was truthful, I kind of wanted her to go there too, but I will not be fussy. This is way more than I bargained for. She repeats this pattern over and over again until I can’t contain myself anymore. I want her to bring me to climax as my body cries out for release. My hands grab the back of her head and pull her even deeper inside of me. This flicking becomes more urgent and I wrap my legs around her back to try and get a better hold. I need to come, right now.


‘That’s enough,’ Harold demands huskily. Damn, I had completely forgotten he was here. Larissa pulls herself off me and wipes her mouth salaciously. God I want her, but she nods at Harold and stalks off in the direction of the door. Harold is hungry to have his own desires taken care of and already has his cock in his hands. He strokes it lovingly – enticing me to watch.


There is such an ache in my depths I would be willing for anyone to satisfy me at this point. I watch mesmerized as he takes his cock and rubs it slowly up and down my pussy, coating it with my juices before thrusting inside me with one sharp shove. I cry out, gloriously pleased with his size. He grabs my hips and starts rocking steadily against me. No longer content with being a passive participant I move to sit up and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands snake under my buttocks and he lifts me clean off the desk in one fluid motion.


I am too drunk with lust to care where he puts me. I am grabbing on for dear life and I hoist myself up and down on his shaft. He slams me against his office wall as he continues to thrust his cock inside me. Time has run out and I come gloriously as he spills his semen into the depths of my pussy. Oh my fucking god!


We both pant heavily until we regain our breath back. Harold sets me down on the teetering high heels I am wearing and careful pulls his already shrinking penis from me. I smooth my skirt back into place and try to straighten my hair.


Our little tryst is over, and I feel I have successfully convinced him that I will submit to his extra-marital affairs. Not bloody likely!

‘So, I shall see you for dinner this evening?’ I ask out of formality and as a way to say goodbye. Small talk works for me.  

‘Sure.’ I turn to leave but his voice stops me.

‘Why don’t you cook this evening Katherine?
Perhaps do those lamb chops with new potatoes that I like so much.’ It isn’t a request. It is a demand showing his dominance over me. I plaster a seamless smile on my lips and say, ‘Of course darling.’

Once again I take my leave and once again he stops me.


‘Make sure the fat is well done,’ he quips.
I turn back around to face him. ‘If I over-cook the fat, the meat shall be dry Harold.’

‘That’s what gravy is for darling.’ He dismisses me as he seats himself at his desk and pulls out a black leather diary to consult. Marveling at his audacious attitude I conclude I will not get anywhere with Harold.
Ever. So I take my leave and smile to myself.


You are going down mister. Big time.

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