Three Thousand Miles (31 page)

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Authors: Deila Longford

BOOK: Three Thousand Miles
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“Yes, I
miss you, I am fine and everything is okay. I will see you soon, okay?” Adrian takes a minute to respond and my heart is pounding as wait for his reply.

“Okay, until next time baby…”

I breathe a sigh of relief as I turn to Alice.

“You really love him don’t you?” She asks as she beams. I cannot contain my smile as I think of him.

“He is my world and I would be lost without him. I have never met anyone like him and he consumes me.” Alice lets go of my hand as she shifts around in her seat. I feel that she needs to say something and I quickly ask her what is wrong.

“Alice you look as if you want to say something?” She fiddles with her hair as she responds.

“Are you going to tell Adrian that you have spoken to me?” I begin to tap my foot harder against the chair as I think of an answer. The truth is I do not know if I could tell him. I really want to but I don’t know how he would react. He is very touchy about Alice and I fear that he would get mad at me and perhaps he would leave again. I ha
te to think of going back to him
not being here, so if I interfered in his relationship with his mother would that anger him enough to leave? I cannot take that risk although I will have to fight every bone in my body not to tell him. I feel that he deserves to know how she feels and if he could possibly forgive her then that would be exceptional. I gaze at Alice and I try to respond as truthfully as I can.

“I don’t know how he would act if I told him. I cannot risk angering him I love him too much to upset him.” Alice nods at me and think that she understands my reasons. She leans closer to me.

“Alanna, what if I was to say that I want to see him. How would you feel about that?”

“I would give you my blessing if I thought
it was for the best.” Alice’s face looks confused and I see
try to come up with a response to my words. I take a deep breath as I gaze at her. I look down at her hand
I notice that she is wearing a gold wedding ring. I quickly look up at her and I have to ask. 

“Are you married?” She gently smiles as she strokes her ring finger.

“Yes,” she admits.

“I don’t understand how can you be married?” Alice lets out a little giggle and I briefly shake my head at her.

“Alanna, it’s quite easy I met an amazing guy and I feel in love with him. We have been married for over a year now and I couldn’t be happier.”

“What does he do?”

“He is a stockbroker, he works on Wall Street.” I am stunned at Alice’s revelation. I never expected her to
married and especially not to a rich stockbroker.

“Alexander is a recovering alcoholic. We met at an AA meeting and we instantly clicked. I haven’t touched a drop since I met him and that was four years ago.” Alice is full of surprises and I am astounded
to how much
she has changed. It really seems as if she has turned her life around
for the better.

“Well I am happy for you. However I don’t know if Adrian would see you.” I admit.

I know this is perhaps too much for me to ask. But could you please talk to Adrian for me. I would love to see him again and I know that he would listen to you. Please will you do this for me?” Alice stares at me and I feel a little uncomfortable. She is putting me on the spot and I don’t know how to respond to her. Adrian is my world and I cannot risk losing him. However, something inside of me wants him to meet with Alice. I crave that Adrian will put his past behind him and perhaps if he saw Alice then he finally could. His control issues would possibly disappear and we could be free to live our lives. I look up at Alice.

“I cannot promise anything but I will talk to him.”












I lay on my bed and I reflect on the day’s events. My head is spinning from the information
I found out about Alice. I close my eyes and I see her face. I remember her tears as she talked about Adrian and I truly believe that she is sorry for what she did.

,” Sophie says as she bursts in the door. I greet her as she walks over to her bed. She throws a few Macy

s bags onto the floor as she flops down onto the bed. I adjust myself onto my side and I stare over at her.

“You literally shopped till you dropped.” I say as I let out a giggle. Sophie joins in as she kicks off her Jimmy Choos.

“I was out getting a few things for London.” She says as she beams. I smile at her as I try to hide my emotions from today.

“Alanna, is everything okay?” Sophie asks as she tilts her head in compassion. I begin to think that I will lie and tell her that everything is okay. However, I quickly change my mind and I begin to tell her everything.

“Oh my god Alanna, what are you going to do?” Sophie reacts as I finish filling her in on my sticky situation.

“I don’t know I guess
I will have to talk to him about it.” I say weakly. Sophie rushes up from her bed and she walks over to me.

“Alanna, I don’t think
you should. This is a very complicated situation and you have just gotten Adrian back. I really think that you should stay away from Alice
she sounds like trouble
and you and Adrian don’t need any more trouble in your lives.” I listen carefully to Sophie’s warning but I still feel in my heart that talking to Adrian about this is the right thing to do. I sit up onto the bed and I quickly jump as I hear a knock at the door. Sophie flashes me a concerned smile as she whispers.

“Focus on the good stuff with him. Don’t ruin things by bringing that woman into your life.”

I march over the door and I open it to reveal Adrian. I smile at the sight of him and I quickly jump into his arms. He bounces back a little from the force and he lets out a husky laugh. I grab onto his shirt and I pull him close. I look up into his green eyes as I lean in and kiss him. He gently pulls back from me.

“Baby you are a little forward tonight is everything okay?” I run my hand along his arm and my skin gently caresses his Black Armani suit. He reaches out and
gently strokes my cheek. I close
my eyes as he touches my face.

“I just missed you so much.” He smirks at me and he softly pushes me in through the door. Adrian glides over to my dressing table and he slowly sits down onto the chair. I walk over to my bed and I sit on the edge. I gaze at Adrian and I watch as Sophie excuses

“I will see you two lovebirds later; I am off to catch up with the girls.” Adrian lightly smiles at her as she makes her way out of the room.

“So what are we doing tonight?” I ask him boldly. Adrian cannot hold in his smirk as he walks over to me. He sits next to me on my bed and my heart is pounding as I look at him. I stare into his deep eyes and I wonder if I should tell him about Alice. I shake off that feeling and I bring myself back into the moment.

“I originally had tickets for the Opera. However, I think
it would be best if we stayed in tonight.” I gaze at him and I am a little relieved. I would rather be alone with him instead of forcing myself to sit the through an Opera show. Adrian furthers himself onto my bed and I quickly move closer to him. He gently drapes his arm around my shoulder and I lean in towards to him. He gently kisses the top of my head and I feel that I could sit in this moment forever.

“Baby, when is your graduation?” I look up at him and I gently slap my forehead in dread.

“Thanks for reminding me I have my final exams in a few days and I have not studied
at all.” Adrian releases me and he smoothly rises from the bed. He strides over to the table that sits by the door. He lifts my books and he quickly walks back over to me. I look up at him as he hands them to me.

“Baby, stud
y and I will be right back,
” I wrinkle my face at him.

“Where are you going?” I ask firmly. He leans down and he clasps my face in his hand. I widen my eyes at him as I await his response.

“I have to talk with Michael I won’t be long.” He leans in and gently kisses me on the cheek. Before I have,
time to respond Adrian is gliding towards the door. I watch him leave as I open my book. 


I have studied constantly for about two hours and I begin to worry why Adrian is taking so long. I push my hair from my face as I try to concentrate on my studies. I focus my eyes and I read the over the words. I stare blankly at the page, I realise that I have read the same sentence five times, and I still have no idea what it means. I close the book in frustration and I leap from the bed. I make my way over the door and I march quickly out into the hallway. I glance around but Adrian is nowhere in sight. I stride along the hallway until I come to Michael
room. I lift my hand to knock on the door but I pull my hand away as I hear voices. I shift around to see if anyone is looking at me. I notice that no one is, so I softly press my ear against the door. I focus on the voices as I try to make out what they are saying. I definitely hear Michael’s smug voice as I push my ear harder against the door. I listen to their words and I realise that they are talking about me.

“Brother I know that you love her, but I care for her. She means a lot to me and I want to be around her.” I hear Michael’s words and my heart begins to race. I focus my ears again as I wait for Adrian to speak.

“Alanna cares a lot for you to and she wants you in her life. I cannot stand in her way but it is hard for me to see you with her. A part of me thinks that she would be better off with you. However, I am too selfish to let her go. I can accept you being around her if you promise to not try to steal her away from me.” I hear a chuckle and a gentle smile comes to my face. I close my eyes as I hear the British accents once again.

“I won’t steal your girl but what if she did choose me? What would you do? Would you leave and let us be happy?” Michael’s voice is tense and I hear
a touch
sarcasm behind his words.

“If she chooses you then there is nothing
I could do. But as long as I breathe I will fight for my right to be with her. You know that I was a mess before she came around. And I hope that you will back off a little from her.” Adrian’s voice is gentle but his words firm. I feel as if he is trying to make things right with Michael
for my sake. It must be hard for him to ask this of Michael and I respect Adrian’s gratitude towards my friendship with Michael. He knows that I love him and I feel he is beginning to understand that I need Michael also. I hate that I am being so selfish but as long as Adrian understands my need for Michael then selfish is what I am going to be.

I hear shuffling in the room and the door quickly pushes open. I stumble at the force and Michael quickly catches me. Adrian looks at me intensely as I try to compose myself.

“Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” Adrian says as he walks over to me. My face is hot with shame and I nervously play with hair as Adrian glares at me.

“I was but I decided to take a break and come find you.” Adrian takes me by the arm and he gestures a friendly nod towards Michael. I feel his grip tightening around my arm as I smile at Michael. Adrian leads me out of the room a
nd he escorts me back
. He forcefully pushes the door open and I stumble into the small room. Adrian runs his fingers though his hair and I notice that his eyes are raging.

“Why were you eavesdropping on my conversation with Michael?” Adrian says in a bitter tone. I am a little stunned by him and I feel annoyed by his harshness.

“You were talking about me, so it does not really count as eavesdropping.” I say a little too sarcastically. Adrian rolls his eyes at me as he moves closer. He reaches out and lifts my chin with his middle finger. I look at him and he stares at me motionless. Adrian moves even closer to me and he takes a deep breath.

“Baby, I meant every word
I said and if you choose him I will be out of your life for good.” I instantly clasp
his face in my hands. I run my f
ingers along his stubble and he gently closes his eyes at my touch.

“I only want you,” I say as I lean and kiss him. He grips my head as he pulls me tighter to him.


I make my way back to my room after a long day of classes. I flop onto my bed and I kick off my shoes. I stare at the ceiling as I hear my phone ringing. I quickly reach into my pocket and I take it out to see
a blocked number.

“Hello,” I say as I answer the phone.

“Alanna its Alice,” I immediately sit up as I hear her voice.

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