This Trust of Mine (13 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bennett

BOOK: This Trust of Mine
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My eyes went
wide with excitement. "Are you serious?"

on all counts."

shit, this could be the break we've always wanted. Are Bryce and Brandon

yeah. I called them this mornin' and told them, and let's just say, I now have
a broken eardrum from all the girl screaming those two did. So I'm going to
assume you're in as well?"

yeah!" And just like that, my mood went from incredibly shitty to once in
a lifetime happy within seconds. I pushed my foot a little harder against the
gas pedal wanting to get to Kayla sooner rather than later. I had been excited
to see her anyway, but now to be able to tell her this, she was gonna be

We pulled
into the school lot ten minutes later just as everyone was startin' to get out.
"Wait in the truck guys. I want her to be surprised."

I jumped
down from my side of the truck and leaned back against the door all James Deanesque.
I stood there scanning the large crowds of people, when her light brown hair
came into view. That's when I saw
to her, his arm around her shoulders as she looked up into his eyes, laughing.

Damn it!

I kept my
cool and tried not to waiver from the spot I had taken up temporary residence.
When she finally looked up and caught sight of me, a smile as wide as the Grand
Canyon spread across her face. Knowing that I could still do that to her, made
my heart jump, along with another certain body part.

She turned
quickly, giving Joey a hug and then came running at me full speed. My arms
instantly opened up, awaiting her body to jump into them. I bent down just as
she reached me and I scooped her up, spinning her in circles as she wrapped her
legs around my waist. Okay, maybe this whole hug thing was a bad idea. Her body
pushing against mine, had me fully erect now and I knew she could feel it by
the look on her face.

"I see
I still have an affect on you cowboy." She winked and then wrapped her
arms around my neck before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Damn it,
this girl was going to be the death of me, I swear it.

"I have
a surprise for you pretty girl."

"Oh do
you now? I think I can already feel the surprise."

"Ha ha,
no not that. Look in the truck." I placed her back down on the ground just
as she caught sight of Cami perched on the front seat.

goin' on slut? How the hell are ya?" Ensue the girlish screaming.

Joey caught
sight of our little reunion and Cami by the look on his face, and then he saw

little brother."

shit dude, what are you doin' here?"

I backed
away from the truck, as Glenn came around the front to give is baby bro a hug.
"I'm comin' home, and my girl wanted to see her best friend. So, here I
am. How's it goin'? I hear ya been weaselin' your way into Kayla's little heart."

wait, you're the guy Kayla talks about all the time?"

A satisfied
smile settled into my expression, "that would be me."

"Bro, I
had no idea. It's not like that though, Kayla and I are-"

friends." Glenn and I both chimed in at the same time.

Well, I have football practice. I'll see y'all later. Bro, mom and dad know
you're back yet?"

"On my
way over there now. I'm gonna introduce them to Cami."

Joey's loud
laugh vibrated off of the school walls. "Good luck with that. See ya

does he mean by that?" Cami chided.

baby, you have nothin' to worry about."

I chuckled
and shook my head as I opened the door, lifting Kayla up and into the cab by
her ass. She looked back and smiled that all knowing smile.

I had a
whole day planned out for us, to start my days of wooing her back, but of
course Glenn and Cami's arrival fucked that up. So now we all were headed to
the swimming hole. I can't say it was all that much of a loss because now I got
to spend the rest of the afternoon staring at Kayla in her itty-bitty bikini.

Chapter 16


Cami was
going on and on about what had been happening between her and Glenn, when I
caught sight of Madison climbing out of the water. The water dripping from his glistening
pecs was driving me mad. If I wasn't already in the water, I would need to get
in just so no one would notice how turned on I was at the present moment. My
sunglasses provided enough security that he wouldn't notice me watching him, so
I continued to stare and gawk at his amazingly perfect body.

He lifted
his tattooed arms running his hands through his hair, which pulled every muscle
tight over every inch of his body. My eyes made heated trails from his taut
biceps, to his pecs, down to his abs and eventually down to that perfect
"v" let led down to the exact thing I longed to feel inside of me.
His board shorts were hanging lower than usual because of how he had gotten out
of the water, and as he turned around to start climbing up the rocks, I caught
a small glimpse of his high tight ass. God this guy would be the death of me.
Although, I already felt as though I had died and gone to heaven. A heaven
where only hot guys with tattoos existed.

your eyes are gonna pop right out of your head if you don't stop staring."

Cami's voice
broke through my dirty revelry and I wanted to smack her for interrupting such
an amazing view.

can you even tell, I have sunglasses on."

trust me girl, I can tell. And, I'm pretty sure he can too, or he wouldn't have
just put on that little show for you."

You think he noticed?"

pretty sure he planned that shit out, just for you. You two are being
ridiculous. If you forgive him and he still loves you, then why can't you two
just cut the shit and be together already?"

"I was
ready to. Even after he told me about the dirty skank at school and what he had
done, I was ready to forgive him. Hell, I was about to tell him that I loved
him, but then he basically told me that we needed to just be friends. It wasn't
me being the girl this time."

skank. I ran into her before
Madison left school. I almost beat the shit out of her, but Madison held me
back. Trust me, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. That boy is head
over heels in love with your ass."

I pushed myself deep under the water and let out every ounce of air I held in
my lungs, until it hurt. When I broke through the surface, I came face to face
with the most glorious face I had ever seen. His sparkling green eyes pierced
straight through mine and touched me deep, deep down.

pretty girl, you wanna jump with me?"

God he was
gorgeous. There was no other way to explain the way he looked. My eyes dropped
down to his sun kissed, plump lips and I yearned to have them against mine. My
tongue came out and licked my bottom lip in anticipation that he might kiss me.
When he leaned forward a bit I thought he was about to, but then just like
that, he pulled back, taking me with him. Damn.

yeah let's go jump."

His hand
slipped down to mine, squeezing it tightly into his. His skin felt like fire against
my cool skin, but it was a welcoming feeling. I squeezed back just as our eyes
met again. He pulled me up the wall of rocks to the very top, where I had never
had enough courage to jump from the handful of times we had come here. I pulled
back as we reached the edge. I knew he could feel my hesitation, because the
next thing I knew, he was pulling our interlocked hands up to his lips, gently
placing a kiss against them.

promise I won't let go."

sentence held more meaning to me than I think I thought possible. I looked up
into his eyes and smiled. "Promise?"

promise. Never."

later, we were standin' at the edge looking at each other ready to jump.
"Madison, I think there is something you should know."

yeah pretty girl, what's that?"

I stood
there, looking up into the only eyes I ever wanted to look into for the rest of
my life, but something inside of me stopped me from saying those three little
words. I knew just by saying them, they had the power to change everything
between us. They could potentially change whatever this was that we were doin',
into so much more, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed more
than anything to have him say them first. Because by him saying them first, it
was as though he was proving to me just how much he wanted us to work. So I
just smiled, "never mind." I whispered.

ready?" He asked.

you? Always." I replied.

His smile
worked its way from ear to ear and then I felt a small tug before my stomach
flew up into my throat. I felt free and as though I was flying. I squeezed my
eyes tightly shut just before our bodies broke through the surface of the
water, and when I pushed myself up for air, I found he was still holding onto
my hand. He hadn't let go, and it meant the world to me that he had kept his

I glanced
over at him, just as he looked the other way. I wondered what it was that had
changed from the time we jumped until now? I stared into the water where my now
empty hand sat, questioning everything that had just happened. Had I said
something wrong? Was it something I
say? Before I could question it any further, Cami was swimming up beside me.

that was fucking high. Didn't that scare the shit out of you?"

I simply
nodded my head and swam over to the side to get out. I grabbed my towel off of
one of the rocks and began drying off. "Hey Madison, I need to get home
soon. Can we leave?"

I watched as
confusion settled into his expression. "Yeah, we can go whenever."

If it wasn't
still considered summertime in Texas, I would've sworn a cold front had just
moved in, pushing million miles away from him. I tugged my shorts on over my
suit and my tank top over my head as I made my way over to Cami.

what happened between the two of you?"

with the dude stuff?" I growled.

I didn't do anything to you, so back off with the attitude. And secondly, what
the hell did he say to you? DO I need to kick his ass?"

Cam, just leave it alone."

And before I could say another word, she was power walking her way over to

the hell Madison? Who the hell do you think you are? Why do you find it
necessary to fuck with her emotions like that? With everything she has been
through, you think she deserves to have you treat her like that?"

I ran over to
Cami, trying to stop her from going off on another tirade, knowing it was my
fault, but I was too late. Madison pushed forward and was about to unleash.

Cami, this time it wasn't
. You're
friend over there," he pointed straight at me just as I made it to Cami's
side, "
the one who can't
open up. This is not my fault this time. So if you wanna go all bitch on
someone, maybe choose the right person."

jumped into the cab of the truck and started the engine. We had officially gone
from amazing to shitty in one afternoon. Things were going to have to change
and not just on my behalf. So much for proving to me that he wanted more.

I grabbed
Cami's hand and whispered I'm sorry to her, as I drug her around to the other
side of the truck. Glenn had already taken the seat next to Madison, I assume
to keep us separated, but either way I was thankful.

I mouthed a thank
you to Glenn. This was not the day I had envisioned when I got out of school
this afternoon. This day sucked and I just wanted it to be over.

minutes later, we were pulling up to my grandparent's house. Before Madison
could even come to a complete stop, I was jumping out of the truck and
gathering up my stuff from the back. "See ya later Glenn." I turned
enough to notice that Madison wasn't looking at me, but staring out his open

Cami jumped
down behind me, but I headed inside to give her and Glenn time to solidify
their plans of her meeting his parents later. As soon as I went to reach for
the handle on the door, I felt a warm calloused hand slip around my wrist. And
before I could react, his lips were pressed against mine. My eyes fluttered
shut as my hands pushed into the back of his hair. Our mouths moved slow and
deliberately against one another, and just when I thought he was going to
deepen the kiss, his lips left mine and I was left wanting more.

thought I should say a proper good-bye, you know, to my

I hope that's not how you say good-bye to all of your

my special friends." He laughed.

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